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53905954 No.53905954 [Reply] [Original]

Gold and silver is the perfect midwit filter. It is a guaranteed way to stay poor.

>> No.53905966

I won't say it's a scam but it's definitely for midwits

>> No.53906774
File: 67 KB, 1366x636, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gold and silver is the perfect midwit filter. It is a guaranteed way to stay poor.


>> No.53906817


>assset doesn't do 20x in 3 days

Okay anon.

>> No.53906849

>just hold for 20 years for only a 6x

That is why you'll stay poor forever, retard. I can 6x my money on a shitcoin over a weekend.

Midwit retard.

>> No.53906863


>make 6x over a weekend
>lose 10x the next

sasuga retard san

>> No.53906876

I do not belive this to be true, especially with regards to gold.

Why do you think so?

>> No.53906879

gold and silver are a store of wealth or an investment for the coming financial reset you dumb zoomer

>> No.53906880

Shitcoins are pyramid schemes, only the original creator and the first buyers that leave in the mania phase are winners. Everyone else is left holding the bag. If I'm going to invest in something it will be in a real world productive asset.

>> No.53906885

>I can 6x my money on a shitcoin over a weekend.
You can. But will you?

>> No.53906926

Yeah, already did a couple times.

Turned $1,000 into $20,000 over a week in the low cap low liquidity shitcoin casino, then turned that $20,000 into over 6 figures.

>> No.53907196

Why the weekend ?

>> No.53907826

Good for you, then. I didn't think people actually got rich off shitcoins.

>> No.53907847

Wouldn't it be "are a scam"? I'm still learning English but this seems like very basic.

>> No.53907860

>Gets rugged

>> No.53908185

In this context he could be referring to the concept of investing in gold and silver rather than the actual metals, as in
>"Gold and silver" is the ultimate midwit filter...
But yes without punctuation it's incorrect.

>> No.53908290

Regarding what you said, it definitely is a midwit filter, that much is true.

>> No.53908406
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Can confirm I'm a midwit and hold

>> No.53908470

How do you pick your coins

>> No.53908658

Lol this is literally the start of a new shit coin shilling. You goldlets are literally retarded.

>> No.53908672
File: 188 KB, 353x607, 234832942492849234923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be early. Theres so many opportunities around you but biz wants to have the risk tolerance of peter schiff and expect the gains of fucking warren buffet.

>> No.53908711

>x is a scam
>buy my shitcoins
I can x100 in a casino anon
i can x10000000 in the lottery
stop pretending you're smart or even lucky when you post no proof whatsoever

>> No.53908775
File: 345 KB, 535x511, 684B6AD2-6A7C-4C27-A783-E585720BD077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he’s smart. big brain right here. deserving of a trawlerai bag.

>> No.53908950

Ok, but there are tons of new coins showing up every day. Which ones to pick out of those? Do you just buy until you luck out or is there a strategy to it?

>> No.53910844

>get rich quick scheme
>"Muh not a scam"
>hold gold and silver for years and accumulate guaranteed returns as a life savings
>"Muh it's a scam
>Buying into a pyramid scheme is not a scam, meanwhile gold and silver which give 100% returns over 50 years is a scam
Is this what biz has become nowadays?
Promoting get rich quick schemes and denying safe investments like buying land, or having insurance policies, or investing in things that are stable and will never fail?
When did anons get so eager to scam people into believing they can get rich quick in a few hours rather than invest in themselves over decades, what the fuck?

>> No.53910883

Or just take your shitcoin profits and buy bullion with them. Let that grow over a long fear period of time or risk losing it all in the next dogshit scamcoin.

>> No.53910914

nah, index funds are for midwits

>> No.53910931

If I would have put my entire networth into gold and silver three years ago I would not have lost a single cent of my networth and meanwhile every single other investment is down 40-60% so your post is a big fucking fat lie and just wait jew until more people catch kn about how good gold and silver are your little crypto schemes and fiat schemes and gay tech stock schemes are going to come to a grinding halt.

>> No.53910935

he's just larping, fren

>> No.53910939

But how long ago and what have your gains been since then fat boy?

>> No.53910943


>> No.53910950

Bait if gold and silver are scam then so is everything else.

>> No.53911188

Yes gold and silver are a scam, I assure you sirs that the latest dog meme coin is the future of finance!

>> No.53911216

you’re using midwit filter backwards. If something is a midwit filter it filters OUT the midwits and only smart/dumb alliance gets it

>> No.53911449

- bitcoin is how smart money built wealth
- gold is how smart money hedges (a small part of) their wealth
- silver is how midwits pretend to be one of the above

>> No.53911465

>t. guy with less than 6 figs networth

>> No.53912140

people that poor are the ones larping with shitcoins and silver.
if you're wealthy (8 figures and up) then bitcoin and gold make sense both as hedges. if you're poor (low 7 figures and below) then who cares what you spend your money on.

>> No.53912279

>he didn't deny it
>still tries to give financial advice

>> No.53912457

Kek, keep 6x'ing you're miserable 10 dollars, it's clear that you're poor, don't come shitting up the board with this poorfag mentality. Although that is the majority of biz, kek

>> No.53912467

Do it.

>> No.53912888

You will stay poor forever only investing Gold and Silver.
In two years from now, alts like DOT, AVAX and NXRA will yield 30x and above while Gold and Silver won't even do 2x

>> No.53913182

if it helps you feel better about your net worth, keep pretending.

>> No.53913296
File: 78 KB, 1200x963, A9835D57-88D2-484E-9A74-F89F44BC9DE0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stay poor by buying silver and gold

>> No.53913312

Only NXRA can pump that high in that list, the rest is maximum of 10x or below

>> No.53913444
File: 1.68 MB, 1870x1401, AlanGreenspanMoney.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gold and silver is actually one of the best investments all of us will have the misfortune of living through. The case for gold is rock solid, however the timing is the issue. International economic systems last for multiple generations so it does take some understanding to see why you need it. The simple fact is the U.S. economy has not grown without net increase in debt since 1983. All debts need to be paid back or written off as losses, and there are piles of toxic IOUs that are literally larger than the entire U.S. economy. Paper claims are all well and good, right up until you can't cash in your claims for real wealth. The exponential nature of debt/interest ensures that debt will be growing faster than growth in GDP, thereby making a shortage of capital/resources a guarantee. These shortfalls will manifest themselves in a loss of purchasing power in the "claims" to goods.
Where does most of our money go these days? We get paid and we hand over our money to insurance funds, investment pools, social security, pay mortgages, credit cards etc. All of it is hiding a dirty little secret: toxic bonds. We all own a big fat fucking pile of ZEROS. And we will be impoverished when all of our collective savings are wiped out because they were consumed in non-productive investments.
If you give me $1M and I go to Vegas and whore it up, I have no capacity to pay you back. That is the reality.

>> No.53913562

You're right. You should buy le electronic 1s and 0s with your wagie paper. Sure to make it, any day now anon. Le 100x. You know the WEF plans ze great cyberattack right, then you'll own nuffin.

>> No.53913602

> casino