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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53937233 No.53937233 [Reply] [Original]

We dumping today, but idk seens like we've been crabbing with BTC for 9 months now. Saw some good shit this week.

ICkitties launched, it's the best blockchain game I've tried so far.
OpenChat SNS is whitepilling af. High valuation though imo.

Feels like this is still the chain with interesting shit going on. Did I miss anything?

>> No.53937276

>crabbing with btc is a good thing
FUCKING KEK! Pisstard didn't realise crabbing with btc is the death flag. 3 CENTS LMAO.

>> No.53937304

Also post good stuff to join on OC, distrikt, dscvr and maybe some more?
These are the ones I've got:

AI Art;
Investing and finance:
Schizo stuff:
Biz on dscvr;

Would honestly want more shit to follow on distrikt but idk if you're allowed to post stuff like that here?

>> No.53937332

Don't buy any.
Check back in 3 years.

Also, I forgot the most obvious group on OC, but I guess most people have already joined.

>> No.53937333

No one cares, take your shitty scams to your "decentralised" /biz and never post I SEE PEE again.

>> No.53937393

How about instead of constantly making new threads to avoid criticism, you just go back and stay on your centralized containment chain for dunces and people who don't use toilet paper

>> No.53937458

>How about instead of constantly making new threads to avoid criticism
What do you even fucking mean? you can criticize.
I wanna see if I missed some good shit going on this week and I want to share the good shit I've seen.

criticize and seeth just how much you want

>> No.53937480

>esl pisstard has a mental breakdown because no one gives a fuck about his scam

>> No.53937518
File: 864 KB, 1024x1106, F7BD4BDD-B532-48D1-897B-1280EB132C59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This board is dead anon, and full of sneeding faggots, itching to ruin your day to make themselves feel better. It’s time to ascend. This board is dead and gay, see you on OC. Check out Cigdao and $YC cool stuff going on there. Peace.

>> No.53937576

ICP will eat market share of all your shit coins.
In 4 years time you will probably kys because you were sooooo close but didn't take any action but you had nigger-tier IQ so you could see the obvious narratives for the next bullrun and how ICP will rape all the rest in the game.

Why are you desperately replying to each message and reading cues like a true autist?
"mental breakdown", kek

>> No.53937596

will check out Cigdao

>> No.53937718

>seething this hard
>making up bullshit about the "2 more weeks switch flippening"
Holy kek, can you get any more retarded? I wonder what your average buying price is, I know I would never get a real answer from you.

>> No.53937744

Absolute retards selling into the 0.618 in the hope of buying back at $4.40. We're not going to $2, forget it.

>> No.53937797

1h bullish divergence.

>> No.53937879

not with fucking jan and dom being the public speakers

>> No.53937929
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>Holy kek, can you get any more retarded?

>> No.53937964

Dom can be pretty based but he is too autistic to explain things in simple terms. But that's probably the trade-off you get to be able to innocate alien tech and break new ground
I mean Vitalik aint no genius public speaker either.. He's even more turboautistic

>> No.53938672

Up yours sonny jim, ICP to $2k EOY

>> No.53938867
File: 200 KB, 534x600, Screenshot 2023-03-04 at 6.02.24 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first i feed.
then i sneed.

>> No.53938935

ICP has partnered with Amazon, Sony and the Liberian Registry. 2k ICP is FUD

>> No.53938997

>le based autist
I've never once gotten this impression
He comes off like a yuppie faggot to me

>> No.53939189

yes ser good project ser

>> No.53940925

He's certainly not as autistic as Vitalik.
He's language usage is highly autistic though.
Not so much his body language, that seems pretty nt

>> No.53941718

da fuq? OC is basically just that larry faggot talking to himself all day... delusional

>> No.53942873

I told you ICP people over and over again. You may have 10,000 tokens, but VCs have 450,000 ICP tokens they handed out to advisers for free, others bought 150,000 tokens for 4 cents each ($7,000).

