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53936403 No.53936403 [Reply] [Original]

why do people saying buying a home in a rural area is a good way to save money? the wages are much lower. you aren't actually saving more money.

>> No.53936425

it’s a horrible idea. the homes are cheap for a reason. no jobs. literally hopeless places. the cities are the only place worth owning as an investor as you can be sure they will always be bustling with activity unlike dead rust belt towns

>> No.53936445

i work from home and grew up in a rural area. i briefly thought about moving back home until i remembered how shitty the internet service was.

>> No.53936459

WFH. Lots of engineers that kept their 200k/yr salaries and moved a few hours out.

>> No.53936471

see >>53936445
>lose job
>can't find another remote job
>commute multiple hours a day to hybrid bullshit job

>> No.53936475

most people don’t do this.

>> No.53936502

Your entire age old soi argument was invalidated by covid and never applied to self employed.

There's better reasons not to move out here, like I did. The people are fucking retarded. Like Hills Have Eyes retarded, and you need to drive an hour to home depot to fix all the things wrong with your house that hillbillies have basically let root into the ground for 40 years. I thought I wanted to be around fellow Trump supporting redstaters, but I'd rather go back to having blacks and trannies around.

>> No.53936533

You don't work where you live. We have invented the automobile. It is possible to work dozens of miles from where you live.

>> No.53936552

Unemployment is extremely low right now
Maybe not most, but many do. Literally every engineer I know on a close/personal basis has done it.

>> No.53936556

lol so true most of the red areas are shitholes. all we gotta do is have one hitler come to power and clear out the illegals and niggers and were back in business.

>> No.53936569

i’m sure your anecdotal evidence will prop up rotting meth shitholes with zero future prospects.

>> No.53936576

I'm Swedish and basically have zero interest in living in a rural place. They are so damn insular, unless you know someone there it will be incredibly lonely. Atlest in Stockholm, despite not having that many close friends, just seeing people around feels more comforting.

>> No.53936593

Did you make the mistake of moving to the south or something? Southerners are niggers. You ever met an African? They are nothing like niggers. The south turned them into niggers and the whites too. They're all niggers speaking broken english.
>t. midwest chad

>> No.53936594

I'm a literal hour off the biggest highway on the east coast, and you'd think I moved to the fucking Ozarks.

You'd think, meh... that's fine. A least everyone will be a white hard working man, with proud wife and kids.

Nope. 1/3 of the town is in their 70-80's, 1/3 is literal welfare scum (single moms and meth heads), and the rest are underclass dimwits that do their best working part time at gas stations and shit. Don't even try to call for a plumber. The 2 guys that do that speed taking new clients 30 years ago, and none of the skinny junk box dudes in town have any interest in honest trade work for honest pay.

The town smells like a fart.

>> No.53936596

>66% of global (non-US) engineers report they are working fully remote, a shift from last year when 82% of engineers were fully remote. While many companies have shifted to a hybrid approach, – requiring employees to come into an office a few days each week – this doesn't match up with what engineers want.
Never said anything about rotting meth shitholes. The people I know moved from Denver to the outskirts of Colorado Springs, or from the Bay Area to Reno.

>> No.53936610

working remote doesn’t mean living remote. i work remote and still live in my home town. also you posted a quote with no time stamp for context.

>> No.53936628

this is why i will never sell my families city suburb properties. hit the lottery being born into white nyc neighborhoods.

>> No.53936646

Last time I went to a rural area, it smelt like pure shit. There was no way to escape the smell too. I was trapped between the shit and the moldy cardboard box that I didn't wanna buy

>> No.53936647

Even if most of them speak arabic and farsi?

>> No.53936651

>working remote doesn’t mean living remote
Sure, but it's an option, is the point. 66% was 2022, 82% was 2021.

>> No.53936652

>Hey Facebook, who does oil changes?
>go to Bobby Wifebeater he's honest and fixed my 83 subaru up real nice!
It's 2 shirtless (in the dead of fucking winter... almost like I interrupted something) blobs sitting in a lightless dilapidated hoarder shack, that yup me to death, and would definitely fuck up my car on purpose.

>> No.53936654

No, then I would probably move to a different part of town

>> No.53936661

so it’s trending down. most of remote is tech which has layoffs. and most remote workers aren’t moving to rural areas. if anything they are moving to cheaper cities.

>> No.53936675
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>The homes are cheap
Not even. Like how the fuck are the equivalent of trailer parks still in the 300k range when nobody in the area makes above $15 an hour and everyone works at Walmart or as a trucker

Major cities aren't even that more expensive than rural bullshit
Inflation is fucking disgusting and boomers are getting one last
>Go fuck yourself
By gate keeping rural life with ridiculous prices

Pic related should not cost more than $30k

>> No.53936679

fucking kek. sounds like my hometown.

>> No.53936684

Trending down because covid restrictions are no longer in place, but it's still an absolute majority. Even if it were 20% that would be a large number in terms of being able to find work.

>> No.53936695

>gate keeping
It's material costs retard

>> No.53936697


This. The south is so miserable it literally rots the brains of people who live out there. There's a reason Lovecraft wrote even worse things about Southerners than he ever did about niggers.

>> No.53936710
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>move to rural area
>make bank with doggy shitcoins
>try and explain hillbillies how you earn a living for fun
You're just doing it wrong man.

>> No.53936711

Rural areas are fine as long as you are self sufficient and they have a decent grocery store (not dollar general). I prefer to live in a town of 10k people or less.
>needing somebody to change your oil for you

>> No.53936715

You can't even find a plow guy, and we get like all of the fucking snow in the world.

If I wasn't so busy with my business, I'd finance a John deere for $200/mo and do 5 figures/mo Nov-to like literally May. I may buy one and import a banner to drive it just so someone up here is doing something. Fucking suck of it.

Sorry to blog.

>> No.53936718

my hometown is an interesting mix of dilapidated victorian and mid century homes for $100-150k, and retards with double wides or 1970s+ stick built asking $300-400k. i have no idea who the intended market is for the latter.

>> No.53936721

It's better than being stacked on top of people in a loud annoying filthy city with crackheads yelling every night

>> No.53936729


insane, right?

>> No.53936740

>plow guy
Check out the cityslicker that can't afford to put a plow on his own truck

>> No.53936742

Yeah I don't understand how a mobile home in a crack town with no jobs paying above $10/hr costs $200,000

>> No.53936750

I don't do cars. I can build a house, wire it, send water and shit where it's supposed to go. Even hvac shit.

