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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 489 KB, 634x634, justice2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
539268 No.539268 [Reply] [Original]

I know most of you are too young, ignorant, or foreign to vote in today's election, but I'm personally having mixed feelings.

If the Democrats hold the Senate, then I think America will strengthen the ideals that make us the greatest nation in the world. But, the stock market will drop 1% tomorrow. And there is the risk of increased taxes.

If the Republicans take the Senate, then we risk political stagnation. But:
* the stock market will rise 1-2% tomorrow
* the stock market will rise at least 25% in the next 12 months
* my taxes will hold steady or fall

So either social justice wins or my wallet wins. Very conflicting.

>> No.539272

If Republicans take the Senate they force a showdown with Obama. If they don't navigate it correctly they will have effectively committed political suicide in 2016, meaning that the Democrats could stand to take both the House, the Senate, and the Presidency at a critical juncture whenever several Supreme Court Justices will be up for appointment.

>> No.539275

>So either social justice wins or my wallet wins. Very conflicting.

>> No.539276


>If the Democrats hold the Senate, then I think America will strengthen the ideals that make us the greatest nation in the world.

>strengthen the ideals.

Cmon, you can't be serious. Have you completely ignored every major policy decision of the Obama administration?

>> No.539282

>social justice
pls, gtfo

>> No.539285

Not sure why you link a 25% raise in the stock market to a Republican Senate. These facts are completely unrelated IMO (the market will rise anyway).

Also "social justice" is a farce, such a thing implies only the State can be just in society, and that a stateless society would be inherently unjust -- because the State knows better than citizens what is good, and how to be good. Obviously, this is a philosophical and historical fallacy; the State is a recent invention, justice existed well before it.

>> No.539286

>>>/pol/ gtfo. We're talking about money here.

>> No.539287

It's always about money. Which is why I want to keep what I earn instead of having the government redistribute it for me.

>> No.539288

>Not sure why you link a 25% raise in the stock market to a Republican Senate.
Investors like stability and predictability. If they know the government is going to be in a logjam for the next 2 years, and that taxes won't rise, then even more money will stream in from the sidelines. That, coupled with already improving business conditions, signals performance on par with 2013.

>> No.539289

since when social justice has something to do with money? how can you know what's best for every human being? Social Justice is simple a way of getting votes of those who think that are entitled to special benefits than the rest of the society. When in the end every single one is capable of doing well without those benefits, they just need to open their minds and figure out how everything works out and unemployment and poverty is a good way of thinking that

>> No.539291

>since when social justice has something to do with money?
Since when is social justice about anything BUT money?

>> No.539293

>If the Democrats hold the Senate, then I think America will strengthen the ideals that make us the greatest nation in the world


America was built as a global superpower and free nation vastly by Republicans. Democrats ain't done shit.

>> No.539300

>too young, ignorant, or foreign
Too savvy. Enough to know that the 2 party system is a dog and pony show.

>> No.539302
File: 1.70 MB, 2488x2928, not republican.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>America was built as a global superpower and free nation vastly by Republicans
Jesus you're an idiot.

>> No.539304
File: 568 KB, 700x3884, web-700-cant-waste-vote-SINGLE-IMAGE[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

america needs better infrastructure. that means taxes. our shit's falling apart and that's bad for business. our education system is complete ass balls.

I don't think republican party ideals or practices are good for the future.

I don't really like democrats either. I wish there was a strong third party, or more independent candidates. more candidates in general would be nice. and preferential voting. like pic related

>> No.539306

>Enough to know that the 2 party system is a dog and pony show.
Ooooh. 3edgy4me. A tip of the fedora to you, m'lady.

>> No.539307

objectively the worst president we've ever had

>> No.539312
File: 20 KB, 232x273, the worst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gr8 b8 m8. i r8 8/8.

>> No.539313

I meant getting rich, not money on its physical form. Thinking social justice as a possibility or somewhat related with getting rich or setting your own business it's just against capitalism itself

>> No.539315

oh boy, another teenager on 4chan.

>> No.539316

Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.

>> No.539319

sure question my english, i'm sure you will get somewhere like this

>> No.539320

Edgy? Why do you think that the largest source of political contributions come from the banking cartel and why do the large banks contribute to both democrat and republicans candidates at the same time?

>> No.539328

>banking cartel
Jesus Christ you've spent too much time listening to /pol/. Those are political contributions by individuals at those companies, and they have very strict limits on the amount they give. This happens at every company, but the infographic is more meaningful to retards like yourself when thye only show companies in the banking sector.

