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53910572 No.53910572 [Reply] [Original]

I own a mansion in a small german town, I plan on selling it and buy a 200 sqft flat in Tokyo to get away from the muslims.

I already got an real estate agent in Tokyo searching, a good location will be about 150.000$ and like 60$ a month repair funds/insurance.

Any anons got experience downsizing from a big space to a small one just to find peace?

>> No.53910805

I do know gaijin gonna pay more. Deals are always better if you're dealing in Japan in japanese. I moved from Japan to an 80 acre farm though so I can't really help with your downsizing question.

>> No.53910855

Fuck off we're full. You made your kebab now sleep in it

>> No.53910879

Thanks for the insight. I know a japanese person which is fluent in english, so that could help against gaijin-price? I might keep my mansion and just rent it out, but I really want to leave Germany. 27 now and losing touch with friends who just smoke weed all day, no family whatsoever

>> No.53910888

You know you'll be the muslim, right?

>> No.53910936

I build cabins for a living. Could transport containers down there and set it up myself. Where in Japan should i do this? Just want to spend my summers in a place like in Ponyo. Off grid on gas btw.

>> No.53910949

...I won't if I can escape

>> No.53910996

He means in Japan, you fucking retard.

>> No.53911070

>becoming an immigrant to escape immigrants

>> No.53911187

Why Tokyo? That's retarded. Summers are hell, it's too crowded, too loud, too expensive. Earthquake like Fukushima in the next 20 yrs = 90 %

Why not move to Sapporo or Fukuoka? Better climate, cheaper, much lower disaster risk.

>> No.53911328

Big city. Chuo isn't loud, can't say anything about earthquakes though.

>> No.53911377

Pretty sure there is a difference between a first world educated skilled person that has a monogamous family culture structure, and someone that has no skills does a lot of crime and comes from r-selected reproduction.

>> No.53911388

>get away from the muslims.

>> No.53911446

Fix the problems in your own country instead of shitting up somebody else's.

>> No.53911588

Believe me, Tokyo is great for vacation but it sucks to live and work there. I've lived and worked there for eight years and I'm trying to help you. I'm happy that I went back to Germany years ago, even though I hate the Grünen.
Japan has much bigger problems than Germany. Just to name one:

>> No.53911649

you realize there's an immutable hierarchy of human races and europeans are always at the top, right?
yes, he'll be an outsider for life, and if he can't speak the language he'll be looked down on as an arrogant/stupid foreigner.
but if you're not a brown-eyed animal and you have wealth you're a net positive to any country you go to unless you're infected with american "culture".

>> No.53911735
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Germany is lost

>> No.53911820

Thank you.

Impossible. We give out permanent residence like candy, this can't be reversed. Even questions or tests after the 5 years mandatory stay in Germany are about to be canceled, you can get citizenship whilst living from welfare.

I appreciate your thoughts, even though I wouldn't have to work there as I got real estate in Germany and 7figures worth of investments. You hit a nerve there with me, I might buy a small flat there and keep my mansion in Germany, so I can just do extended stays in Japan without giving up the germans pros (cheap healthcare, almost no consequences for any behaviour except taxfraud/non woke agenda).

>> No.53911839

japan is one of the worst countries to migrate to for multiple reasons
do the following: live there for a while, without buying a property like a fucking idiot, and then see if you still like it there after a year or two

>> No.53911860

Prices are ok and even if I'm sick of it I'll rent in out.

>> No.53911925
File: 1.01 MB, 1188x897, Screenshot_2023-03-02_10-49-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moving to another country on a whim is full retard tier, ESPECIALLY if you don't speak the language. If you are independently wealthy or have a remote job consider traveling different locations for a while before you commit to buying a property. Paraguay and hungary have been a favorite place for conservative germans for years, countries like Serbia and Slovenia are pretty much 99%white and Croatia has great weather and no property taxes and South africa has several white only communities and militias.
If you are dead set on Nippon, Tokyo is the most gaijin friendly place in Japan but also the most expensive, you will pay out of the ass for a shoebox.
A thing that most westerners have trouble wrapping their head around is that in Japan real estate is a depreciating asset instead of an appreciating one. This combined with Japans aging population and young people moving into the big cities means you can buy houses in rural places (or ghost towns) for less than 20K EUR. Keep in mind you will ALWAYS be the foreigner and they will NEVER fully accept you, but they are generally not outright hostile. In my experience japs are more worried that the foreigners lack of language skills will lead to misunderstnadings and a lot of them are self conscious of their english skills. If you show that you can speak japanese, even if its broken as fuck (but with the respectful honorifics), in most cases they become a lot more welcoming.