I'm car retarded. We all have an Achilles Heel.

>> No.53936768

Brother, changing a car's oil is literally something a 12 year old can do. What do you drive?

>> No.53936770

I generally just shovel, but when I'm out of town, someone has to dig out the tenant or I have to rearrange a trip.

>> No.53936790

Ford transit.

>> No.53936809
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>Yeah bro, this rotting piece of lumber? 100 grand
Imagine believing this bullshit
Cardboard and foam do not cost over 100 grand
This shit is bought for literal peanuts

>> No.53936831

Lots of jobs in many small towns that revolve around resource extraction. Many small towns in east TX as an example are built around timber or oil or the transport of said goods (pipelines, truckers, railroad workers, etc). Lots of jobs that pay $75k plus.

t. lived in rural east Texas near a town of 3k people for a few years.

>> No.53936925

>pipelines, truckers, railroad workers, etc).
I fucking wish. My town has a paper mill (always hiring) that they literally have to import contract workers from Florida for despite it paying $30/hr to start and all of the local tards complaining about no jobs.

>> No.53936967

Thank you based Northeast college town to bring civilization to our area that would definitely have fuckall otherwise

>> No.53937005

Sounds like a great arbitrage opportunity you discovered if true

>> No.53937016

Read the manual or watch a youtube vid. It takes like 20 minutes.
t. drives chevy colorado
Yeah paper is big near Lufkin, TX. I will admit lots of towns have a large share of methheads and other retards that don't want to work in physical jobs. Is $30/hr above average for your area?

>> No.53937029

>move to rursl town with funds
>start business that has social elements
>like a community rec centre
>make it non profit for grants and shit
>now you have a place thats yours, where you can socialise, stay fit and meet everyone
>become the man

>> No.53937034

How much does the land cost?

>> No.53937040
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>rather go back to having blacks and trannies around.

>> No.53937063
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I have starlink and it works great.


>> No.53937098

small towns can't support any sort of small business. they ALL fail within 5 years.

>> No.53937213
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>This dirt? Ah well for this dirt, this is magic dirt and for 1 acre of it I'm going to need 100 grand

If I have 100 grand saved up I'm not going to invest it in dirt in a crack town of 500 residents
I'd rather just move to Thailand and become a sex pest for the next 10 years

I'm not going to sit around and perpetuate this retarded scam of a system just to sit around and get taxed to death until I'm 80

Don't want to make affordable land and housing in perpetuity to wages? Than I'm just going to fuck off.

Immigration works both ways

>> No.53937231

>non profit
>grants and subsidies
>public recreation centres get more due to health benefits of recreation
i would build a recreation centre anyway, for myself. Why not open it up to my buds, tack a non profit label on it and have the lights and heating be paid by the government.

>> No.53937560

>Is $30/hr above average for your area?
It's like rockstar-lawyer-doctor compared to the $14.50/hr, 30hr cap, no benefits at Walmart or the supermarket, but I guess the illiterate methmouths expect air conditioned office work or to become famous dirtbike guys. Fucking lol.

Nice in the summer though, and I travel a shit ton for my business, so I get a break from this place frequently.

The things we do to own a house nowadays... the boomers will just never understand.

>> No.53937705

Yah dude...
>where's the nearest barcade
More like, will one of the two asbestos removal crews make the three hour trip so my family doesn't collapse from mesothelioma in five years.

The answer was thankfully yes, but it cost a FUCKING kings ransom.

>> No.53937979
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You can mock it all you want but the only things the ruralfags do is shoot their guns and plant crops. Its boring and soulless.

>> No.53937996

Just because a bunch of people are doing DoorDash, Ubereats, and Postmates doesn't mean unemployment is low. (((They))) are counting somebody who got layed off and now living this situation to pay bills as 3 separate jobs to defend the narrative that everything is fine. People losing their careers to become delivery drivers and taxis isnt a good look.

>> No.53938005

>decent grocery store
Walmart is your only other choice. Good luck with even that in 10k or less.

>> No.53938165

I work from home as a freelancer. No single employer can control my destiny. Take the advice from Andrew Tate on this topic:


>> No.53938293
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No one says this you massive idiot
No one is telling you to move to low-population rural areas if they have more than two braincells to rub together
You were screeching that you cannot afford a home in your area
Previously, this was because your area was the most expensive
The suggestion was to move to other metro areas, and there were many, that had plenty of employment opportunities that could easily support the cost of purchasing a home
The issue is that you strawmanned that suggestion into what you said in the OP far too long, and now you have been priced out even in those areas

so basically, you will own nothing and you are fucked

>> No.53938353

Buy in the city, rent it out and gain appreciation, and then rent a mobile in the country for cheap. Live for free almost on arbitrage.

>> No.53938359

>now you're priced out
what is it with low IQ plywood box dwellers and this insane fantasy?

>> No.53938374

they desperately want to feel superior to others

>> No.53938426

Why do Americans even argue about anywhere in their shithole country being a good place to live? Overpriced, unwalkable cities, full of crime, homeless people and blue haired weridos, or rural America with fuck all to do, boring people, meth heads, shit paying jobs, shitty houses made out of cardboard, delipidated town centers and no hope for the future. Literally fighting over break scraps, the whole country is complete and utter trash no matter where you are from.

>> No.53938496


>> No.53938509

Where do you come from that's so superior?

>> No.53938513

>People losing their careers to become delivery drivers and taxis isnt a good look.
What are your stats on this being a thing? Some retards at Meta being laid off doesn't mean there's significant loss in tech jobs

>> No.53938519
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>low IQ plywood box dwellers
actually I live in box made of solid walnut

but more importantly we literally can no longer recommend lower-cost metros because normal functional people have all already purchased ahead of you while you spent years on 4chan whining about it, have moved on with their lives, had sex, had children, and have housing for them
we can't say "try Boise" like we could have a decade ago because your income will literally no longer cover PITI and maintenance of a single detached family home, and if it can great, if you need a roof over your head go get one otherwise shut the fuck up
actually in either case shut the fuck up

>> No.53938549

He's the guy from eastern Europe in the other thread. They yelled at him in murrican for not understanding stuff and now he's angry with us.

Just the usual
>build with bricks
>you have blacks
>internet isn't free
stuff though. Nothing new to (you). It's all good.

