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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 22 KB, 198x200, d0gwiththebat~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53928858 No.53928858 [Reply] [Original]

Respect is funny thing. You actually gotta earn it. You just cant go running around and expect you are automaticly respected. You gotta earn it, it's an honor thing.

I would be ok if i would have been banned for good reason, but i just get banned because i originally posted about some shitcoin what i happen to think is actually good gem, and some of the mods or jannies have it on their hate list for personal reasons.

You dont earn respect for being small minded bitter fuckface who has been lucky enough to get through jannie or mod lottery.

So, here i am again. I have been playing this game almost 20 years now, been there, done that and got t shirt for it.

That proves i am stupid enough to keep this going on as long it is needed.

All i want is to be treated fair, whole d0b0 community deserves it. If any other shitcoin, shit project, is good to go, then d0b0 should be too.

I mean, you might think you have won when you keep banning me and deleting d0b0 threads, but its just small victory for you, and this will get worse if this stupid childish game doesnt stop. Time is on our side and so are numbers.

Dont take this as threat, i am just stating how things are.

>> No.53928884

IP range ban this d0bobaggie

>> No.53928898

Go ahead, this will get worse.

>> No.53928908
File: 172 KB, 631x591, 18554 - SoyBooru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck jannies

>> No.53928931

Legitimately why don’t jannies like this coin? To some degree the janitorial duties are needed sure but what’s in their criteria that doesn’t allot for this?

>> No.53928955

Have you seen how there are around 5 different DBI threads but that one d0b0 thread gets deleted?

They profit from this, this is their pkayground for personal profit. It has never been fair, but now its just ridiculous.

They sit on their high horse and get gasms for saying what coin is good to go and what is not. Innthe end its just shooting your own foot.

>> No.53928976

Apparently you need to be single digit IQ to still be holding dog bat...

>> No.53928979

And history for "hating" d0b0 is simple:

D0b0 was born here on /biz. One of the mods had huge bag, but was paper hand and sold too early. That way lost around 5 mil us dolores. Rest of community started to shitpost about it and make fun out of it, and thats how it started.

One paperhand butthurt mod is reason for this.

>> No.53928981
File: 27 KB, 400x400, adCSK3Wn_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trash coin lmao

>> No.53928986

I have 14 other coins, serious and not so setious. Its my business what i hold and how long, not yours.

>> No.53929001
File: 477 KB, 831x747, major1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My blessed dubs in the last thread may have gotten deleted, but my message remains, dbg won't be forgotten new ATH inbound. Also 50b EoY

>> No.53929004

Who asked? All I did was call you stupid, idiot.

>> No.53929008

Sure, cause you say so. Low mc, pig locked liq, ownership renounced. What could go wrong?

>> No.53929022

>All I did was call you stupid, idiot.

And thats all you are good for.

>> No.53929031

What, calling you an idiot for propping up a dead shitcoin which we all profited on in 2021? What are YOU good for exactly?

>> No.53929051

If you made good profit, and are rich beyond dreams, why you kerp shitposting? Why you care?

THAT makes you retard.

>> No.53929052

that wasn't a mod though.

>> No.53929067

Who in the fuck said I was rich beyond dreams? Seriously, lay off the methamphetamines, your brain is fried. All I said was "we profited" which indicates nothing on how much. I'm not rich, I'm some degenerate fuck posting on a Mongolian Basket Weaving forum like the rest of you.

>> No.53929068

Thats why this whole thing is even more stupid.

>> No.53929087

You didnt explain why do you care? Why you waste your time and effort to fight against this one? Whats innit for you? I mean, seriously, that literally makes you retard.

>> No.53929105

>All I said was "we profited"

And yes, it means you got some pocket money out of this, when you could get lot more. You just cant see it when its front of your eyes.

