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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53910077 No.53910077 [Reply] [Original]

i can hardly bare it any longer
i'm so exhausted of making do with cheap garbage packaged in plastic: disposable self assembly furniture, vietnamese nylon clothes, bottom shelf liquor, and a life support drip feed of leisure
i'm sitting on ~$160k liquid net worth and it feels ridiculous that i have to hide my wealth at every turn because normals see that as in any way significant when in reality it's barely the beginnings of a snowball
i can hardly bare the thought of another decade of pitiful destitution before i can finally enjoy the luxuries of life - it's such endless hard work suffering in squalor with rats and so shameful to associate with people when i'm basically a bum
i hardly even own two real outfits but i can't justify spending hundreds on a pair of shoes when i'm still essentially a wageslave and my main asset to exploit is my own labour

>> No.53910097

>he thinks being able to consoom fancier trinkets will make him happy

>> No.53910103

You cope by not staying low class...
What's your wageslave income?

>> No.53910159
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I am a part of this Universe. Nothing else matters.

>> No.53910189

you're an idiot and you don't get it
good people enjoy good things if you're stuck slumming it in the favela then you're stuck with the subhumans
i suppose it doesn't matter if you never leave your room
it takes so long though i made £68k slaving last year which is pitiful in the american context but not bad in the uk
part of me thinks i should take a second job but i do enjoy the leisure time i take even if it's only spent enjoying free or cheap things

>> No.53910340
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I have posted on /biz/ for over 4 years and never got dubs

>> No.53910488

>low class
>boo hoo sorry story
>160k tho
do you even know what low class is you fucking RETARD kill yourself. Do you know what being hungry feels like? you will die like you are now; unfulfilled and it is just that it is so

>> No.53910603

Keep trying. WAGMI

The grind never stops, it doesn't matter how much money you have in your pockets.

>> No.53910620

Really? bullshit I got 3 trips alone in a single thread the other night and multiple dubs.

>> No.53910629

By climbing this mountain to the top, or die trying.

>> No.53910634

i make more money than you. anyways, ask me how i know you're brown.

>> No.53910668
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I'm just unlucky I guess. Like in this post Im trying to prove a point that I never get dubs so my bad luck will give me dubs.

>> No.53910704
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Damn I was trying to use reverse psychology but it didn't work

>> No.53910955
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of course i know what being hungry feels like i've intentionally fasted before
food is my largest expense since you can't afford to skimp on quality nutrition
net worth is meaningless unless it translates into income which is what really matters at least unless you're old enough you can burn your candle because you assume you'll die before it expires
congradulations you beat a british 23 year from nottingham old in income really impressive!
how do you know i'm brown? are you sure that wasn't a mirror?
i don't really derive any inherent satisfaction fron the journey
it will be less painful in the future once i've at least accumulated enough things to live and dress with dignity but i'm years away from even sensibly owning a proper home although i'll probably at least get to be on the ladder soonish

>> No.53910967

shut the fuck up you whining faggot, and quit calling people "normals" you're not special snowflake.

>> No.53911029

well i quite literally am in terms of net worth and income for my age and background
the average person is hopelessly insufferable have you actually interacted with them? they're uneducable philistines and worse than that they're crabs in a bucket with nothing but seething contempt for anyone who strives to climb out of the cesspool they inhabit

>> No.53911237
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You don't need to, just pick up 5 coins you like, one or two of them being TOP 100, and then just stick with them, pick one memecoin just in case, 1 tech focused and just for the hype 1 AI stuff, and you're good to go, wait a few years and get out, that's what I'm currently doing with CryptoGPT and some others kek

>> No.53911330

Some things you can do short-term:
1) buy antique / vintage furniture or trash furniture and restore it yourself
2) buy shoes and clothes from taobao, cut out the middleman. You can find some amazing stuff on there for cheap. The only cost would be the shipping but it's not too bad china to UK (more expensive china to US). you can even find custom tailors if you want and get your own custom fit clothing (costs around $60 per outfit)

>> No.53911404

you will remain dubless, i will remain dubfull

>> No.53911409

I kinda relate with the picking 5 coins part, but not much with AI and tech stuff kek

>> No.53911418


>> No.53911440


>> No.53911452

retarded opinion + won't read all that shit

>> No.53911454

I fud my own bags on biz

>> No.53911459

check em

>> No.53911460
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I don't know where did I ask

>> No.53911464

Why on god do you do that anon? On god

>> No.53911476


>> No.53911489


>> No.53911501

I lowkey kinda like that strategy, but idk what top 100 to pick, is ankr good?

