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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 170 KB, 1418x1034, icpstack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53903170 No.53903170 [Reply] [Original]

my crypto portfolio was worth 5k last june
i now hold 10k icp worth over 60k usd

is this it? i just wait now?
not sure if this is even enough to make it anymore. i still remember when i had 100 icp and couldn't even dream about a 1k icp stack.

i just want 400-600k usd desu
it was a hellish past year but i still find it hard to believe that the worst is over.

>> No.53903211

is icp the only thing you hold lol you can buy other things as well

>> No.53903213

hey anon, im a uni student same position as you from the start. my crypto port is only worth 10k. ive been wroking alot and sold my crypto back in 2017, so i came back in the game late. How did u earn that 55k extra was it through work or gambling on shit coins? sorry for the bad grammar in a bit of a rush so had to send this quick.

>> No.53903221

what else is worth buying other than icp and btc? most of the alts in the top 100 are just the same thing or a shit coin. Icp is at least trying to be different.

>> No.53903254

I see pee

>> No.53903268

idk probably won't hurt with some exposure to small caps or eth or equivalents

>> No.53903278

i have 15k in index funds and another 15k cash
im already in profit with my icp position, the cash i dont touch unless we see another huge leg down

i had a gf from march - june. that exact day in the screenshot is the day we broke up & my portfolio was at its lowest. dont think its a coincidene

im a new grad, saved as much money from my work, and accumulated between 4-6
i was 100% staked in a 6 month neuron last year, just started dissolving recently. ill be 100% liquid by august.

>> No.53903280

Icp, link and dog bat

>> No.53903750

yeah ive rotated some into prq, kda. ive 2x on prq in the past month which im happy with. what other small caps do you like?

>> No.53903760

Awesome thank you so much, i also broke up with my gf recently haha. WAGMI, i hope to get a software eng job soon which can at least help me buy more crypto.

>> No.53903767

I don't trust ICP. why would it go up? it has the worst reputation in crypto.

>> No.53903836

people like you have the worst reputation in crypto
buy dogbat or some shit

>> No.53903861

doesn't change the fact that it is primarily known in every crypto circle as a VC scam and the biggest failure of the bullrun.
>$1,000 down to $5


>> No.53903923

>60k for a make it stack
This alone should have set off alarms in your apparently empty mind

>> No.53903928

it's the right move if you had any doubts
swe here too, godspeed anon

>> No.53903930

>$1,000 down to $5
Nice FUD but this didn't happen.
it actually went from $2800 to $5

>> No.53903931

>omg line go down
it's boring and old, everyone is beginning to find out about ftx's manipulation as the reputation turns around
every crypto circle are complete retards trading coin a for b in an endless loop of gambling and never building a single thing
icp is doing that now

>> No.53903943
File: 58 KB, 891x381, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, yeah, just hold

>> No.53903949

Im bullish for avax. I also hold prq and xtz

no one cares about your "fud"

>> No.53904063

the price action fud is literally a red herring to keep you from realizing that this is simply a private network wholly owned by dfinity and every major (and many minor) project is only here because they're paid by dfinity to be here. there is no intention to build a decentralized permissionless product. dfinity has, has always had, and will always have the power to block a website hosted on icp. dfinity has, has always had, and will always have the power to reject or adopt whatever code changes it wants. this is the pets.com of crypto. this is the ftx of crypto. it's not crypto.

>> No.53904115

you're a retard and your shit's all retarded. go back to icpchads and let the pros do the work

>> No.53904127

so true crypto should be at the mercy of big tech cloud and not a protocol?

>dfinity has, has always had, and will always have the power to reject or adopt whatever code changes it wants
the protocol governs this decision making process, and dfinity's power in the network has only gone down since genesis. think its ~20% now

>> No.53904168

case in point. the definition of controlled opposition.
Dfinity and it's cronies are apparently the only ones capable of executing a neuron followee reset

>> No.53904194
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Speaking of neurons. I locked up 50 in stoic wallet and cant figure out how to start earning icp. I dont know how to vote on proposals or whatever. My shit is locked for a year and its been a few months and nothing earned. Help frens!

>> No.53904208

>Dfinity and it's cronies
couple hundred of renowned cryptographers are risking their reputation to build this protocol out
they're more successful than you and everyone in this thread combined

i cant even LOL, this board has become utter trash. even the reverse fud is bad

>> No.53904261

I only have a 10 SNS-1 "make it" stack.

Will I make it?

>> No.53904267

they're PhD's who sold credentialism and an idea. there's not a single antiestablisment thought in the building. they sold the idea, not the execution. they created a new language because they could and it sounds cool. in reality it means the only people that can change the code are they. and by airdropping to third worlders they ensure any critical voice is "organically" shouted down. all you retards think you're protecting your bags by letting this happen, you're assuredly not.

>> No.53904495


>> No.53904615

Pretty based. Similar bag of ICP as well.
I try to maintain 1:1 btc, so I’m at;
12000 icp and 3.2 btc.
Got some sns1 as well incase it ever proves to be worth something.

Best of luck my dude, summer 2025 will be lit.

>> No.53904633

>there's not a single antiestablisment thought in the building.
>mom i'm fighting dfinity again online
>i'm the true antiestablishment person here!
they've built a entire network against big tech which is really just the establishment
you've done nothing and you fight against it which is even worse

>> No.53904719

ok i'll put up a gambling advertisement on trad web and you put one on icp. let's see which one gets blocked first. or a page that just says death to kikes and niggers. or a patriot front mirror.

>> No.53904764

that's my next goal, good stuff anon

common misconception
dfinity != dark web
you have to still abide by the law

dfinity tries to solve platform risk - assuming costs are damn near the same as aws, every developer in the world will want to build on it.