>> No.53929117

Why do I waste my time and effort? I dunno, I like raising awareness for people to not waste their money on dumb shit. It honestly baffles me how you losers keep feeding into this exit liquidity trap. I mean, Musk tweeted one of your memes and you are back at 4.3 mil market cap. Get it through your heads, this isn't some gem in the dirt like it was in 2021. It's dead. Now quit shitting the forum up with your plankton IQ conspiracy theory bullshit.

>> No.53929185

>Why do I waste my time and effort? I dunno, I like raising awareness for people to not waste their money on dumb shit.

Lol. Like you do it gor good causes, i can smell bullshit. Stop acting like you know what is destiny for this coin, same shit people were talking about shib before it got listed.

>I mean, Musk tweeted one of your memes and you are back at 4.3 mil market cap.

Are you blind or stupid to see how whole market dipped?

>Get it through your heads, this isn't some gem in the dirt like it was in 2021. It's dead.

Thats what you say. If you are so smart and know how things go, why did you profit only pocket money from this?


>Now quit shitting the forum up with your plankton IQ conspiracy theory bullshit.

Dont try too hard, it makes you look even more retarded you actually are.

>> No.53929589

Oh yeah that's a great strategy. Negotiating with terrorists is the most well known mistake. You're terrorizing the board. Fuck your coin. You can't continue to shit up the catalog with an irrelevant coin for years because it's yours and you're special. DBI is relevant. DBI is currently in the crypto news cycle. Your coin pumped and dumped years ago and you are constantly using terrorism to get people to offload your trash bags. I think not nearly enough measures have been taken to ban you and the other d0b0 posters. Range bans, image bans on the picture, bans of variants of the term. If every person who thought they were special because they had their own bag from the last bull cycle did what you fags do biz night as well just shut down.

>> No.53929605

Based OP. Free speech is absolute

>> No.53929628

A jannie had a huge bag. He wated to control the TG threatening to sell all the time until we told him to eat shit and sell already. His bag would be worth millions now but he squandered it on a power trip.

>> No.53929796

It's obvious from your seething that you have a personal issue with d0b0 that extends way beyond them simply "shitting up the board". What is it?

>> No.53929832

Dropping a redpill:
D0b0 was basically always 3 factions

1.Justin and his irl friends
2. Ghostbro and his IRL friends
3. Random whales

Justin tried for sure to do good things for D0b0 but alas he's a dumb nigger. Ghostbro tried as well but alas he's also a dumb nigger.

The most important thing that happened to d0b0 was the jihad as it popped off a schism that dispelled false alliances and consolidated influence back into one place. It fell to Justin since he had keys to accounts, and now he had a new crew of Justinian loyalists and moon boi faggots who are disconnected from the politics. Ultimately this was for the better of d0b0 as both of them were comparably dumb niggers but Justin has the wherewithal not to use his d0b0 name for other projects. He also called everyone a nigger which was honestly very based. Therefore Justin is based and d0b0 is much better off without ghostkike and his people, even though Justin is still a dumb ass nigger faggot.

Summary: Justin and Ghostbro are both dumb niggers. Jihad saved d0b0

>> No.53929837

It's your psychopathic personality. Other coin holders from coins that died years ago don't do this. You are robbing the public trust by constantly wanting top shelf space because you have such a vile personality that you can't understand that shelf space is limited. We see this with these literal threats of terrorism to make it worse if you don't get what you want. Psychopaths exploit a niche and that niche is few people here are shitty enough to elbow their way to the top of the catalog to offload their dead bags. You vile fucks don't care. Which will cause a game theoretic cascade where other people are required to stoop to your level because they want to force their dead coin into relevance too. You people are nasty selfish pieces of shit that don't understand the cascading effect and just view you sliding the catalog as people upset that you're shitting up the board

>> No.53929846

Basically facts here minus the jihad saving d0b0 even though it was very funny

>> No.53929855

This is the most accurate account I've seen of dogbat lore. If only we knew what arthur Hayes name was on tg

>> No.53929868

Christ why do all crypto communities break down into this kind of playground drama, what a fucking embarrassment this space is.

