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File: 2.05 MB, 750x2388, 2458B9B0-2EB8-448A-9411-228389E8B7A8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53908833 No.53908833 [Reply] [Original]

Chinese spammers who’ve been flooding the tg group were hired by DBI admins to shill the token and weren’t paid for the service, hence why the spam. They said this isn’t their first scam project either.
The admin when confronted about it and asked if he works for the team pretended to be “just some guy” while banning anybody who posted pic rel in the group “by accident”
He later admitted to hiring the spammers, then immediately lied about the screenshots being fake and played a victim like a retard

>> No.53908844

Bullish, checked. Might have to all in this one.

>> No.53908877

Firstly, double dubs, incredible. Second off, you're stealing my style and you need to get a life. I invented self fud involving internal politics of TG groups and posting gay screen caps on biz. Your 5d game is trash and you should either retire or seek education from me here ( I may or may not oblige).

T. The Legendary BonkYe West of D0B0

>> No.53908878

jannies will delete this thread

>> No.53908889

Wow a triple double with a holy double 7 in which the legendary Christian Jihadist Dobaggie BonkYe dismisses a trash 5d and asserts himself as a legend. Wow. I'm all in on DBI. Kek wills DBI.

>> No.53908900
File: 2.76 MB, 800x2800, D047A012-ACE2-4D81-B694-DE03C2F9F17F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried asking senior devs about it on discord but got no reply from anyone

>> No.53908941

More dubs than not in this thread. Poster posting gay trash 5d gets only dubs so far. Yeah, I'm thinking we're back.

>> No.53908996

>hello fellow /biz/antians

>> No.53909018

Where can I hire ''mr James''? It seems he did a pretty good job?

>> No.53909058

Gay. You better buy in this dip, cause it’s not going down after this. FudNigger.

>> No.53909089

you're not very subtle. also they're doing a miserable job with their DBI shilling, shouldn't get a single rupie for their "work".

>> No.53909092

it’s the admin who hired chinks and didn’t pay them

>> No.53909099

that's based

>> No.53909107

>miserable job with their DBI shilling
It's up 1000% in a month retard

>> No.53909110

>not paid for the work
are you a team member kek

>> No.53909119

everything shilled here post 2018 is a scam

>> No.53909166

no i just read your screenshot, i would have kicked you a lot earlier. but this guy >>53909107 surely is in their team, you can ask him for more details. i really can hardly believe that there are still idiots on /biz/ who jump on some BSC pump & dump that's being shilled here, especially if it is done so poorly.

>> No.53909175

> BSC pump & dump
so you literally don't know anything lol

>> No.53909184

that’s telegram not discord moron

>> No.53909207

>that’s telegram not discord moron
who the fuck cares you god damn zoomer. i seriously can't wait for the trench digging that's coming to all of you.

>> No.53909210
File: 102 KB, 600x600, 1649731521384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course it's a scam, that is why I caught a 2x and solded

>> No.53909233

>calls you a zoomer
>can’t distinguish between tg and discord

>> No.53909253

jesus christ, you talk like a fag and your shits all retarded
>no need to get nervous, we're just having a little chat like two genetlemen :)
>I do not think you quite understand the gravity of the position you and the project indeed are in
nigga stop larping as some great detective or some shit

>> No.53909262

I just read that. If that’s you, you act like you have the pelican brief on this poor dude. Haha. What a bunch of shit. NOBODY really cares dude. Spam nigger chinks are everywhere on tg, I’ve been a mod and they’re a pain in the ass. They do stuff like that all the time. Fuck off, and buy.

>> No.53909370

>muh poor scammer
stage 1: denial

>> No.53909394

How do I sell? Uniswap is acting retarded and putting a spend limit instead of swapping. I want out of this shit

>> No.53909402

send it to me

>> No.53909426

Quit using what I was fucking joking with an anon here yesterday fucking jeets I swear to jesus I'm so fucking glad you guys got scammed because this entire shitshow is a massive rugpull.

