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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53937102 No.53937102 [Reply] [Original]

>a dilapidated crack shed on a tiny plot of land in the middle of nowhere west virginia will still set you back $70k
LMAO where are the retards who said this shit was going to crash soon?

>> No.53937134
File: 49 KB, 181x203, 8f0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we just had the biggest MoM decline in history you fat faggot gaytheist retard

>> No.53937160

>10% price cut
Nothing to see here :^)

>> No.53937420

When will you fags finally get that you're basically paying for the plot of land? They could put literally a garbage can there and sell it for 100k. The house is irrelevant.

>> No.53937463

>plot of land in the middle of nowhere

>> No.53937482

thats not true at all but ok

>> No.53937542

who wants to live in WV though?

>Colliers, WV only 7 hours from Raleigh, NC
could you get a $200K/yr wfh tech job I dunno?

>> No.53937550

yeah thats how you know this shit is gonna crash
house should be 20k maximum

>> No.53937554

>10% price cut
>still hasn't sold

/biz is shit tier

>> No.53937579

>Thinks a plot of land near a bunch of mouth breathing degenerates equates value

>> No.53937636

Why do you make stuff up?

>> No.53937663

We already have this thread, and the glowies and or reddit transsexuals are absolutely delighted that I, a blue collared self employed vote red or dead white man, have completely blown up the
>just move to the outskirts of civilization bro

I want to go home. It's not comfy. Don't fall for it.

>> No.53937720

Thats what I wanted to point out. how can that plot of land be valueable?

>> No.53937814

Land in West Virginia is literally worthless, this shit would be $2k without a the little shed on it.

>> No.53937883
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Prices still rising in my area.

>> No.53937901
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>> No.53937920

Price cut by 10% from the original purchase of an increase of ~20-25%

>> No.53937932
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>> No.53937941

All the people still waiting to buy houses are gonna be rentboys for the rest of their lives


>> No.53937942

>$4700 a month mortgage
Lmao, nigger. I wouldnt rent that shitheap for more than $1200 a month.

>> No.53937954

>land is a limited resource
>price of everything is getting inflated
>all these threads saying "ITS A BUBBLE! THE ZESTIMATE WILL GO DOWN!"

Nope. It goes up, at least for the next few decades. It's only gonna go down the next time a nuclear bomb is used against a country.

>> No.53937958

Does that price include the original 1968 roof? How about a 1968 water heater and furnace?
What a steal!

>> No.53937975
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>>a dilapidated crack shed
that someones house OP. have some respect. probably a really nice older couple or some guy working down at the local post office

>> No.53937989

>middle of nowhere
>comes with ten feet of snow half of the year

>> No.53937995
File: 75 KB, 1151x540, Screenshot 2023-03-04 at 5.39.23 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nope. It goes up

Yes, definitely the current situation will never change for people who want to own homes in the 3rd biggest country in the world which is also one of the least densely populated developed countries in the world

>> No.53937998

>that retarded door
The worst part is some reddit faggot intentionally chose to make the door look like shit, as part of the gaudy mismatched motif of the weird shack/hut thing.
Its both quality made, and hideously designed based on very exacting choices.
This actually made me rage.

>> No.53938015

yeah I do not think I would purchase this one DESU

>> No.53938022

>Total teardown house with a 5 car garage for all of your leased trucks

>> No.53938023 [DELETED] 
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>> No.53938053

Wanting to own a home doesn't mean you'll get what you want, there's a difference between what you want and what you'll get.

"You will own nothing and be happy"

Have fun renting you dumb nigger

>> No.53938061

into the trash it goes
we only want homeless living in tents

>> No.53938075

In other words, REITs will OWN the home when boomers die if they didn't leave it to their family and the house is auctioned off, you'll just be a rent boy for life.

>> No.53938077

>there's a difference between what you want and what you'll get

No shit you fucking retard, that's taught in Econ 101 at any university worth any fraction its tuition. Human wants are unlimited while resources are limited. What exactly is your argument?

>> No.53938078

>post obviously overpriced things
>think you are proving that real estate will never crash
are you braindead or just trolling

>> No.53938080

Someone here had a chart, that basically shows, once real estate starts keeling over its always going down more

>> No.53938082


I found a 20K house for you. No complaining.

>> No.53938095
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>REITs' faces when the government regulates their shit

>> No.53938102
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this kek

>> No.53938106

he's just a fag who bought a house for 150k in the middle of nowhere and thinks he's hot stuff now kek

>> No.53938107

Lmao, "derp I was taught this thingy in university so it must be true"

You have no hope of owning a home.

