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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 37 KB, 1280x720, iota3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5391550 No.5391550 [Reply] [Original]

I'm holding 806 IOTA that I bought yesterday, it makes more than 1/4 of my portfolio.

But nobody here is talking about it. Is this a good thing to hold long term or should I sell it?

>> No.5391593

fuck off to r/cryptocurrency

>> No.5391680

if this post is a true reflection of the extent of forethought and planning you're willing to put into investing, you should probably just put your money in a pile and set it on fire

>> No.5391697

Sell it idiot.

>> No.5391714
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>> No.5391725

Doubt it'll move up more in price soon

>> No.5391752


Mossad is behind IOTA

>> No.5391783

Normies are literally going out of their ways to buy this shit. Get rekt, BZC is the only one they'll buy for fun.

>> No.5391814

I hold 4000. Ill keep at least 2k for the long run, I have had and always will have faith in MIota

>> No.5391833

youre going to get a ton of different responses for this specific coin so you should look elseware for research. lots of people hate it because of politcal reasons

>> No.5391851

It's unironically maybe the next big thing come next year. It's getting memed a whole lot on biz but only with garbage like
>muh refugees
>muh soyboy
>muh not working wallet

So yeah, if biz can't even come up with proper FUD it's a decent hold

>> No.5391853

Hold that shit. They're partnering with every major company under the fucking sun. When they iron out kinks, the only other cryptos that will matter are daps that run on the tangle.

tl;dr keep it - always do the opposite of what /biz/ fags say

>> No.5391859

make your own decsions, but IOTA is a solid long term hold.
I'm talking 2-5 years.
If you want 100% gains in the next month then drop it and go for SALT

>> No.5391895

you dont need to fud this coin
just check the ceo's leddit account
a fucking goldmine or retardation

>> No.5391926

sure it is. But what exactly does this have to do with the product? Steve Jobs was a massive cock and Apple was doing just fine last time I checked.

>ITT: More weak FUD

>> No.5392012

>The technology is literally made up shit
>Vitalik, the ETH team, even MIT have written devastating criticisms of the technology
>literally every one of its partnerships are made up or a client relationship presented as a partnership
>they are also extremely strange people in general, making up their own hashing algorithm, pretending to have inserted bugs in their code on purpose, and unironically believing in smart refugee cities
Sure, go for it

>> No.5392076

this is FUD from literally June btw. Don't fall for it.

>> No.5392095

You're a fucking jew trying to scam people out of money


>> No.5392121

I'm not even holding IOTA right now, but I was from 1.30 to 5.50 and people were spreading these exact FUDs all day every day. I'm not sure what exactly YOUR point is though

>> No.5392126

The MIT review was proved to be false tho

>> No.5392147

If by FUD you mean accurate fucking information, we agree.

Want to address any of the points you lying fucking faggot

>> No.5392167

I buy the ones with the best logos.

>> No.5392173

the June bug was found by MIT and fixed the same week. What exactly do you want me to disprove at this point?

>> No.5392179

the tech doesnt work. period. during the big bull run it fell flat on its face as soon as transaction volume picked up. and all the above bullet points are still true.

>> No.5392181

I had 309 IOTA from back in June that was stolen out of my wallet that I only discovered after a few days of trying to find my balance after not checking my wallet for a few months.

Do not use Powershell to generate your wallet seed; it does not create truely random seeds. Also keep your IOTA on an exchange; the wallet is the biggest price of shit I’ve ever dealt with.

Hope you get some gains. I held only to lose all mine.

>> No.5392213

The not review was false? Did MIT lie?

>> No.5392233

they didn't have masternodes and had like 5 coordinator nodes instead. Masternodes were released two weeks ago and the network is operating fine now.

More things you want to spread wrong info on? Maybe the wallet that they released a new version of a week ago? Go ahead.

>> No.5392241

My normie friends were scrambling to buy Iota three days ago. They don't know the slightest bit about crypto or investing. They have never heard the word blockchain before. Both of them put in 2 grand each after it was already up 40% and I helped them set up Binance accounts.
I don't know if that info helps you but I am going to kill myself if they end up with more gains than me.