>> No.53909428

So lets get this straight. The screenshot shows this: a cutoff admin message saying to "check out the dev" and to "share the news" Then the chinese scammer says "ok mate" "my work costs 3 eth"
and thats it. Thats all we have. Thats all we can see.
Is there a part of this message that shows the admin agreeing to paying the eth? From what I have seen in the DBI chat when spammers come asking for money to spam in chat, the admins tell them they are free to spam if they want, but they will have to buy their own bags. What I bet we see in the previous messages here is the chinese scammer trying to sell services, the dev linking the scammer the twitter account, and the scammer taking that as "youre hired!"
We can see clearly that the admin was threatened to have this info brought here and shilled here to try to derail the token....and you anons are falling for it? Show me the agreement.

>> No.53909440

shrimps are capitulating

>> No.53909454

Show yourself the door scammer and never come here again.
Someone dox everyone from this rugpull and I'll personally see as many are brought in for justice.
>T. Marshall.

>> No.53909469

Just bought more thanks OP

>> No.53909472

comfily slurping the dip this morn.

>> No.53909483

Show me on the chart where the rug pull touched you anon. I am still up more than 3x on my most recent buy. Maybe try to not buy the top and then fall for the first fud that comes to the door.

>> No.53909515

I literally do not care, I bought and flipped for a quick 2x, DBI is objectively an outright scam, but you still talk to that tg mod as if you're breaking some big story. It's a retarded scam meme token, big whoop.

>> No.53909522

The admin clearly approached the chinks first, if you’re in shilling business it’s not smart to spam a guy for not accepting your paid service isn’t it? It’s a small industry and no one will contact him again.

The admin does not admit to being an admin but instead larps as some guy, gets clearly nervous and lies that the screenshots are fake after admitting he communicated with the chinks. You do you but I saw this and looks like 100% scam.

>> No.53909534

This. Lol. Retards fall for this related fud. Especially with the fees on Eth. Dumbfucks. DBI will be 2c by Sunday.

>> No.53909535


children, please

>> No.53909540
File: 50 KB, 300x300, roflcopter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fake tg spam fud is so fucking bullish

>> No.53909544

Anyone? Please I don’t want to lose it all. I never come across this before

>> No.53909546

>The admin clearly approached the chinks first
and how do you know this clearly? I cant get that in the slightest from the pictures that were posted as "proof" of the scam. I have been in the chat for a while and this sort of thing has been happening from the moment the token went parabolic. The reaction by the admins is the same each time: GET YOUR OWN BAG AND SHILL ON YOUR OWN. Not sure why that would have changed with 1 single spammer. So again, show me where the admin approached the chinese scammer, this should be EASY to prove, just a SS of the first messages.

>> No.53909556


OP is a lying chink, there is no proof of collusion anrwhere, he has made a fake chat and screenshotted it to trick noobs.

>> No.53909564

Chinks jeets and europoors the thread
I hope you all die and your families end up in prisons in your turd world shitholes.
Again anyone with information come foward and my team will put an end to many of them if they are anywhere close to the united states.

>> No.53909574

after seeing this...think i'll buy more

>> No.53909608

shill teams provide price upfront if they approach admins, if you worked on a crypto project you’d know that. You’re being a disingenuous retard if you think OP conversation was initiated by chinks from its structure

>> No.53909616

any of you knew anons here that are being caught unaware by the recent shit happening. This is an extremely common thing to happen to promising "community" tokens. Each of these scamming spammers that troll TG want a piece of each token that is going parabolic. They refuse to actually purchase their own tokens though and so attempt to browbeat projects that they werent lucky enough to find before they went parabolic(meaning that the spamming services are not needed). They will spread fud far and wide with SS that "prove" things are a scam, in an attempt to knock the price down to a range where they can afford a decent sized bag. Then theyll stop the FUD and let the price rise, and you idiots fall for it everytime. Stop falling for FUD that makes 0 sense, it makes YOU lose money and have to work harder to climb out of whatever hole you are currently in. Also, dips are normal, there is no such thing as a single straight up candle, you moon, dip, consolidate, moon, dip, etc.

>> No.53909627

>I- it’s fake AI did it

>> No.53909633

>You’re being a disingenuous retard if you think OP conversation was initiated by chinks from its structure
maybe try rereading my post retard. Never said the convo was initiated by the scammer, I said SHOW ME THE PROOF IT WAS INITIATED BY THE SCAMMER. Please get smarter.