>> No.53929876

I agree, if Ghostberg and the other clique of judas niggers had won over enough influence to take control of the project, they would have stabbed us in the back and let dogbat bleed into obscurity. Justin winning over was ultimately a blessing in disguise, even if we still have to swallow his shit for a while longer, at least he came around somewhat and the community is still going.

>> No.53929907

This 100% ghostkike and his fags fucked d0b0 over several times before cutting and running. Justin was kind of like the thing we needed but not that we wanted because ghostberg and his fag friends were always trying to clout up because Justin wouldn't give them shit. In the end Justin turned out to actually look better. Ghostberg did some billboards and his friends did the space thing but that really didn't do anything for the price. Justin just held shit down and kept trying to add value. You gotta give Justin credit for trying to create a usecase for a shitcoin with 10% tax. He definitely tried to legitimize.

>> No.53929986

A schism was always inevitable from how fucked sideways the management and direction of the project was by summer 2022, the Jihad only sped up the decline. I'd say we became better off from it in the end, we separated the tares away and salvaged what we could and started rebuilding.

>> No.53930006

Wow incredible volume, a whooping $3k for a year now!

>> No.53930015

I'm sick of reading about these fags all the time. They were glorified Discord mods.

>> No.53930038 [DELETED] 

Unless your Ghostberg, the former d0b0 "core dev" who scams people for living while larping about having a pedigree of work experience kek.

>> No.53930260

I haven't touched dogebat coin since the picotop. So fucking lame to come back and see all the core members hating each other for dumb reasons. It could rival shib if they just worked together better.

>> No.53930976

Lots of projection here.
Do us a favour, and just kys, ghostbro

>> No.53931014

I have no fucking idea what a ghostbro is. I saw the chart on dextools saw it flatline and noticed over the years the spam would never stop. You know that psychopaths commonly accuse other people of projection right? It's called narcissist reversal.

>> No.53932009

I agree that it could have had more potential if they worked together, but I think it ultimately is a good thing that the core members now have less control of the coin, granting how they behaved so drama loving and power hungry. Going forward, d0b0 will be more like doge than shib.

>> No.53932178

these niggas have terminal tg brainrot

>> No.53932188

>Respect is funny thing
The respect you give to others says more about you and your self respect than it does about them and their respectability. You never see someone who is truly satisfied with and accepting of themselves and their own life act like bitter cunts. Jannies are trannies by the way.

>> No.53932557

Imagine sucking Justin's dick after he stole 100k from the memetools fund kek

>> No.53932591

Justin still owns everything. Yall are pathetic fucking liars.
The muh community members yall now hate were the ones saying Justin needs to give up the keys or get active. Literally everybody agreed with this. Justin banned them all and continued to do nothing. Now yall all worship him and defend him, even after it's come out he stole nearly 100k that was supposed to be burnt d0b0.
The worst part is how yall just straight lie about this coin. It's literally a scam. Keep making Justin money goys

>> No.53932613

>You're terrorizing the board. Fuck your coin. You can't continue to shit up the catalog with an irrelevant coin for years

Terrorizing board with one thread? What makes you to say what coin is relevant and what is not? Are you some crypto god?

If you dont like this, then fuck off. Its that simple. You are just another asshole dictating what people should buy and what not to buy. To you coins are just simple pump&dump scams, what should be bought in start and dumped when the first peak comes. You are just short sighted retard, no more.

>> No.53932627

What a load of delusional crap. Take your meds, asshole.

>> No.53932631

Drama is behind, now we are just trying to ho forward.

>> No.53932812
File: 18 KB, 636x107, ghostbro-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh I thought he was a core dev.

>> No.53933581

Proof or kys
You're either a nigger, faggot, woman or a zoomer, or a combo. Either way, I'm not reading your homo language. Filtered

>> No.53933605

>d0b0 community
it's mostly just you with different ids and anons making fun of you, let's be realistic here

>> No.53933678

Yeah there's never been any evidence for that, just more made up ghostbr0 bullshit jeet fud.