>> No.5392252

There's more recent news. Try researching the coin you think is awesome

>> No.5392283

like what exactly? That one microsoft employee shilling their azure account as partnership that got picked up by Forbes? Yeah that was pretty ridiculous and the price dropped heavily because of it.
So... what?

>> No.5392287

Bare in mind there are literally millions of mIOTA being held hostage that users will dump as soon as the wallet is fixed and they can access them

>> No.5392367


Biased was a better word

>> No.5392414
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>> No.5392492
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Smart Refugee Cities

>> No.5392502

What does it have to do with the IoT? And moreover, why the fuck would the IoT need a cryptocurrency?

I can turn my lights on with my phone without waiting for a crypto transaction, thank you. And for ultra low power edge nodes that are supposed to run off of a single 3V coin cell battery for 7 years? You really think they want to keep the CPU awake for any longer than they have to and process extremely computationally intensive cryptocurrency transactions?

Dedicated cryptography hardware could lessen the load for small embedded IoT devices, but again, why bother? What's the point of having an IoT coin in the first place?

t. Semiconductor engineer on the business side of a company that specializes in designing low power microcontrollers and BLE/Zigbee/sub-GHz/WiFi integrated radios and network prorocols

>> No.5392522

Literally everytime I read people talking about IOTA it just makes me realize just how many noob sheeple there are out there. Look, IOTA threatens "blockchain" and miners a lot. The tech is still a little buggy and new, but they know that if it starts improving, which I believe it will (I know a lot of history of IOTA and NXT), "blockchain" and "mining" will be an obsolete relic of the past. That's a shit ton of money that will be lost if this happens, so therefor, there are endless FUD campaigns against it. Do your own research and look at all the replys from the devs. The devs can be a bit trollish at times, but they've been honest with everything since day 1..... and the refugee thing, yeah, I'm against it... but I don't care, I'm out to make money, and IOTA is a potential game changer.

>> No.5392527
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Censuring questions on reddit.

>> No.5392541

Jesus Christ David "i only smoke pot 2-3 times a year" is such an insufferable cunt

>> No.5392550

this faggot dumping his FUD folder or what?

>> No.5392569


You decide.

>> No.5392598

What does it change?

And don't make me laugh calling it a Bitcoin killer - there are hundreds of other coins that solve the problems of mining centralization and slow, expensive transactions.

>> No.5392617
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smart refugee cities

>> No.5392647

It's a religion

>> No.5392764


Hhaha! There's a reason IOTA is 11m MC. If you're going to try to be smarter than the thousands of people working for a company like Bosch, well, good luck being poor.

>> No.5392855

you should not listen to 4chan people, if you wanna do sucessful invest ... do your own research

>> No.5392880

Holder since 0.2 cent. Holding until i can sell it to my car.

>> No.5392921

stfu retard this is where the money comes from. if they just start burning it we cant get it

>> No.5392923

It's not difficult to sell executives ideas, and their decisions don't necessarily reflect the opinions of the "thousands of people working at Bosch"

Again, what makes it unique or useful?

>> No.5393001


>> No.5393033

You should have been on the IOTA train when it was $0.5 back in Oct/Nov, you're too fucking late. Just put that money into ICX, and realize 5x gains.

>> No.5393046

Plus it is centralised and they have access to your wallets. It doesn't matter how much you invest, you won't get to keep a penny once it is up and running. Your investment is a means to an end for the globalists and buying IOTA is betraying humanity.

>> No.5393069

why do we hate refugees again?

>> No.5393095

Steve Jobs made things sexy. The IOTA faggots would make even a gay man's dick shrivel in disgust.

>> No.5393099

the /pol/ juice of just hating something for nothing is spilling over

>> No.5393113

I put in 900 dollars and held through the fud. I'm now at 20,000. I am not selling bcause I have done my own research and believe it will continue to rise. I suggest you DYOR and do not depend on 4chan for significant financial direction.

>> No.5393123


IOTA has been working with bosch for months now. It's not like they just threw a sales pitch to a few executives. This is more serious... A lot of useful things for the machine economy. Zero fees, unlimited (except for bandwidth) scalability, MAM, possible/probable hardware implementation...