>> No.53938128 [DELETED] 

Yeah but they think that because someone flipper kike cut the price from 200% over down to 180% over means the market is crashing.
Everything is still getting worse. You can't find affordable homes anywhere other than nogon zones and crime ridden neighborhoods. Even the ones in the flyover and rurals areas are gone.

>> No.53938135

>590 days on Zillow

>> No.53938145

I own a home in a major city that is in demand by families. House prices and sales are not declining here and the area is in high demand. Carry on talking garbage anon.

Have fun being a rent boy

>> No.53938164

>durr a basic tenant of macroeconomics is le false because le university taught it

Try again numbnuts. I already own a home. A 1970s ranch in the midwest. It has fiber internet and 2 acres of land. Bought when new for $70k and I got it for $100k. And when expedient, I'll build a new bigger house behind it and knock it down or let a family member live in it. I'm not just a piece of shit who revels in other peoples' misfortune and/or the general usury and its effects on our fellow citizens by (((bankers))) and who also thinks >number always go up all the time

>> No.53938166

interest rates being close to 7% + more and more people getting laid off = house prices are going to crash
simple as that
you have no arguments against this except a stupid appeal to emotion "you'll never own a home!!!" and that's how i know you're wrong

>> No.53938177

nah, you own a shitshack in the middle of nowhere like every other housefag on this board. but cool larp

>> No.53938180
File: 32 KB, 238x220, 5cpjvl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Price cut by 10% from the original purchase of an increase of ~20-25%
>All the people still waiting to buy houses are gonna be rentboys for the rest of their lives
>Wanting to own a home doesn't mean you'll get what you want, there's a difference between what you want and what you'll get.
>"You will own nothing and be happy"
>Have fun renting you dumb nigger
>In other words, REITs will OWN the home when boomers die if they didn't leave it to their family and the house is auctioned off, you'll just be a rent boy for life.
>Lmao, "derp I was taught this thingy in university so it must be true"
>You have no hope of owning a home.
>I own a home in a major city that is in demand by families. House prices and sales are not declining here and the area is in high demand. Carry on talking garbage anon.
>Have fun being a rent boy

>> No.53938194

>House prices and sales are not declining here and the area is in high demand

Every place in the country has declined except for parts of Florida and the northeast. If Florida, best of luck. If the northeast, enjoy your tiny plot of land, 100 year old house with no air conditioning, and your kids turning into trannies.

>> No.53938196

Nobody claimed numbers go up all the time. I said they aren't going to decline just to make things "affordable". Nice try, dumb ass

>> No.53938212

I have solar panels, a heat pump, 3 bedroomed. On top of a hill to avoid flooding, in an area with lots of renewables, schools, shops, and I have my own land for crops. It's not in Amerishit. Carry on talking garbage.

>> No.53938220

Nope, bricks and mortar, own garage, well built home. Only American properties are built to a shit standard.

>> No.53938224

oh you live in east europe, of course. kek
i could buy 5 houses there with my crypto alone

>> No.53938227 [DELETED] 

Except nothing is crashing you dumb faggot

>> No.53938234

Mortgage cucks getting desperate. Women think single family homes are an investment, that should tell you something

>> No.53938236

Wrong. Not east Europe at all.

Anon sure is dumb.

>> No.53938248

The thread is about America

>> No.53938253



>> No.53938256

except it is, and there's absolutely zero hope of any upside from here, so we're only going down more.

>> No.53938264

>Nobody claimed numbers go up all the time

You literally said in >>53937941 :
> All the people still waiting to buy houses are gonna be rentboys for the rest of their lives

>It's not in Amerishit

This is a thread about American real estate as per the faggot OP's image. Enjoy not having guns and whatever other faggot shit your government imposes on you.

>> No.53938269

The read is more generally about properties you dumb retard.

>> No.53938272

Of course the value of no nigger zones are rising but that's just a statement on how much worse niggers have been noggin in the last 3 years

>> No.53938279

>Except nothing is crashing

Yeah except for real estate, crypto, the job market, and the value of money, nothing is crashing, astute and accurate observation you fucking moron

>> No.53938283

No, I said they're gonna be rent boys for the rest of their lives. The rent will suck up any chance of making a deposit.

Holy fuck anon is the dumbest.

>> No.53938285

No its not, nigger

>> No.53938289

OP never said anything about America he said "who said this shit was going to crash soon"

By "shit" - properties.

>> No.53938297

go away europoor
this isn't your thread

>> No.53938299

>The rent will suck up any chance of making a deposit.

