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53918289 No.53918289 [Reply] [Original]

How much did you sac? I sacced $50K. I’m expecting 100X minimum.

>> No.53918330

Why are you expecting 100x?

>> No.53918351

$200 I'm expecting 10000x minimum

>> No.53918354

Because he sacced 50K.... Dummy

>> No.53918357

Because thats a conservative price increase for a layer one block chain, and Richard Heart has a proven track record with HEX, which outperformed absolutely everything.

>> No.53918367

I don't even remember. How can I check?

>> No.53918396


>> No.53918422

How can I invest early?

>> No.53918426

Thanks. Apparently I sac'd $500...crazy that was almost 2 years ago, kek. What's the difference between pls & plsX?

>> No.53918484

There was a bug in the pls code so they had to make plsX to fix it

>> No.53918493

Are you serious? So if I only have pls credits and no pls x does that mean my shit is worthless?

>> No.53918531

Thats not true. PLSX is the dex token, like UNI or SUSHI. Whereas PLS is the layer 1 coin like ETH.

That guy was wrong. See above

>> No.53918648

I sacced $4k for PLS, and about $5.5k for PLSX. Pretty much was as much as I possibly could afford and drained my bank account to zero each time.

>> No.53918662

Based. You’re gonna make it

>> No.53918694
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>people literally sent money two years ago to a fat fuck expecting a return

Never fucking change bjz. Also how come he's not arrested yet?

>> No.53919013


Pulse will never do Hex like numbers because too many fucking whales sacced huge amounts. It will take years upon years for pulse to do anything. The situation is even worse with PulseX. Faggots like OP expecting a 100x are deluded af. We'll all be boomers on ventilators by the time all these fucking faggots are finally done DCAing out and keeping the price down.

>> No.53919102

>100x starting from one hundred gorillion marketcap
It's just never going to happen

>> No.53919202

>Marketcap is a vanity metric
>click the log chart
Is what the hexitards would say, ut maybe they are right. Hex was like #4 marketcap at 50c with under 100k wallets.

>> No.53919224

Yes, and hex went 10000000x to reach that.

Pulse is going to start from there. Shib to $1 tho amirite fellow middle aged lesbians in Gucci enjoyer

>> No.53919251

technically not a ponzi if instead of giving money from early to new investors you print more tokens and give them that instead

>> No.53919425
File: 486 KB, 896x906, E1770D1C-9B8B-4383-805D-5676DB9D7359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pulsechain MC will easily reach $650b+ next bull run which will mean a 1000X return from sacrifice.

>> No.53919446
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>buying anything from known con artist richard "fat man" fart

>> No.53919547

200k$ expecting 25-50x and im out

>> No.53919577

look at the volume of hex, where will the money come from for you to with draw 10 million dollars

>> No.53919612

a shitload of high follower count twitter celebs sacrificed. pulse is going to get shilled to the entire industry and every latecomer normie that panic buys mid 2024. don't overthink it.

>> No.53919624

don't overthink it
thanks for the tip just bought now i worship a weirdo

>> No.53919634


>> No.53919640

Hi Richard

>> No.53919657

anon you need to learn to left curve asymmetric bets if you want multiples in crypto. richard is a clown, yes, but he also knows how to shill, and he knows how to convince people to baghold. that's all it takes, even for "serious" projects

>> No.53919761

I sac'd $300k going for 100x for sure

>> No.53921254

2k in pls and 25k in plsx here. WAGMI

>> No.53921706

i think i sacrificed in plsx, i dont know anymore
or was it pls
was it possible to sacrifice for plsx and what was better, pls or plsx or will this be the same shit, pricewise

>> No.53923951


lmao you're fucking delusional. Where will the liquidity come from retard?

>> No.53924408

oh, wouldn't you like to know? ;)

there are three places but your mid curve brain won't be able to figure it out

>> No.53924791


lmao, enjoy sitting on your worthless bag of billions of pulse nigger. Faggots like you are the reason it'll never be worth shit.

