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53930907 No.53930907 [Reply] [Original]

Who runs the world?

I need to know so that i can profit from it. Dont just say the J word

>> No.53930919

bacteria and fungi

>> No.53930922

at the moment, it's Satan and people influenced by satan
But you can summon God to assist you and give you a good timeline (you need to have a pure heart)
Don't worry though and enjoy this humen experiment. Much more awaits after your physical body stops living

>> No.53930932

China and liberal tranny lovers until another Trump or Reagan ushers in a new era of isolationism.

>> No.53930935

It is the Jews, but I’m afraid you can’t profit with them. Unless you’re a Gigachad who was in the same fraternity as them they won’t accept you on Wall Street.

>> No.53930940

The professional managerial class.
For now.

>> No.53930951

Yeah like what? Eternal happiness? What do you do with your dead ancestors in heaven? Hang out and watch tv? The fuck man the idea of heaven sounds boring af

>> No.53930952

I do. AMA

>> No.53930958

Alex Jones and Trump and ben shapiro and styxhexenhammer and that other guy (crowder?) told me China

>> No.53930961

OK I won't say the "J word". Its semitic hebrews from the land of israel.

>> No.53930963

Get your booster. Now.

>> No.53930965

Woah hang on go back to early life for all of those people

>> No.53930974
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10,000 year old fairy vampires


>> No.53930980

If you ran the world, would you even present people with the chance to know your name? Is it really a secret club if you can google the name of it?

>> No.53930996

Just imagine believing Elon is the richest man alive.

>> No.53930998

>Yeah like what? Eternal happiness? What do you do with your dead ancestors in heaven? Hang out and watch tv? The fuck man the idea of heaven sounds boring af

You'll either respawn in another human body on this planet, or ascend in higher realms
Or go down if you were a bad person

>> No.53931004

The world is ran by multiple different t groups of people and each one of them has an "in" group. The politcans in charge are in bohemian Grove, high ranking Bankers just happen to be Jewish, Latinos have cartels, niggers have the music industry(JayZ is head nignog), etc etc

>> No.53931029

No one is in charge. Wall Street is in the business of making sure the memes fit the status quo. Old family money is the most influential. Nation states are dying and we may see the rise of monarchy again in the west. Not sure how to profit yet because not enough pieces have fallen, but I assume it will be as bloody and enriching like any war of kings in history.

>> No.53931034

>Jay z runs music industry
Lol. Lmao even. Go back please

>> No.53931037

it'll kick off once the boomers all die out i.e., within the next 20 years.

>> No.53931040

How should one prepare

>> No.53931536


>> No.53931547

I'm just gonna kill myself fuck dealing with this bullshit this isn't the world I signed up for.

>> No.53931560
File: 47 KB, 537x525, 6485470E-C539-4310-A262-F52912B965AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Phoenician Navy (((families))).
These are the Jews that own everything.

>> No.53931570

semite identifying edomites and khazarians

>> No.53931838

Are you a Jew?

It's the Jews, silly. You could invest in kosher foods. You could invest in copper wire machines by tossing a copper cent in front of two jews. They will both try to pick it up. Then when they are doing a tug of war over it, it will stretch into wire.

>> No.53931955

based fellow knower