>> No.53904821

there's not a single blockchain in existence that behaves this way. it's not crypto, it's dfinity instead of aws. the only devs who want that are grifting on the idea.

>> No.53904831

>it's not crypto, it's dfinity instead of aws
yeah that's the point

>> No.53904873

and that's why icp is a joke. several of your fellow defenders cringed so hard at your comment.

>> No.53904894

you've spent 2 hours fudding it here but have made no mention of whether it's a good investment or not. You put a period after reply. You sound like you have a huge stick up your butt and take yourself way too serious. Let me ask what bags are you bullish on?

>> No.53904952

>dfinity != dark web
>you have to still abide by the law

yes you have to give them your ID and KYC to access it. so it is more controlled than our current censored, woke internet.

it is basically worthless and moving the opposite direction as everything else.

>> No.53905010

>yes you have to give them your ID and KYC to access it
not true

>> No.53905012

Also just made it to 10k pees on the dip today. This is a synchronicity I see as a sign.
>Buying piss for months trying to accoom a 10k stack
>Achieve the 10k uber stack TODAY
>Check /biz/ to celebrate
>/biz/ bros also finishing their 10k stacks


>> No.53905020

you realize VCs have 10 million coins they bought for a fraction of a penny right. they will never let it get high enough where 10k is a significant amount of wealth.

>> No.53905029

aka, your 10k being worth 1 million, is their stack being worth 100 million to 1 billion. that is like 40 % of the entire supply owned by VCs.

ICP holders are going to suffer big time watching it do nothing while everything else pumps.

>> No.53905079
File: 134 KB, 960x720, tylersbullshitiamjackscallingyouonyr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gary Owens: Ladies and gentleman, Moonscam and friends!

Moonscam, (/biz/): We're... (we're) ready... (ready) to... (to)

All: Party!

/biz/: We're ready to party, we're ready!

Moonscam: I hope you bring lotsa spaghetti! (That's payment!)

/biz/: Come on in, come to the place where fun never ends! (Let's go!) Come on in, it's time to party with Moonscam and Friends!

/biz/: Dancing!

Moonscam: Fiesta!

/biz/: Romancing!

Moonscam: Siesta!

/biz/: Samba!

Moonscam: La bamba!

All: Dos Semanas!

Moonscam, (/biz/): Disguises! (disguises) Surprises! (surprises) And pies of (and pies of)


/biz/: Come on in, come to the place where fun never ends! (You bet!) Come on in, it's time to party with Moonscam and Friends! (Ayy ayy!) Come on in, it's time to party with Moonscam and Friends! (Ayy ayy!)

All: Moonscam and Friends!

Moonscam (appearing in logo): Death in the afternoon, cuz Hemingway got to stay.

>> No.53905173

this costs me no time. it's old hat at this point. song remains the same. story old as time. not gonna give you my port until you reflect on what i've said.

>> No.53905245

What do you hold that’s better than icp faggit

>> No.53905301
File: 137 KB, 1732x344, PvtSale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a dumb gorilla nigger.
The sales at fraction of a penny were an open to the public seed round at the beginning of 2017 when there was no product, no team, no development, etc. ETH was worth 6$ at the time. VCs did not buy here. Only a year later in 2018 VCs piled in at 4$, close to the price we are now. ICP didn't actually launch until the top of the crypto bull in 2021. It had a botched launch, opening at #3 mcap and shorted into oblivion by competitors. Despite the attacks, any crypto that launched at the height of the 2021 bull shares a similar chart. Everything the IC has to offer is coming out NOW (not in 14 days, not last year. NOW). It's up to you if you'll fall for FUD or take advantage of an undervalued opportunity because of (quickly shifting) negative perception and (no longer competing) competitors manipulating the market and paying for FUD.

>> No.53905316

lichurly any l1 is better than icp. what is it with you go-fetch midwits and your thick skulls?

>> No.53905337
File: 2.94 MB, 1080x1920, 1677533288314486 (1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own 1,100 ICP and that's as much money as I'm willing to put down into something with so much execution risk. If ICP were such an obviously better blockchain, it would start being adopted, by the whole ecosystem. I think it's a longshot but we'll make gains as the Bitcoin bullmarket accelerates.

Everything else I own is BTC and BTC mining stocks (all the gains will be tax free as it's in a sheltered account).

>> No.53905975


>> No.53906158

Who is still talking about ICP? Why don't you fucking follow the trend if you are in for money? AI is the trend NXRA or any other project.

>> No.53906164

Soon Defi will replace all of the fucking KYC stuff and then no CEFI anymore and it will all just be NEXERA and TRADFI in Defi and you won't have what to talk about.

>> No.53906833
File: 65 KB, 840x700, 1624903302448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have good shitcoin taste anon. I just finished accumulating avax and prq is next what I am going to buy

>> No.53907072

so what do you hold, spill it

>> No.53907095

This is so sad. You are throwing your future away son. Its never going to ever go up you know that deep down...

>> No.53908428
File: 34 KB, 500x500, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when just a skill colour turns off any temptation

>> No.53909206


>> No.53909286

Well done anon.
I hold 19k myself but it's just a couple of percent of my networth.

>> No.53909698

Brain problem or sexuality problem?

>> No.53909748

ICP is a private blockchain. It's not trustless or permissionless. You can't even run your own damn node. How or why would anyone adopt it? It's web2. It's AWS with extra steps, poorer performance, and less flexibility. It's cheaper because the nodes aren't being operated for profit. The business model is not to sell compute, storage, or bandwidth. The business model is to sell shitcoins.