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53904852 No.53904852 [Reply] [Original]

Confused newfag.

I've been down a bit of a rabbithole since this Functions thing came out and I'm fucking confused. Doesn't this set the stage for a massive expansion of smart contract capabilities, basically effective immediately? Isn't this more or less exactly what everyone has been waiting for? Why aren't the influencer Twitterfags talking more about this? It is now stupidly simple for anyone now to pull pretty much whatever data they want into whatever SC they want with minimal expertise or IP required, and you do explicitly need LINK to pay for it. The problem of how to get sluggish backoffice departments off legacy systems and into the new age has just been abstracted away by Chainlink - right? Am I fucking crazy here? This is the groundsetting that was always needed functionally for staking to make sense/be useful, and CCIP obviously implies an expansive and almost automatic demand for Functions.

A lot of the conversation on biz has been "wtf are the team doing?" Well it turns out quite a lot. I fail to see how anyone who believes smart contracts are relevant and value adding isn't impressed or blown away by this.

>> No.53904877

>Doesn't this set the stage for a massive expansion of smart contract capabilities, basically effective immediately? Isn't this more or less exactly what everyone has been waiting for?
>Why aren't the influencer Twitterfags talking more about this?
Because they're stupid
>The problem of how to get sluggish backoffice departments off legacy systems and into the new age has just been abstracted away by Chainlink - right?
>Am I fucking crazy here?
No, you're just linkpilled.

>> No.53904878
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pee pee poo poo

>> No.53904892

Delete this post. I’m still accumulating and need the price to be low.

>> No.53904903

I have a challenge in response. What have been the last significant releases from Infura and OpenZeppelin? What do Infura and OpenZeppelin even do?
LINKies who tear their hair out wondering why nobody pays attention to their complex, dev-focussed critical backend infrastructure, often pay no attention to any other backend infrastructure other than Chainlink.
How you feel about Infura or OZ is how everyone else feels about link. Why would they care about yet another dense, technical release?

>> No.53904934

retail is retarded. I want to know why LINK's price is still shit. Why aren't companies buying LINK cheap???

>> No.53904955

You know that crypto “investors” are more brain dead than ever right? 2017 participants look like 155 IQ compared to people who came since 2020.

And even back then those types got rugged on Jibrel/AMb/holo/SALT/nano/verge or whatever. But at least those projects pretended to be decentralised, have a purpose etc.

Now days its literally dog coins, obvious scams on bnb which make no attempt to hide it, and “serious” coons which dont even try to be decentalised anymore because people participating are that dumbed down now they dont know or care.

Thats why something like this isnt talked about more. They are retards. The level of understanding for Crypto has gone down severely over the years within the “community”.

>> No.53904966

sad but true

>> No.53904971
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>> No.53904981

Your shilling is working on me. How much do I need to buy?

>> No.53904983
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Dont bother, just keep it to yourself and keep buying at these prices. Everyone who knows about Link is heavily invested and those that don't even bother looking into it, dont deserve the rewards.

>> No.53905001

Idk. I bought this coin in 2019 because I thought the memes were funny. Will this finally make the price go up?

>> No.53905009

the fun numbers remain 1k / 10k

>> No.53905014
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>Will this finally make the price go up?
Let's see ...
Chainlink announces a simple way to connect any API to a smart contract
on the same day OpenAI makes a public API for ChatGPT

It's the fucking singularity

>> No.53905028

I take the point but I don't think it means I am any less impressed by what Chainlink has put out here and the position (I think) it has put itself with industry links.

I wouldn't know. Obviously the accuracy of my impression here will live or die by how LINK performs in the next 5 years or so, or Chainlink's own prominence. If I'm right, this should precipitate provable industry demand for LINK that extends well past all the DeFi stuff.

>> No.53905145

Nope you’ve got it right. Enjoy your gains over the next few years.

>> No.53905167

Haven’t checked Functions at all yet. In hackathon 2018 I wrote a lambda that was processing the payload between the oracle and the smart contract.

How are Functions different?

>> No.53905209

Ah it’s basically the same thing, but as a service. Cool. Doesn’t abstract away the fact that this function will only process from a single data source, so the web3 dev will still have to handle that complexity it seems?

