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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53924558 No.53924558 [Reply] [Original]

Experienced electricians can make over $60k, and you'll make over $30k right out of the gate. Only a couple years of school/apprenticeship are needed. Also it's intetesting and intellectually stimulating.

>> No.53924583

is it really the easiest trade?

By easy i really just mean i can still feel my back at 50 yrs old

>> No.53924630

>Why not become electrician and risk killing yourself because some retard wired up a house wrong and you turned off that circuit only to find the live of another circuit was part of a ring fed into a different neutral.

>> No.53924654

>just become a sparky bro!

>> No.53924684

Yeah it's probably the comfiest of the building trades.

>> No.53924740

you're probably more likely to kill yourself from a ladder fall than that. but still, fuck going into peoples disgusting homes and ripping their dangerous wiring out
electrician is probably the only trade I'd get into. especially the real comfy jobs like wiring up new houses and office buildings.

>> No.53924767
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I hate this fucking clown world so god damn much. CEO of my company makes millions from sitting on his ass wheeling and dealing. I hope Putin just launches nukes soon so we can be fucking done with this place. Maybe the people who come after will be better.

>> No.53924801

Those numbers aren't accurate. In my city union electricians make $55 to $60 dollars an hour and get a decent amount of OT.

>> No.53924805

Do you make money while in school/apprenticeship?

>> No.53924812
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no, all trades destroy your body
cope and a lie

>> No.53924823
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dang that's crazy, maybe you should go be a CEO? It sounds like an easy job!

>> No.53925103

>what is safe isolation

>> No.53925153

>Implying most electricians turn off the entire house.

You can see plenty of experienced electricians turn off individual circuits, I recently had solar and he didn't switch off anything.

>> No.53925172
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Because I don't wanna get electrocuted

>> No.53925215
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And no, the job was not "shoddy" before you mention.

>> No.53925257

oops looks like the previous retard who wired up the house looped the hot and neutral somewhere between two or more breakers and now you get electrocuted to death lel ggnore

>> No.53925566

How are you surprised that electricians make less than CEOs? How old are you? Why do zoomers think every starting salary should be $1 million?

>> No.53925594
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Theres no fucking jobs
t. trainee electrician, might just go into plumbing at this point, honestly fuck this shit

>> No.53925597

dfw is the biggest place for construction and i did not make 30k right out of the gate, took 2 years, quit when they refused to pay me my checks, unbelievable, kill all niggers

>> No.53925650

Ring circuits are the big gay and should be outlawed. I point blank refuse to install them

>> No.53925677

They're pretty much the standard in the UK

>> No.53925705

Yeah I know, but I always go radial+RCBO wherever possible, all full house rewires should be done the same too

>> No.53925766

>labor shortage
>help wanted signs everywhere
>even worse for trades because zoomers are too good to get their hands dirty
How is this possible?

>> No.53925790

Commercial low voltage/telecom is super comfy

>> No.53925838

Jobs which require schooling such as college and trade school need to compensate their workers as such.

>> No.53925884

There's no moral imperative for compensation. You get paid what you both agree to. If you demand $1 million, they won't agree because they can find someone else with the same qualifications who will be happy start for $40k.

>> No.53925952

Trades sound good in theory, but there's a reason why every boomer that did them pushed their kids to avoid careers in the trades and pursue college.

Trades jobs take a big toll on your health. It's moving in unnatural ways and selling your health day by day. Knees and back have issues when you're in your 30s, you're in contact with carcinogenics and you constantly have to have your wits about you to work safely. And it's something most people can do every once in a while, but every single day, for 8+ hours a day for the majority of your life and it gets old fast.

A lot of people in the trades simply do those jobs because they need to provide for families and are trapped in those jobs because they're the only ones that pay enough to raise a family.

60k in today's money is like 30k just a decade ago. It's bullshit money, doing bullshit in a bullshit system.

I'd rather live in a van by the beach than be some electrician with a mortgage.

>> No.53925979

$60k is poverty-tier in 2023

>> No.53925980

I hate going up ladders and being under my car. I can't imagine how shitty it would be to have some fat boomer telling you it's safe, just do it, when you know it isn't

>> No.53926010

Residential work is for spics.

>> No.53926058

>electrical apprentice wanted
>must have 2-3 years experience, own tools, own van, must be confident doing an entire job alone, must have w+x+y+z certificates and a+b+c qualifications. Interview will be conducted over zoom call"
"B-but why can't we find anyone? Oh well better hire more unqualified non english speakers instead for 1/2 the wage lol oopsie"

>> No.53926087

I can tell you've never had a job or lived on your own. $60k is a comfortable living anywhere but manahattan and san francisco.

>> No.53926163

Low chances are still always there and you only die once.

Its not for everyone.

