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53941305 No.53941305 [Reply] [Original]

Whats a lowcap gem that will make me rich?

>> No.53941351
File: 138 KB, 382x225, redrabbit9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get my husband to stop going ‘Rabbit Chad Mode’ during sex? TLDR; My husband says ‘Rabbit Chad Mode activated’ when we start to have sex, growls and acts like a caveman, and then says ‘Rabbit Chad Mode off’ when we stop, and then pretends not to remember afterward. I really love my husband and he’s always been great in bed. But recently he’s been acting really weird. So, a couple of days ago, my son went on a rampage through our house and said he was in ‘Rabbit Chad Mode’. We didn’t really know what to do with him, so we sent him to live with my parents so he can go to a special needs school. My husband a really great relationship with our son and loved him more than anything. Naturally, he was upset when he had to leave. He’s an incredibly tough man, but this was the first time I’ve ever seen him cry. I think since then, he’s been a little emotionally unwell. I’ve heard him muttering, 'Red Rabbit token' repeatedly when he didn’t notice me, staring blankly into his food, and just going alone by himself to do who knows what. I feel awful for him, but we both agreed that this was for the best. Last night, the day after our son went away, we decided to have sex to relieve our stress. However, my husband said ‘Rabbit Chad Mode activated’, starting growling, and went wild having sex with me. Admittedly, it was some of the best and most experimental sex I’ve ever had, but I’m worried that something might be going on with my husband. Any advice?

>> No.53941370

blatant scam

>> No.53941381

your mom is a blatant scam, especially the rotten stinky pussy part that she shit you out of faggot

>> No.53941389


>> No.53941394
File: 750 KB, 1000x1010, D2AA6C7E-BFD6-4074-AC31-8B9F1B75E26A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First bridge on shibarium, $120k mc, 24h old and not on cmc yet

>> No.53941398

thanks street shitter

>> No.53941401

Try harder?

>> No.53941404

Getting vocational training to be an electrician or a plumber. The rest you will lose your shirt guaranteed. Can tell already because you're asking. Total mark.

>> No.53941408

How is anything going to pump when btc is falling.

>> No.53941459

last time btc was falling red rabbit did a 10x, do you not understand anything about lowcap gems?

>> No.53941466

yes the pajeet PnD scam

>> No.53941478

is this a bot that just spams pajeet scam? explain to me how its a PnD pajeet scam, please, you can't fag.

>> No.53941656

What exactly do you guys consider low cap? Sub 100m market cap? Sub 10m market cap? 1m?

>> No.53941675
File: 621 KB, 768x768, redrabbit12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Samantha woke up on the wrong side of the bed, feeling like the universe was out to get her. She couldn't find her car keys, and when she finally did, she got stuck in traffic with a bunch of wankers who had no idea how to drive. She made it to the restaurant to meet her best friend, but realized she left her phone on the table like a dolt. As she was walking home, feeling like a hot mess, she stumbled upon a poster for some new crypto token called Red Rabbit. 'Why not?' she thought, 'I've already had a day from hell.'She invested a few bucks and forgot about it, assuming it was just another internet scam. But a few days later, she got an email saying that her Red Rabbit investment had exploded in value. 'Holy cow, I'm rich!' she exclaimed, feeling like she had just won the lottery. Samantha couldn't believe that her bad luck had finally turned around. She laughed at the universe's futile attempts to bring her down. 'Ha! Nice try, you sneaky devil,' she chuckled, feeling like a badass.She realized that sometimes, life can be a real pain in the arse, but taking a chance can pay off big time. 'Who knows what kind of other ridiculous opportunities are out there,' she mused, feeling like the world was her oyster.Samantha happily went on to spend her newfound riches on frivolous stuff like unicorn slippers and a pink flamingo pool float. She may have had a rough day, but she came out on top, and that's all that really matters, isn't it?

>> No.53941678

This x10

>> No.53941797
File: 145 KB, 512x512, redrabbit0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why not both

>> No.53941800

Odoge or shibtc?
Or hold both?
Anyway, i don't want to get rugged..

What should i expect NOW if i invest $500 on ShiBTC?