>> No.53909652

>be known for spamming a project A after they refused to pay for shilling
>think shilling services are free
nice pilpul

>> No.53909656

oops completely misread that.

>> No.53909672

It should truly be NOTHING for the scammer to show the beginning of the messages right? Why dont we have that? Why do we have to assume things? Assumptions in crypto are deadly. Show us the initiation of the messages.

>> No.53909680

>you don’t have the proof? Oy vey I guess you have nothing then
It’s clear from the screenshot itself that it’s not shill chinks who approached the admin else the conversation wouldn’t be structured this way

>> No.53909681

Even if I hold and sell later, how do I go around this “spend limit”? When I click approve, nothing happens and I still have all my DBI. Wtf am I suppose to do after that?

>> No.53909695

You're so fucking pathetic all of you, I single handedly shilled a two coins here that did 250% on CEX's within a week.

You guys can't even get 10% with a massive shill campaign which you're clearly not gonna pay for.
Let this be a lesson to you fucking niggers don't ever expect to make money off shitcoins they are only made to feed the creator period.

>> No.53909700

>It’s clear from the screenshot itself
Its not though, not at all. In chat the usual convo goes like this: spammer: YOU NEED SHILL? admin: sure, go ahead, spammer: ok it cost 4 eth, admin: no mate, grab your own bag and then shill it, spammer: no thats ok!
thats how its been going, thats how the message looks.

>> No.53909707

I didn’t get the screenshots and you’re arguing like every kike on 4chan. You don’t need evidence of a car driving on a road to when you see a splattered body, it’s clear the admin did hire chink shills and we don’t have any evidence he didn’t promise payment either. What we know is that unless you’re a retard you don’t threaten customer or else no one will use your service and you can’t refute that with your pilpul

>> No.53909711

you arent going to find someone who is going to try to hold your hand and show you how to use a dex here anon. Go find a goddamn tutorial of how to interact with dex.

>> No.53909723

What made this chink special? Every single other one has been told to fuck off. This is why we need proof. Its stupid as fuck to come here with incomplete information and try to use it as proof of something. Show the whole chat or fuck off. Literally show the proof, half a message that shows NO agreement is not proof.

>> No.53909726

Then talk to that admin and ask him for proof. Easy enough right? :)
I’ve done enough projects to know shills always tell you upfront if the service is paid once you get to DMs, you’re in denial creating fantasy to convince yourself you didn’t get scammed.

>> No.53909728


There is no proof because he is a lying jeet chink

>> No.53909742

>Faggot nigger scammers scamming each other and arguing about it not being a scam
Kys everyone of you who invested time or money into this bullshit.

>> No.53909743

why would I go and bug the admin? I can see the message structure lines up clearly with what I have seen in chat, initiated by the scammer, the admin giving a link for shills to use(to the twitter), then the shill saying a price, and the admin saying to fuck off. nothing else has been shown.

>> No.53909745

It’s proof enough that the spammers were approached and hired by the admins, and that the admins lied about their involvement instead of coming off clean. If you’re too dumb to understand it I got a booster to sel you.

>> No.53909756


>> No.53909757

>It’s proof enough that the spammers were approached and hired by the admins
there is no proof of this thats been delivered yet, only messages showing half the conversation and then random chink shills saying "trust me bro"

>> No.53909758

damn your shitcoin is dumping hard rn

>> No.53909779

The word "proof" has been used 14 times excluding this post within this thread alone kek.
Holy shit you scammers are gonna rope today I hope, unfortunately just means you're gonna be making a new rugpull to shill here, fucking meth heads need to be all burned at the stake.

>> No.53909784

>your evidence is not clear enough
If, and I repeat if, shills approached a project and spammed that projects several days later because they weren’t paid despite admins not hiring them, then the shills would have been out of business instantly. You don’t want to understand that because you’re in denial, and you’ve never worked with shills before. You’re probably a redditor who got here a couple months ago. So do with that what you will.

>> No.53909821

>You’re probably a redditor who got here a couple months ago.
wow so much edge from a phone poster. If the fud is real and true, why is the conversation cut off? Why cant we see the rest of the conversation? Its a bit ridiculous for this to be brought to people as proof and it be incomplete, especially when it follows the format of the usual interaction a shill has with the admins in chat.

