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File: 513 KB, 586x672, sayyst.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53891761 No.53891761 [Reply] [Original]

Why can't PHD graduates sustain themselves and have enough to invest anymore?

>> No.53891788

Because no one needs a psychologist called sassy with a bigger name even if it trained for 12 years

>> No.53891814

More PhDs exist than jobs for PhDs.

>> No.53891881

[smug roastie reaction image]
Bet you feel pretty silly now.

>> No.53891950

Sassy negresses can't into finance, this is known

>> No.53891966

not my problem

>> No.53891978


>> No.53891979

This. ChatGPT can prescribe you the finest jewish poison pills and direct you to the local suicide pod or bridge adjacent dick chopper.

>> No.53892040

I have a masters degree yet no one will hire me.

>> No.53892169

I gotta PhD: A pretty huge dick

>> No.53892220

The only useful phd
Unless you’re going into academia/stem corpo r&d, there’s literally no reason to get a phd. Masters is the highest level needed in white collar, bachelor’s alone will do the trick 90% of the time. I blame schools for pushing masters/phd to graduating undergrads, they should be going straight to the workforce and getting experience. Nothing more useless than a PhD whose work experience is flipping burgers in high school and doing some meme internships in college.

>> No.53892233

In her case it's because she's a woman
More broadly it's because the american system is broken and anyone saying otherwise is probably part of the problem
Everything is designed to filter money up to the rich bergs and the boomers at everyone else's expense, progressively impoverishing the fuck out of everyone

>> No.53892512
File: 557 KB, 1576x1429, 3B625F25-E33A-47A2-85FB-E89DBB3CDCEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gotta PhD: probably have depression

>> No.53892965

I'm pretty sure most big pharma employees and owners are Europeans

>> No.53893537

Holy cope

>phd in twatter name
Thats cope already, the only thing her degree is usefull for, twitter points

>> No.53893546

I got a PhD. Made it off crypto and never used it. I'd say PhDs are scams for most people. Also putting "PhD" next to your name or making people call you "Dr." is cringe. I only brag anonymously.

>> No.53893630

why does this degree even exist. Any counselor with a shred of decency would try to talk someone out of a philosophy or english degree.

>> No.53893640

All PhDs are "Doctors of Philosophy," that's what it stands for. He got a PhD in Chemistry.

>> No.53893771

Employers don't respect people that wasted 8 years of their life studying an esoteric field that has no practical applicability. It kind of makes you look like a dumbass. And calling yourself "doctor" as a PhD is pretentious as fuck, no one appreciates your discovery of a protein that is involved in a particular step in secretory vesicle trafficking in cells

>> No.53894203
File: 101 KB, 480x390, img21055105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why does this degree even exist. Any counselor with a shred of decency would try to talk someone out of a philosophy or english degree.
These are the people we take financial advice from....

>> No.53894232
File: 1.73 MB, 1913x963, neuralink_never_forget.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doctor of Philosophy
>why does this degree even exist

>> No.53894282
File: 46 KB, 778x512, 1675790862813699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey don't you talk about Anonymous that way, he made me rich with his advice.

>> No.53894335

>this is the fucking moron giving you financial advice

>> No.53894462

It used to be the case that you would be awarded a doctorate for original research. While this did require capital for lab equipment, voyages, etc., in 1700, new discoveries were within easy enough reach for a single intelligent individual to attain them. Nowadays, this is no longer the case, both because of the difficulty of discovery of what has not yet been discovered, and because of the intelligence of individuals.
It not being a reasonable expectation that a PhD candidate can make an original discovery, adding to the sum of human knowledge, the burden shifted to other criteria, i.e. doing a lot of administrative work or publishing trivial papers and putting the professor in as a co-author. Neither of these are economically or scientifically meaningful, thus PhDs are correspondingly not compensated.

>> No.53894472

In the medieval period, there used to be these four degrees (not necessarily in the same place and time):
>Doctor of Medicine
>Doctor of Law
>Doctor of Theology
>Doctor of Philosophy
Physics was then called "natural philosophy" (as in: wisdom about the natural world), and when other fields developed, they did not fit into the buckets of medicine, law, or theology, thus they all got thrown into the bucket of "Doctor of Philosophy".

>> No.53894479

Germany also had "Doctor of natural sciences" (Doctor rerum naturalium; "Doctor of natural things") which corresponds more to a doctorate in e.g. physics, but this degree isn't given in the Anglosphere.

>> No.53894505

it brings the university $$$$ from retards giving it to them

>> No.53894551

I've got a stem degree and worked at big pharma.

I'm pretty sure you could just print a PhD certificate and it'd work 99% of the time. It's also much cheaper. They're not going to bother checking beyond maybe wanting to scan the certificate. You could use the in and out approach.

I.e. apply for whatever job with fake certificate, work there 12/24 months. Then try to use your current role as justification for a job elsewhere but don't deploy the DIY PhD on the second application.