>> No.53938558

why does pointing out the obvious realities of real estate going down trigger you

>> No.53938644

A teacher married to a postal worker can have a 3-4 BR home, fenced yard, area with zero crime, solid school system, and plenty to save for retirement in a state like Iowa or Oklahoma while 250k a year programmers have to live 4 to an apartment in SF or Seattle

Cope harder faggot

>> No.53938691

>actually I live in box made of solid walnut
get yourself checked for mental retardation.
>more inane /pol/ tier rants
i work from home and i likely make more money than you. tl;dr shut up retard

>> No.53938694
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>ANOTHER unprovoked citycuck cope thread
ironic you're letting us country folk live rent free, meanwhile...

>> No.53938761
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>iowa or oklahoma
those states are cheap because they're shitholes

>> No.53938777

literally my mortgage in a 4/2 on 20 acres

>> No.53938829

Because they're ignorant and have a terrible understanding of economics. People on 4chan think farming and resource extraction make a country rich. That couldn't be further from the truth.

>> No.53938960

Y'all ain't

>> No.53938991
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Because they're filthy fly over trash coping about their 5 fig poverty wage
>muh CoL
If you're saving less than $50k/y you will never ever ever make it

>> No.53938995

>People on 4chan think farming and resource extraction make a country rich. That couldn't be further from the truth.
Based retard

>> No.53939003

All my employees work from home. They make good money and can live well in cheaper areas.
I'm considering moving to Maine.
I don't hire indians.

>> No.53939026

Just show up to a local swimming home with a ton of beer and you can make some bros pretty easily

>> No.53939035

Low level economic activities like ag and resource extraction don't generate significant excess capital. Trade, high-tech manufacturing, finance and high tech development in cities are what really make money. That's why places like Silicon Valley and New York are insanely wealthy and rural areas are poor.

This is fucking Econ 101 level shit. Keep up.

>> No.53939037

*swimming hole

>> No.53939054

>these white people are annoying
>i agree, that's why we need to kill black people
/pol/niggers everyone

>> No.53939072

Please review my posts. Save yourself.

If you insist, inside or just outside of Portland, Auburn, Augusta, Bangor, or anywhere along the southern coast within an hour and a half from Boston.

>> No.53939075

buy shit box for 4k fix it up sell for 20 to 30k its cash money, got a neighbor next door sold a new 2018 trailer to bought for 20k and got 49k its fun

>> No.53939080

I've noticed a lot of stuff going on in Ohio minus the train thing

There are still cities that are underdeveloped and ripe for growth, it's just that it will likely be city names that 10 years ago you would have dismissed. I could see Columbus being the next Phoenix for hot housing markets and soaring wages.

>> No.53939091

columbus is like 30% niggers lmao

>> No.53939112
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They eat rats in New York
If this is the epitome of wealth than I don't know what you consider poor

>> No.53939123
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Nice try, you’ll never get me to move back to the city to pay (((rent)))

>> No.53939146

unless you're a total retard you use the internet to make money, so it doesn't matter

>> No.53939149

Suburbs are fine. Avoid rural milltowns and rust belt doom levels.

>> No.53939157

North Dakota has the highest GPD/capita in the USA for a reason. Australia also avoided multiple global recessions on the strength of their resource mining, and China/South Korea/etc disprove your thesis entirely.

>> No.53939222

I live in Captain Janeway’s hometown, we have a functioning economy because of the university. Most of the crime is just dopeheads who literally pass out under my car while trying to steal my driveshaft

>> No.53939255

It does not. It's behind D.C., NY, MA, WA, CA and AK. DC, NY, MA, WA and CA are all highly urbanized and generate significant capital from their cities.

>> No.53939286

Here's the source I'm calling on. Look at the bottom of the list, its all rural, agrarian states. https://www.statista.com/statistics/248063/per-capita-us-real-gross-domestic-product-gdp-by-state/

>> No.53939297

Universities are evil cityfag constructs. Get rid of that so you can have your tradie rural redneck paradise

>> No.53939308

>Opens up racial dot map

Being from the southwest idk if you east coast fags actually know what a lot of minorities looks like.

Check the suburbs, in fact now that I'm looking at it, the entire area from central PA all the way through Ohio every major metropolitan area is extremely segregated. If you threw a dart at a triangle between Columbus, Cleveland, and Pittsburgh, no matter where it lands would be majority white. Looks rather kino to me and you are within an hour or so of 3 major cities.

>But the inner city has so many blacks bro!!! So spooky!!!

And why would you be looking to move to the inner city regardless of where?

>> No.53939314

The wealth of China comes from its manufacturing and high tech sectors. South Korea has one of the world's largest cities, Seoul, which is where its wealth is generated.

>> No.53939332
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The only thing worse then niggers is poor white people. Now they are breeding together for some sort of trash master race.

>> No.53939342

Two towns over has a state university. I should've bought there, but I think I caught the last lifeboat off the titanic (panic bought) for the next 10 years and wasn't going to have my rent doubled on my apartment and commercial space staying put back in civilization.

It's working (financially), but I'm not super happy.

>> No.53939349

Dumbass thinks rural means living 30 miles away from your workplace. Lmao.

>> No.53939352

I never said cities can't be wealthy retard
Steel production is one of the largest exports of Seoul

>> No.53939382

It's so fucking true. I didn't want to believe it, but it's like some sort of poetic justice for me telling lefties for years that they think blacks are noble savages because they never lived around them.

Wel... now I live amongst the hill folk, and I learned the hard way that I only thought they were decent because I DIDN'T LIVE AROUND THEM.

Learn from my experience bros.

>> No.53939474

ESL + Non-White person. To shit on poor White people is to be anti-White, nothing is worse than a nigger you swarthy ESL brown person, niggers are a net negative to everything civilized, all stats and all of my personal
experiences say so. A poor White person > your average nigger, only non-White people would ever disagree. I suggest you go live in a jungle, ape.

>> No.53939492

In honor of my dead father, I will share what he taught me, which worked out very well for him when he was younger and when I was younger. He told me to buy a cheap house as early as you can, even if it was in a nigger infested neighborhood. Pay it off then move up the chain. He bought when he was 19 in all black neighborhood. He had two Dobermans and lots of guns. At 23 he was able to move up to the next level. I did the same thing. He ended up in a rural place a long time ago and he could no longer level up because or work salary scarcity. But he was on 700 acres and happy. I stayed somewhat near cities and continue to level up. As far as rural, it's easy to freeze because you didn't cut enough wood for the year, and its easy to go hungry because your crop got a blight or you didn't get as many deer that year. Sometimes his cistern would dry up, until he payed the piper to dig a 200' well. It depends what you want anon, but rural areas have pluses and minuses.