Explain how rent will keep going up if the value of real estate isn't going up combined with increased government regulation of REITs and rentals both short and long term

>> No.53938301

Yes it is, nowhere by OP did he say "this thread is ONLY about America"

>> No.53938308

Its common sense. Just let it rest

>> No.53938311

nobody gives a fuck about the real estate market in whatever shit country you're from
this kinda goes without saying

>> No.53938316
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Location matters. Shed like this is easy to demolish. If parcel is located in a comfy spot with infrastructure growing around it, then the parcel alone will grow in value.
You need to look at bigger picture anon.

>> No.53938318

>OP never said anything about America
>he just posted a picture of a property in America while mentioning the American state of the property and its price in American dollars

Does your government give you a liocence to be a retard? How much quid do you have to pay for this liocence before they take you to jail for posting on social media you fucking cuck lmao

>> No.53938319

The owners of the property will increase their rents due to increased cost of them maintaining the property, e.g. boiler replacements, repairs.

>> No.53938332


Says the retard trying to exclude someone anonymous from posting to an anonymous forum KEK.

>> No.53938343
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>Claiming America is not shit HAHAHAHAHHAHA

Anon just went full retard

>> No.53938347

Land doesn't lose value. It will keep growing because of constant immigration to USA. Just buy a parcel nearby a growing city and in a decade it will be considered part of suburbs, yielding you a 10x gain.

>> No.53938372

How brown are you?

>> No.53938380

Settle down bro.

>> No.53938381

>American houses mostly wood
>Cost around 3-4 x too much for what you buy

>> No.53938385

>Prices still rising in my area.
10 acres, and still hasn't sold

>> No.53938427
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>> No.53938530
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Hey, so basically I'm just gonna not rent
I know .... UGH I know....
I'm sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's just that I'm going to own my own house and land

>> No.53938553

>290 days on Zillow
Based retard

>> No.53938571

>at 6.5% interest!
>i'm totally owning da joos

>> No.53938595

Look at how retarded you are. Bragging about paying higher taxes. Just look at you

>> No.53938617

not when it's 100% cash down, you dumb nigger

>> No.53938625

my house is paid for, but keep renting :)

>> No.53938627

and i know having children is nowhere on your plate, sneeder, IMAGINE having something to pass on to your family. of course you can't lmao
>i can't sneed, i can't breed!

>> No.53938638

cool larp sweetie
enjoy that interest

>> No.53938826

>"The middle of nowhere West Virginia"
>living in The Spike, basically suburban Pittsburgh, nearby notable Ohio sub-metros
>sandwiched between some of the whitest parts of the entire country
Eh. You could do worse. What would you expect, a mansion?

>> No.53938915

Imagine being so poor that something a quarter of all American households can achieve seems like a larp to you

>> No.53938931

That is godtier pricing for Australia. You literally won't find anything within 100km of a city for that price. No one will sell you land for that price.

>> No.53938971

Thanks, appreciate saving me the lookup

>> No.53939305

Paying 6.5% to own is significantly better than paying 100% to own nothing.

>> No.53939449

>It went down 10%!
Why are Americans so bad at math? Holy crap, a whole 10% from a house that went up from $10k to $250k

>> No.53939507

That's real cool in that whimsical gnomish crafty country old wizard kind of way.

>> No.53939571

>598 days on Zillow

290 days on Zillow

Congrats, you found the 2 sellers who have zero interest in selling.

>> No.53939587
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>more and more people getting laid off

In your fucking dreams.

>> No.53939607
File: 146 KB, 1229x719, home price peak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add the Midwest to that.

Basically anywhere that isn't littered with spics is stable.

>> No.53939676


You just know it's some boomer that "I know what I got" and refuses to sell for less lmao. That boomernigger will die before it sells.

>> No.53939681

>bumbfuck nowhere is stable

>> No.53939690


It's also the price of a good used car. For a fucking ugly shack made by a megafaggot.

>> No.53939723

normies don't understand the concept of replacement cost and how it acts as a support mechanism for overall property values

>> No.53939743

>LMAO where are the retards who said this shit was going to crash soon?
Here, watching it crash. It's going to gradually correct for the next couple years. You saw what happened last time there was a correction in real estate before you made this thread, right anon? Oh who am I kidding, of course you didn't.

>> No.53939749

>bumfuck nowhere

This is why you rent.

>> No.53939769

So, these arent suddenly littered with spics and niggers?

>> No.53939783

Philadelphia is murder capital of America now, innit? Census estimates it's half black, I can't imagine it getting better if there's harder economic times ahead of us. Increase of crime because of desperation, and all that.

>> No.53939901

> any place without the people who actually know how to build houses is stable

>> No.53939936

>$19k for that literal shit box
I wish i knew where it was so I could go burn it to the ground

>> No.53939958

Nigga it's basically a fancy out house.

>> No.53939967

It doesn't have a toilet. What are you supposed to do, shit and piss your pants in the cuckshed?