>> No.53911993

The idea to move away from Germany is not a bad one, but there's many other good options of countries to move to, and Japan is not the best one I think. Also keep in mind that moving to a different country will make you an outsider and people will always treat you like one, unless its a country where you can blend in

>> No.53912008

If not going full ethic cleansing what would be necessary is mandatory forced long-therm contraception for those on welfare and a merit and minimum-iq based immigration system, if there is one in place.
Both are very unlikely to happen.

Policy of major parties is national suicide.

Learn the language first, do a language course in the country for starters.

>> No.53912021


>> No.53912027

>Any anons got experience downsizing from a big space to a small one just to find peace?
Yeah I got experience downsizing from a big space to a small one just to find peace

>> No.53912063

stop trying to ruin Japan

>> No.53912109

I am no muslim

>> No.53912127


>> No.53912187

Japan is ruining itself with it's population crisis lol

>> No.53912298

You don't have a visa to stay in Japan even if you buy the house, and this is a larp thread.

>> No.53912320

bhow did you made your moneys?

>> No.53912330

>population crisis
Corporate/economic buzzword

>> No.53912404
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My family downsized when my first/only son was a baby. It became apparent really early on in parenthood that having a big house was going to prevent us from living the life we wanted. The upkeep was an overwhelming monster that wore us down, created stress, and took away time together.

So, my husband and I talked it out, confirmed the decision, hired a realtor, listed our big house, and bought our smaller one. It was that simple.

I occasionally miss certain things about the big house, but downsizing was the smartest financial decision I have made in my life and has improved my quality of life significantly.
Plus if you're downsizing to escape the muslims it's actually the best financial decision you could make.

If you could divert some of the money you would be saving up thanks to the downsize towards, say, cryptos with dividends or tokens like $HAMI that offer rewards you could actually have an even better argument for it, since you would also be having another big income from cryptos

>> No.53912413


>> No.53912438
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>2023 year of our lord
>thinking racial features matter anywhere
This is your brain on no sex

>> No.53912468

You're a net positive only if you contribute to the economy or society, if you're just an incel NEET basement dweller you're just as worthless as a random nigger.

>> No.53912473
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japan is played out
you will be lumped in with weeb faggots infecting the country
you will never form any meaningful connection with any of your neighbors
you will never be a citizen
you will want to blow your brains out if you have any interactions whatsoever with any government office, and you will have to on a regular basis
your flat will have paper thin walls and you will be able to hear your jap neighbors talking about rice and octopus all day and night

>> No.53912477

You don't think Japan has a declining birthrate with an upside down population pyramid with their work culture and commodification of every aspect of relationship? This has been quite thoroughly documented for years. If you're gonna call bullshit you need more than 'it's just a buzzword bro'.

>> No.53912515
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Ive been thinking about moving to Germany from the US recently
Are the muslims really that bad?
Are there any web dev/computer anything jobs for an English speaker in Germany?
Obviously I plan on learning the language, but that's gonna take years of practice once I'm over there
I'm white btw

>> No.53912525

Why Tokyo in particular? Unless you have some business deal there you would get a better return for your money literally anywhere else in Japan.

In the places with population issues the old houses are almost being handed over.

>> No.53912526
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You'll fit in. I hear japanese and germs are very similar culturally (native Germans). Also no weed there so get ready to kick that habit. Well, there is weed but you'll learn kanji very well after spending years in prison doing calligraphy if you get caught so don't do it. Also, learn the language like I said because you will absolutely get fucked for being a gaijin there.

>> No.53912528
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except they do. I wasn't racist before literally every place in my home town was saturated with niggers. I learned to hate them with time

>> No.53912529

Sapporo is the best choice!

>> No.53912548

Yes, if you're handy buying an akiya with land is possible. Everywhere in Kanto is basically a suburb of Tokyo so the soaplands and good izakayas are always an hour train ride away. There is a solutely gorgeous land for sale for pennies on the dollar near the mountains in gunma.