>> No.53939560

>400 years of pure privilege and free gibbs
>still poor despite white
You can't make this up.

>> No.53939616

Dispute anything I have said.

PROTIP: You can't.

>> No.53939627

I guarantee you your state is a shithole too, all of the US is.

>> No.53939632

Are irish people white?
Like outside of skin tone?
I wonder if allot of white americas problems arent just irish admixture, masquerading as nordic types.

>> No.53939642

Im 100% Northern european, and im guessing your 100% poor rural

>> No.53939960

How about instead of what you said, I go after why you said it.
You're bored fishing for yous (dopamine junky) and a little insecure about your national identity.

No need though. We can all be frens.

>> No.53940242

It's all people say you retard. The hustle and bustle barcade copypasta is busted out all the time

>> No.53940325

reminder that ruraloids are inferior to urbanites on literally any conceivable metric
>ruraloids have lower IQs
>ruraloids are fatter
>ruraloids are poorer
>ruraloids are unhealthier
>ruraloids die younger
>smart ruraloids get out of the country as soon as humanly possible
>ruraloids exercise less
rural "people" are literally subhumans

>> No.53940340

Sure you are, to say that niggers are better than even the worst of Whites is an anti-White sentiment, if you are White, you are a race traitor, there's nothing else to say.

>> No.53940367

Im really curious to what the creator of this thread looks like. He makes like 100 threads a day similar to this. Just imagine what kind of face he has

>> No.53940423

>and China/South Korea/etc disprove your thesis entirely.
Wew lad. Are you really this retarded? Gooks are dominating in the tech sector and that is where their wealth comes from. Same as Japan and Taiwan.
Chinks are almost there too. They have countries in Africa do the resource mining for them.

>> No.53940526
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damn biz really hates on rural life, and I'm just stacking sats/xmr to the point I can just sit back and watch the line go up to a point I could just dump my crypto for a comfy compound size rural lot, I don't really see so called "wealthy" cherishing big cities like some bizreals think. If anything I really think they are becoming collapsing tombs to escape in the 21st century.

>but cities hold the wealth in tech/finance meme

Really cause as a semi-urbanite they just come off as decaying and the ready access to food/resources just seem to be destroying people mentally/physically.

>> No.53940563

city mayor hands typed this

>> No.53940660

Looks like one of those tiny fire safety training buildings or whatever they're called

>> No.53940674

1. Buy the home with CASH - mortgage is called golden shackles for a reason, as if you lose your job, you're screwed.
2. Once settled in home, work from home and rapidly advance towards retirement while you watch wagies around you suffer for 40 years and not even a promise of retirement for that suffering.

>> No.53940692

I'm taking this life advice but I'm not selling any of my properties. I'm collecting them like a game of monopoly.

>> No.53940701

Because they are dumb, I'd rather spend 200k buying low mc gems like ORN

>> No.53940719

What's the price and market cap?

>> No.53940754

>In 2019, South Korea was the 3rd largest world producer of bismuth,[68] the 4th largest world producer of rhenium,[69] and the 10th largest world producer of sulfur.[70]

>> No.53940758

If the US ever got their shit together and developed high speed rail lines those rural homes would be worth a lot more.

>> No.53940824

It's because the lower class is massively in debt

>> No.53940827

We don't need high speed rail in most places since we have planes, freight rail, the interstate, navigable rivers and the oceans.

>> No.53940838

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is one of many reasons your country is a borderline 3rd world shithole.

>> No.53940861

>Trade, high-tech manufacturing, finance and high tech development

An anomaly of the past 10 year experiment of the Federal Reserve Quantitative Easing and money printing. The era of Quantitative Tightening and higher interest rates is going to wipe the majority of these over leveraged scam tech companies off the map. Hope you enjoyed the fantasy while it lasted.

>> No.53940903

I can't fucking wait, anon.

>> No.53940908

>People on 4chan think farming and resource extraction make a country rich

Literally what the fuck is Saudi Arabia, UAE, Norway, Canada and Australia. Are you retarded? Do you really think dumb scam tech shit like Uber Eats adds more to a country's GDP more than valuable resources?

>> No.53940917

literally looks like my sister, well before last decade. Do any of you lucky anons want to take care of her?

>> No.53940918

I grew up in a rural area of about 1600 people. After high school, I moved to a college town of about 100,000 people. Then I moved to Minneapolis. I assure you big cities are the worst areas in the country. Most of the stereotypes of rural towns come from city people who have never been there. Most of the small towns I've been through are clean and well kept. They are the only true "walkable" areas in the country. I've never been to the south though.

>> No.53941125

>Cope the post

>> No.53941200

How does it feel knowing that South Korea went from being THE poorest country in the world just a few decades ago to having bullet trains and modern day infrastructure that is far in advanced of anything in the US? You have no idea what a pathetic shithole your country has become when former backwater shitholes just as recently as from the 90's, like China and South Korea, have outpaced you in every way. You are pathetic, you have no drive, you are not forward thinking, and you are stagnant- just like every other fat, lazy retard in the US.

>> No.53941223

>China and South Korea, have outpaced you in every way.
I wonder who's behind this post.

>> No.53941263
File: 122 KB, 500x632, F4657EC4-01DF-4AF5-A803-AB9F1AA8E95E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Small midwestern towns blow balls, they get too much undeserved hype. I moved away and haven’t regretted it, life in a city is more difficult but the pay-off is bigger if your not a mouth breathing retard.

Small town life IS easier if you don’t mind living in a rotting mobile home pursuing a mgmt position at dollar general.

>> No.53941306

interesting cope.

I currently live in a small down of around 8k people, on ~30 acres and makes 160k with my remote tech job.

I'm glad you're close to the doggo park and all of that great crime! Maybe you won't even get mugged this week!

>> No.53941338

Eh, I grew up in a small town in Tennessee, lived in a series of metropolitan areas, and now work in Boulder Colorado, but live in a rural town outside of it.

High income rural locations are the best.

>> No.53941369

Yes putting down your sword and plow is soulful... fucking nigger lol

>> No.53941419

Amerimutts are not white anyway.

>> No.53941432

Saudi Arabia and UAE were smart enough to use all the boomerbux from oil on building a massive, bleeding-edge technological industry by bringing in the smartest people in the world to work on it. Now they're like 100 years in the future compared to NA.
>Canada and Australia
Poor shitholes that are adverse to human existence.

