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53913158 No.53913158 [Reply] [Original]

I don't fucking understand. We have possibility for almost infinite growth right now. There is technology, there are smart people, there are less smart people who could do different jobs. Yet everyone is acting like crazy, people in corporations are acting like crazy, content in Linkedin is crazy. Everyone is acting totally hectic, on edge of mental breakdown. Everyone is fighting in every way. Social media is full of insane people. Why can't we just slow down, calm down and fix everything? I can't talk with people irl unless I talk with them with a voice like talking with a baby, otherwise they sperg out. What the fuck is happening?

>> No.53913196

meds, now

>> No.53913663

>I can't talk with people irl unless I talk with them with a voice like talking with a baby, otherwise they sperg out. What the fuck is happening?
Societal collapse. Its absolutely insane that a 4chan retard like me in the public sector is somehow one of the more normal, mentally stable people in my work and social environment.

>> No.53914841

Not enough consooomers. It's only the beginning.

>> No.53914859

>We have possibility for almost infinite growth right now.
there is your answer
this is the most decisive decade of this century in terms of dictating the course of humanity potentially into a new golden age

>> No.53914941

>Golden age
Depends on how long ESG bullshit continues, seems like that's a hill they plan to die on.

>> No.53914976
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wtf is "infinite growth" even supposed to mean?

>> No.53914979

>Yet everyone is acting like crazy, people in corporations are acting like crazy, content in Linkedin is crazy.
You're acting crazy because you've gone crazy.

>> No.53915005

maybe they think they can force it
ever heard of "the singularity"?

>> No.53915748

There are two problems
The first is that in a world with infinite prosperity you can't allow the goyim to consume the world reproducing infinitely.

Second the world is about to end, the elite knows, they don't give a shit anymore they have their nice bunkers ready on mountains for when the sun blast arrives and the tsunamis sweep the earth once more while the magnetic poles move to Chile and the Indian sea and the crust floats freely accompanied by earthquakes.
The end is between mid 2030s to early 2040s.

>> No.53915755
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That's because you don't buy into the stupid shit everyone else is on edge about. We know its fake and manufactured to drive an agenda/control/profit, so we don't care. I have family members who still think US democracy could have ended on Jan 6.

>> No.53915770


>> No.53915790

Suspiciousobservers has been doing extensive research on this for almost a decade, you can look his stuff up, there are other anons that know here too, idk how they found out but they had nice resources about this phenomenon, you might find them in the archive if you're lucky.

>> No.53915812

his retarded asshole

>> No.53915819

You know they said the same things 2000 years ago and the world didn't end then either.

>> No.53915841

Check the latest magnetic field strength report data.
You might wanna guess why nasa has shut down that data from the public.

The stories of floods and calamities weren't just stories, they are cyclical, and happen around every 12k years

>> No.53915856

Where is Atlantis

>> No.53915859

I can't interpret magnetic field strength data. I don't know how a planetary magnetic field works in detail or what a particular development implies for the future.

>> No.53915865

you've been saying the end is nigh for millennia and it never happens, you're a moron. go hide in your doomsday bunker and don't come out

>> No.53915883

Well, I can only pray you and this guy are wrong. But if not, as a poor, there's nothing to be done is there?

>> No.53915895

It means that the next solar flare facing earth is going to shut down all electronics, this weakening of the magnetic field corresponds with a solar cycle on which the sun experiences a massive CME that scorches the solar
system every 12k years, burning one side of the planet, sending impactor, tsunamis and eventually an ice age due to the mass of water evaporated.
Humanity survived every time, enough to tell the stories to those that listen

>> No.53915924

One of my reasons to make it is having the resources to escape this fate, high in the mountains, colorado, that's the safest place on earth, the alps of you're European, but you'll likely get the sun scorching side, cyclically one side gets the scorch one impactors and one is safe, this time the americas is the safe side

>> No.53915931

How can I prepare for this catastrophe

>> No.53915987

Shelter, in a high enough location possibly above 12k feet, self sufficiency, farm, animals etc many years before the blast, as the magnetic field will be too weak and electronics might have already fried by then...
The Shelter must be nearby and not too deep possibly made of stone or any non conductive material as earthquakes and thunderstorms will rage and induction from the crust will melt anything conductive, the stories of 3 days of darkness address to this: the sun will likely darken before the blast, you'll have days to escape to your shelter

>> No.53916305
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Just south of the Azores. Middle of pic is the great plain of Plato's Timaeus and Critias.

>> No.53917732

youre living in the age of information warfare and the old world order is under attack

>> No.53918502
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>I have family members who still think US democracy could have ended
yet you'd love it if it did, Chud

>> No.53918601


There has never been any extinction events or ecological devastation coinciding with a flip of the poles in the geologic record. It just means the charge in the mantle starts flowing the other way

>> No.53918738

>economy and society
Capitalism is starting to make money determine a person's worth, which is sad
at least with crypto we will stop thinking that way by proving how stupid that way of thinking is by making so much money with the cheapest dextools shit, or maybe we can just become worse off

>> No.53919825

US democracy actually ended on 9/11/2001 and I hate it.

>> No.53919910

This is a blatant lie, cyclical species mass extinctions events coincide with 12k-24k-etc... And so on

>> No.53919915

Ecosystems are on the verge of collapse. Many white nations are about to turn into Brazil. "Singularity" will never happen, but you'll get a radical increase in the IQ needed to be a net contributor to society.

>> No.53919921

>just 20 more years bro
climate fags have been saying this shit since 1971

>> No.53919940

atlantis was innthe eye of the sahara and was wiped out by the global mudfloods that happened 9k years ago you absolute midlet

>> No.53920115

Who spoke about climate change here? I spoke about a cyclical cataclysm that tends to end civilisation wiping out most of humanity