Also change your name to something more "colorful" and list yourself as pan gender on applying. That'll be worth more than the PhD. No shit.

>> No.53894561

>Mfw I have a PhD in burger flipping and can't get a job as a burger flipper
It's them bloody immigrants taking our jobs and shit

>> No.53894565

You can study natural sciences in the UK. Cambridge has such a course. It's basically a blend of all three at first then you select modules you're more interested in as you go.

Which isn't a bad idea as there can be large overlaps between some areas and some things that will be of no interest / use.

E.g. you might want to study some elements of chemistry and physics regarding surface films for semiconductor production.

>> No.53894578
File: 27 KB, 650x457, diversity_impact_science-blog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's them bloody immigrants taking our jobs and shit
Yes. It is. But they prefer the 100k plus ones. Nothing that involves any actual hard work.

>> No.53894606

Got my PhD in biomedical science in November.
$50,000 in my Schwab account earned over the course of my 4 year degree. Won multiple scholarships and had a very nice fellowship.

Your picture is a meme for STEM PhDs.

>> No.53894611

Is it cute to that man that he thinks that or is he being a faggot on purpose?
Because I think he's being a faggot on purpose.

>> No.53894635

>You can study natural sciences in the UK.
But what's the doctoral degree that you can get for it? I'm just talking about how the degrees are named.

>> No.53894913

You forgot to link to a dataset. You posted a pic of an exchange on Twitter instead.

>> No.53894924
File: 8 KB, 221x250, 1662441737320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PHD candidates pay money to the university

>> No.53895034

because PhD is by definition a state baby

>> No.53896336
File: 73 KB, 750x736, 9AD107B5-88DB-41DF-B895-E4DABFB01B78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying PhD candidates are not literal jannies
What’s the salary for jannies again?

>> No.53896605

Universities pay PHD students, not the other way around.

>> No.53897632

They're not.

>> No.53897672

Because most people with PhDs have meme degrees and the market is oversaturated with them already, also student debt

>> No.53897783

They get paid, but not much. Tuition is covered plus you get like minimum wage on top of that. In exchange the get PhD students as cheap labor basically. TAing and grading papers, working on a professor's research where you do all the actual experiments and work, etc. You could be making 6 figures easily if you do industry work instead of academia.

>> No.53898581

Every smart person starts a business and don't waste time studying too much

>> No.53898631

Imagine going to college for 7+ years and bragging that you have nothing.

>> No.53899348

and this

The hilarious thing is there are lots of people who torture themselves through their phd, with the hope of an easy job afterwards. Why should they hire a fucking phd for an easy job?
A difficult job is imho more rewarding than doing compliance / medical documentation stuff, which I would consider HELL.
t. phd in biochemistry and working in r&d

>> No.53899597

Most PhDs are just people who added another degree because it was easier than getting a job or something. So many just added it on top despite not needing it for anything. They just keep stacking diplomas for no reason.

>> No.53899887

>They're not going to bother checking beyond maybe wanting to scan the certificate
If it's a well-paying job with a PhD requirement they are most definitely going to verify with your university; it takes almost no effort to do so and is worth it to them. To say otherwise is a lie.
>t.HR roastie

>> No.53900026

>graduate with math PhD from top 20 school
>way too lazy/burnt out to continue research
>get a comfy teaching gig at a top school
>pay is absolute shit
>2019 realize admin hasn't authorized hiring for any new teachers in the math department despite enrollments hitting record levels
covid starts
>hiring freeze across the entire school
>a few old tenured profs retire
fall 2021 we return to teach in the flesh
>we have lost 8 full time faculty who teach 2-4 classes each semester
>admin still has not authorized new teaching hires for the department
>2022, a permanent faculty (my rank) who'd been there 9 years got fired
>literally the first time this has happened in decades
>see the writing on the wall despite my boss and the dean assuring us our jobs are safe
>pivot and start teaching myself corporate finance and stats
>apply to as many finance-bro jobs as I can
end of 2022
>secure a decent finance-bro job at an insurance company
>still get my old department emails
>university is on fire, more permanent (i.e. youre not supposed to get fired unless you fuck a student or say racist shit) teachers got told theyre getting let go (fired) at the end of the spring
>faculty union holding a vote to strike/vote out the current president

meanwhile i'm sitting comfy in my new braindead insurance gig. Feels strange to have gotten off the titanic (academia) before it sank while also watching it sink in real time w/ popcorn in hand.

>> No.53900081

>give woman phd
>she's still dumb
the education system is ruined

>> No.53900344

>I have a masters degree yet no one will hire me.
did you get a meme degree from a scam school?

>> No.53900380

well you cant use that pic in your application it has all the info crossed out, that's why you cant get job

>> No.53900385

Employers with a ton of bachelor's/Masters candidates will tell you that a Masters/PhD will set you apart. And then they hire their nephew.