>> No.53912563

you might as well pick tokyo because as soon as you're outside of a major city, people dont like seeing non japs. half of the restaurants you try to enter, you will be promptly ejected. staff at convenience stores and groceries will fuck with you and pretend not to understand you even if you speak japanese. and yes this applies even if you're white, cant even imagine being a fuckin nigger there lmao

>> No.53912588

hehe I know. I also hate them, and chinks and jews too, but what I mean is that doesn't really matter. Life just goes on. I'm not gonna leave my hometown just because I can't deal with some gook living here too.

>> No.53912605

This is also kind of true unfortunately and why I'd recommend Saitama or gunma over Tokyo where you could easily buy a house instead of a mansion. Also he's spot on about the government office and you'll be down at the yakuba constantly doing retarded shit that will wear on you mentally unless you are a native

>> No.53912672

>sqft instead of m2
>xxx$ instead of $xxx

>> No.53912681

why did you move from GER a top country globally to JAP? are you a weeb or was it for money at least? men moove to the US or Scandinavia not some Asian islands.

>> No.53912708

Tried to speak burger so as many people as possible can chime in

>> No.53913878

>you will never be a citizen
Why do retards like you get all their info from other retards and take it seriously?

>> No.53913985

Retarded German use to perfect summer weather will be sweating his bratwurst in the extreme heat and humidity of Tokyo. Enjoy typhoon season.

>> No.53914533

>always at the top
not in the sissy porn you watch lmao

>> No.53916016

they arent gonna let some gaijin bring some metal boxes and live innawoods lol this isnt some backwater shithole in west virginia

>> No.53916019

No no, I moved from a nonwhite country (USA) to a white country (Japan) but I've come back to profit off shitskins.

>> No.53917394

>japan is played out
What would you recommend instead? Is there an alternative?

fwiw, I'm biding time banging filipinas in Manila capital region. Not purely theorycrafting from a USA basement.>>53912605
>I'd recommend Saitama or gunma over Tokyo
Gunma pill me.
Is that where you go in Japan for comfy mountains? Good motorcycle riding?

>> No.53917439

The only redeeming quality of some Scandi countries would be fisherman culture and technically being my ethnic/ancestral homeland. The prices are sky-high, finding work as a non-EU foreigner is practically non-existent unless you work for a connected company, wrong-think can get you jailed, and they import shitskins by the day. As for the US, I was born here and I sure as hell don't want to stay as even redeeming qualities like firearms and low taxes are slowly being taken away, but every western nation is Judaified. Eastern Europe is rape central for twat havers like myself. Slavs are fucking drunken ape niggers. Abortion is illegal there too, so if you get pregnant from rape, press F. Literally nowhere to go. Its all hell. If I'm gonna risk it all, I may as well go to some niche community in Argentina and have a nice costal home.

>> No.53918593

>Are the muslims really that bad?
>Are there any web dev/computer anything jobs for an English speaker in Germany?
don't do it
>Obviously I plan on learning the language, but that's gonna take years of practice once I'm over there
don't do it
take my word for it

>> No.53918929


I relocated from Texas to Chicago and so naturally everything is smaller here. That said, I was also incredibly cheap in Texas, whereas here I'm splurging a bit to get the "big city experience".

Went from my condo in a nice area that was 600 square feet in Texas (own it, 2% mortgage, 700 a month after HOA) to an uptown apt. in Chicago, a 400 sq ft studio for 1200.
Living in a studio has definitely forced me to be more efficient with my space and storage.

>200 sq ft
Sounds ludicrous but it's Japan so they'll have nice appliances and storage solutions since they're used to living in something that size. Godspeed I guess

>> No.53919204

Agreed. It’s my escape but working there would suck, the work culture isn’t good

>> No.53919444

Get a 150m one, save that money for your people

>> No.53919500
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>get away from the muslims
Why don't you just move to the alps? Niggers and sand niggers have an unexplicable fear of forests and mountains. And those who go are alright, they dont behave like niggers
t.live in french alps

>> No.53919538

>I might buy a small flat there and keep my mansion in Germany, so I can just do extended stays in Japan without giving up the germans pros (cheap healthcare, almost no consequences for any behaviour except taxfraud/non woke agenda).
Exactly what I’m doing anon. Main residence in burger world, apartment in Tokyo to escape to for a few months each year

>> No.53919759

You will contribute to lowered trust and increased atomization just by being a stranger

>> No.53920009

You already own an apartment in Tokyo?