>> No.53924832

kek, you'll never know

>> No.53924874


>> No.53925647

> I sacced $50K. I’m expecting 100X minimum.


>> No.53925843

If this is ever released, all tokens on it will rug.

>> No.53926035

It's obvious that you are newfags here, you have no concept of market cap. Pulse has sacrificed more than a billion dollars so its capitalization will be 1 billion at its exit. Hex at launch was capitalized at 10 million that's why it made such a multiplier. Pulse will never do the same.

>> No.53927015



>> No.53927225

Perhaps not the same numbers in one single cycle, but give it 2 and it might. Just look at gas fees on Ethereum right now. Some days it’s $50 for a swap, IN THE MIDDLE OF A BEAR MARKET. People will be looking for alternative chains for lower transaction fees. Pulsechain is that.

>> No.53927669
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>> No.53927948
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One last bump because it´s a weekend thread.

Also I´ve got the feeling that bluebird anon will soon take his new old shitbox for a joyride in a state of buttnakedness and confusion.
This is financial advice.


>> No.53928457
File: 262 KB, 1048x1584, 1645594305927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm expecting 10000x minimum

>> No.53928556
File: 135 KB, 1200x630, richard-heart-hex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It could happen goy.

>> No.53928587




>> No.53928681
File: 289 KB, 2560x1440, nostalgia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that´s a cute wojak but don´t try to lowball me. i know what i´ve got.

>> No.53928703
File: 2.37 MB, 1048x1584, 1642830487857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

multiply the total $ sacrificed (not richard sacrificing his own HEX to himself) and then multiply it by 10,000 you stupid fucking retards

>> No.53928771
File: 24 KB, 400x400, AdamRies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can´t into multiply, faggot. i´m just here for the captchas and the riches.

>> No.53929016 [DELETED] 

Hex like numbers would be more like 10,000X, sir. I am not calling for that. I am merely calling for a modest 100X. Every other layer 1 has done that and more.

The starting mcap is just 600M or so. $6 billion mcap is well within reach

>> No.53929017
File: 130 KB, 1912x1194, jaws.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can anyone of you tell me what happened to the scandinavian fag? i hate him as much as i love him and hope he didn´t coked himself into an asylum.


>> No.53929075

Hex like numbers would be more like 10,000X, sir. I am not calling for that. I am merely calling for a modest 100X. Every other layer 1 has done that and more.

>>53919102 #
The starting mcap is just 600M or so. $60 billion mcap is well within reach. Hex had a larger mcap at one point.

>> No.53929086

So what a 10000x would be $1billion mcap. Easy done. HEX has done that and more but CZ just likes to pretend it's not high mcap

>> No.53929121 [DELETED] 


Fair enough, even a 100x will take forever to achieve just like I stated earlier. There are a fuckton of whale fags that sacced big numbers that will be DCAing out for several years dude which in turn is going to keep price suppressed. I hope I am wrong because I sacced for both but I'm very fucking black-pilled on it all after what I've seen the last 2 years.

As for market cap, WTF are you talking about? The sacrifice was not a fucking ICO dude. Fucking market cap starts at zero.

>> No.53929141


even 100x will take years. And market cap starts at zero.

>> No.53929177

Anything you "sacrificed" is gone, you will never see it again. That was used to buy designer handbags.

>> No.53929212

trips of truth

>> No.53929288
File: 308 KB, 1885x818, 99% erection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That was used to buy designer handbags.
stop it! i can only get so hard!

nice dobles


>> No.53929959

Youre retarded

>> No.53930364
File: 269 KB, 2000x1125, FRr69AuXwAAoZg3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gentlemen this is the kind of retards that always gets left behind each cycle. The math is there, don't miss out.

>> No.53930498

Fucking delusional idiot retards. Why don't you wait 2 more years you fucking asshole.

>> No.53930517
File: 7 KB, 250x250, 1636396493617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you so angrey you sperg XD . Tell us where your step dad touched you.