>> No.53941450

South Korea rose on its work ethic and family values that are now 100% gone. Marriage rates are tiny now, and they're heavily in debt, and do not save.

>> No.53941483
File: 397 KB, 700x700, 467B8012-DE29-46E3-8359-4B1727B29AD5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Says the small fish that moved to a small pond.

>>I'm glad you're close to the doggo park and all of that great crime! Maybe you won't even get mugged this week!

Don’t project your fears onto me, I deal with 6’2” schizophrenic nigger on a regular basis. While you ran away to be smug from your shithole.

>> No.53941506

>I deal with 6’2” schizophrenic nigger on a regular basis
uhh cool flex retard kek

>> No.53941529

East Tennessee? And even if not, do you have any experiences with it?

>> No.53941593

That is cuy and it's a Andean (Peruvian/Ecuadorian) delicacy closer to guinea pig. It tastes like rabbit.

Being able to eat cuy is what makes New York neat. You can get rabbit, veal, duck, quail, alligator, lamb, goat, etc within the same neighborhood and not just have Zaxby's and a Hardee's as your only options in town.

>> No.53941609

>Daddy look at the cuycucks let out to graze
Do your homework Sally

>> No.53941640
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>that image
Oh man, that was made by someone who knows.

>> No.53941676
File: 241 KB, 1024x714, 5224347201_3df9fa1b63_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you're just retarded that's literally in my neighborhood there's a Chick Fil A down the block and a shitload of Ecuadorians in that neighborhood that love eating cuy. There's not enough meat on rats, even cuy is 6-8lbs compared to a 2lb guinea pig you'd see at a pet store store.

Pic related was painted 1753 by Marcos Zapata in the Cuzco Cathedral, look what they're eating.

>> No.53941677

And what kind of a flex is running away from adversity to live like a prince among peasants?

Your life is dictated by fear.
Enjoy your stagnant bumpkin shithole.

>> No.53941690
File: 68 KB, 640x640, 95F2615E-A3E2-4C2B-9B23-B6A71AF36385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real knows real

>> No.53941692

> They're eating the rat and dancing around Daddy
I'm going to check your algebra twice Sally

>> No.53941723

The decay on your soul is not worth the money saved. The romantic image of homesteaders with a sustenance farm and a dog and 3 kids is long gone. It's opioid addicts, obese men that clutch a shotgun all day afraid of the sound of the wind, and dilapidated towns where the "main street" is a gas station and an ugly post office. Suicide rates are astronomical in rural regions and it makes a lot of sense.

>> No.53941735

Controlled demo means both city and country will go down, but at varying rates, at varying intensity, depending on how many Jews and Jewish golems are currently foaming at the mouth in that jurisdiction. For my money, you need both, like a good Russian. Apartment in the city and a dacha, and you need a shit-ton of religion, guns, and smuggling connections.

>> No.53941766

>no jobs
Imagine not working remotely in 2023, the year of our Lord.

>> No.53941784

Projecting tranny jealous of White's accomplishments and success.

>> No.53941819

Where do you think the niggers got it from? American niggers act the way they do because they adopted the white trash culture.

>> No.53941825

I feel like this only works if you:
1. Work remote
2. Make 6 figures

This way you get the salary of a city job, but the cheap prices of a rural space.

>> No.53941862

I'd basically only move to these places to retire there or as a summer home or something. My experiences with rural America basically boils down to
>the view is great
>but you are functionally in the third world

>> No.53941878

The people matter; white people will at least leave you alone to die, or whatever it is you're up to out there. Non-whites will be up in your shit within 3 weeks.

>> No.53941897

You sound like a bored suburban white youth

>> No.53941921

>The accomplishment of dying in a rundown ranch at age 76 from congestive heart failure

>> No.53942002

I've been a city dweller for two decades now. I simply do not encounter the shit most of you seem to be so scared of. Yes crime is a part of life here but you're almost guaranteed to never actually experience it yourself if you implement some basic common sense. As a general rule, criminals tend to target their own breed. Most of the crimes you read about are drug deals that went south and now the "victim" needs a story, nevermind they have zero explanation why they're out at 2AM in some weird neighborhood. To that point, you can avoid 99.99% of crime by doing two simple things
>don't talk to strangers. Most of us learned this around age 2
>don't do drugs, you're basically inviting assholes into your life

>> No.53942018


>> No.53942030

Why is this addressed to me?

>> No.53942074

If you can work remote 100%, why not move to a Thirdie city like Bangkok or something?

Get the cheapness of rural areas with all the big city amenities.

>> No.53942131

DUDE i just LOVE the hustle and bustle of the big city, it’s so DYNAMIC and makes me feel like i’m in one of my favourite TV SHOWS. you should totally come on down to my studio apartment, it’s got EXPOSED RED BRICK walls and everything, we can crack open a nice hoppy ipa or three and get crazy watching some cartoons on adult swim! and dude, dude, DUDE, we have GOTTA go down to the barcade- listen here, right, it’s a BAR where us ADULTS who do ADULTING can go DRINK. BUT!!!! it’s also an ARCADE like when we were kids, so we can play awesome VIDEO GAMES, without dumb kids bothering us. speaking of which megan and i have finally decided to tie the knot- literally -we’re both getting snipped tomorrow at the hospital, that way we can save money to spent more on ourselves and our FURBABIES. i’m fuckin JACKED man, i’m gonna SLAM this craft beer and pop open another one!!!

>> No.53942247

I bought a house for 47k£ in the countryside. I'm very happy with that decision both financially and location wise. Particularly when governments are openly discussing "nuclear positioning", I'd prefer to be positioned somewhere outside of other positions.

>> No.53942264

>I've been a city dweller for two decades now. I simply do not encounter the shit most of you seem to be so scared of. Yes crime is a part of life here but you're almost guaranteed to never actually experience it yourself
He's relaxing

>> No.53942350

This pasta never fails to get a laugh out of me

>> No.53942403


DUDE i just LOVE the hustle and bustle of the HIGHWAY BY MY HOUSE, it’s so DYNAMIC and makes me feel like i’m in one of my favourite SUBURBAN SITCOMS. you should totally come OUT AN HOUR AND A HALF to my FIVE BEDROOM HOUSE, it’s got FAKE STONE AND BRICK EXTERIOR walls SO IT LOOKS LIKE A MANSION, we can crack open a nice BUD LIGHT or three AT THE LOCAL APPLEBEES and get crazy watching some FOOTBALL on FOX! and dude, dude, DUDE, we have GOTTA go down to the MALL- listen here, right, it’s a BIG WAREHOUSE where us ADULTS who LIKE TO SHOP can go TO BUY OVERPRICED FOOD AT THE FOOD COURT. BUT!!!! it’s also a HANG OUT for KIDS, so we can SHOP with A LOT OF dumb kids bothering us. speaking of which KAREN and i have finally decided to HAVE FIVE KIDS to fill up our FIVE ROOMS and also we decided to get ANOTHER TWO DOGS. my YARD is fuckin JACKED man, i’m gonna SLAM this BUD LIGHT and pop open another one WHILE I SPEND MY WHOLE SUNDAY MOWING MY YARD!!!!