>> No.53911561

for some people wealth just can't buy you access to higher classes. non-europeans for example can't buy class. high society has no respect for north americans, other parts of the commonwealth, or any parts of the brown world. for them you are where you're born, you can be born into a higher class if you have a very strong clear tie to high class lineage in europe, but that's all.
for native europeans class mobility is possible through wealth but not though simply being wealthy, it's about what you spend it on, and it's not about buying nice property or clothes or cars or philanthropy.

>> No.53911577
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>i hardly even own two real outfits but i can't justify spending

You're me, but I only have 100K. My WFH desk setup is a camping table. I only own a spork and a couple of pans. I pay $729 for rent. And future success assumes we won't got caught in rugpull after rugpull. I already lost 30K.

And this is after wasting all my 20s being a studycel at CS. I've never even had sex with a girl.

I hope you make it Anon. Hard work is required but more luck is required than work I think.

>> No.53911587

i've been rather getting into a bit of /diy/ it's quite a fun blend of creativity and productivity but i think i'm a bit away from restoring antiques yet
thanks for the heads up about taobao i'll check it out
generally i buy either cheap rags or things from european tailors but i do have one shirt from china which is surprisingly nice
i'm just never given to trusting fabrics unless i can see and feel them first but i know in the uk i can always return stuff so i might as well
i must confess i am partial to spreading a bit of misinformation on the internet it is fun

>> No.53911597

>wait a few years
if you've bought anything in a bull market and haven't sold it you've thrown away your chance. alts only last about 2-3 years.
if you buy in a bear market and don't sell during the next bullmarket, you've also thrown away your chance.
crypto is too mature these days, everyone knows about the altcoin grift, if you hold alts for too long smart money will simply leave you holding the bag.

>> No.53911748
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oh well it's nice to know i'm not alone
at least the internet means that essentially chatting, film, anime, nearly all information ever at this point, and stuff are free
there's simply a long time required really
the "hard work" is the endless menial grind as opposed to any spikes of real effort
and the advancement on that grind comes more from luck than as a reliable thing
i live like a hobo because i so yearn for it to finish - i've always hated drawn out things
i think i agree with you
there are very much these "rich" people who think that because they own 100 hugo boss t-shirts and burn through them like ss soldiers they are somehow affluent
when in reality they are stig of the dump: a greasy dirty child parading about a trash pile and crowning himself king
and there're so many of these people now - it's tragic! really it's woeful how the market for real things has contracted because if you want money you shift the resources to garbage which obviously everybody wants money
i can scarcely even find good things to buy because of it

>> No.53911798



I'm so goddamn grateful that I was too low IQ for CS.

>> No.53911870

It does to a point. For example buying more expensive clothes, especially socks and underwear noticeably improved my quality of life and I still appreciate the difference.

>> No.53912045

Is this good advice? I'm 28 and recently got my first well (not good) paying job. I have about 35k saved and I'm looking to do something with it. I'm investing in a Roth and buying company stocks right now but I don't want to retire at fucking sixty something as a burnt out husk of a human being.

>> No.53912061

>low class
>talks about material stuff
Class has nothing to do with money. Its about taste, your way of life, habits, way of thinking, and way of seeing others.

>> No.53912110

wealth inflation has made people that would previously be considered middle-class think they're wealthy. in reality it's just that others are now poorer and the truly wealthy are even more out of their reach.

>> No.53912246

yes absolutely: it's upped the mean but reduced the standard deviation
which we could argue about is better or worse i don't frankly care i'm sick of it
i'd rather the poor be poorer so the rich can be richer than live in this swampy milieu where everything sucks
we can't have everyone be rich or we're all average
if i have to i'll suffer being a poor but it's hard to tell sometimes is it even worth it when the "good" gets worse

>> No.53912250

I have never posted without getting dubs.