>> No.53905233

Seems like the handling multiple data sources might be baked into the service itself, neat. We’re getting there

>> No.53905296


patrick explains functions well in this vid, looks like you still need to make sure you add enough data sources, but the process looks a lot easier

>> No.53905305
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>wearing pants

>> No.53905353

>I've been down a bit of a rabbithole since this Functions thing came out and I'm fucking confused. Doesn't this set the stage for a massive expansion of smart contract capabilities, basically effective immediately? Isn't this more or less exactly what everyone has been waiting for? Why aren't the influencer Twitterfags talking more about this? It is now stupidly simple for anyone now to pull pretty much whatever data they want into whatever SC they want with minimal expertise or IP required, and you do explicitly need LINK to pay for it. The problem of how to get sluggish backoffice departments off legacy systems and into the new age has just been abstracted away by Chainlink - right?
Correct. Even experienced developers in the space are unaware or dismissive. I have built several projects where I needed to use specific proprietary APIs with multistep authentication. I had to build my own external adapter, bridge and host my own node just to make it work half decently - with functions Devs can focus on just building the application - not the infrastructure. It's like suddenly not having to host your own server, except with economic guarantees and a 100x decrease in link costs. The alternative which I would have had to use would be to create a DON where each node needed their own bridge + api. So I'm hyped and this should lead to many new applications which were previously not feasible to build

>> No.53905373

yeah you choose the data sources and code your javascript to aggregate the result

>> No.53905409

this is what it feels like to hold link.

>> No.53905530


>> No.53905567

Compastinks did buy it cheap you pumped their bags they dumped.

>> No.53905578

>I fail to see how anyone who believes smart contracts are relevant and value adding isn't impressed or blown away by this
because we figured this all out and argued about it 10 hours a day every day over 5 and half years ago and it's just now entering what is basically a pre-alpha iteration of the product as imagined and it's going to take another 5 to 10 fucking years for this gay industry to figure it out to the point that they start paying me for my bags and in the meantime MY FUCKING BAGS HAVEN'T PUMPED A TENTH IN 5 YEARS WHAT DOGSHITDILDOINU#5 DOES IN 3 DAYS

>> No.53905603


Your bags went from $0.20 to $50, which is a 32,000% gain. You were just too retarded to take profits.

Dont lie and say “it hasnt done anything. It had 320x gain in that period. You cant ignore it because of your own retarded mistake and failure to take profit.

>> No.53905607

yeah dogshitdildoinu#5 has 320,001% gain in 3 days tho

>> No.53905621

Hey guys I'm having trouble seeing how this is relevant to blockchains as it has nothing to do with MEV or doge tokens. Is Chainlink Functions like a layer two?

>> No.53905635


So what? Are you literally not only crying that a literal scam that pumped on hype and then died which made exactly 0 people rich(impossible to have know which random niggeranimal coin would have pumped, you ignore the thousands that didnt) as those who somehow held it sold early and took profits if smart, and thise that didnt almost certainly bagheld all the way down due to being retarded enough not to take profits on a meme while tue only viable strategy to get in was to buy literally every meme coin and hope one gets lucky meaning gains were never going to be tht large.

Not only that but you are exaggerating it, and why are you comparing what you “could have” had on such an unrealistic situation when you were too stupid to even take profits on LINK after a 320x? As if you would have taken profits on dogcoin if you somehow had got into early. You’d have bagheld it

>> No.53905646

That was a good read.

>Chainlink’s Web3 services platform expands the potential use cases for smart contracts by empowering developers to securely and easily access off-chain data and computation. As developers continue to connect more Google services to smart contracts using Chainlink, the possibilities for Web3 applications will only continue to expand.

>> No.53905654

>B-But the opportunity cost of ignoring thousands of VC scams and their forks bro!
Fuck these scammers seriously

>> No.53905663
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Chainlink cryptocurrency tokens are a known scam

>> No.53905668


Bro you were too retarded to take profits after a 320x lmao

Why are you denying it, all you are doing ja crying about your own retardation. You were never going to make it on anything id your dumb ass couldn’t even take profits on LINK after 32,000% gain.

>> No.53905679

We are not blown away because we have known what Chainlink is for a long time now. No one bothers to even reply to fud anymore because why the fuck would you engage with those people?

>> No.53905685
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Oh fuck it’s the fucking LINK MARINES!! HOLY BASED!!

>> No.53905694

He isn't a marine. Just a newfag. You're watching him figure it out in real time. Soon the rest of the world will.

>> No.53905704

I only have 1000 link but this news has me excited

>> No.53905743
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you are beginning to understand

>> No.53905771

oh no!
anyways. life and learn right ja bro?

>> No.53905779

If only token was needed

>> No.53905780

ignore the FUDsters, fren
we have already won

>> No.53905786

The only one who isn’t a faggot in the entire Chainlink community is Eric Schmidt

>> No.53905787

Example code had error in if section kek

>> No.53905861


>> No.53905967

If I told you that your favorite Twitter personality was gate keeping you wouldn’t believe me. This is pvp.