This will take a gigantic effort to pump to even $20 let alone $100s.

You are on track to sit out the next bullmarket on the sidelines. 100 %

>> No.53942880

Not to mention the project's atrocious reputation in cryptoland. ICP is the laughing stock of crypto and is synonymous with a VC scam. It will NEVER get the kind of traction that it needs to break out of this BLACK HOLE, due to having the entire cryptocurrency community killing it with fire every time it is even mentioned.

>> No.53943091 [DELETED] 
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Samantha woke up on the wrong side of the bed, feeling like the universe was out to get her. She couldn't find her car keys, and when she finally did, she got stuck in traffic with a bunch of wankers who had no idea how to drive. She made it to the restaurant to meet her best friend, but realized she left her phone on the table like a dolt. As she was walking home, feeling like a hot mess, she stumbled upon a poster for some new crypto token called Red Rabbit. 'Why not?' she thought, 'I've already had a day from hell.'She invested a few bucks and forgot about it, assuming it was just another internet scam. But a few days later, she got an email saying that her Red Rabbit investment had exploded in value. 'Holy cow, I'm rich!' she exclaimed, feeling like she had just won the lottery. Samantha couldn't believe that her bad luck had finally turned around. She laughed at the universe's futile attempts to bring her down. 'Ha! Nice try, you sneaky devil,' she chuckled, feeling like a badass.She realized that sometimes, life can be a real pain in the arse, but taking a chance can pay off big time. 'Who knows what kind of other ridiculous opportunities are out there,' she mused, feeling like the world was her oyster.Samantha happily went on to spend her newfound riches on frivolous stuff like unicorn slippers and a pink flamingo pool float. She may have had a rough day, but she came out on top, and that's all that really matters, isn't it?

>> No.53943638

Larry is based and you're a faggot. Tons of fucking people in there and you're coping as OC is rising

>> No.53943691

the "cryptoland" is filled with faggots as we can see from eth denver. no one who seriously runs a business, which is what they'll be building with the IC, wants anything to with those queers.

everyone outside of crypto will learn about the IC cause you can actually fucking use it easily and they'll avoid shit like ETH. you guys are the laughing stock right now outside of cryptoland. ICP is completely different

>> No.53943698

lmao cigdao is raj’s pnd, fuck off nigger honestly

>> No.53943713


>> No.53943777
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>Schizo stuff:

what in the actual fuck did I just join?!???!!?

>> No.53943816

Where can I buy for 3cts smart ass?

>> No.53944062

Average buy in insult doesn't hurt many people anymore because everyone has averaged down so far the past 8 months.

>> No.53944068

>Comparing to a furry with a slow shitty chain
Nice fud.

>> No.53945763

mostly some anon who is schizo-maxxxing, he's cool though.
here's another good group for general and random bs:

>> No.53945848

Do I need to buy icp to use the icp?

>> No.53945865

No and it's best if you don't

>> No.53945871

Jesus Christ their website is slow loading...

>> No.53945911
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>> No.53945944

I'm researching it now. I'd need icp to host a website on there. The price seems pretty modest though.

Does the icp network have a stable coin yet?

>> No.53945984

It is pretty dead though.
unironically feels more buzzing on OpenChat than here. I hate the fucking annoying captcha shit. couldn't they have done something else to avoid bots.
Get fucked web2 faggots

>> No.53945987

Cycles are the only stable. They're pegged to some IMF world bank shit and used to power canisters.

>> No.53946008

Is it possible to set up e-commerce over there or would it be cost prohibitive?

>> No.53946102

So fuck off to openshit and stop posting here

>> No.53946262

No idea bro. But read up on the boundary node system and isp's blocking the ic0 domain so you know what you're getting into

>> No.53946311

No, the cost should not be prohibitive. it's similar costs as running on AWS, I don't remember the exact numbers but it's entirely possible to set up an e-commerce.
it's an interesting idea. I think this could be a decent place to start your research:

>> No.53946336

so if youre on windows you gotta get a trezor to set up an internet ID?

