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53935762 No.53935762 [Reply] [Original]

Why does crypto cause so much seethe from the big tech programmer crowd?

>> No.53936061

Have you seen how crypto is programmed? It's nothing but the worst optimized code possible in the worst languages possible with the worst ideas possible (requiring workstation-tier GPUs to keep the network alive for rewards, what fucking happens the rewards stop and there's nobody to keep the network alive?)

>> No.53936125

you become straight

>> No.53938065

Kek, source?

>> No.53938453

but literally all of that is true OP

>> No.53938468
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>> No.53938475

Bitcoin miners will be the bond market by 2050.

>> No.53938490

99.9% of them are just retards that missed the train and can't cope with it.
Imagine being a techbro, with all the knowledge in the world to buy/mine BTC in 2010 to 2012, ETH in 2015 to 2017, and many other cryptos, and missing all those opportunities. I'd be seething hard too.
The other 0.1% are just mentally retarded liberals that think that crypto is harmful to the world.

>> No.53938515

>worst optimized code

I agree that 99% is a scam, but there's even scammers in the space who do interesting things. E.g. I've never held any of Andre Cronje's projects coins, but I've read his papers and it's pretty interesting. Similarly with the Libre/Diem paper. Distributed networks were a thing already before crypto and this space just pumped some money into it.

>> No.53938566

imagine designing and building the brass bull. that is the definitive programmer experience

>> No.53938712

Because crypto isn't really a technical innovation, its only perceived as one. Decentralized systems are actually a social, financial, and political innovation. They are implemented with tech like blockchain where the use case is novel but the actual underlying data structures and algorithms are pretty old. If you approach crypto from a programmer perspective thinking its hip and cool tech and then see its 80s level bullshit, then you are going to be disappointed and not get it. You have to approach from the social perspective to truly understand how decentralized protocols can disrupt the entire financial system and centralized governments over the next century. A lot of technical autists can comprehend that.

>> No.53938723
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>ecological impact

>> No.53938841

>t's nothing but the worst optimized code possible
have you seen solidity contracts but instead of solidity they're written in assembly?
you have no idea what you're talking about lol

>> No.53938865

i find it funny that the trannoid tried to take a swing on crypto devs but ended up choosing one of the most sought after aspects in EVM language coding, which consists the bulk of what crypto companies pay for to be written
he just outed himself as a complete fucking midwit, as crypto code is now so fucking optimized it becomes near unreadable

tranny json "coder" loses again
better luck next time trannoid faggot

>> No.53938894

Most programmers are brainlets who think they are incredibly smart.

>> No.53938901
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>Likely with a disastrous ecological impact
Sign me up

>> No.53938910

correct but only bitcoin is relevant

>> No.53939194
File: 188 KB, 1076x1450, 2023-03-04T16:33:33,314700868-08:00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why does crypto cause so much seethe from the big tech programmer crowd?
It's just the faggots that are crying. They cry very loudly, so it makes it harder to notice the guys working quietly.

>Most programmers are brainlets who think they are incredibly smart.
I wish I were smarter. Programming can be a very humbling experience. I've been dipping my toes into d3.js for drawing charts for my trading bot, and when I look at what people have built with d3.js, I feel the gap between their intelligence and creativity and mine.

>> No.53939223

Because people who are tech-savvy and have moral compas understand that crypto is scam and don't want to have anything to do with it. I'm not talking about Blockchain. This way to store data is used in some cases. I'm talking about your scam tokens traded on Binance.

>> No.53939245
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People that are tech savvy understand that crypto is short for cryptography and has been around for decades.

>> No.53939252

crypto on this board is used to reference collectiple tokens, not cryptography.

>> No.53939258

creating a directionality score that grows from short lengths to long. just a hunch

>> No.53939334

Define "directionality" for me. I'm guessing you have algorithmic trading ideas of your own and want to drop me hints. The screenshot I posted was of a long-only strategy that uses RSI divergence + Hull MAs for support and resistance.

>> No.53939336

They are also the biggest proponents. Which is why in the long run, only BTC will fair well, and that, will never pass the market cap of gold. Devs are the the only people interested in use case, while the rest of the world checks their front door 5 times to make sure it is locked. Crypto bros fail to understand how fucking stupid the rest of the world is, and crypto just doesn't make the cut when it comes to retards. Wall Street kikes won't buy into something unless they can co trolling the major share in it. Since they were too late to BTC, is shall forever remIn in the shadow of the kike.

>> No.53939348

hull mas are good as are bband breakouts

>> No.53939388

>They are also the biggest proponents.
Blockchain tech is doing well in IT where it makes sense to use it. The funny part is that companies use their own private networks whcih have nothing to do with your collectible BTC or other tokens.

>> No.53939400
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two ways of ranking directionality of emas across a spectrum (1-1440)

>> No.53939401

As a financial trading instrument, crypto is so programmer friendly, because all the exchanges from the very first one (mtgox) have had free and decently documented APIs. I would never have gotten into algorithmic trading without crypto.

I love Hull MAs so much. They hug the price so well. As for bband breakouts, I need to study that more. I currently use bbands more as an aid to help me find local lows and highs which I then use for divergence detection.

>> No.53939419

underworld hunter is a great script

>> No.53939435

That's a close minded thing to say.

>> No.53939469

nope it's not. 100% of stuff here is worthless pump n dump shit. Tech from some of the crypto posted on /biz/ is indeed used by corporations, but it has nothing to do with crypto tokens traded on exchanges.

>> No.53939482

When you say "directionality", are you talking about trends? Do you use directionality scores for identifying trend reversals? Also, are you really trading against 10s charts? I've never looked at a sub-minute chart before.

>underworld hunter
Thanks for the tip. I will look into it.

No, he's just being real. Very few people are talking about cryptography here.

>> No.53939656

I think one reason is that it's a fundamentally different approach to technology and finance. With the increasing rise of Quantum computers which pose a major threat to traditional encryption and platforms like QanPlatform focus on quantum-resistant encryption and distributed ledger technology, that's some next-level stuff that could really disrupt the status quo, and I think that's why some programmers might feel a bit uneasy about it.

>> No.53939688

literal directionality [0] and [1] step lines +-1 for a given length. i have a good bot that works on 10s yes. no such thing as noise imo but thats a whole nother can of worms

>> No.53939712

Ask the cucks on >>>/g/

>> No.53939715


This is maybe the file it's referencing, but I haven't been able to find the angry pull request.

>> No.53939778

moderately high to genius iq

>> No.53939803

All them IQ points barely doing them any good. They saw it coming but didn't connect enough dots.

>> No.53940222

I have nothing but disdain for programmers except for the 0.1% that can actually make useful shit like chatgpt, autocad, unreal engine, the libraries or blender.
The rest do impotent coping with the fact that they're mediocre and flaunt the fact their programmers like it means anything.