>> No.53909824
File: 27 KB, 499x481, 8BD562FB-8549-4A16-A729-22F8FFE3D338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hi you wanna shill service?
>here’s my cost
>sorry not interested
>guys don’t use X’s services, he tries to extort people
I bet this faggot is a communist who thinks food comes from supermarket too

>> No.53909840

>why can’t I have the entire history going back to last year??
>p- phone posting is le bad amirite that’s what they told me
>I won’t confront the admin but you gotta give me a mountain of evidence
ok enough entertaining npcs in denial for today

>> No.53909844

based ye
or alternatively, ye switching ids and having a conversation with himself in public
either way, bullish

>> No.53909853

Someone is really trying to bring the price down...I wonder why

>> No.53909855

>>why can’t I have the entire history going back to last year??
>>p- phone posting is le bad amirite that’s what they told me
>>I won’t confront the admin but you gotta give me a mountain of evidence
yes, asking for the beginning of the message history (which is likely 4 or 5 messages above the one posted) is too much, Its a mountain of evidence, amiright?

>> No.53909884

I watched at least 5 different “beginners” guides and none of them talked about a spend limit. Can’t you just help me out?

>> No.53909899

I told you those are not my screenshots. I don’t know who the chinks are and I was banned just for posting the screens like the guy in the screens. The person to ask for evidence is the admin but you don’t want that and you refuse to accept the evidence thus far suggests scam, normal admins and mods don’t behave this way, lying and banning people.

>> No.53909921

30% and counting absolutely rugged.
Fuck you jeets, fuck you scammers I hope you all die horrible horrible deaths. I hope you all kill yourselves today and never ever return to this board.
I hope you end up losing your mind and becoming violent and attacking the next indian you see, preferably when you go out to your ganges.

>> No.53909942

If you dont step back for a minute, take some time to learn how to interact with things in the crypto world...you are going to lose all of your money.
so youre bringing this to biz, as evidence of wrongdoing....and arent even sure if its true(evidence)? Thats insane, you got banned because this is low level fud, something that happens in nearly every token that gains traction that has this flavor. The admins arent going to explain to every retard who tries to get them to answer for it. You can see clearly that the SS are framed in a certain way, if you are active in the dbi chat you can see clearly that this interaction is going the exact same way as all the other shill offers. Anyone who is serious about making money off this token, knows that it is fake, none of us need the admins to answer for it because we see the framing. The only ones that will lose from this are the new people like
who try to sell at the first -10% that is accompanied by fud. This is a needed shakeout (due to the massive run we just had), but it is going to make any retards that recently bought lose if they dont hold.

>> No.53909995

Take a look at the chart and find each of the local tops. Each of the local tops have been down after they purchased...but within 2 days(I think it is atm) they are in profit. Its been a pattern so far and there is a flood of buys coming in right now that makes me think that even with this fud the pattern will hold true. What I am really surprised about is that the scammer chose THIS to fud about, instead of the OBVIOUS shit that happened(which was the perfect thing to fud about even though it turned out to be true).

>> No.53910015

I am talking about the airdrops that were found in the TXNs for DBI. dont buy inu wasnt the first iteration of this token. It was originally called deutche bank inu and they decided to switch contracts as so airdropped all OG DBI holders the new DBI. This happened like 4 months ago or so. That would have been the perfect FUD to use. But were dealing with chinese scammers, so cut off reframed messages are the best they can come up with.

>> No.53910016

Words words words Kill yourself nigger and never post here again I hope some salty fucker doxes you and the team and I'll make threads with your faces names and information for the next year since you decided to step into my playground nigger, big fucking mistake.

>> No.53910051

yes anon, words words words, on a board that is used for chat, who fucking could have guessed. I am currently up 300% on my investment still, even after this dump. I didnt get in early, but this FUD isnt going to effect my intital deposit.
>I hope some salty fucker doxes you and the team
you understand that there are a fuckton of videos made that clearly show everyones faces right? We have fucking CZ in them, we have the creator of dogecoin in them, do you think they would sign on to scams? Get your head out of your ass.

>> No.53910078

This niggers creating new threads to slide this report all DBI threads, the paid advertising ended today so jannies can ban this shit off the board.