>> No.5393124

I think it would have something to do with the terrorist attacks

>> No.5393168

Stratis has a ONE BILLION marketcap despite being a confirmed scam with a virtual office. Valuation means shit regarding actual technology. There's very few projects in this space with real value.

>> No.5393183


This. I hear ya brother

>> No.5393205

It's a good hodl long-term but it's going to dip first. I'm thinking at least -50% before NY

>> No.5393216

yeah that's why we're all trashing on raiblocks and byteball
oh wait

>> No.5393269

What is MAM?

I can see a coin fitting into the IoT if dedicated hardware is used to handle the cryptography and save power. The company I work for has been developing hardware cryptography blocks for IoT chips for a few years now.

But, what I don't understand is which applications an IoT currency fits into? Home automation, industrial automation, asset tracking, environment monitoring?

>> No.5393305


Lol, oh you sweet summer child. That's not how these things work. You think anyone gives a fuck about a FUD campaign coming out of 4chan? LOLOL. No, IOTA gets all the fud because it's 11m in market cap. Raiblocks and bytball aren't a threat. The FUD is coming from much higher (think MIT), and tricklying down.

>> No.5393363
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>Raiblocks and bytball aren't a threat.

>> No.5393405


>> No.5393451


Masked authenticated messaging. Basically transfering data, securly through the tangle. It will be used for pretty much all you said, including the automotive industry and possibly aviation too. MAM is huge.

>> No.5393487


Trust me. Raiblocks and byteball would recieve just as much fud as IOTA, if they were anywhere near IOTAs mc.

>> No.5393523
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Dedicated hardware in the form of the Jinn chip.
The primary aspect I am interested in is Iota's work with Bosch and Volkswagon for automated vehicles. There is a lot being set up behind the curtain right now for Iota to be the M2M currency that AV vehicles use for micropayments (charging, parking).
The data marketplace is also appealing because putting the individual in charge of selling their own data (optionally) gives them a way of creating their own stream of income. People don't realize how much data is worth, and how it is scooped up and stolen to be sold from under them. If an individual sells their own data, they create (relatively) passive income. If they then keep that money on cryptocurrency, they are their own bank. The autonomy is appealing and I want to be a part of that future.

>> No.5393905
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>> No.5393974

Parking and charging are great applications I hadn't thought of. Thanks, anon. That was the real roadblock keeping me from getting excited about IOTA. Obviously protecring personal data is a big win, too, but that can be done without a coin. I hadn't thought of the potential for micropayments in soon to bed automated transportation.

>> No.5394020

Cheers, anon.

>> No.5394116


oh yeah, I thought micropayments was obvious... not just for cars though. Millions of sensors collecting data from wheather, industrial machines, etc. all can use IOTA for micropayments.

>> No.5394299

anything consensys touches turns to gold

>> No.5394318

paying for what? I don't get it what do automated cars and fridges have to pay each other for?

>> No.5394356

According to devs, IOTA will partner with Mitsubishi corporation, Siemens AG, Robert Bosch GmbH, Johnson Controls, A.P. Moller–Maersk Group, NASA, Royal Dutch Shell plc, Bogdanoff twins, Microsoft Corporation, Smart refugees, thyssenkrupp AG, Bayerische Motoren Werke, General Electric, ROSATOM Group, Facebook, Reddit, Grindr, Twitter and many many more

>> No.5394395

If no ones posting about it, it means they’ve turned off the bots and are buying it up and getting ready for another pump and dump.

>> No.5394499

hmm maybe because they are greedy subhumans?

>> No.5394501
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According to devs they designed a QUANTUM SAFE cryptocurrency with self made cryptographical primitives IN TERNARY because ...

Broken my high-school level differential cryptanalysis

According to devs IoT devices running on batteries will be able to do PoW for free.

A mobile phone takes 2-5 minutes and depletes battery to send one transaction. Only secured by the Coordinatora anyway.


>> No.5394752

Maybe because of the skyrocketing rape, murder, and terrorist acts in every location the subhumans infest.
See, Sweden, France, Germany and others. Particularly Ottawa Canada as well.