>> No.53941919
File: 296 KB, 1280x1280, redrabbit14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meet Jerry. He's a 35-year-old man who still lives in his mom's basement. He spends his days browsing 4chan, watching anime, and avoiding sunlight like a vampire. He has no job, no social skills, and no prospects.One day, while on a rare trip outside to buy some tendies, Jerry encounters a stray cat. The cat meows at him, and Jerry's heart melts. He decides to follow the cat, thinking that maybe it will lead him to a new anime convention or a store that sells waifu pillows.But instead, the cat leads Jerry to a dirty alleyway where he spots an ad for Red Rabbit token. He's never heard of it before, but the cat seems to be nodding in approval, so Jerry decides to take a chance.He goes back to his mom's basement, logs into his Robinhood account, and invests all of his savings in Red Rabbit. To his surprise, the value of the token skyrockets overnight. Jerry becomes an overnight millionaire, and he's ecstatic.He goes on a wild spending spree, buying himself a brand new gaming PC, a life-sized anime figurine, and a bunch of body pillows. He even pays a bunch of camgirls to cosplay as his favorite anime characters.But as the saying goes, money can't buy happiness. Jerry realizes that all the tendies and anime in the world can't fill the void in his heart. He's still a loser living in his mom's basement, and no amount of money can change that.In the end, Jerry realizes that the only way to truly be happy is to accept who he is and try to make the most of his situation. He sells all his expensive toys and goes back to his mom's basement, but this time, he's content. He spends his days browsing 4chan, watching anime, and eating tendies, but now he's also got a ton of cash to burn.

>> No.53942064 [DELETED] 
File: 304 KB, 1036x1051, d0baggie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53942115


>> No.53942140

fuck yeah RR is based

>> No.53942149

Bitcoin. Shhh. Don't tell anyone.

>> No.53942155

1 pbtid

>> No.53942233
File: 133 KB, 378x378, redrabbit16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the thing. You said a 'red rabbit is a meme token.' Is it in the same family? Yes. No one's arguing that. As someone who is a gambling addict and who studies shitcoins, I am telling you, specifically, in science, no one calls red rabbit a meme token. If you want to be 'specific' like you said, then you shouldn't either. They're not the same thing. If you're saying 'meme token family' you're referring to the taxonomic grouping of erc20 cryptocurrencies with an animal logo, which includes things like shiba inu and ApeTown. So your reasoning for calling a red rabbit a meme token is because random people 'call the animal tokens meme tokens?' Let's get doge and shiba inu in there, then, too. Also, calling someone a human or an ape? It's not one or the other, that's not how taxonomy works. They're both. Red rabbit is a red rabbit and a member of the meme token family. But that's not what you said. You said red rabbit is a meme token, which is not true unless you're okay with calling all members of the meme family meme tokens, which means you'd call monero, icp, and other coins memetokens too, too. Which you said you don't. It's okay to just admit you're wrong, you know?

>> No.53942235

1 pbtid

>> No.53942278
File: 6 KB, 273x116, a66c52307c5a46eeae0c917dc025e344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got it.

>> No.53942285

red rabbit, shhhhh

>> No.53942289
File: 98 KB, 805x474, Screenshot_20230305-005108_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53942300
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>> No.53942368

this red rabbit actually looks good thanks anons

>> No.53942408


>> No.53942414

shiBTC is the legit og ordinal, all proof of this is right there on the blockchain, just over 1m mc. odoge claims to be the og ordinal memecoin but thats a straight lie, 8.5m mc. shiBTC just overtook odoge in daily volume today. You do the math.

>> No.53942441 [DELETED] 
File: 420 KB, 849x552, redrabbit8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already told you I am the authority figure ITT. Picture your entire Funko Pop collection coming to life like Toy Story and telling you to clean your room deadbeat. Yeah I'm your mom and dad in steroids pal and I'm telling you buy Red Rabbit (ticker RR) its blasphemy I know but if I have to commit blasphemy to stop my penis mutating from 5G radiation exposure I will do it. Jacob sent me a free Red Rabbit brand 5G radiation johnson guard because I completed a hackathon. This is serious anons hype is the devil's plaything

>> No.53942750

Ride, i'm not sure if it’s going to be the most profitable long term, but I believe it's involvement in the nft space is enough to drive the price in the coming months