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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53932551 No.53932551 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.53932561
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>> No.53932585

aren't we by definition already in the fucking recession? I'm tired of this shit figure it out

>> No.53932612

no, because the Dems changed the definition

>> No.53932789

One of the defining characteristics of an economic downturn is: its only real when racist homophobic sexists hold either both houses or the executive branch.

>> No.53933012

yeah im also confused, clearly we've been in a recession for a while, how is this news to anyone? Yeah western leaders are changing definitions and cheating the numbers but everyone can see whats going on

>> No.53933024

no grocery store prices ballooning by 2x 3x is normal

>> No.53933046

Cope more bobofags, inflation is transitory and the economy is currently stronger than ever. You are wrong as always, the bull market will continue.

>> No.53933125

That's called a boom retard.

>> No.53933176

boom boom in my pants more like hahaha

>> No.53933214

ironic shitposting like this is terribly irresponsible because you just know there are retards who will believe it unironically and lose what little they own

this is why the government proliferating economic disinfo for partisan purposes shouldn't be taken for granted. all they're doing is destroying the lives of the most precarious (their own voters) (retards)

>> No.53933241

Not when gdp shrinks.
This is stagflation.

>> No.53933254

yeah we’ve clearly been in severe stagflation since 2020. businesses in my town are still rolling. one opens then closes a week later etc. prices up while wages stagnate. FED is just stringing people along pretending to fix it so we don’t revolt.

>> No.53933326

Rolling for 3s. Depression imminent.

>> No.53933334

Re roll.
Longest depression ever.
26% of people an hero.

>> No.53933344

Fuck. An heroing myself now.

>> No.53933359

pls stream an hero

>> No.53933362

Im dead already, sorry.

>> No.53934951

Yup. Wages are higher than ever and employment is 100%. If you can't afford food then you should just stop eating

>> No.53935244
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A recession is two quarters of negative GDP which we have had. We are in fact in a recession. What keeps happening is attempts to change the definition much like the unemployment rate that doesn't account for labor participation. I could go on and on about this but the short answer is "Jews."

Almost all of Biden's cabinet are jews and the media is controlled by jews. The fed is run by jews. With that amount of Jewish control it's in their interest to tell the goyim that everything is just fine and to not panic.

>> No.53935310

I mean I'm willing to give an unbiased opinion that we may not really be in a true recession because everything is fine short of GDP. I guess yes, by definition, it's a recession, but generally we haven't seen anything happen in the economy. I guess at this point it's a question of "how bad will it get" and I still don't have a clue

>> No.53935358
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Well and you're not going to get good information either. Blackstone just defaulted on a bond but due to jewish media control everything is either being downplayed or obfuscated-we are not getting any real picture of how bad it's going to get. Blackstone's board is also all Jews.

Starting to get the picture here?

>> No.53935379

We are in a recession you dumb fuck. Jews and the stolen government are just gaslighting people into believing that the economy is doing well when it is clear as day that the economy is in the toilet right now and people are getting bent over and fucked by everything.

>> No.53935405

Everything is not fine you retard. "Unemployment" is low because the kikes in government changed how they count unemployment to make themselves look good all the time. We have headlines all the time about all of the people who left the workforce and aren't looking for jobs. Those millions of people who are no longer employed don't count toward unemployment. The reality is that we have massive unemployment right now and everyone is suffering, but the government just keeps Jewing the numbers to present the false case that everything is fine. Go outside. The economy is garbage right now. Everything is shit.

>> No.53935406

You're such a goyische kop. A recession isn't as simple as 2 quarters of negative GDP. It's multifaceted and requires lots of experience in positions of financial authority to discern. Please goy, this is for your own good - don't worry about these things. Avail yourself of our new 15% apr credit cards and 15 minute delivery time McMuffins with extra McBacon with every subscription.

>> No.53935438


That's mainly what I'm doing and performing on the ground research. I ask local business owners how they are doing. I take note of vacant commercial space. I ask random workers how they are managing with inflation.