>> No.5394859

Anon 1 (Talking about IOTA):
The problem is not that the algorithms are not quantum resistant. The problem is that the algorithms have not been tested enough to be considered safe. So those algorithms might actually be less safe than regular algorithms even without any quantum computers available at all.
This is why most cryptocurrencies actually do not use these algorithms - it is considered bad practice and might be harmful. I think quantum resistance in IOTA is just a marketing stunt because the average user without background in computer science or it security somehow thinks it is an advantage while it is not.
Please check https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Broken_cryptography_algorithms for an extensive list of broken cryptography algorithms. Engineering good crypto is not an easy task and takes its time.

Anon 2 (about Ethereum Core dev. bashing IOTA for this reason):
This a 100 times. Nick Johnson (Ethereum core dev) listed this as a major reservation he had with IOTA in a piece that became pretty infamous. In his words, "Iota disregards cryptographic best-practices," and it does indeed seem to be for marketing reasons.

>> No.5395316

/biz doesn't understand the true potential of IOTA. IOTA is the crypot that will dethrone BTC. Just follow IOTA for a while before you sell. What other coin has more progress, announcements, participants, partners. Plus, the devs are in the slack channel everyday. You have a question just ask them directly.

>> No.5395345


Anon, I know, I was making fun of iota bois and their dear devs.

IOTA devs think they are Gods among humans - while delivering high school level of product.

Its just retarded, beyond retarded.

>> No.5395380


If you ask devs any question beyond the "hurr durr how do I invest into moon", you get banned.

Devs cant answer fundamental questions about technology, they are retards and scammers, their skills are at the level of your typical PHP programmer of 2001.

>> No.5395481

MIT review shit all over this scam so the shills are crawling back into the shadows

>> No.5395546

What is your question, I'll get an answer for you in 3 minutes cucky

>> No.5395677


What metrics determines when the Coordinator is not needed? Give numbers of today and past of said metrics.

How far is the progression of the development of the "not classical internet" but "the internet IoT will run on"? This is said by CfB so he should know what he is talking about.

Also ask, "Is there any other backdoors in IOTA"?

>> No.5395954

The coordinator need is constantly measured and a plan has been made to remove. Within the next week the coordinator source code will be released for review. In Q1 the coordinator will become distributed vs centralized. The goal is to have the coordinator completely removed by end of 2018. As far as the metrics, they are fluid.

The progression is compounding and by early 2018 we will see the first Jinn products. The ternary processors are specifically made for iot and will further progress the field. The "not classical internet" will be better understood when comparisons are made between tcp/ip and binary vs. IOT protocols.

Backdoors, not that I am aware of.

>> No.5396122

thinking of selling all my IOTA for NEO.

>> No.5396191



so they will never turn off the coordinator but instead "distribute" it.
goal post moving.
Looks like Byteball now, but worse.

If you didnt have any doubts before, you should now, that answer says nothing about metrics or what they are measuring. "fluid". AHAHAHAHAH

"The "not classical internet" will be better understood when comparisons are made between tcp/ip and binary vs. IOT protocols"

Ponzi scheme detected, lead dev is speaking garbage "binary vs IOT protocols".

>> No.5396220


RaiBlocks or Byteball

>> No.5396263

Because they're not syrian, not refugees, and not children. they are just north Africans and sheeit that just want to live somewhere else.

>> No.5396294

Shhhhh, you'll ruin the PnD. The tech underlying IOTA (Directed acyclic graph) is the future of decentralized solutions, but the dev team, the lack of a functional product, and the lack of immediate use cases makes this a no for me. Raiblocks is better.
> Dev team is humble
> Focused on being the best at one thing- transactions
> No fees
> Working product
> Instant transactions
If you haven't tried it yourself, it is a bit difficult to express how amazing it feels to tap a screen and immediately see your money show up where you sent it. No more waiting 3 weeks for a miner to process your transaction, not susceptible to Sybil attacks, it's fantastic. The devs have explicitly stated that their goal is to create the absolute best cryptocurrency for transactions, and they have

>> No.5396331

>Backdoors, not that I am aware of.

The best kind

>> No.5396380




>> No.5396392

"Currency to power the Internet of things"
Its a sewer fire.
Dump it.

>> No.5397124

ty based anon. Any other recs beyond XRB?