>> No.53912266

NOOOO my streak! :(

>> No.53912353

hey retard taste costs do you think chinkshit teflon swimsuit ''""shirts""" ie the cheapest shirts have even a chance of being clothes? no. they suck
i tell people i spent $900 on a coat and they think i'm crazy
to me it is really very amazingly good value
like how fucking often do you buy a coat $900 is what a week or soething of complete surplus? if you can't wait a whole week to buy a coat you don't deserve one
and it drives me mad because all the real stores are full of and catering to this huge mass of impatient tasteless goobs

>> No.53912381

nice comeback tho

>> No.53912900
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Simple, stock yourself on as many NFTs as you can, if they are AI generated, the better. And just wait, knowing that you are growing a millionaire stack

>> No.53912964

The tax on one’s psychological system of being surrounded by the unwashed masses is truly a crime upon sentient sovereign individuals
I want out of this caste system. It’s all so tiresome…

>> No.53912971

Instead of whining, invest into things that will give you nice yields like buying quality coins like DOT, GLMR and NXRA, and in few years time you should be rich

>> No.53913016

It looks good as well as a DiD project

>> No.53913164

Your life is practically over and you're holding out for some fabled "real life" that will never truly begin.

>> No.53913201

sauce for this image?

>> No.53913210

wow, look at all that text I'm not going to read.

>> No.53913216
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I always get dubs

>> No.53913226

Almost always

>> No.53913335

You earn 68k GBP and you call yourself low class? That's literally top tier salary here lol
if you're American it doesn't count

>> No.53913376

DOT and GLMR can bring some yield but not like NXRA which is sure to make many people rich because of its strong fundamentals and its low mcap

>> No.53913386

i get it
>born in desperate poverty because my parents are drug addict shit for brain fuckups
>stay in poverty through college and early career, couldn't get shit for work, one year i lived on $14k in a major city
>now have good job prospects and money in the bank
>still a jew
>yesterday my meal was instant ramen and eggs
>live in tiny bugman apartments when i could afford better
>no car, no pets, no family
>just sit on laptop all day chilling
>my leisure is just going for walks or watching anime
>never eat out
>too jewish to even go to a doctor, do my own medical care
>my savings are impressive to normalfags (30k) but pathetic in any real context
i dont get people who live paycheck to paycheck. i live the same quality of life as a college student so that i never have to be poor like that again. meanwhile normies spend their entire paycheck and then some. if they get a raise they spend that too.

>> No.53913439

Money does buy happiness


When people say money doesn't buy happiness that's rich people gatekeeping the lifestyle

They KNOW there isn't enough to go around so they fud their lives in order to keep you at bay from believing they are any more or less happy than you

>> No.53913447

Hardly. I wear my grandfather's old battered Barbour waxed coat to the office. Its about 70 years old and I wax it from time to time after I've been on moorland with it or shooting. Thats class you idiot, not buying a flashy "money money money" jacket like a vulgar new money wannabe. I could be penniless and still be of high class, and moreover, people would instantly recognise it even if I was sleeping under a bridge in a cardboard box.

>> No.53913517

Ignore normies and move far away from wherever place you live in if the neighborhood even hints of getting worse. The NPC consumer problem will only get worse this next decade. Just keep jumping to higher paying jobs every 2-3 years and leave those losers behind. And once you actually have money start investing.

>> No.53913536

At least you could buy Vietnamese merino sweaters. Also buy some sturdy leather shoes that shape after your foot. Bought pic rel for ~170 EUR 5 years ago and they've only gotten better over time

>> No.53913577

>Calls himself poor.
>160k USD.
Wow Op, what a faggot fucking thing to post.
You're not poor but you're not Rockstar rich.
>cheap garbage packaged in plastic: disposable self assembly furniture, vietnamese nylon clothes, bottom shelf liquor,
Sounds like useless consumerism.
Maybe stop spending your money on junk.

>> No.53913589

i might be a poorfag (not op) but there's a concept common poorfags dont' get. buy cheap buy twice. dumb fuckers will buy the $20 shoes and have foot pain and they fall apart in a few months. meanwhile someone buys the $120 shoes and they last 5 years. my folks were fools like that. they'd buy cheapo knives from walmart that would always break. i just bought a $50 chef knife that will last my entire lifetime.

>> No.53913598

>slumming it in the favela then you're stuck with the subhumans
There you go being a faggot.
You're such a little cry baby.

>> No.53913623
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>you're brown.
My skin is white and my nip are pink but no I'm not Nordic.
You're most certainly not a natural blonde if you're American.

>> No.53913635

You're overly egotistical and projecting.
No one wants to be around snobs and egotistical people who throw insults around.
You seem like someone with no friends.

>> No.53913647

>$160k liquid net worth
There's sound cloud rappers making more money than you.

>> No.53913649
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forgot the picure. Might not be to everyone's taste, but I wanted something light to drive in, that would still keep out deep snow

In sweden we call it "Dumsnål". Stupid stingy

>> No.53913661

you're comparing yourself with others and it makes you sad

>> No.53913685

I get wanting more money but at the same time it's not rare for people to find fulfillment and happiness in life even being lower class.

