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File: 113 KB, 1200x600, co-workers-connecting-at-work.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53919472 No.53919472 [Reply] [Original]

>hey anon, we're headed to the pub for a cheeky one
>you're coming with us?

>> No.53919483
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Do you guys actually not accept invitations like this? Or do you not work places that this happened? Happened constantly in college to me but with party's because people weren't 21

>> No.53919555

My job is entirely remote.

>> No.53919609

I'm self employed but yes, I do miss drinks a lot at my old job.
Almost all the office were friends, my bosses were decent and the chicks were insane (international office in amsterdam with heaps of exotic cuties)
We used to get wasted and smoke good cigars

>> No.53919694

Holy fuck she's hot, I'm in love bros

>> No.53919763

No thank you.

>> No.53919842
File: 2.00 MB, 300x215, 1677833501457.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not going to pay that much to drink the same beer that I have at home. You better learn to not waste your money in frivolous ways. What's next, paying to "dance" on a dirty greasy floor, with flashing lights and some techno "music" so loud that you'll end up deaf ? Stop being ridiculous.

>> No.53919860

Real talk. Going for drinks is such a waste of time and money unless you are catching up with actual old mates/real friends that you do actual stuff with like camping and gaming and holidays etc. I've stopped doing weekly drinks with work colleagues and Idgaf, waste of time. I hang out individually with people I like at work and that's it.

>> No.53919871

I go and only drink water. More fun to try and hit on people when they're tipsy and I'm completely sober.

>> No.53919899

why do they insist on doing this shit? it's always so predictable.
>get to bar
>everyone orders. nerds take turns one upping eachother by taking risks on le habanero cider or bourbon barrel IPA
>everyone takes turns letting off steam about work and naturally break off into smaller groups
>effeminate nerdbois talk about craft alcohol, dudeweed, deadend hobbies, and television shows
>roasties talk about relationships while posing like men, and give nerdbois suggestive looks every once in a while to make sure they're still in orbit
>the "alpha" male of the group affects half-engaged nonchalance while he texts a chick he met on bumble
>roastlets give him a ribbing about it and make gossip about her profile photos
>nerds offer him envious well wishes and non-advice
>alpha roasties eventually sigh and announce they have to go home to take care of some codeword (they've got dick lined up)
>"alpha" male goes to meet up with his bumble match, hands out individualized token acknowledgment to the now intoxicated and sloppily arguing nerds before he goes
>the quiet girls leave after one of them turns down a nerd, again
>nerd overspend for breadsticks, another round, and then make way for the barcade across the street
it's all so tiresome

>> No.53919922

based predator

>> No.53920215

Nigger, my life doesn't revolve around the wage cage and/or the other wagies. I have hobbies and a fun business to run. Kek.

>> No.53920258

Pssst.... UK anon... yanks call it 'the bar' and they don't know what cheeky means, in any context.
Geee you guys, who'd like to come to the bar for some crazy drinks? Brad's buyin'!

>> No.53920365

Fuck you and them. I don't drink. Losers.

>> No.53921256

have sex

>> No.53921264

>be born introverted and turbomanlet
it never began

>> No.53921303
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>We're going drinking!
Ok yeah sure. Have fun destroying your body by drinking the combination of shit and piss from microorganisms under a foamy head of their farts. Oh yeah, and don't forget the occasional bee slobber.

People are so retarded that they make me sick. They'll regret it one day when they have beer bellies and see that I was right all along.

>> No.53921311

This literally never happen, turn off the telly.

>> No.53922291

All the pubs closed down and went put of business due to covid lockdowns.

>> No.53922327


>> No.53922584

is this bait? What fucking normieville you work at. Never seen anyone accept such invitation. There was a one fool at workplace trying to organize hangouts, everyone declined, after a couple weeks he gave up

>> No.53922672

>I don't drink.
Damn man, you're so cool. Thanks for sharing!

>> No.53923159

>Invited to have a couple of drinks after work with coworkers and boss
>Have absolutely nothing in common with them
>Try to make some small talk but after a while it just turns into nonstop normal fag talk
>Wait for a couple of hours, excuse myself and leave
Fucking hate it.

>> No.53924091
File: 33 KB, 657x527, 3B9AC1C0-0C3D-4322-B7DC-E74A6477CB96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will flex these mysterious stacks with my coworkers even though we work a 40k/yr job - buy grabbing the entire tab all night!
And later banging Stacy hahahaha!

>> No.53924193

In Japan, it's basically required. Okay, legally, you don't have to go. But good luck getting that promotion...

>> No.53924234

jesus christ anon, go outside at least once I am begging you

>> No.53924292

You can help them along by enhancing
their drinks a little.

>> No.53924318


>> No.53924328

I work in a bar. Last time I got an invitation like this it was after I got out of work at like 12:30/1 and this girl who I was talking to at the bar, who was in town on vacation, was FaceTiming me asking me to come and just said nah and that I was going to bed. Owell

>> No.53924334

as i have never experienced such a thing, it may or may not be Realistic.

On Christmas dinners i usually come late and go early, and mostly just enjoy the free food. Also I don't drive and drink, and everyone knows i live an hour from the workplace, so i always have an excuse.

>> No.53924950

Real life situations don't look like OP at all

>> No.53925460

>my life doesn't revolve around the wage cage
So you don't go out and do stuff? Sounds like it does

>> No.53925527

Is it company sponsored? What's that? It's just to have a 'fun night', out of my own pockets? Sorry I have video games to play, maybe another time

>> No.53925541
File: 392 KB, 524x484, uber trolley problem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, they have pubs in our city? In the United States? Like an actual pub? So we'd be expected to get food there? And it's actual food like a regular working person would go and buy and not overpriced British-themed hipster food being sold at a bar? And it will be a pub atmosphere and not a hipster bar atmosphere? And you're not going to talk with a fake British dialect the entire time? And this isn't some kind of weird attempt at relating to me because I was born in Bongistan?

Yeah, sure, okay. Let's go and order a few black and tans at O'Malley's.

>> No.53925558

lmao no wonder they sudoku themselves

>> No.53925732

>year of our lord 2023
>living in the UK

why would you do this

>> No.53926539

black niggers spotted. ya'll really stick out like a sore thumb kek. fucking roasties.

>> No.53926547

Not a white collar faggot so my co-workers don't look like that. if they did i would absolutely just say no and then go home to ga,

>> No.53927660

>nerds offer him envious well wishes and non-advice
The replies, kek

>> No.53927742
File: 70 KB, 961x816, 52fdb150-ab04-11ed-8b16-4386e07046a7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i used to get pissed up with my work colleagues regularly until it turned out they are fucking narcs. how can some people simultaneously fight over your company and treat you like shit, fucking psychos