>> No.53906001

Allen Day has no title or from Google or anything on the Steve Ellis Allen Day for ETH Denver

>> No.53906009
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>he thinks Chainlink having real world use cases being pioneered by the world's biggest companies is somehow bullishl

>> No.53906014

the dev is deving lol

>> No.53906033

>You know that crypto “investors” are more brain dead than ever right? 2017 participants look like 155 IQ compared to people who came since 2020.
kek this so fucking much
Even the faggots who bought OMG because of a sticker on a skateboard look like Mensa winners compared to today's crop of crypto "investors".

>> No.53906065


>> No.53906077

>You know that crypto “investors” are more brain dead than ever right? 2017 participants look like 155 IQ compared to people who came since 2020.
this is definitely true

>> No.53906079


>> No.53906163

I'm rather enjoying the fud now as it's so blatantly false that it is actually counter-productive for them. It's watching them make complete fools of themselves, as opposed to making anyone doubt the project. Let them keep at it, I say

>> No.53906180
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>I'm rather enjoying the fud now as it's so blatantly false that it is actually counter-productive for them. It's watching them make complete fools of themselves, as opposed to making anyone doubt the project. Let them keep at it, I say

>> No.53906299

>posted 3 hours ago
>noone has tried to claim that the numbers have always been 10k/100k
Nature is healing.

>> No.53906436

I believe.

>> No.53906601
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we don't really need retail, chainlink has just set the ground for becoming the new google of web3, just sit back, relax, stake your link, we made it guys.
thank god i staked 9 wallets of 7k link it's not even my full link stack, but everybody gonna beg soon enough to have an open spot for staking, and they are gonna get so fucking jelly of us, we are the new BTC ogs and ETH OGs, people arn't gonna believe us when we will say we held through all these years (since 2017) "yeah, you're a larper, haha prove it, LARP" well get fucked you niggers, we held through the greatest fud and demoralization campaigns that ever existed, and we deserve to make it.

we will never sell

>> No.53906688

You talk about decentralization?
When LINK helps monopolist gangsters like Amazon or Google to stay alive?
Wasnt crypto not all about replacing themß
So i give a shit about LINK as long as they are bending the knee to WEB2 globalists.

>> No.53906697
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Bulgarians are not white.

>> No.53906735

>massive institutional adoption bad!

>> No.53907032

>I'm in it for the social justice
Be quiet nerd.

>> No.53907039

When the original functions annoucement was made here - the main FUD was "this is great but dont expect any impact on the token price". My question is why? This is fucking huge.

>> No.53907113


>> No.53908010

Howd that strategy work out in ‘21 bullrun. Spread the word bro

>> No.53908101

The bullrun that chainlink front-ran in 2020?

>> No.53908287
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>> No.53908363

check the token price; the "fud" was correct yet again
>so huge

>> No.53908407

If the market isn't reacting then it's because function not needed

>> No.53908561

This really isn’t a joke and it’s a problem everywhere now. We are trending towards being a more retarded species. It’s just unbelievable to just go back a few years ago to see how much things have declined. But cryptocurrencies in particular have attracted the absolute worst of the worst retarded scumbags. The utterly demoralizing realization about “why doesn’t anyone care about Chainlink Functions this is huge!” is because the vast majority of “people” in this industry are clinically retarded. They can’t even begin to comprehend even the most braindead explanation of what Chainlink just announced. These retards have obviously had an influence on the broader crypto market becoming so retarded, but they unironically represent an existential threat to human life. Sadly the elites are right and most “people” useless eaters that need to be slaughtered.

>> No.53908703

There are still people on the Safemoon Reddit holding Safemoon. I used to go there every now and then to laugh at idiots but actually it’s a bit of a ghost town now and kind of depressing for the few still hanging around who lost everything.

>> No.53909261

>Why aren't the influencer Twitterfags talking more about this?
I think most of the big ones suspect link will be big at some point, but don't expect the price to do anything anytime soon. The market has been burned by link and the extended CCIP roll out has only made things worse. New coins are sexy and virginal– unpumped. To most market participants link looks like a 45 year old roast beef sandwich.

>> No.53909918

Nobody actually uses smart contracts and dapps though. Its really just a massive grift trying to market to people by making it sound important and complex.
Really most of defi is just gambling lotteries, ponzis and nft scams.

Dapps have less then 2m total users, and cryptos total valuation is over a trillion so its very overpriced

>> No.53909939

whoa, thanks for your input. didn’t know tech in its infancy would have so little users


>> No.53909990

Bruh link up only 3500% total rn, thats a 35x after 6 years of holding and opportunity cost of missing thousands of moon shots.
Thos gains are mid af

>> No.53910030

>tech in its infancy
the very fact that this tech attracts so many people with IPOs without already having a working solution is shady as fuck. If it is so immature after 14 years it should have been an academic project in Cornell or Harvard with no ability to sell on retail.