>> No.53942466 [DELETED] 
File: 133 KB, 378x378, redrabbit16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the thing. You said a 'red rabbit is a meme token.' Is it in the same family? Yes. No one's arguing that. As someone who is a gambling addict and who studies shitcoins, I am telling you, specifically, in science, no one calls red rabbit a meme token. If you want to be 'specific' like you said, then you shouldn't either. They're not the same thing. If you're saying 'meme token family' you're referring to the taxonomic grouping of erc20 cryptocurrencies with an animal logo, which includes things like shiba inu and ApeTown. So your reasoning for calling a red rabbit a meme token is because random people 'call the animal tokens meme tokens?' Let's get doge and shiba inu in there, then, too. Also, calling someone a human or an ape? It's not one or the other, that's not how taxonomy works. They're both. Red rabbit is a red rabbit and a member of the meme token family. But that's not what you said. You said red rabbit is a meme token, which is not true unless you're okay with calling all members of the meme family meme tokens, which means you'd call monero, icp, and other coins memetokens too, too. Which you said you don't. It's okay to just admit you're wrong, you know?

>> No.53942555

every once in a while, in a trailer park, you hear an old man missing teeth stomping outside a slammed screen door, ashy long hair, dark blue jeans with a little rag-n-torn scruff. usually no shirt since wife beaters aren't trailer park effay anymore and nothing else can fit that bill.
he's usually upset at an animal, or family asking for money, sometimes it's his old lady "losing" (most likely actually) the drugs.

those are homes where a crack pipe can be found at any day, on at least one corner.

>> No.53942687 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 444x251, redrabbit2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The year is 2035, you enter your local 7/11 to buy yourself a g fuel before your shift in the local crypto mine. The android working the counter says they only accept Red Rabbit token. You pull out your phone, draw a stick man in less than five seconds on a yellow back ground and then sell it as an NFT. From the sell you make 6 Red Rabbit token, about 5 million dollars in old world money. You go to buy the drink only to find out that from the time you closed your phone to the time you talked to the cashier the coins had dropped in value to only 3 dollars per coin and you now owe at least 10 Red Rabbit token to the robot for the gamer fuel. You leave the store, frustrated, and drive off in your Tesla

>> No.53942904 [DELETED] 
File: 169 KB, 419x543, redrabbit1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Red Rabbit token. Its future applications are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of computing and economics most of its possible functions will go over a typical investor’s head. There’s also Sitoshis’s free market outlook, which is deftly woven into his creation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Robert Malthus, for instance.The shills understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of this coin, to realise that it is not just speculation - it says something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Red Rabbit token truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the brilliance in Jacobs’s brilliant programming method. Blockchain, which itself is a cryptic reference to Haber and Stornetta's Merkle trees. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as our lord and savior's genius wit unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them. And yes, by the way, i DO have a Red Rabbit token tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

>> No.53942907


>> No.53943562 [DELETED] 
File: 621 KB, 768x768, redrabbit12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Samantha woke up on the wrong side of the bed, feeling like the universe was out to get her. She couldn't find her car keys, and when she finally did, she got stuck in traffic with a bunch of wankers who had no idea how to drive. She made it to the restaurant to meet her best friend, but realized she left her phone on the table like a dolt. As she was walking home, feeling like a hot mess, she stumbled upon a poster for some new crypto token called Red Rabbit. 'Why not?' she thought, 'I've already had a day from hell.'She invested a few bucks and forgot about it, assuming it was just another internet scam. But a few days later, she got an email saying that her Red Rabbit investment had exploded in value. 'Holy cow, I'm rich!' she exclaimed, feeling like she had just won the lottery. Samantha couldn't believe that her bad luck had finally turned around. She laughed at the universe's futile attempts to bring her down. 'Ha! Nice try, you sneaky devil,' she chuckled, feeling like a badass.She realized that sometimes, life can be a real pain in the arse, but taking a chance can pay off big time. 'Who knows what kind of other ridiculous opportunities are out there,' she mused, feeling like the world was her oyster.Samantha happily went on to spend her newfound riches on frivolous stuff like unicorn slippers and a pink flamingo pool float. She may have had a rough day, but she came out on top, and that's all that really matters, isn't it?

>> No.53943650
File: 363 KB, 1024x576, 72711EC5-1DB8-4744-A940-ABA54AE3F6CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my region is not cheaper per say. But it’s prettier and quieter. I assume that’s the case in a lot of places. A lot of them live like places that are hours from the city. But in reality pic related is only 20 minutes to the city and remote work is very real for college grads. My cousin only goes to the office once a week.

>> No.53943660
File: 133 KB, 1080x1015, 1677528081575874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ck is Saudi Arabia, UAE, Norway, Canada and Australia
And what about nigeria, and all the african nations with oil? The south american nations with oil? Its not some cheat code to prosperity to have a ton of resources. Plus Saudis and Norway both converted that resource money into investments into the meme tech companies like uber.
This. Its some carryover from pol where people want to pretend commodities give money value and rubles are going to become the dominant currency worldwide because of russians oil/gas.

>> No.53943695

A million bucks don’t get you much in the city as far as houses go. It gets you a small house in a bad neighborhood.

>> No.53943697
File: 1.60 MB, 480x854, walkable_cities.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ancient Romans didn't have to share their cities with Basketball Americans and Pablos and Changs and Pajeets and Mohammeds and God knows what other kinds of mystery meat ethnicities. I don't think their cities had massive amounts of pollution and vehicle emissions either.

>> No.53943704
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>> No.53943715

Imagine not being your own boss and caring about wages.

>> No.53943740

>kinds of mystery meat ethnicities
If you move to the rural area you will find that whites are just as violent and prone to crime.

