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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 122 KB, 1172x713, YWNrcy0xLnBuZw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53932559 No.53932559 [Reply] [Original]

I can't sleep, friends. The gains ahead for Link are astronomical. We are not talking months or years, but days ahead. How can I go live a normal life knowing what is coming? How can I go to work, do a job, watch shows. There is simply no way to prepare.

>> No.53932583

Figure out a bulletproof way to ensure you don't lose your keys or have them beat out of you, and also so that if you're killed they won't be lost for your family

>> No.53932644
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Why isn't it TONIGHT?

>> No.53932647

what do you know?
but is this enough?

>> No.53932651

Remember when staking your tokens for more tokens was going to be the singularity?

>> No.53932672
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ok plebbitor

>> No.53933187

>We are not talking months or years, but days ahead.
Source; my ASS!

>> No.53933197

haha the cuckolds changed the narrative

Staking never mattered now lol

>> No.53933389

Please thank your ass on my behalf. I always appreciate nice hopium.

>> No.53933551
File: 229 KB, 891x1024, 2E8EE8B4-8738-43E6-81D2-D8160DF9BAB0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say ass?

>> No.53933728

Please Ser give hopium why days

>> No.53933743

linkniggers actually believe this


>> No.53933757

Youre a 7 dollar stable coin and the market will continue crashing to keep this the norm.

>> No.53934041
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Just 2 more weeks marines

>> No.53934109
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>its real

>> No.53934442
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exercise, take care of yourself, eat well, feel good, do something you enjoy, sleep good. get in the fucking zone. you want all of your juices flowing for when it pumps. you want the blood to be able to circulate to your brain and to your dick effectively. that way when your net worth goes up 10x in a week and you fap your fap as a rich man will be 10x better than before too. your smile will have more radiance behind it. each breath you take will energize you rather than exasperate you. YOU WILL FEEL PROSPEROUS. YOU WILL FEEL HAPPY. YOU WILL FEEL WEALTHY. YOU WILL FEEL WISE. AND YES YOU WILL COOM AGAIN. YOU ARE A MANIAC


>> No.53934447


>> No.53934519

This fud made my buy 1000 link. I’ve never owned one link before. Something tingly in my balls told me to do so.

>> No.53934568


remember when ETH ran from $7 to $1,000 in 2017, starting in March of 2017?

LINK's turn. Surreal to see it.

>> No.53934627

Wtf is go chainlink?

>> No.53934971

>think, huh wow was thag bull run already 3 years ago
>2017 was 6 fucking years ago
>zyzz has been dead for 13 years

>> No.53935165


the hell is this?

>> No.53935205

When base joined the scale program I felt that down in my plums too. Felt really comfy all of a sudden like I’d just had a couple of beers

>> No.53935300


>> No.53935314

The only thing I can think of is them rebranding DECO to something else.

>> No.53935346
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march 14. nice.

>> No.53935394
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>> No.53935415
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>> No.53935493


Pi u say? Even the ugly Niggas gonna get QT3.14’s on the yacht party.

We will be checking id’s. Bulgarians will end up “pirates” whom we had to defend the yacht of riches from. Security will be checking for gaping wounds imbetween passengers legs. Colt 45 all you can drink for our Nigro brethrens. Almost time.

>> No.53935717


>> No.53936298


>> No.53936578

Do we know how long those sites have been up for?

>> No.53936616

Did anyone else try BigMac777 as the password? I thought I was in with a chance.

>> No.53936714
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>> No.53936773
File: 380 KB, 960x1280, A223EB0C-F929-46D5-AA4E-1728B5A9A998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can feel the crescendo building anon.

>> No.53936793

large if factual

>> No.53936802

I dont even know if these threads ar sarcastic or not anymore

>> No.53936813


>> No.53936905

it's over. they're too polite to call it worthless

>> No.53937953

Tried mylinkiesstaysuperstinky1000eoy too didnt work

>> No.53938305
File: 40 KB, 550x535, 1660313569056605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright, so it can be one of these things, or some of these things, but it can't be ALL of these things

>> No.53938387

Chainlink is already programmed entirely in Go. The fact that people own so much of it and know nothing about it is just stunning.
But that said, Google has already confirmed to be using Chainlink Functions, and go.chain.link is Swift Go.

>> No.53939703

They think GOOOOOOOOOOOOO is just a coincidence.