>> No.53946359

No, just use your phone to authentificate

>> No.53946368

Thanks guys

>> No.53946375

Use Windows Hello

>> No.53946379

That link looks sketch as fuck. You're not doing me wrong, right? I'm actively taking an interest in your bags and that would be supremely uncool.

>> No.53946383

im a drug dealer so i have to change my number every day

>> No.53946469

many links on ICP have that formatting but it's improving, especially with newer projects

>> No.53946483

you don't need to link to phone number, just a pin or biometric on your phone.

>> No.53947158
File: 320 KB, 1397x819, spherecore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mostly some anon who is schizo-maxxxing, he's cool though.
that frog guy is absolutely wild lmao. I've read the chat a bit and I am astonished at the wide range of subjects approached. it seemed like a sensationalist, just talking about shocking stuff but the more I read the more I saw a pattern of some of the posts being early before the fact. I mean, IT ranges from shit like this: Schumann resonance, Rockefeller standard music tuning of 440hz, and fucking spheres...

>> No.53947218
File: 595 KB, 1443x1131, tips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

..to talking about the nature of time, magick and the erased history of Tartaria. I find it hard to believe that all of these are random schizobits. I don't understand most of it, but there is an odd coherence behind it. I've been logging in daily on OC, being in 3 groups that have had the btc bot airdrop and I missed it all the times, and somehow this schizo nigger is summoning it TWICE??!??! when the OC admins said that both the time and group chosen is a random function in the code? what

>> No.53947259

Its a dead chain

>> No.53947512

>schizo nigger is summoning it TWICE
He is clearly the chosen one.
He broke the code of reality and is claiming ckBTC with his newly found powers.
I have to find the pattern, I HAVE TO FIND IT.
Will research more in the schizo group to piece it all together.
It's starting to make sense now.

>> No.53947682


>> No.53948196

Brapppp deez nuts fags. 2k eoy.

>> No.53948786


>> No.53949684

Wen stable coin on icp?

>> No.53949754

USDC will be on ICP soon along with LINK, SHIB, you name it ERC-20 shitcoin

>> No.53950365

3-6 months

>> No.53950426

Gary Owens: Ladies and gentleman, Moonscam and friends with DUBS!

Moonscam, (/biz/): We're... (we're) ready... (ready) to... (to)

All: Party!

/biz/: We're ready to party, we're ready!

Moonscam: I hope you bring lotsa spaghetti! (That's payment!)

/biz/: Come on in, come to the place where fun never ends! (Let's go!) Come on in, it's time to party with Moonscam and Friends!

/biz/: Dancing!

Moonscam: Fiesta!

/biz/: Romancing!

Moonscam: Siesta!

/biz/: Samba!

Moonscam: La bamba!

All: Dos Semanas!

Moonscam, (/biz/): Disguises! (disguises) Surprises! (surprises) And pies of (and pies of)


/biz/: Come on in, come to the place where fun never ends! (You bet!) Come on in, it's time to party with Moonscam and Friends! (Ayy ayy!) Come on in, it's time to party with Moonscam and Friends! (Ayy ayy!)

All: Moonscam and Friends!

Moonscam (appearing in logo): I'll see you in court then C-SPAN will scrub all the blow-job footage, STARS!

>> No.53950439
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>> No.53950450

Keep coping with the fact that you are in a coin that is synonymous with VC scams, where 90 % of the supply is owned by a handful of "advisors" aka buddies of the scamming CEO. ICP is the worst value proposition in crypto.

>> No.53950482

>we're not even trying to convince the crypto industry anymore
that is some wild cope dude.

