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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53896991 No.53896991 [Reply] [Original]

Anybody who withdrew from Celsius >100k before the collapse is going to have it stolen from them by the (((legal system))).
This is absolutely insane. Unsecured creditors (aka retail customers, average joe) are going to be sued to pay off secured creditors (aka jews).
It is all but official now. Link to source: https://twitter.com/CelsiansNetwork/status/1630922850856042499
Never have I been more filled with hatred. Should I sell my house and renounce my citizenship?

>> No.53897007
File: 75 KB, 300x360, martin_glenn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is the (((honorable))) judge presiding over the case who has the ability but not the chutzpah to put the whole thing to rest.

>> No.53897065

not able to withdraw is a good thing. you are literally sacrificing yourself to pump other's bag, ensuring the smart and strong to survive

>> No.53897099

I already withdrew. They want to sue for it to be returned to them. Meanwhile the legal team makes a fortune doing so.

>> No.53897150

With jews, you lose. Being a racist kike hater literally saved me from those greedy jew rats

>> No.53897162

then return it you stupid idiot

>> No.53897193

>a full year after the withdrawal clears
>sorry goy we're going to need that money back
>oh we don't want your worthless crypto, give us greenbacks

>> No.53897265

>Unsecured creditors
more liek unsecured redditors amirite? lmao!

>> No.53897302

at least you learned a lesson do not invest when jews are involved

>> No.53897303

race war between blacks and jews is the only way for white men to get their bread and eat it too.

>> No.53897507

Yeah hard lesson learned. I thought I could be slick and get away with it as long as I was ahead of the masses. Turns out that was wrong.

>> No.53897566

But you lost your keys in a boating accident and are off to live in Portugal under their golden passport scheme, I thought? Or was it San Marino (my preference)?

>> No.53897753

Doesn't work when the court can place a lien on my house.

>> No.53899300

>having property directly in your name
lmao it's like you're begging for it to be taken away when someone comes after you

>> No.53899356

anyone dumb enough to fall for Jewish tricks deserves this. Stay away from any Jewish crypto projects. Maybe stay away from Jews altogether idk lol

>> No.53900273

How do they know who you are. Pls tell me you didnt agree to kyc ahahahahahah

>> No.53901386

how does this make sense? it's literally your money..

>> No.53901446

Jewnited States of America

I would try to argue that scammers used my docs and it wasn't actually me but I had to submit a video holding up my docs just to withdraw. Maybe I can claim I was coerced

>> No.53901461
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no sympathy
if you put any amount of money in celsius at any point in time: fuck you, you deserve to lose it all

>> No.53901468

how did you come to the conclusion you're an unsecured creditor? you're not a creditor at all?

>> No.53901504

Sell it tomorrow and get moving