Depends on what youre doing, it can be laborious like some of the lowest contraction gruntwork or like easy wiring of industrial robots.
Common house installations and shit you will do in 80% of times is medium with a bit of shit.

>> No.53926195

>there's no moral imperative
This is actually why society is collapsing and no one wants to do those jobs anymore lol. Instead of paying 60k to a guy you'll be paying 180k have fun with that you retarded boomer kike.

>> No.53926224

I’m an electrican
I made $60k when I was 20 years old and passed $100k when I was 24
The secret ingredient is job hoping and OT

>> No.53926236

Heavy industrial electrician here ama

>> No.53926248

And I have never bought my own tools. There are plenty of shitter company’s making people buy their own tools for shit pay. Just keep looking there are good jobs it’s just the shitty ones are always hiring retards

>> No.53926293

Second this. The best part is just how retard proof most of these low voltage systems are. Easy as shit to fix with next to no risk of electrical hazard, minus the unavoidable retard or two wiring something wrong. That's what meters are for, though. I trust nothing else.

>> No.53926315

"Forklift certified" may be a meme, but the money isn't. $15/h starting, you can get certified in less than an a week, and you get to sit on your ass all day. There's a ton of demand and there's always gonna be overtime available, so $30k would be the bare minimum for full time hours
Beats years grinding as an apprentice or even a journeyman desu

>> No.53926360

I make 120k base but I also can distribute from my company so I pull 50-200k every year as well
>t. electrical contractor in ca

>> No.53926369


>> No.53926432

It's very hard to learn and the work is physically exhausting. You have to ask yourself if it's worth it.

>> No.53926518

Sparky here, done my apprenticeship next year and make 110k a year. Best decision I've ever made at 20 y/o

>> No.53926671

Because there`s two kinds of electrician works, i can`t remember the names but one is related to industry and the other for common people, the problem is that sometimes they mix

>> No.53927348

It's only worth it if you get into a niche role or work in factories. They couldn't pay me enough to do residential or work for another contractor. Look at big food and beverage related manufacturers, anheuser busch in my area starts out at $38/hr, more than ibew journeyman scale here...

>> No.53927423

Easy if all you do is wire switches and lights for 2500 dollars a day

Hard if you do field work or networks or automation.

Also commercial electrician's work hard cunt, everyone does.

If you want money you aren't going to get it. Money comes from the value you give.

Most idiots like you stick around for 4 years and then they fuck off and drive forklifts for 30-40 Bux an hr

>> No.53927438

60k is plenty to live on still. Stop buy stupid shit

>> No.53927452

>over 30k right out of the gate
wow minimum wage, impressive!

>> No.53927496

I know a guy that started out doing maintenance in a bread factory, ended up feeling sick at the smell of yeast afterwards

>> No.53927551

Lol I believe it. I've worked at a paper mill, a steel/aluminum container plant, and a mill that made popular snacks everyone knows and loves. They all had a variety of stenches, and any time something reminds you of it, you are literally forced to imagine the smelle and revisit all those godawful memories

Manufacturing is soulless as fuck but it pays good

>> No.53927630
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>Physical activity destroys your bodies
>sitting in front of computer screen all day doesn’t!

>> No.53928462


nigger I make $100k in a tier-2/3 city and that's shit

>> No.53928502

Nigger, I drive a 2000 civic I bought for $3k cash ten years ago, make $100k in a tier-2/3 city, and still can barely save $24k/year, if I were making $60k I'd literally be unable to save anything

>> No.53928522

So stop spending all your money on dragon dildos and hemorrhoid cream

>> No.53928530

My older brother has done everything.. electrical, plumbing, some hvac, some framing/etc--worked on cars--he said if he would pick just one thing it would be electrician.

>> No.53928535

What country?

>> No.53928545

Do you have children?

>> No.53928584

show w2

>> No.53928586

>jus eat rice and beans and live in your car!
Kill yourself bootlicking goyslave

>> No.53928679

N O P E.

-$30k taxes
-$20k mortgage (bought in 2017)
-$8k utilities
-$12k food (eat at home, cook, even bake my own bread)
-$24k savings
Left with $500/m in discretionary cash

Even if I eat nothing but rice and beans and saved nothing I wouldn't be able to survive on $60k/year, literal poverty wage

>> No.53928814

Fucking this. We need to make more men, not fatassfatasses.

>> No.53928851

>Also it's intetesting and intellectually stimulating.

Also lol at 60k, literal secretaries make more

Trades are for fucking losers

>> No.53928854
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>$8k utilities
Do you have a weed farm in the basement?

>> No.53928903

That's yearly obviously, and I'm including all fixed cost monthly expenses (phone, internet, car insurance) in that category

>> No.53928918

>can barely save $24k/year
>-30k taxes
lmao califaggot you deserve it

>> No.53928932

Not Cali. Only $8k is state tax

>> No.53928960

Based Union Tradies

>> No.53929101

You are such a crybaby bitch lmao

>> No.53929207

>oh yeah fuck me up the ass dry daddy oligarch, make my bussy bleed!
Ur a fagot

>> No.53929210

That's like one of those textbook things right? Like when you have trains that maintain a constant exact speed or hard drives that never throw bits "because fuck you"?

