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53906819 No.53906819 [Reply] [Original]

Why dont you get a CS waifu?
> can work from home
> so can take care of children AND make bucks
> will fix your thinkpads with ease

>> No.53906829

>wanting to hear about microservices
It's bad enough to hear this shit from a man, let alone a woman.

>> No.53906845 [DELETED] 

They're either asexual or lesbians. I only really fucked liberal arts majors or perma-gap-year types when I was in college.

>> No.53906913

You wouldnt let them service your micro?

>> No.53906923

CS femoids spent their entire studies surrounded by simps giving them attention without having any concurrence.
They're the female with the highest standards, even an Insta thot is easier to get.

>> No.53906928

the only way for her to become truly aroused is the thought of being dominated by BBC. with any other man she fakes it

>> No.53906964

>CS femoids spent their entire studies surrounded by simps giving them attention
not really, zoomer males (especially CS majors) behave as if theyre neutered. STEM girls get a lot of side glances, but very few actual approaches.

>> No.53906974

Female nerds are always either pig ugly or massive slags, no thanks

>> No.53906992

CS females are troons

>> No.53906998
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>> No.53907105

STEMfag here. Can 100% confirm.

>> No.53907111

We haven't been in the same school I guess

>> No.53907143

Dad, no more internet for you.

>> No.53907152

That was 4 years ago back in uni. Now they must be worse.

>> No.53907165

they always have weird bodies

>> No.53907304

Did you go to college or uni?

>> No.53907607

true, but she will have the intelligence to discuss existentialism with you

>> No.53907628

Why don't women go fuck themselves while I continue not to give a fuck about them?

>> No.53907642
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>> No.53908051

Don't see the difference, I'm french

>> No.53908541

I am sorry

>> No.53909269
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>> No.53909350
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The entire modern internet runs on microservices. It's not women's fault that you're a Luddite and probably bad at your job.

>> No.53909946
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>> No.53909956

in my first SWE job i befriended a girl who looked so much like OP. kinda cute nerdy and demure but had a boyfriend already, but she became oddly friendly with every guy because she didnt know how to set boundaries

>> No.53910595

not only that, I groomed my gf into comp sci. while I'm not even in IT anymore. I convinced her to join a dev bootcamp and after 4 months of camp she now makes almost twice as much as I do.

>> No.53910777


>> No.53910786
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>> No.53910826

Disagree anon. Yes they get nonstop attention, but it’s from nerds and losers, and the CS girls instinctively know this. Any guy with an ounce of masculinity will be so foreign to them that they will drop everything to be with him.

Also, flirting, hook ups, good parties with alcohol etc is new territory for them compared to a post college sorority Stacie. They will be giddy at the thought of being considered “cool” by someone who isn’t a nerd

In my experience these girls are as easy to get as any other

>> No.53911821

> compsci
> bootcamp

>> No.53913180

> lesbian
What OS are they using?

>> No.53913192
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I went out with the one girl in my CS class

>> No.53913433

How was your personal 'hackathon'?
Did you pentest her?

>> No.53913677
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I wish I wasn't such a beta and asked out the very smart and cute engineer girl from my physics class that would side eye me. 7 years later I still think of her and have day dreams of where we fell in love and had loving life together. It's like a waifu but irl. I even looked her up. This can't be healthy. I will never be able to love anyone as much as I love (the idealized version I made in my mind of) her.

>> No.53913737

You are a retarded out of touch boomer if you think this is true. I have a student coworker who managed to snatch one of the very few girls in his class so I know how high is the demand. And the zoomer whores are bisexual today, so you are even competing with good looking women. He told me his gf got plenty of advances even from other girls

>> No.53913759


>> No.53913760

Dating CS girls kinda sucks because they are so outnumbered by men that if she’s even remotely cute she’s gonna be drowning in male attention and have very high standards

>> No.53913785

You are an autistic basement dweller and all of your visions about CS girls are probably from anime. It's not like it was 20 years ago, zoomers in CS party, binge drink, fuck like rabbits and do drugs like any other college major. Only the ugly male incel nerd get left out of the fun. I graduated 2 years ago and things are even more different now post covid. There are plenty of muscular 6 foot chads studying computer science, your stereotyping is retarded. The guy sitting next to me at my codemonkey work is a bodybuilder.

>> No.53914597

She is taken by Chad by now, Anon. Good girls (mentally stable and cute) are always taken by chads.

>> No.53914970

Are these students which graduate from university tho?
Or are they in their first or second semester?
Im in uni grad CS program and dont see a single chad (besides me ofc kek)

>> No.53915126
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This is the ultimate blackpill. Fuck chasing 10s. Settle with a 7, and she will put in the effort to make you happy, as well as give you a family. Every hot chick I've been with was an unhinged narcissistic whore.

>> No.53915767

>Settle with a 7
more like a 5-6, in 2022 every 7+ women looks for chads, because they have an infinite supply of 1-7 Simps.

>> No.53916409

I prefer my women without penises