>> No.53950500

old news
over 50% of coins staked were purchased after genesis
they've exited already

>> No.53950539

>3-6 months
see you in 2025

>> No.53950556

whose left to convince? you faggots? everyone's dug in their heels on their projects and won't let go of their bags
the devs will discover the ic and actually build useful things on it not just the usual move coin a to b scams and nft scams which makes up 99% of crypto. that's all you can build on any other chain

>> No.53950585

>the devs will discover
it's been in development for 6 years. stop with this under the radar if they only knew thing. they know. no one wants to build on dfinity's post doc circle jerk chain

>> No.53950937
File: 513 KB, 512x768, DfinityJuice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in development for 6 years
Could devs build during those 6 years? Mainnet launched was 1.5 years ago. I'm a dev and am only just discovering how much you can do on the IC. All the really hot features (BTC integrations, BTC ordinal marketplace, ETH integration, custom domains, etc) are all coming out now (not in 2 weeks, not 1.5 years ago, NOW).

>> No.53950966

been a rough week for icp aint it!

>> No.53950985

you mean THE btc integration that was right around the corner in october 2021, was OUT NOW two months ago and still isn't out?
have fun grifting retards, it's especially easy on the internet computer.

>> No.53951628

Wait bitcoin integration isn't out?
Thought it was released last year.

>> No.53951675
File: 440 KB, 512x768, ckBTC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These huge leaps don't happen overnight you dumb gorilla. BTC integration cannot be fucked up. Anyone can send and receive ckBTC on mainnet currently but not mint(bridge) themselves. Devs can get access to mint Bitcoin on mainnet through NNS voting. It isn't open to any random loser like (you) to mint yet but it is definitely live.

>> No.53951699

ckBTC has released. ckBTC is when the internet computer's canisters are in charge of the underlying BTC. Basically the custodian of the BTC is the NNS consensus. Although it has released, no one can actually deposit BTC/mint new ckBTC because dfinity is working on preventing "tainted" coins from entering the IC. Pretty funny ngl no cap on go fr fr.


Bitcoin integration where a canister holds bitcoin hasn't happened yet, but obviously they're capable of it already if they've released a working version of ckBTC.

>> No.53951719


>> No.53952096

wtf are you guys on about? BTC integration happened months ago. developers are now building dapps to use this native integration. finterest and helix already showed their work. launch is right behind the corner.

>> No.53952330
File: 144 KB, 1024x709, 23b2683f-58a9-4e5d-8fa0-db980ef89e84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like even our fren Sam Bankman-Fried felt the jolts from the computer, kek

>> No.53953634

ok pal

>> No.53953907
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>Spends hours a day fudding
What's ((their)) motives bros? I thought SBF can't access the internet.

>> No.53954341
File: 495 KB, 1055x1415, T6677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its already live fucking retard holy shit and this is supposed to defend ICP.. you're invested in something and not even following what's going on lmao. check out the fucking dashboard and sit back while devs are making some killer dapps with native bitcoin.


>> No.53954536


>> No.53954593

Reminds me I forgot to list my finterest cards. Thanks bro. Live product any day now.

>> No.53954631

ok, show me how to mint ckBTC. Send me the website for it.

>> No.53954917

finny is undergoing audit.
we're talking about native bitcoin not the wrapped version retard. native is live. you can as an end-user sign a transaction from the internet computer directly on the bitcoin network. the ckBTC is also live but not only dfinity is whitelisted atm.

>> No.53957195

What's helix? I'm familiar with Finny but not helix

>> No.53957345

look up helix markets on twitter. they're going to be killing the defi space with btc + eth integration you'll be able to swap anything for anything. dominic already blessed the team for their work.


>> No.53957901

I have no idea how the internet computer works, but it excited me. So I buy more every month. One day I will be a multi millionaire and eat tendies and snowboard in the Alps thanks to ICP.

>> No.53958144

>I can't wait for my real life to begin

>> No.53958818

0.10 -> $69 000
0.30 -> $4 800
0.03 -> $2 000

Smart people who bought the $3.3 dip will achieve almost a 1000x.
The 3 cents vc sammers who haven't bailed will get 100000x.
The majority of the gain is still ahead.