>> No.53910093

kek, if I am "sliding" this thread, why would I keep replying and bumping it? God you are a fucking retard.

>> No.53910106


Yeah go ahead and dox CZ, fucking retard. Their faces are public.

>> No.53910119

CZ is a billionaire he has absolutely zero reason to touch this shit, just like Jack Dorsey was making rugpulls here in 2021?
Fucking nigger jeets all need to be hung by street lamps and disemboweled.

>> No.53910131

but yet he has touched it...what the fuck are you smoking. He literally made a video with thedev to promote this. Do you think he would open himself up to litigation if he wasnt certain this wasnt a scam?

>> No.53910146



fucking retard.

Maybe it’s not a measly scam, he has no reason to tie his reputation to a 12m cap coin.

>> No.53910154

Get fucked nigger your scam is fizzling and you'll be on to the next one by days end.

>> No.53910161


just by a bag you fucking pajeet, your fud is weak as fuck

>> No.53910166

falling right back to ad hominem attacks instead of trying to refute the information. I am sure anons who are passing by are going to listen to your autistic screeching about this being a scam.

>> No.53910168

What through paid 4chan advertisements where you clipped him saying "The dev is devving"
Even your catchphrase screams ESL.
I can put a face of Elon Musk on a coin as well and claim anything I want, you guys did CZ because he's being targeted and won't have time to deal with shitskins like you.

>> No.53910181

I have no clue about tg shenanigans but if that's you on the right you are a faggot lmao

>> No.53910185

you little idiot, we are not going to tell you something so basic, I know exactly what you are doing (or should I say, not doing) and I hope you are SWEATING right now.

I'm not done dumping yet, fuck your couch, babby's first rug and tug

dbi army motherfucker

>> No.53910190
File: 108 KB, 591x1280, A419963B-CCD1-4FE5-BEE6-6188D10D05DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


CZ and The Dev are literally working on DBI together you fucking retarded niggerjeet.


>> No.53910200

>What through paid 4chan advertisements where you clipped him saying
I am not certain the guy you are replying to is the ESL. Its painful to get through that sentence.

>> No.53910201
File: 19 KB, 306x306, 2866CB76-A805-4BC2-80C7-3E80D61B5B27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chinese spammers who’ve been flooding the tg group were hired by DBI admins to shill the token and weren’t paid for the service, hence why the spam.
People literally always shill their shit, retard
>They said this isn’t their first scam project either.
"they" Nigga, explain to me how you would even gain access to these "insider" pics? LMFAO
>The admin when confronted about it and asked if he works for the team pretended to be “just some guy” while banning anybody who posted pic rel in the group “by accident”
Because it's random jeet fud. Surprises me the lengths shitcoin haters go to.
>He later admitted to hiring the spammers, then immediately lied about the screenshots being fake and played a victim like a retard
Fake news

I'm not in the coin. Missed it at 2m market cap. Don't have a dog in this fight. I simply hate people that reek of jeet shit. Fyi I would like it to dump hard because I plan on buying if btc crashes to all hell this month. Stay poor, jeet. Memcoin casinos aren't going nowhere.

>> No.53910215

If you can't grasp that sentence it's because you don't read english as a first language, also this scam has less than 1k followers on coinmarketcap.
800 infact
That's it it's a massive fucking scam somehow it worked hats off now get fucked.

>> No.53910221

It's very strange how jews are still after cz. Sam might even call a hitman on him at this point. Jews are animals. Relentless big nose curly haired perverted fuckers.

>> No.53910222
File: 163 KB, 733x1280, 32DD1BDC-ABFC-4740-8B3E-C7E23598C27C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


DBI is this cycles CAKE. You are fucking retarded if you don’t have a bag. It might even be this cycles SHIB. Don’t fade CZ. If there is one thing he knows how to do, it’s pump a shitcoin. Just look at BNB.

>> No.53910225

>What through paid 4chan advertisements where you clipped him saying
kek ok

>> No.53910230
File: 260 KB, 1467x2048, 1656474392270533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is a legitimate honor token
If you ever wondered what it's like to look at Plato's cave from the outside: just look at these Telegrams.

>> No.53910242

Its just marketing taken to an extreme. Every piece of marketing thats been released so far has been pedal to the metal strangeness.