>> No.53920050

I thought Japan didn't let foreigners buy land / real estate? did the laws change? how are anons just buying condos to go visit?

>> No.53920109

You can do it but it's a blackhole. Best deals are in Japanese and there's lots of hidden taxes. Looks up some YouTube vids on it. If you have lots of money because your a successful /biz/ fag then no problem. Learning Japanese is the only problem then. Not sure how insular Japanese country is. It probably depends on which prefecture. Any jap anon can expand on this?

>> No.53920120

>hate urban city move to secluded Forrest to get away from nogs
>neighbors are primordial demi human skin walkers who like forrest and hate roar of civilization
what could go wrong, same with mountain trails and fae.

>> No.53920133

and here we see the aforementioned american "culture".

>> No.53920200

>on an american website
>on the american made internet
>on your american company designed phone
>speaking american vernacular english
>sometime today you will listen to american music
>sometime this week you will watch an american tv show/movie
>you invest in american stocks/american crypto
>you have 90% american company clothing in your closet right now

>> No.53920239

>you have 90% american company clothing in your closet right now

Absolute proof that hands typed this

>> No.53920243

Lol *brown hands

>> No.53920273

What if he's using steven Hawkins wheelchair?

>> No.53920392

It's better to be an alien in a foreign country than to be one in your own country.

>> No.53920581

Brown hands typed this
Br"wn hands typed this

Just testing

>> No.53920612

all the net-positive aspects of "american" culture stem from european heritage.
the new soulless american culture is one of mental illness as a culture, child grooming as a human right, and inferiority supremacy.

and your list is very feminine.

>> No.53920616

Prepare to get assraped by taxes
In the big companies, you should be fine with english as there are often international teams
The educated ones are quite based but the retarded majority is a major annoyance

>> No.53921764
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What made you choose japan? I thought about moving to either schwitzerland or Austra.

Not as huge of a language barrier depending on location, similar culture, good house prices and no muslims as theyre all in germany.

>> No.53922629

Can buy an Akiya for dirt cheap in the boonies but it’s lots of reasons not to

>> No.53922654

On what grounds have you right to remain? The answer is you don't, it's pretty hard with specific routes to reside in japan.

>> No.53922662

Hungary, Poland, Slovenia or Switzerland. Italy and Spain if you are wealthy (choose the area wisely, nigger infested, but still cool).
All other countries are shit in Europe for various reasons. I have been to almost every country in Europe and have lived in UK and China, giving you friendly advice

>> No.53922852

As someone who lived all over though I really cannot stress the benefit of having zero blacks or browns around. It extends way beyond even the direct interaction with them.

Everything about a country or place is better without their presence. I don't even lock my front door here and you can have way less codified laws and more rational person to person interaction with the general assumption everyone has good intent at the bottom of it all.

Where I am now even has paramilitaries (probably a giveaway) and I've even gotten in a bar fight with a family involved and never had any fear it would go too far and I'd end up in ICU after being head stamped whilst unconscious as niggers do.

>> No.53922886

"we're full" You're not lol. Your women need to be bread with, but you guys literally rather work to death

>> No.53923406

seems completely retarded. just live in different countries on tourist visas, 3 months at a time, and see where you feel good. then make a decision

>> No.53923460

>Your women need to be bread with
you will not be able to interact with them on a deep level because you dont speak japanese, and those who would want a baby with you despite not really knowing the culture and language have psychological issues (the famous gaijin hunters who will fuck you up).

>> No.53923490

and imagine buying real estate in a country where population is declining

>> No.53925718

seething lel

>> No.53925758

>who will fuck you up
Gaijin hunters are just sluts, jirai kei are the menhera ones.

>> No.53925809

>in Tokyo to get away from the muslims.
So you prefer Nigerians?

>> No.53925844

>population is declining massively
>real estate loses value over time in Japan
>"I'll just rent it out"

>> No.53925899

Japan will soon pay westerners to breed for them.

>> No.53925927

I agree. Tokyo is fun to visit but is like fish: after 3days, starts to stink. Absolutely beautiful mountain and ocean countryside is available at rock bottom prices, and people choose to cram themselves into Tokyos grey hellscape, normies man.

>> No.53925942

oy vey not the hecking moneyrino

>> No.53926060

a community/city/country without animals is truly night and day between one infested with the slave races.
there's simply no justification to live among brown animals in this day and age. there's no hiding behind lack of evidence for their danger anymore.