>> No.53933794

It’s still being talked about so long after the fact. That should tell you all you need to know. There will be a revival.

>> No.53933812

>Thats what you say. If you are so smart and know how things go, why did you profit only pocket money from this?
You are the biggest fucking retard of all time. I made decent money. Notice how I haven't disclosed the exact amount? Jesus fucking Christ you are stupid. I'm not replying to any more of your shit, you deserve to stay poor.

>> No.53933843

Dude's like dog bat's token Walmart downey. You honestly are sending in your 0IQ troops to handle shilling business? It's so fucking over.

>> No.53933848

Fucking esl kek

>> No.53933872

Ehh let's keep things truthful, we may not know what he did do with it, but the memetools wallet is easy to find and he sent those first 72,134 busd to his binance account 81 days ago.

>> No.53933921

>b-but he sent those BUSD to his binance account 81 -ACK

kys tranny commie. justin can do what he wants. get a life nigger.

>> No.53933963

Imagine bitching and crying about Lord Justinian and what HE does with HIS funds from HIS site. You should be grateful that the has shown mercy and not completely bonked the chart 100 times over. Keep pushing this and I guarantee that you are going to get sued. We know who you are bitch boy. Keep talking if you want

>> No.53933983

Imagine campaigning biz defending poor totally not a slow rugger Justin after he dumped for months, silently transferred memetools money out AND asked for marketing funds from the community wallet to pay for things lmao I can't even

>> No.53933992

stay mad, newfag. Oldfags adapted from their hatred of memecoins and accepted the trend of markets being a joke

>> No.53934003

LMAO ghostnigger. Why are you STILL this salty about Justin? The guy lives in your head rent free.

>> No.53934004

You are
>a faggot
>a tranny
>a nigger
>a kike
>a woman
No one cares about your commie faggot ideals. Justin is the end all be all of D0B0 and we are blessed to be under his purview. Keep pressing bitch boy. There's a summons in your future.

>> No.53934030

Wahhh wahhh wahhh dev won't bend to my homosexual will wahhhh I'm gay

>> No.53934059

Frfr though you Justin shills should work on getting more retards from here to do more free work for you just like you always have, not antagonize anyone lmao

>> No.53934076

No one is shilling for Justin, nigger. We're simply saying you're obsessed with him

>> No.53934556
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>> No.53934824
File: 36 KB, 701x516, gigabull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check wallet for first time in a few weeks
>d0b0 went up
>"must be that BTC went up"
>it went down

Confirmed 50b end of year.

>> No.53935073

Oh jeez wake up retard. Take your meds or whatever.

>> No.53935120

>I made decent money. Notice how I haven't disclosed the exact amount?

All you did was just some pocket money. Now you keep running around like some know it all crypto jesus, which you are not obviously.

>> No.53935795

>It could rival shib if they just worked together better.

True, but thats past now. Coin itself has good solid foundation to build and turn new page.

>> No.53935952

updated my ledger firmware for first time. d0peb0nk is now visable on ledger live. reddit, here we come. wagmi

>> No.53936412


Just look at it.

>> No.53936494

Imagine getting this butthurt over a dog coin
just kys, please. kthnxbai

>> No.53936649

My grandfather was in the KKK faggot. Are you that faggot little half jew half chink kek

Where's the memetools money then? We gonna pretend we all didn't vote to burn it? How's that going? You're a scammer

>> No.53936936

>My grandfather was in the KKK faggot
>in the KKK faggot
>KKK faggot

I didnt know KKK has special section for gays. That kind of explains, i thought you are only fag in your family.

>> No.53936965

I agree. It's bizarre.

A glorified Discord mod, like I said before.

>> No.53937055

Lmao your dad was a gay KKK larper? Kkk was a glow op. Your grandpa was a homo glownigger. I guess that makes you the seed of a homo glownigger. I guess that makes you a faggot bitch lmao. Get filtered nigger.