You will never be allowed pertinent information until after the kikes pull their exit strategy.

>> No.53935598

yes all governments are pretending we aren't price of food here in the is up like 80%

>> No.53935612

>I mean I'm willing to give an unbiased opinion that we may not really be in a true recession because everything is fine short of GDP
>everything is fine
holy fuck americans are fucking braindead, completely without hope

>> No.53935643
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You dont understand. the job market is strong.

>> No.53935655

Have we ever not been in recession in our lifetime?
I swear I've heard this word for as long as I've been alive.

>> No.53935657

things may not be dandy but just because Jamal is losing his shitty apartment and can't afford to drive to get his grape soda doesn't mean things are really all that bad. Economy has very OBVIOUSLY slowed resulting in the culling of stinky tech workers that did nothing, but the blue collar market for workers still is pretty fucking good, and really white collar work is still good even if a bunch of people got laid off. If this is all that really happens? That's probably pretty decent.

Anybody who thinks we've seen a capitulation event here in the market and that things are bad is a retard. But now we're really starting to see things slow down, so it's matter of what really is gonna happen? fuck if I know

>> No.53935665

Who cares fuck you

>> No.53935691

>resulting in the culling of stinky tech workers that did nothing
the layoffs are way more than that my company fired tonnes of competent developers. They had profit projects for the next few years and didn't meet any of them because people are spending less money id imagine the same thing happened at all the other tech companies too its not just rroasties who are getting layed off

>> No.53935693


A recession doesn't mean a complete collapse. There's been multiple minor recessions in history. I just think people have warped brains that think every single event has to top the last one.

>> No.53935839

Nigger what. People are losing their jobs left and right and running up debt trying to survive. Not a recession my ass. The numbers are being gamed to prop up boomer retirement funds.

>> No.53935865


>> No.53935879

It was mostly hr girls and other paper weights, wasn't it?

>> No.53935896

The scary thing is the spread is heading back to zero. Hard to predict when the next leg down is, but let's hope for the sake of everyone that niggers and trannies are magic and government is really good at indirectly controlling capital

>> No.53935924

Literally, JPOW incoming.

>> No.53935925

not at my company atleast they fired like 700 people it was majority devs. upper management and hr didn't take any job cuts id imagine it just looks that way because its roasties with meme jobs who are complaining on social media

>> No.53935969

The definition is whatever the whitehouse says it is.

>> No.53935994
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>but generally we haven't seen anything happen in the economy.

>> No.53936019

>I belive the gaslighting
>the economy is safe and effective

>> No.53936040

so tech companies are bloated, I could have told you that. That doesn't mean we're gonna see even more blood in the streets

I agree

>the numbers are all made up
this is not a good argument either way. I can just tell you 'nuh uh' unemployment still low as fuck
tons of people just left the workforce because boomers are retiring it's not some fcking weird ass conspiracy retard

>noooo things have to go down further because they just have to le

>I can't form opinions so here's some buzzwords that were really fun during 2021 and 2022

>> No.53936083

we won't live another recession, you know why? because back then the merchant didn't have tools to brainwash masses, observe all people around you, your father, mother, wife, gf, brother, sister, all of them looking at their phone, usually instagram, facebook, twitter all day long. they remind me npcs in skyrim, if you don't have people thinking for themselves you won't have recession, unless the merchant wants to create an artifical one.

>> No.53936330

The numbers are not all made up. Just the ones which are easily manipulated. And it's not a conspiracy, it's independent actors all working in their own best interest.
Numbers which are dead hard to fuck with all indicate recession. Shit like GDP, and the yield curve.

>> No.53936460

>has literally been saying this for years
>never comes to fruition

>> No.53937289

>Gas is $4.5 per gallon
>Bacon is $10/lb
>Eggs are $4/dozen
>Milk is $4/gallon
Nope, nothing has fruited at all.

