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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53895551 No.53895551 [Reply] [Original]

>we need ze mandatory online ID
fucking (((phylosophy major))) exposed himself once and for all

>> No.53895565

lel that's not what he's saying.
In fact, Chainlink is working on advanced privacy ID.

>> No.53895570
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privacy ID is an oxymoron
maybe he thinks chainlink holders are just regular morons

>> No.53895582

>advanced privacy ID
The fuck do you think it changes with that kikery?
>Muh privacy
Once you'll do shit that (((they))) find inappropriate™ you and your blockchain records will go straight to the courtroom. But hey, in a trustless fashion at least. You can't make this shit up

>> No.53895597

>blockchain bad
Then why make a thread about Chainlink specifically?


>> No.53895616

>blockchain bad
Nope, newfriend, you will be le bad. Blockchain or not, regardless of what type of (((ID))) you'll "choose", you'll be fucked. This is tracking on steroids, you get it now?

>> No.53895623

>This is tracking on steroids
That's blockchain for you.
Odd that you're singling out Chainlink though.

>> No.53895631

I don't mind being shackled like a slave but if the price of those shackles could go up maybe i can live off staking

>> No.53895633

>we need ze mandatory online ID
yes its called a public key. whats the problem?

>> No.53895649

I'm just pointing out that Sirgay is actively pushing (((their))) plan and he basically smashed it in your fucking face in plain text now, can I? This is a business-related board and I'm talking about business, if you want to rant about (((them))) pointlessly, at random, go back to >>/pol/

>> No.53895660

>Sirgay is actively pushing (((their))) plan

>> No.53895670

>its called a public key
Now mix that with your WHOLE online activity aka an internet ID, here's your problem. This board is made of fucking room temperature IQs I swear

>> No.53895674

now replace AI with zionism

>> No.53895687

Go check the continuation of OP's pic related midwit

>> No.53895699

thanks to DECO I dont have to reveal my true public key to anyone no matter who I interact with.
problem solved thanks to chainlink.

>> No.53895706

Nowhere does he push (((their))) plan, or say anything about people's "WHOLE online activity".

>> No.53895795

Zero Knowledge Proofs are the future of Privacy.

>> No.53896471

>Sergey talking about his big mac habit

>> No.53896534

It's privacy until it isn't, what link is building is a """privacy-focused""" capillary track record system that will be mandatory for everyone, for everything. Well, guess what happens when you do le bad things: bye bye your bank account, bye bye your right to shitpost, bye bye everything. Do they know who you are? No (until a courtroom rules otherwise) and it doesn't matter, you will still face the consequences of every single minor shit you do (not only) online, bye bye freedom. Tell me how this is a good thing again. I shit you not.

>> No.53896701

not how it works, better read up on the documentation.

>> No.53896736
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the O N L Y solution
1 LINK = 1 ID

>> No.53896811

You'll see how's gonna to work out in the end, remember that link on the white paper is just a decentralized oracle network

>> No.53896850
File: 283 KB, 1080x1418, Screenshot_20230226_212125_Gmail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Privacy? Not for you, chud.

>> No.53896984

>anonymous email address
>gmail GUI
get a cock.li throwaway already

>> No.53897266

I don't need to be anonymous, fuck these people and their empty threats

>> No.53897340
File: 398 KB, 900x900, 1560306475020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It solves the lambo problem.

Not my fucking problem


>> No.53897344

What a fucking idiot. People are concerned about AI because it automates mind control and propaganda.

>> No.53897391

How do you plan on solving the AI problem? 9 / 11 replies in this thread are AI generated

>> No.53897419

>so disconnected from reality and intelligence he doesn't grasp he is already tracked and candid would be a step toward data sovereignty
forgive him, he knows not what he says

>> No.53897477

based. these people grossly underestimate the # of ppl that are in opposition to their ideals of trying to ruin anyone that says things they don't like. it will be quite funny if they ever do get their way and the shitpost kings do not merely vanish but stand their ground. imo they will finally cave from this realization.

>> No.53897498

Sad how /pol/ came in and lowered /biz/'s collective IQ

>> No.53897502
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Holy fuck what a loser.

>> No.53897517

back you go boomer

>> No.53898463

No shit Sherlock, just upgrade your tunnel vision
>How do you plan on solving the AI problem? 9 / 11 replies in this thread are AI generated
Unironically with machine learning, the problem solves itself. Not now but soon™
>he doesn't grasp he is already tracked
You don't say? I'm talking about tracking on fucking steroids dumbfuck
>Sad how /pol/ came in and lowered /biz/'s collective IQ
Never been there, not even as a tourist. You just need to be fucking blind not to see what is coming

>> No.53898523

So Sergey is an AI that will infinitely consume resources through quantitative eating?

>> No.53898539

AI will neber be alive

>> No.53898619