>> No.53910246

>You are fucking retarded if you don’t have a bag
Dumb nigger. I'm literally defending your coin, LMAO.
But no, I'm not randomly buying. I fucked up because it was in my radar for months, but I'm not buying until btc crashes again or breaks 25k. No, I'm not buying here. Fuck off

>> No.53910255

>it was in my radar for months
it got shilled to be under 20k MCap, cant believe I didnt toss $10 in.

>> No.53910257

Fyi, retard. CZ likes this project. He even follows the dev in twitter

>> No.53910259


>won’t buy microcap sponsored by CZ
>muh 25k

I guess some people were born to stay poor.

>> No.53910271

When I first saw it, it was sometime after the FTX crash. I found the project because he had top comments when making parodies of sam. I procrastinated because I thought I had more time.

>> No.53910283

>t.stacklet retard
Kys. Even with coins I shill, I'm at least honest to people about market conditions instead of trying to get people to buy a falling knife. Btc has a HIGH probability of crashing. I'll buy THEN. NOT here. Again, go fuck yourself.

>> No.53910300


complains about no having more time


making the sam mistake here, kek

stay poor faggot

>> No.53910306

Unethical as fuck.
1. Stacklets should NOT be lecturing me
2. Again, why in the ever living fuck would I buy BECORE a crash? What a dumb shit

>> No.53910319

Ok so tell me if I got this right. I’m reading around it from what I gathered, a “spend limit” is how much access you give to a dex for a particular token. So for example, if I want to swap 1000 DBI, I have to first set a spend limit of at least 1000 DBI in my wallet? Is that right?

If so, why is this the first time I had to do that out of several coins I’ve swapped so far?

>> No.53910337

Yeah, it is. They construct this entire fake world where some meme token gets "endorsements" ("Bitboy made a tweet"). There is real crypto like BTC, and people say things like "it's going to secure your wealth" about it. But they make a fake fantasy version of that that some people believe. Whoever falls for this shit then legit thinks that he's part of "the real crypto revolution" that is "based on honor" and "is there to help the little guy", and other bullshit like that. It's fucking drivel, but in the TG, it's "true".
I wasn't speaking metaphorically. This is actually what Plato's cave looks like if you're looking at it from the outside.

>> No.53910338


>quaffling about the price of a microcap moon mission

God hit you extra hard with the stupid stick huh

>> No.53910351

You're telling me to buy before btc crashes and say I'm the stupid one?
Are you the village idiot of this project or something?

>> No.53910355
File: 21 KB, 336x336, 4F6AAAC5-0C9A-49EA-9AE5-730B674299ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Interesting. Please tell me more about your shitcoin with fundamentals

>> No.53910363

It's a shitcoin to gamble on. It's not that deep, retard.

>> No.53910370


I’m not the one seething like a retard about not buying in earlier


also go ahead and 100x short bitcoin right now if you know the future so we’ll, fucking faggot

>> No.53910372

Reminder that filming one 1-minute video that admittedly took CZ “10 minutes” to do does not mean your shitcoin is “sponsored by CZ”

You fucking grifting faggots

>> No.53910385


your right, CZ, a billionaire took time out of his day and tied his reputation to a microcap shitcoin just to rug a few thousand jeets out of pennie’s

makes a lot of sense

>> No.53910395

>I’m not the one seething like a retard about not buying in earlier
I'm not seething about that, retard. I'm saying I'm not buying before btc crashes because unlike you I have brain cells.
>100x short bitcoin right now if you know the future so we’ll, fucking faggot
Learn how to manage your risk, you absolute clown. I'm 1x shorting it because I'm not a retard down syndrome village idiot like you.

>> No.53910418

Again it took TEN MINUTES (nothing) and he’s not “tying his reputation” to it because it’s a fucking ONE MINUTE video

You fucking lying piece of shit

>> No.53910429

>I'm not buying before btc crashes
What if it doesn't crash?

>> No.53910433
File: 222 KB, 1242x562, 4AB4D824-308D-41D6-9772-1F7742997DF7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He literally follows him on twitter, dumbass

>> No.53910443

Then I buy after 25k. Jews can scam pump btc if they want. I'm willing to take the risk of buying higher if my plan fails.