>> No.53939795

hugely bullish for XRP (but not chainlink)

>> No.53939992

Why is XRP replacing human blood for settlement. Elites only settle in human blood preferably Christian. As an XRP Schizo you should know this.

>> No.53940448

If anything of this size was actually happening insiders would be buying the fuck out of LINK and we would be seeing a meteoric rise already in play.

It went from $20 to $40 off white paper 2 insider trading and that was a nothing burger.

>> No.53940556

chainlink's volume is massive and its been in an accumulation range for like 320 days, insiders and whales ARE accumulating, despite the narrative of the fud on biz chainlink's price action has been more sideways for a long time now compared to many other crypto's that have dumped more

>> No.53940587

This kind of unbridled optimistism can mean only one thing: you've started reading the Bible again. That's great news! I always believed you could overcome your wicked ways and stop pretending you were a lady. Congrats, seriously.

>> No.53940860


>> No.53941244

I tried with Sirgay and it didn't work...

>> No.53941264

What did your Tarot Cards tell you?

>> No.53941267

glad you're still here you cute little bean picker

>> No.53941286
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>> No.53941297
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>> No.53941300

Screencap this post, and check the Link price on April 1st, May 1st, and June 1st. Then you will see why I was so enthusiastic.

>> No.53941979

Checked but retarded

>> No.53942180

Why do you think they have been fudding here since 2018

They want YOUR linkies

>> No.53942563 [DELETED] 
File: 62 KB, 528x216, redrabbit15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to creep around my home and act like a red rabbit I don’t know why but I just enjoy doing this. Maybe it’s my way of dealing with stress or something but I just do it about once every week. Generally I’ll carry around a sack and creep around in a sort of crouch-hopping position making nibbling noises, then I’ll walk around my house and pick up various different 'trinkets' and put them in my bag while saying stuff like 'i am financially hippity hopped' and laughing maniacally in my bugs bunny voice ('trinkets' can include anything from shit I find on the ground to cutlery or other utensils). The other day I was talking with my neighbours and they mentioned hearing weird noises like what I wrote about and I was just internally screaming the entire conversation. I’m 99% sure they don’t know it’s me but god that 1% chance is seriously weighing on my mind.

>> No.53942780 [DELETED] 
File: 133 KB, 378x378, redrabbit16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the thing. You said a 'red rabbit is a meme token.' Is it in the same family? Yes. No one's arguing that. As someone who is a gambling addict and who studies shitcoins, I am telling you, specifically, in science, no one calls red rabbit a meme token. If you want to be 'specific' like you said, then you shouldn't either. They're not the same thing. If you're saying 'meme token family' you're referring to the taxonomic grouping of erc20 cryptocurrencies with an animal logo, which includes things like shiba inu and ApeTown. So your reasoning for calling a red rabbit a meme token is because random people 'call the animal tokens meme tokens?' Let's get doge and shiba inu in there, then, too. Also, calling someone a human or an ape? It's not one or the other, that's not how taxonomy works. They're both. Red rabbit is a red rabbit and a member of the meme token family. But that's not what you said. You said red rabbit is a meme token, which is not true unless you're okay with calling all members of the meme family meme tokens, which means you'd call monero, icp, and other coins memetokens too, too. Which you said you don't. It's okay to just admit you're wrong, you know?

>> No.53942963 [DELETED] 
File: 621 KB, 768x768, redrabbit12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Samantha woke up on the wrong side of the bed, feeling like the universe was out to get her. She couldn't find her car keys, and when she finally did, she got stuck in traffic with a bunch of wankers who had no idea how to drive. She made it to the restaurant to meet her best friend, but realized she left her phone on the table like a dolt. As she was walking home, feeling like a hot mess, she stumbled upon a poster for some new crypto token called Red Rabbit. 'Why not?' she thought, 'I've already had a day from hell.'She invested a few bucks and forgot about it, assuming it was just another internet scam. But a few days later, she got an email saying that her Red Rabbit investment had exploded in value. 'Holy cow, I'm rich!' she exclaimed, feeling like she had just won the lottery. Samantha couldn't believe that her bad luck had finally turned around. She laughed at the universe's futile attempts to bring her down. 'Ha! Nice try, you sneaky devil,' she chuckled, feeling like a badass.She realized that sometimes, life can be a real pain in the arse, but taking a chance can pay off big time. 'Who knows what kind of other ridiculous opportunities are out there,' she mused, feeling like the world was her oyster.Samantha happily went on to spend her newfound riches on frivolous stuff like unicorn slippers and a pink flamingo pool float. She may have had a rough day, but she came out on top, and that's all that really matters, isn't it?