>> No.53913691

I collapse my expenses via minimizing wants.
My current goal is paying of the mortgage so that my expenses are null.
As long as I have a computer or a deck of playing cards I can keep myself entertained.
Books are also good to stock up on in case power goes out.

>> No.53913717

What you'd want is a proper ethnostate with flat income distribution and high "outbreeding", meaning everyone is very similar genetically.

Much better than the neoliberal variant where everyone can buy their place.

>> No.53913824

or you can just by cheap shit and use it for a lifetime. seriously, just dont chimp out while using chinese crap and 99.99% of the time it wont break. my boots were $20 and have lasted me almost five years now, no sign of wearing out.

>> No.53914037

you moron hw much do you think an old barbour is worth? that old coat is super expensive now

>> No.53914081

vietnamese merino sweaters are still shit
if i'm going to use it for my whole life i bloody well eant the best

>> No.53914509

Tbh, you may be missing out on AI and DiD management project

>> No.53914570

1 in every 5-10 posts i make is dubs what the fuck are you doing wrong?

>> No.53914641
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my condolenses. some people are born losers. and then there are people like me, check em

>> No.53914809

just go to fucking savers, are you retarded? i enjoy drinking decent but not overpriced wine out of crystal goblets i found at savers. i dress nice with made-in-usa clothes i found at savers and had tailored. i consoom media on a chromebox i found at savers ebay store, hooked up to my home server samba shares via ethernet, on a couch whose pillows are from (you guessed it: savers). carved wooden bowls: savers. mood lighting from lamps everywhere: savers. fancy beers out of tulip glasses from savers. table shit on solid pewter platters from savers. solid maple, unon made in vermont dresser from... facebook marketplace. my standard of living is very comfy specifically because i buy really high quality things secondhand

>> No.53914843

the bones have spoken

>> No.53914871

based and accurate. wealth can't buy class, but the two are often correlated. compared to riches, which is often blown on tacky trinkets.

>> No.53915037
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i am marrying wealthy, i can live in a major city and pay 1/5 of the rent to live in one of the safer parts because the family owns the unit. i work as a teacher and had little student debt (like less than 5k and i stopped paying because who cares lmao). i don't have any personal assets to my name in outside of five figures crypto. i pay rent to my future father-in-law who i get on great with, and we had agreed i would pay half his mortgage and he covers HOA. in my mind, my wife will inherit it (likely jointly) and we'll just pay property taxes i just take my poor teacher salary, buy crypto, reinvest. i was raised immigrant working-lower middle class so i have no idea what i would be considered now "class-wise".
>and yes i am brown

>> No.53915121

i'm not american that doesn't exist here
the population density probably has a lot to do with it - everyone is fighting over the good stuff and it queezes out the market of value niche shops like suitsupply or smth which made their business model out of selling good things cheaply because they weren't paying a premium for being on the high street
but the high street is basically dead now anyway, at least in the uk

>> No.53915130

you literally can't buy classy things if you have no money
if i went out and bought myself nice things it would destroy all my savings
a real chair made by an artisan alone is going to cost like $400 at minimum
imagine funishing a whole house

>> No.53915165

My home.

>> No.53915189


Kill yourself slumnigger.

>> No.53915223

>disposable self assembly furniture
those are great tho, you dont need all your furniture to be top oak wood, only a few furnitures who bear heavy weight need to be resistent and the rest are for optimal organization

>> No.53915263

You're a filthy property owning parasite. Simple as. It's not rocket science.

>> No.53915380

yeah but wouldn't it be nice to have the best of both worlds?
i'm tired of making do with utilitarian compromises
my flat pack furniture is functional and by no means "bad" but it's a far cry from what would have been the norm 100 years ago
because there are so many people who go though a new desk every year or simply not enough artisans left making them so they're rare as well as expensive

>> No.53916146

i know for a fact that you have thrift stores

did you even read my post? you can buy perfectly fine things secondhand for cheap. hell, i have an amazing french-made enamelled dutch oven i found for $50 on ebay. the sort of thing that would cost minimum $300 new. almost all my stuff is secondhand and great quality.

i live a very comfy existence in a well-furnished apartment and focus on building wealth rather than buying shit. though i did spend about $500 on camera stuff recently (used) to get back into microscope photography.

>> No.53916401

Pretty similar to me anon. Just turned 30 and feel like im right back where I started in my early 20s.