>> No.53910444

Proof this nigger is the creator of this scam coming to violently defend it, get fucked you fucking nigger you used people and stole from them I hope you get killed in prison you fuck.

>> No.53910446

there is an unfilled cme gap at 3400 it will be filled

>> No.53910448


you are such a retard kek

it’s not even just CZ, the sum of all evidence points to this not just being a run of the mill shitcoin

The Dev has conversation on twitter with the Kraken CEO, the winklevosses follow him, clearly there is something brewing.

Why would they follow a random crack head? Rub those brain cells together retard


I look forward to your tears when you can’t afford a make it stack anymore because you tried to time the market like a retard

>> No.53910459

Yeah, for you. But there's people who believe that this is a long-term investment. I'm talking about them.

>> No.53910481

youre thinking way too hard about a spend limit. Literally go find a youtube video that explains how to perform a swap(of a non-gas token). The issue with asking people here, is that they are going to give you an answer ONLY to your asked question. Your question however is indicative of you not knowing how crypto actually works. Meaning, the answer people give you could lead you to making a mistake. You need to build your foundational knowledge before trying to step into the defi world. You need to know what a contract is, how to interact with it, how to interact with a dapps UI. You also need to know what it is you are doing when you are trying to use the various features that dapps offer.

>> No.53910486

>Proof this nigger is the creator of this scam
Mentally retarded
>you used people and stole from them I hope you get killed in prison you fuck
Literally the story with every asset ever, holy shit you're new as fuck LOL.
Nigger. It's a shitcoin. Not the "next bitcoin". Anyone with half a brain knows this is pure gambling. Casinos and lotto tickets are a thing. This is simply better odds. Nothing is ever gauranteed in life. You are NOT entitled to making gains off of ANY asset, you dumbass princess. If you can't handle memecoins, DON'T FUCKING BUY THEM THEN. Christ, you're an idiot. Even doge coin is a 100% ponzi and robinhood has them listed. Kek.
Get with the program, nigger

>> No.53910524
File: 137 KB, 1242x360, 74E75A5C-1D3F-4849-A32C-22185A8A1AFB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no such thing as guaranteed money. Pic rel. Also if people are too retarded to differentiate a shitcoin from say blue chips or "legitimate companies", that's their fault for not doing their due diligence and being retarded due to laziness. Anyone with half a brain knows shitcoins = musical chairs on crack. It's a GAME. Don't make excuse for other people thinking a GAME should be where you park 100% of your net worth

>> No.53910551

No there's not. People who say this have never even opened up a trading chart. It's not that hard, I promise you. There's one in 9.7k, but that was from the previous cycle so it's pointless now. Only one that will probably fill at this point that is below us is the 20k one.

>> No.53910552

I found a couple of sites that seem to go more in depth. I’m starting to understand it better. Thanks

>> No.53910556

>Get with the program, nigger
Its been sad to see the recent new biz people. They fight the trends so hard and then cry when they capitulate at the top and proceed to sell on the first red candle. I used to be able to get good early info here. Not sure when the last time I made a pick based on something I found on biz.

>> No.53910569

Honestly, I would find a youtube set of videos on the topics. Find some that have been made by protocols, not randos or influencers. Those I have found are generally old(not updated since no one is paying them for the updates). The protocols have a vested interest in having their users understand how to use the service.

>> No.53910578

the name is 'spending limit'
it literally is a 'spending limit'
how can you not understand this

>> No.53910628

Yeah, of course, it's a game, I get that. The people who don't understand that look retarded to us. But they don't think they're retarded.
When they make threads like this >>>53910021, the intent is to convince people that it's not a game and that there's some kinda "honor system", whatever the fuck that means (it means "hold until I dump on you").

>> No.53910662


bro you are running krueger as fuck

there was a time on biz when everyone knew what is a scam and no one cared, we gambled knowing it was a scam.
That’s the nature of memecoins.

The fact that you feel compelled to explain this shows how noob you are

>> No.53910702

I know everyone here knows it's a scam. I'm not telling anyone anything new. I'm just saying: this is what it looks like when you believe bullshit.

>> No.53910723

I’ve never come across this while using uniswap before, so the fact that it didn’t instantly do a swap the same way it has for everything else I’ve used it for, was confusing me since nothing would happen after approving it.