>> No.53943243

Look at the price in 3 months
We are not talking weeks or months

>> No.53943322


>> No.53943351
File: 32 KB, 678x452, images (20).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's happening?

>> No.53943375

>be patient anon
>the team have their own schedules to maintain
I don't get it. Why are there so many LINK threads. Dozens of shill and fud threads. Zero price action. Lots to get excited about zero market reaction. Why am I even here?

>> No.53943471
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I can't tell if you are agreeing or disagreeing. what are you saying exactly?

>> No.53943498 [DELETED] 
File: 499 KB, 1000x1000, redrabbit13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bob is a man who still lives in his mom's basement. Bob spends his days playing video games, watching anime, and eating Cheetos. He has no job, no girlfriend, and no life. One day, while taking out the trash, Bob notices a stray cat meowing at him. He tries to shoo it away, but the cat keeps following him, leading him to a dirty alleyway. Bob reluctantly follows the cat, thinking it's probably leading him to some sort of crack den.But instead, the cat leads Bob to a filthy bulletin board covered in advertisements. One in particular catches Bob's eye: Red Rabbit token. 'What the hell is this?' he mutters, reading the ad. Bob decides to take a chance and invests all of his mom's money in Red Rabbit. He doesn't know anything about crypto, but he figures it's better than sitting on his arse all day. To his surprise, Red Rabbit takes off like a rocket, making Bob filthy rich. Bob can't believe his luck. He goes out and buys a flashy car, a mansion, and a whole lot of hookers and blow. He's living the life of a rock star, and he loves it. But Bob soon realizes that money can't buy happiness. He misses playing video games in his mom's basement and eating Cheetos. He's lonely and bored, despite his riches. In the end, Bob realizes that he was happier before Red Rabbit came into his life. He sells all his belongings and goes back to his mom's basement, where he resumes his life of video games and Cheetos. But now, he's got a little extra cash to spend on his guilty pleasures. Lesson learned: sometimes, the most unexpected things can change your life. But in the end, it's the simple things that make you happy. And also, don't follow stray cats into alleys. You never know what kind of mess you'll get yourself into.

>> No.53944097

Am I correct to say the integrations changed? According to me; it only used to be a CCIP integration…

>> No.53944656
File: 150 KB, 750x1000, Nazrathhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are. Go.chain.link will be bigger then we suspected.

Go will be the enterprise stack.

>> No.53944679

>Why am I even here?
you hit the nail on the head. biz is a place to discover new coins and thats it. if youre coming here to get financial advice on coins from 2017 then youre a dumbass. biz shilling and fudding has less than 1% of an effect on the market

>> No.53944697

you ppl still wagecuck?
holy crap
i joined this place in late 2020 and i made it flipping coins and selling in 2022
why would you hold a ponzi token from fat guy for 5+ years lol

>> No.53944837

Wait, are these new or something?

>> No.53945244
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>> No.53945250

And is this new?

>> No.53945339
File: 338 KB, 1117x569, Screenshot 2023-03-06 010704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw an article on their site dating it to at least Oct 2021.

>> No.53945429
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>Live since July 2021
right after sirgay gigadumped us at $50

>> No.53945454

>Sergey gigadumped BTC

>> No.53945469
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>> No.53945510
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Thanks for the inspiration, king

>> No.53945536

this is a CLL employee trying to change sentiment among holders. Fuck you faggot. The only thing you people release is test nets and white papers

>> No.53945765
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>> No.53945818

OP what's your price prediction? 10x 100x 1000x?

>> No.53945941

In my opinion athleast $1000 eoy is pretty much guaranteed at this point

>> No.53945964

sorry meant to say atleast

>> No.53946174
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>$1000 eoy

>> No.53946196

I'm nofapping until LINK gets to $1000 eoy.

>> No.53946207

wow a hecking login form that every bootcamp attendee makes on week one

1k eoy!

>> No.53946208

>six dollars and ninety-six cents

>> No.53946236

so we're quite early if we're going to 1000

>> No.53946360
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this and based

>> No.53946448

Sergey dumped 10 million tokens several days ago, of course it's not mooning retard.