>> No.53943760


>> No.53943787
File: 584 KB, 2048x1024, CXxWDwBVAAAA2KQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're literally not you retarded shitskin nigger.

>> No.53943807

>crime didnt exist before blacks moved here
Come on dude really? Just go to oklahoma for a while and youd see its white robbing people for more meth money. These rural places are dumps.

>> No.53943810
File: 102 KB, 600x600, 1873847283483829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather live on a farm than a shithole infested with crackheads and traffic.

>> No.53943815

>they will always be bustling with activity
just like detroit?

>> No.53943823

isnt that sad. they got a free boat ride into the new world, food and education for generations amd thats how they pay it back. shame on blackis, they dont matter!

>> No.53943826

People underestimate how retarded people in small rural towns are. You're not going to find many like minded anons that just want cheap land and a quiet life. I took my nephew to the playground in a rural town recently and all the parents literally looked like juggalos. Crazy dreads, dyed hair, piercings, neck tats, guages, etc. Felt like the aesthetics of city liberalism had made its way to this town, but after like 6 rounds of telephone. If that makes any sense.

>> No.53943828

Too bad its both. All the rural places have a ton of homeless and druggies too.

>> No.53943842

not being able to conceptualize averages is a hallmark sign of low IQ. Am I saying there are zero white people who commit crimes? No I'm saying that on average you're way more likely to get mugged/raped/killed by a nigger than a white person, and it's in my best interest to stay as away from them as possible. Anyone who is not a drooling retard understands this, even dumb people know instinctually that you don't relax around niggers. Only you faggots who have grown up brainwashed by mainstream media think that niggers are le heckin opressed minority who dindu nuffin wrong

>> No.53943869

I understand averages bud. I didnt dispute that. I dispute that whites are some peaceful rural countryside people like in a movie. It doesnt exist. The country side is a wasteland often and people arent all super friendly and know each other and meet up at church for the picnic. Its not real.
Is correct. The whites in the countryside arent based or trad in anyway. Theyre degenerate but with just a different taste of it than city types. The people that want to pretend the rural life is some bastion of white trad people are going to be disappointed when they move there and see white divorced nurses with tattoos and a half black kid.

>> No.53943889

>muh heckin niggerinos
have you tried not being poor? it's easy to avoid niggers. you just make more money and move to a white neighborhood.

>> No.53943947

>neck tats
Right? What the actual fuck. Literal boomer women with neck tats and full leg tattoos just roaming the once impressive main streets of solid stone with five story brick buildings, built by like the Numenorians, or whatever, in a mythical past age before they even had internal combustion tractors and vehicles.

>> No.53943950

work on your reading comprehension retard. I was saying exactly that and there's a retard above you arguing that muh rural white people are just as violent as niggers

>> No.53944007

>should not cost more than $30k
that's a real midwit take anon

>> No.53944091

> Numenorians
This anon understands mudflood

>> No.53944093

It reduces your need for money.
>b-b-but the jobs are bad!!
be self employed or work online

>> No.53944240

Some people are able to transfer or work from home and make the same salary.

>> No.53944264

>unwalkable cities
We invented the automobile. Only poorfags walk miles a day.

>> No.53944291

People who work from home, retard

>> No.53944303

i wfh
>lose wfh job
>can't find another

>> No.53944305

One way you save money is by filing for greenbelt status, that way you only pay property tax on an appraised value of the land you live on and not the house. So I pay a little less than $1000 in property tax a year on my 4/2 home on 20 acres. Also, I'm on a well so I don't pay water bills and the energy cost from the pump is virtually nonexistent; but you can have a well built in some HOA neighborhoods in a big city as I've seen, so it's not unique to rural. I feed 20 hens with a $17 bag of feed that I have to buy once every other month if that; and hey free range the property so they get a lot of their food from foraging. In exchange I'm getting about 10 eggs a day. Which more than makes up for the feed costs, especially these days. Again, HOAs may not allow you to keep chickens. Honestly the real savings is the freedom of living on unrestricted land where you don't have to ask for permission or a permit to live your life or build what you want; yes that means you can live next to a literal hoarder dump, but luckily thats not the case for me; all my neighbors are pilots, retired DoD, etc.

>> No.53944309
File: 2.72 MB, 1280x720, 1663105032182921.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>akschually eating rats is heckin diverse
>i'm so glad there are hordes of goblins infesting my city so I get to try rat meat
Die in a gutter

>> No.53944318

You must suck at your job then, retard
Also, as another anon said, don't move too far. A 1 hour drive is more than enough to live a comfy life.

>> No.53944337

I thought shit like that only happened in china

>> No.53944369

Rural retards shouldn't recommend this shit to anyone. Just circlejerk on your farm retards

>> No.53944380

I don't get the controversy, I don't care if people live rural or in the city. Those of us out in the country aren't excommunicated from society, if we want to go to a city we just drive an hour. Fortunately I get to choose when I want to drive to a city, instead of being forcibly made to commute for an hour while also living in one. Either way you're driving an hour. People in the city live half of their life sitting in a car in traffic, I would know, I lived in Miami for 30 years.

>> No.53944391

>I thought I wanted to be around fellow Trump supporting redstaters, but I'd rather go back to having blacks and trannies around.
This is why God created all white suburbs, so you don't have to be around either. Just make sure your metro area isn't planning on moving blacks into your suburb on taxpayer dollars.

>> No.53944555

The suburbs I grew up in are priced out to everyone but Californians and New Yorkers.

I wasn't going to hang out and have 3 sets of rent doubled, so I had to pick up and go. I gotta look at the positive. Probably would've been pushed out of business if I didn't literally head for the hills.

The sun is shining today. Snow should be done for the season. I'm gonna stop wallowing in negativity and just do me, regardless of the race of juggalos I live amongst.

>> No.53944614

Your parents didn't keep you in the suburb you grew up in?

>> No.53944704

Hello /n/imbys you seem to be on the wrong board.
>>>>>>>/n/ iggers are that way.

>> No.53944808

>You ever met an African? They are nothing like niggers.
Tell that to all the white farmers in South Africa

>> No.53944923

>Pic related should not cost more than $30k
That's a double wide, my dude.

>> No.53944950
File: 88 KB, 800x609, 1613194154279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of that shit applies to me and I live in a city.
I'm also from rural Canada and guess what faggot? It sucks there too.

>> No.53944965

>Being from the southwest idk if you east coast fags actually know what a lot of minorities looks like.
White people are the minorities my guy.
I also live around blacks.