>> No.53937541

Inflation number is made up because the basket contains shit like paperclips and things that led to lower averages, whereas food, gas, and housing have all skyrocketed prior to 2020.
Unemployment does not account for those not searching for a job as well as those having severance.

>> No.53937946

Isn't it getting a little late in Israel?

>> No.53937976

No. We're at full employment. You can't call this a recession with a 3.4% or whatever unemployment rate. It doesn't exist.
Need hundreds of thousands of jobs obliterated before we can call it a recession.

>> No.53938149

>hundreds of thousands of jobs obliterated
Already happened, automation and human capital saturation have devalued individual labor. Notice all that is left is 1099 wrangling when you look at postings on Linkedin?

>> No.53938192

>What is Labor Force Participation Rate
>How is unemployment calculated
>What is the BLS Report and Household Survey discrepancy
>What are shrinking full-time jobs and growing part-time jobs & side-gigs
>What are continual downward revisions in growth projections for 2023

Hard landings look like soft landings at first. We'll be sub 2% CPI eoy. Fed cuts in late summer - early fall. Only way to change the trajectory back from reverting to our crippled equilibrium is if the gov raises the debt ceiling and stimulates like never seen before.

>> No.53938442

literally all of those things are cheaper than you said how bout you stop getting bacon at whole foods retard

>> No.53938467

they fired like 700 people it was majority devs
>competent developers
lol First world developers are dead weight these days. Wfh developers are worthless. Third worlders are replacing them for pennies on the dollar. The tech gravy train is over.

>> No.53938560

I see you were in a coma last year...

>> No.53938684

This boomer for one, is based

>> No.53938836

>People will just have goods an services handed to them

>> No.53939908

>raises the debt ceiling and stimulates like never seen before
Please be real

>> No.53940684

hang in there, my dude

>> No.53940699

priced in

>> No.53940707

isn't it crazy how the term "gaslight" was unknown until 2019 and then right after that the government and media embarked on a series of enormous society-wide gaslighting campaigns

>> No.53940712

>ironic shitposting like this is terribly irresponsible because you just know there are retards who will believe it unironically and lose what little they own
That's literally why I only larp as a delusional permabull on /biz/, the more permabull retards that lose everything the better.

>> No.53943051

>Third worlders are replacing them for pennies on the dollar. The tech gravy train is over.
not a problem in the UK

>> No.53943271 [DELETED] 
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The clock struck midnight and a chill wind blew through the dingy back room of the seedy casino. The degenerate gambler, known around town only as The Rabbit had been spending his last few pennies on poker chips and roulette wheels. But tonight, he had stumbled upon something far more valuable - a mysterious token, shaped like a red rabbit. He quickly realized that this was no ordinary object - it had the potential to increase its value 100 times over in a matter of days, if he played his cards right. With a maniacal grin and a gleam in his eye, The Rabbit tucked the token away and headed out into the night, determined to make a fortune before anyone else caught wind of his lucky discovery. Little did he know that 4chan was already abuzz with whispers of the Red Rabbit and its magical powers.

>> No.53943783

>1 post by this id

>> No.53944431

What are the arguments/reasons for why we won't see a crash/bear market?

I've noticed most mainstream normies are betting and preparing for a recession over the next 1-2 years.

>> No.53945013

Two more weeks

>> No.53945018


>> No.53945025
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>Blackstone just defaulted on a bond
The only psyop ever was that in two more weeks we crash. And the shilling of ((dollar))

>> No.53945055

If we manage to reign in inflation down to 2% without lowering employment. I don't know how this could happen, especially since the Fed is watching the employment numbers particularly closely in their fight against inflation, but if by some miracle we manage to achieve this, we could avoid a true recession (eg GDP might lower, but the average employed W2 person doesn't get laid off or feel any pain from it), then interest rates could begin to be cut and QE could maybe even resume again.

>> No.53946757

doesn't sergey write for the economist?

>> No.53946772

Look again. The graph points out that its mainly part time jobs