>> No.53946468


>> No.53946490

The fud made my buy my first 1000 linkies, what am I in for?

>> No.53946619

If true then you're a lucky anon. Things are about to get silly. Just make sure you stake those when the community pool opens up to more staking. Welcome to the community and make sure to laugh at the desperate fudders!

>> No.53946634
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>> No.53946712

>Just make sure you stake those when the community pool opens up to more staking
he doesn't know...

>> No.53946725
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>> No.53946775

>he doesn't know...
That's why I'm telling him?

>> No.53946840

a-anon... community pool won't be reopened

>> No.53946870

Checked and screen capped.
Why do you hope when there is none. On a daily basis i deal with psychological pain which most people would commit suicide over and this pain is now starting to manifest as physical pain. What I’ve been through the last 6 years is nothing short of a clown world night mare dystopian reality. How do you know Anon, I’m so tired.

>> No.53946999
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>> No.53947044

urlscan.io shows:
ccip.chain.link - 2023-02-20
go.chain.link - 2022-06-22

>> No.53947529

pool's closed.

>> No.53948570


>> No.53948633

>what am I in for?

>> No.53948724

Will the price somehow communicate that OP is a faggot? That would be quite the trick

>> No.53948770
File: 61 KB, 661x752, go.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go.chain.link has old presentations and coverage indexed. It is going to be a media portal, you speds are in for disappointment.

>> No.53948779

It’s over

>> No.53948783

its ogre

>> No.53948802

The SWIFT Transaction Manager has nothing to do with CCIP at this stage/year fella

>> No.53948935



Check em, faggots.

It's just a wiki lmfao

>> No.53949024

wtf bros you tricked me this has nothing to do with swift

>> No.53949334

I want to buy more but binance has buckled to the NWO and wants me to verify my address. They are going to give my address to Klaus aren't they

>> No.53949379

You should be thrilled. Klaus will see to it all the streets in your village are paved and you'll finally get to stop shitting in the dirt. Progress.

>> No.53949441

>Will the price somehow communicate that OP is a faggot? That would be quite the trick
that's implied

>> No.53949456




>> No.53949593

what tool did you use?
whatabout ccip.chain.link?

>> No.53949766
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I wanna believe, but all it ever does is drop. Never any substantial pumps like any other crypto. I'm sorry OP but I don't believe you.

>> No.53949820
File: 66 KB, 1113x547, cached.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in google
Additional thing of interest for digging, Use cached to see the previous crawled version. In this case not interesting, but it can be. Can also use waybackmachine to find older version if indexed.

>> No.53951797

whenever i feel bad about chainlink, i just listen to this song


we're all gonna make it guys

>> No.53951852

What this mean

>> No.53951855

Well I guess a lot of platforms are setting up themselves for future gains and focusing on development. Another I spotted is Sylo and I picture adoption going up after its root network integration is complete.

>> No.53951891

I watch this instead


>> No.53951903

>wants me to verify my address

Here we go again, doubt if binance really gives a fuck about where you live the only problem here is if your source of money is shady. Well if you like this every time you need to do a verification then you have to hope exchanges adopt third party products like Fundrs for this.

>> No.53951916

Only clowns pay attention to what fudders say over here, there's no doubt LINK will fly in subsequent month alongside a couple of projects which are in partnership with them a good example is NXRA.

>> No.53951942

Not just bullish on XRP alone, quite bullish on Crypto Payment platforms like Plutus and CryptMi as they will benefit from this as well.

>> No.53952138

Staking is only in beta, retard.

>> No.53952289
File: 148 KB, 1334x750, 1535383437699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the fuck did you shop a wojak in there

>> No.53953052

hey can you post your long position?

>> No.53953127

Well let's see how that goes bizfag, I have my handy stash alongside web3 gems like Dot, Sylo, Fil and Flux for long term gains

>> No.53953793
File: 13 KB, 257x230, 1674507613285640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is all so sad to see...
Thank god I became a bitcoiner at the right time. I jumped the ship and solt all my shitcoins including 1500 LINK at about 12.50

>> No.53954043

I'm so seething for you guys!

>> No.53954927


>> No.53954979

>le secretttt investmannnnt guysthhhhh!!!!
>were in a secret club marinesthhhh, were so HECKIN autistic lawllllllll

Its just such a smart investment that no one buys it. There just arent enough geniuses in the world to make it pump eh?

>> No.53958201

A media portal