>> No.53944991

It's called living in a suburb outside a city. You commute to work 20 minutes in the city and still enjoy the comfy nigger free zone and cheap prices near the rural.

>> No.53945007

Absolutely NGMI

>> No.53945021

>Learn from my experience bros.
You're a dumb fat hick?

>> No.53945027

No one cares about race as much as people on 4chan, that makes me think you're Eastern European trash.

>> No.53945043

>Where do you come from that's so superior?
Literally every other place is advancing better than the USA, it's not the 80s anymore, the world isn't war torn.

>> No.53945048
File: 58 KB, 720x507, 1627739448016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're bored fishing for yous (dopamine junky)
Yet here you are, on 4chan, making posts.
>and a little insecure about your national identity.
No one is insecure but little white boys like you.
Stop projecting.

>> No.53945317

Farming is the most noble pursuit in the Roman tradition. Aristocrats literally defined their status through land ownership. Cope harder

>> No.53945326

Man I LOVE the hustle and bustle of the big city

>> No.53945327

From my observations most just move into suburbs near the city where they worked before. Still more people leave desolate shitholes, even engineers

>> No.53945335

>"We can't feed ourselves by cutting one another's hair"
>t. Gerhard Schröder, former chancellor of Germany
Think about this quote a little, anon.

>> No.53945414
File: 72 KB, 892x720, Screenshot_20230304-130950_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude literally just made 7 posts in 15 minutes (you)ing a bunch of anons that had a-b chains of conversation 24 hours ago with snarky nonsense. What the fuck?

>> No.53945449

Just flyover cope. Their idea of "wealth" is barely middle class in any major city. They literally have no frame of reference for what real success looks like.

>> No.53945634

Detroit is dead like any redneck town

>> No.53946227

>bustling with activity
I don't want that outside my house at 3 am. I will go to the bustling then return home to be away from it.

>> No.53946267
File: 1.35 MB, 684x2134, 1675449038727426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modern automotive design of LE EPIC BIG GRILL combined with high belt lines with slits for windows to make Karen feel safe has reduced visibility. That white cuckover didn't see the man due to a massive fucking A pillar and that suburban has a 5 foot tall hood line so the driver was unaware of the unconscious body she just turned into a dead body. Only the two vans with sloping hoods saw the corpse and stopped.

>> No.53946705

((They)) want us in the N- and homo infested cities

>> No.53946720
File: 244 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many of the hours where you don't sleep or work are spent in a car?

If I was American I'd either live very urban if there was enough career benefits, or look for smaller cities where I could ride a bike from one end to the other in less than an hour, but has some economic activity besides retail and more than 3 bars that I could get home from by foot. Question is if the latter exists?

pic related is my home town in Sweden

>> No.53946850

>Come on dude really?
Go back redditfaggot.
>but bro we're all the same dude!

>> No.53946954
File: 184 KB, 600x600, Soytrans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must hate yourself more than you can imagine.
No civilization will eat rodents unless there is an apocalypse or Famine.
You will never be a woman

>> No.53947165

Do you not own a car? Just drive 30 min.
>but my city doesn't have affordable housing that close
Get a new city. They all have wagie jobs.

>> No.53947467

>lose job
>industry decides it no longer wants to do work from home
>never get hired to a wfh job again because hiring is fucked
Only thing that keeps me from biting the bullet.

>> No.53947955

Day of the Rope for boomers

>> No.53948252

The flex is he can go outside and not even worry about it you gigantic faggot

>it’s actually more like a Guinea pig than a eat and here’s what they call it in some third world shithole, so it’s actually diverse and boosts my iq!
The state of denial of city scum is unbelievable

>> No.53948356

America in the year 2023, ladies and gentlemen

>> No.53948391


>> No.53948436

>could ride a bike
I'm not saying this to start a 50 post flame war, but here bikes are for fags, drunks, and children in the US. It's just the psychology of it here. I understand it normal in Europe. I actually respect that.

You simply cannot hop on a bike without either a spandex suit, a green coat and backpack that you got in Nam, or your baseball bat and glove. You have to fit one of those three archetypes or people will provable just literally run you over.

>> No.53948465

i think they're talking about when you make it. in some rural middle of nowhere shack, you can probably live the rest of your life on $1m.

>> No.53948475

Is he okay?

>> No.53948588

Gonna need a bandaid on the fucking exploded face. Never would've happened if he was wearing a mask tbhfam

>> No.53948625

Thats why you take nothing for granted in road traffic, especially as a pedestrian or cyclist
Always look if people see you, even if you are in the right

>> No.53948670

The value of money is not a number, it's what you get for the money. Wage slave wages are generally about 15-20% higher in metropolitan areas but the cost of living will be at least double and up to 5 times higher than in a rural area. So frequently taking a 20% pay cut can easily net a 200-500% higher standard of living.

If you have no real skill set or some useless "studies" degree, you're pretty much doomed to living in some city ghetto where there's a market for unskilled labor.

>> No.53948862

That actually sounds great. I want that. I don't want the other one with the barcade and the shitty beers and the no reason for living that ends being stabbed at night for a few bucks.

>> No.53950147
File: 1.22 MB, 1935x1262, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are describing every flagship college town in the US. Any town with a major research university has precisely these things.
That said my metropolitan area has 2 million people and it takes me 15 minutes to drive to work or 30-40 minutes to take a bike trail that runs through parks and under all the road intersections

>> No.53950296
File: 29 KB, 724x719, 1662879094054592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I thought I wanted to be around fellow Trump supporting redstaters, but I'd rather go back to having blacks and trannies around.
>You'd think, meh... that's fine. A least everyone will be a white hard working man, with proud wife and kids.

After temporarily working as a blue collar tradie surrounded by these types of people I was eventually forced to take this unfortunate black pill. I voted Trump twice, I consider myself a man of the right, but Trump's base is arguably just as insufferable as urbanites by their own right. They can be dumb, fat, form shitty neighborhoods (however the still have lower violent crime rates than black ones), when I drove through Charleston WV a month ago my God it was a dump, they obsess about niggers just as much as leftist albiet via sports ball and not BLM.

Really, I was forced to reluctantly accept that the only thing I have in common with these people is their innate aversion to mass migration and trannies giving """educational lessons""". Past that, not much.

A happy balance is suburbia - if you can get past the unaesthetic cookie cutter house and neighborhood designs.

>> No.53950389

>No one cares about race as much as people on 4chan

Mass white flight says otherwise