>> No.53910784

Except it's not. TheDev is going on a cross-country roadshow tomorrow.

>> No.53910810

See? What he says sounds completely reasonable to him: >>53910784

>> No.53910840

how many threads are you actively fudding in on this fine Thursday?

>> No.53910849

i’m not convinced it’s an outright scam either, and if it is, I’m wagering that i’m early, Nothing wrong with taking a gamble on a memecoin, son

>> No.53910861

is this the new general DBIAMF'ers

>> No.53910862

But they do know each other. And yeah, if he's gonna do a video for dbi it's close to an endorsement cz will ever give to a microcap token. So, gtfo!

>> No.53910865

dude settle the fuck down. This is up like 200% over the last week or so. If you bought in at the top and went in with too much money, that is your fault for putting in so much. You should either expect this thing to go to $0 or some sky high valuation. It's not something you hope to get 20%/yr returns on.

Also, this is on ETH and not some low gas chain, so it severely limits the amount of fuckery going on as you have to put up some decent amounts or get eroded by gas fees.

>> No.53910930

This thread is retarded and likely created by some faggot trying to fud the price lower who realized he missed out on a good entry. Who cares about some chinese spammers? The coin’s creator has interacted with some of the biggest names in crypto, with more collabs planned this month. This coin is a ticking time bomb moonshot, and if you cant see that you're legitimately mentally challenged. Also, it’s already going back up after its so-called “rugging”.

>> No.53910934

any time you are trading any non-gas token, So in this instance, anything aside from eth is going to require an approval before it will let you swap. So either, you arent paying attention to what the TXNs are asking of you, or you have NEVER traded anything aside from eth for another token. Makes my previous statements about learning the fundamentals all the more relevant. Dont be one of the people who come crying to the greater crypto community because they made the wrong move and it cost them their entire wallet. There are countless pitfalls when dealing with the current wallet set ups, every one of the ways that you can lose money are easy to avoid if you understand *what* you are doing each time you click a button on a dapp.

>> No.53910999

>I tried asking senior devs about it on discord but got no reply from anyone
the discord is all bot accounts trying to get nfts

>> No.53911054
File: 95 KB, 240x240, 1639240519537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit op thinks hes pheonix wright

>> No.53911112
File: 123 KB, 590x1280, photo_2023-03-02_09-11-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pic related, guy is a dishonest, honorless scammer that we will not be doing business with.

>> No.53911137

afternoon Andrew!

>> No.53911214

holy fuck this is great.

>> No.53911423
File: 941 KB, 1020x574, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek why are you even giving detective chromosome the time of day

>> No.53912155


based based based

>> No.53912317


>> No.53912499

Well that shuts everybody up, well done can we moon now?

>> No.53912645

Op u can suck my dick and rope yourself after i cum on your face you fucking piece of shit nigger for not being honourable

>> No.53913324
File: 335 KB, 606x487, 1677791623782395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey The Dev just posted

>> No.53913486


>> No.53914436
File: 187 KB, 512x512, 22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek this FUD thread has been usurped as a DBI fren thread, OP eternally BTFO

>> No.53915779

ITT radio silence from rudders after being absolutely fucking destroyed. honor wins always

>> No.53915798

This meth head hasn't left his trailer in several decades, and doesn't know how to operate a flipphone you really think this guys anything more than some poor schmuck some jewish scammers decided to put up as a frontman for when they inevitable rug?
Which is happens as we speak again, incoming -150%

>> No.53915904

>different guy

>> No.53915923

>it’s honorable to lie and play victim after pretending not to be an admin
this thread is full of some of the most reddit fags I’ve seen, probably half of them are admins

>> No.53915945

>when you’re a reddit newfag on /biz/ but also a clinical narcissist so you blogpost basic shit to make yourself feel smart
no wonder retards like this shill this coin, probably the actual Andrew

>> No.53915973

>it happens everywhere everyday
>admin won’t explain anything
>it’s ok if he lies and acts like a guilty actor
>admin doesn't need to answer because he’s didn’t screw up or isn’t a scammer because I’d lose money so I want to pretend otherwise
It’s literally the bible vs historical records debate kek