>> No.53910043

Im just saying there hasnt been any REAL problems solved by crypto. Most of it is just trying to fit crypto anywhere possible in order to shill shitcoins. Duuude muh nfts muh AI
Its actually really bad when you realized crypto is pretty much where it started. The OG altcoins were the same shit of just attatching alts to places and things they dont belong.

>> No.53910192

It took 50 years to go from advent of the technology to first cell phone network, another forty years to be where it is today

>> No.53910193

You’re conflating one project with the entire crypto space, which is bad faith/disingenuous. I agree 95% of crypto projects are are scams.

Again, conflating bad actors with previous funding mechanisms in the space. ICO/STOs are falling off, and most projects that are “legitimate” attempt to do VC seed funding rounds to raise capital these days.


>> No.53910203

brainlet lmao

>> No.53910253

Yes, it's all true.
Now things link flight insurance smart contracts can actually become a thing

>> No.53910262

not an argument

>> No.53910329

>dude everything bad except my shitcoin which I invested all of my life savings into!! Im not biased or anything!!
there is a reason you see chainlink desperately pivoting to any narrative they can find. Nfts and AI were nowhere in the white paper. Now 50% of chainlinks blogposts are about NFTs. They are just doing what every other crypto does, jumping all over the place trying to find a solution to a problem that doesnt exist and shoehorn their shitcoin into it

>> No.53911261

Having said all this, is anyone else waiting for “the next leg down” to buy LINK? Perhaps I’m just a dumb bobo and the bottom was around $5.40 in December 2022. (I hold no LINK right now but was planning to buy at the next bottom)

>> No.53911300

High value legacy systems will require the afn of ccip
Baby step shit like pay x amount for y plays on spotify or x for y seo on google etc is what this enables

That said retard shit like that is still worth baby billions

>> No.53911338

What I've been doing is to just dca like $100 per week regardless of the price while having a good amount of cash to throw in when it hit below $6. This way I'm averaging around $6.50 per link and buy a ton when it dips. Ive been doing this for a couple of months and have reached 900 (im a poor fag). Just start doing it now even if it's $50. I remember in 2018 when btc hit 3k and i was just waiting for it to hit 1k to buy in but never did bc i forgot after a long time of waiting. Still feel like killing myself sometimes.

>> No.53911375

>Nobody actually uses smart contracts and dapps though
This is true. Not exactly nobody, but a negligible amount of people.
Yes everything listed ITT is bullish, but it's bullish only in a market environment when the demand is high. All of this is used only by an extremely small amount of people at the moment, even though it's useful. Even just basic shitcoin dApp use is low since were in the middle of a bear market, let alone brand new smart contract capabilities. So it's a waiting game.

Sirgay is basically Trojan horse infiltrating the entire industry with useful and in some cases irreplaceable LINK services (where the token is also sneeded) and then basically letting nature do its thing, with the help of a few grinning Ari.jpg fun activities here and there to speed things up.

>> No.53911478

Yeah with 20k in daily volume and 0 liquidity.

>> No.53912506
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As long as it's ranging between these two horizontal lines, just buy support (and if you want to be a swinger sell at resistance to buy again at support). If it breaks out to the upside and closes a day above and then resumes up you'd better go all in quick because we're leaving the range behind, but expect a pullback to that level to confirm previous resistance as new support.
Easy peasy.

>> No.53912522
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>> No.53912547

We all are bullish on link, but people here fud their own investment to keep normies/redditors/low iqs out. Either that or the elite pay fudders to stop regular people from getting in.

>> No.53912644

1k suicide stack

>> No.53912713

It attracted retards who's dopamine sensors are fried with social media and other bullshit
The volatility in crypto was the only thing that could satisfy the dopamine fried retards
Everyone's heads is fucked, I fucking hate 99% of people because they're so fucking stupid, the roads have also never been more dangerous

>> No.53912733

You will never be a real woman.

>> No.53912774
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STOP IT!!!! thats not me IM SO MAD!!!!! :(

>> No.53912813

>the roads have also never been more dangerous
agreed. i don't trust these retards to safely operate a motor vehicle

>> No.53912836

Wait until the silvergate thing blows over you retards. Why the fuck would you buy anything right now.

>> No.53912857

>muh silvergate
yeah im gonna go with nothin burger

>> No.53912967

>function not needed
new fud just dropped


>> No.53913061

legacy systems will never migrate to smart contract based systems

>> No.53913845


Google AI lead

>> No.53914094

The numbers have ALWAYS been 100k/1mil newfag