>> No.53929343

I was an electrician, but I quit when I took a shock because my boss was a retarded not even able to turn off a switch

>> No.53929383

Based on what, you commie bitch

>> No.53929404

Google prevailing wage for Philadelphia area. It's 108$

>> No.53929471

What if you're 30 years old, reckon it's too late?

>> No.53929494
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Ayyyy philly mentioned

>> No.53929520

cuz i already make $200-250k by having learned to code

>> No.53929540

why do i need years of school? wouldn't the basics of electrical theory be covered at the college level physics we all took? We all went to college here right biz?

>> No.53929544

>fell for the trades meme
>only have 1 year experience most of it is working in the shop instead of field work
>journeymen won't teach me anything and only make me do their administrative work
>can't join the union without having connections
>boss sends me out into the oilfield alone without a journeyman for "training"
>have to leave the house by 5.00 AM to reach the site on time
>leave the site after the sky is dark everyday
>literally no idea what I'm doing half the time making a fool of myself in front of all the refinery boomers with 40 years experience
>blew up 20k worth of shit then pretended it was already broken
>all for $17.00 per hour (before taxes)

>> No.53929566

anon but these are the days where you gather the best stories.

>> No.53930168

If you’re good at ANY trade you’ll blow this shit out of the water. But you can’t go into any of it thinking it’s a golden cow, easy money or anything like that. Electricians can branch out and break above 100k. Expect 10+ years of hard work, learning and generally eating shit before it’s worth it. Tall order for a NEET

>> No.53930199
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>over $60k

>> No.53930519
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sounds like you need a different company/workforce. If you take that kind of attitude and determination into any place that cares about talent acquisition youd be hard pressed to not blow them away... unless you are actually retarded

>> No.53930572

>only couple of years

not a solution I change my mind every four weeks

>> No.53930634

I'm a year younger but I'm in decent shape, no back issues. I make $100k working no ot as an electrician and the work is very rarely physical. I'm basically fireman waiting for a call. No calls, I just sit in my pickup for the shift.

>> No.53930665

My dad painted residential properties for decades and it was pretty easy apart from the times he fell off of a ladder. He is not a graceful man. But he's retired with a pension and in good physical health so I'd say it worked out well.

>> No.53930975

Lmao cope. Im saving 20k+ a year on a $60k wage and only work an average of maybe 30-35 hours a week

>> No.53931274

Try Eastern Europe for 9.6 k per year, with real estate prices about 75% of those in the US

>> No.53931317
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That's why you learn how to plc and learn how to into industrial controls. You make yourself stand out like me(my running record is no more than 2 years at every job for the last 11 years)
>mfw I'm the only one in my shop that knows how to program panelview

>> No.53931333
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Fuck me I forgot to make my point: make yourself invaluable. There's a big shortage in the industry of guys that really know controls. Get some exp and learn the industry standards, you'll write your own paycheck because companies will beg you to work for them

>> No.53931498

I took out a student loan and studied chemistry and make 70k a year hiking to remote locations and taking and measuring water samples. Don't become an electrician and risk your life and having shitty back braking work because some retard on the internet told you so. The fair yearly salary for an electrician is at least 100k a year and don't even think about becoming one unless that becomes the industry standard.

>> No.53931524

>theres no salary between $60k and $1M
How long have you been retarded?

>> No.53931592

My brother in law is an electrician. He's /fit/ as fuck for a 60yo dude but the job is pretty difficult. You have to contort your body in every positions, raise your arms over your head all the day, and on top of that you have to make calculations and schematics. Not a bad job at all and very needed, especially if you're actually good, but be aware that it's hard.

>> No.53931638

>physically exhausting
Aren't you just twiddling wires around and climbing ladders?

>> No.53931785

No, I've worked a bit with my brother in law, it's definitely exhausting, because of the uncomfortable positions, and having to drag large wires behind walls all day long, especially when renovating old houses. It's still rewarding when everything works as intended.

>> No.53931822

I was electrician before I studied computer science. You always check current, even with breakers off. Otherwise - it’s an ok trade. Wouldn’t call it intellectually pleasing, it’s just not stupid as the other stuff. It’s quite helpful though in life, you can always wire up stuff and do repairs yourself.

>> No.53931977

There's a procedure it's called the safe isolation procedure.
Yeah it's textbook, literally the first thing you get drilled into you is how to isolate circuits safely where you test between the different conductors also using a proving unit to ensure your test instrument is working properly.

>> No.53932021

what are the steps? and is it possible to avoid heights?