>> No.539330

>Why do you think that the largest source of political contributions come from the banking cartel
But, but, but ... you're just wrong. Stupid and wrong.


>> No.539337

>Those are political contributions by individuals at those companies
In a very loose sense. You omitted the part that the bulk of the contributions are from board members and executives.

Never been to /pol/. Politics in general is really retarded because we have people like you that think everything is above board and lobbyists have no effect on legislation. Banks own Washington. Even certain politicians have admitted as such.

>> No.539343

Even on your list which had to go back to 1989 when I am talking about recent contributions, how do you miss the large banks?

>American Bankers Association
>JP Morgan & Chase
>Goldman Sachs

>> No.539344

>You omitted the part that the bulk of the contributions are from board members and executives.
I'd love for you to cite that claim.

Even if it was true, which it is not, the # of board members and executives is small, so based on the limits defined by law, available here: http://www.fec.gov/pages/brochures/contrib.shtml#Contribution_Limits -- these contributions are immaterial.

>> No.539352

I didn't miss them -- they're on the list. You stated, and I quote, "the largest source of political contributions come from the banking cartel." This is demonstrably false.

Just admit that you were wrong and move on. But if you continue to defend false statements of fact, you're gonna continue getting reamed.

>> No.539358

>the largest source of political contributions come from the banking cartel
Again, you had to go back to '89 when I was talking about recent contributions.

>you're gonna continue getting reamed.
You're an idiot.

>> No.539371
File: 227 KB, 755x653, Clipboard01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top Corporate Political Donations 2014

>And the reaming continues. Your ass must be raw by now.

>> No.539380


>> No.539398
File: 12 KB, 640x612, political contributions 2012 campaign.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh? Obviously I am talking about banks making up the majority of the contributions for the last major campaign, you know... when there was an actual presidential election. Are you slow?

>> No.539403

Either you're being intellectually dishonest, or you're actually retarded. I don't care either way, just felt like letting you know.

>> No.539404

>I don't know how to refute facts so I will call you retarded!

>> No.539418
File: 29 KB, 665x699, commercial bank political contributions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup it looks like commercial banks beat the National Education Assn in 2014 too. $24 million to their $22 million. Who's getting ass reamed?

>> No.539421

Are you honestly going to assert that the largest corporate political contribution of 2012 was $1 million? You may be literally brain damaged.

I don't know what your list is, or who fabricated it, and I don't care. What I do know is that it is not a list of largest corporate political contributions of 2012 or any year.

Please leave.

>> No.539426
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>> No.539427

OK genius, tell me a corporation (not an individual) that contributed more?

>Protip: 4 out of the top 5 are banks

>> No.539435
File: 260 KB, 753x649, Clipboard02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

source: opensecrets.org

>Get rekt scrub.

>> No.539439
File: 224 KB, 709x606, Clipboard03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Banks aren't even the largest contributor when you aggregate the entire industry.

Thanks for cancering my thread, faggot. Maybe you want to deny the holocaust too?

>> No.539442

Government will be in a logjam either way, stock market is probably gonna face a correction either way

This election is rather meaningless to be honest

>> No.539443

That list is for all political contributions including lobbyists for individual legislation. My list shows actual campaign contributions (for the presidential election, like I said). You won't be able to find any corporation that contributed more to a presidential candidate, because the majority of the contributions came from banks (I thought I made myself clear when I posted it).

If you want to debate highest total campaign contributions in aggregate for 2012 (including lobbyists for individual legislation), then the banking cartel still beats United Auto Workers at $40 million to their $14 million.

>> No.539444

That is because "banks" are split up into many sectors:

>Credit Unions
>Hedge Funds
>Mortgage Banking
>Private Equity and Investment
>Savings and Loans
>Venture Capital

You really need to educate yourself a little more when you post something to reduce future embarrassment.

>> No.539445
File: 2.87 MB, 320x240, 1414524645099 (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> get rely scrub

>> No.539446
File: 20 KB, 240x375, perry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh look a politics thread...

I wonder how this will turn out :^)

>> No.539456

>stock market is probably gonna face a correction
>This election is rather meaningless to be honest
1-2% rise tomorrow. Screenshot it.
25% over the next 12 months. Screenshot it.

>> No.539458

What is the point of making arbitrary predictions?

>> No.539466

>/biz/ complaining about political parties instead of theorizing how to best abuse their policies for personal benefit

Someone get the /pol/ out of here

>> No.539480
File: 10 KB, 300x168, imgres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SJW pls go

>> No.539483
File: 35 KB, 362x361, 10408000_10152519754573588_3175207416400535183_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.540268
File: 490 KB, 449x401, Girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>alex jones