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53884011 No.53884011 [Reply] [Original]

>How can one proifit from this?

>> No.53884017
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>> No.53884025

george w bush had a program like this just before the bailout

>> No.53884033 [DELETED] 
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So the bank jews are putting them in a debt trap. Congratulations

>> No.53884036 [DELETED] 
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Why the jews are trying to go out of business?

>> No.53884061

This doesn't violate any discrimination laws?

>> No.53884096 [DELETED] 

yes but the protection laws don't apply to white people

>> No.53884104

I would recommend not buying the zero down payment mortgage backed securities.

>> No.53884105

I don't even need to read the article to know that america tax dollars are paying for this in some way or another
maybe I should buy a house in murica

>> No.53884137

As it should be
You've stolen enough

>> No.53884139 [DELETED] 
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>Why the jews are trying to go out of business
That's the neat part anon, when they inevitably foreclose, the (((bankers))) get their principal bailed out by you and they keep the interest payments

Thanks for playing goyim, no refunds

>> No.53884148

equal employment opportunity commission says you're full of shit, chud

>> No.53884152

Chuds btfo

>> No.53884161


I know you're memeing but legally speaking they will. It's still enforced fairly in most courts. It's just "the culture" that has mandated anti-white racism isn't racism. Affirmative action in colleges isn't technically legal either, they basically do it off the books and using different code words to achieve the same objective. You can't just out and say "we're only giving black and hispanic people these loan deals", there's got to be more to it or else it will get nutted on in court.

>> No.53884168

>falling for this classic jewish trick

>> No.53884190

just joking, I wouldn't live in that 3rd world shithole and I wouldn't give any interest money to the bank jew.

>> No.53884268 [DELETED] 
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>How can one proifit from this?
By locking those dumb niggers in at 7.5% fixed 30yr and rolling all closing costs into the original mortgage.

>> No.53884269

no, only the other way around, white peepoo are evil hellspawn, murica belongs to the africans and israel!!

>> No.53884272

>How can one proifit from this?

>> No.53884339

>select neighborhoods
>Detroit, Miami

Lol wait until you find out about public housing.

>sell off unsellable property in the ghetto
>This is seen as a triggering ‘woke’ event to anger chuds into thinking whitey is treated unfairly
>Banks and Media win big

>> No.53884360

I looked it up, you don’t need to be black or Hispanic to qualify. It’s based on income and payment histories and absolve in certain neighborhoods. Let’s say 10% white 90% black. Everyone qualifies in that area.

>> No.53884370

its legal for media companies to propagandize the public

>> No.53884371


Thanks, that's the info I was looking for. That's typically how they do it, technically on an income wise basis, it's only "for blacks/hispanics" in practicality since they'll target areas where they'll be well overrepresented by that criteria

>> No.53884399

I think some autist lawyer could argue it’s disparate impact if they wanted to, but I assume they case would go nowhere. Community Affordable Loan Solution Is the name of anyone wants to look deeper into it.

>> No.53884419 [DELETED] 
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>I have a dream, that one day, black people will be lifted up, not by the content of their character, but by the color of their skin!
In the long run, this will end up hurting them. Power comes from defeating oppression. The jews know this. They are literally taking the victory away from black people, and treating them like cattle. It's like giving a kid training wheels, and never teaching them to actually ride the bike. One day, they will need to ride the bike, but as a culture of coddled children, they just won't know how. The day of judgement will come, and only the elohim that understand this will survive. Who is your God Anon? I tell you the truth. The free candy from Satan will not last forever.

>> No.53884549

So, what happens, you just pick a $10 million house and they say OK, pay us back if you feel like it?

>> No.53884747

[A warning]

Let's put it another way. Every white and Asian who is oppressed by the current systemic racism of our modern western culture probably agrees with this sentiment on some level. But for those of you who still feel like you deserve this fake loan (I say fake, because it's designed to lock people into debt like they did in 2008), I offer this further thought.

The total land surface area of Earth is about 57,308,738 square miles, of which about 33% is desert and about 24% is mountainous. Subtracting this uninhabitable 57% (32,665,981 mi2) from the total land area leaves 24,642,757 square miles or15.77 billion acresof habitable land.

There are 7.888billion (2021) people
15.77/7.888 = 2 acres per person

This is the amount of land that is given to us by the elohim know as YHWH. Also known as GOD. Any corporation, or government that designs a system to give more of this land to an individual glutton, is from Satan. Anyone who owns less than 2 acres, is protected by God. All of the wealthy who refuse to tithe back to the kingdom, will be thrown into the fire.

This is a warning, and it will be repeated. Take heed, listen, and join the kingdom of Lord Jesus the christ, and you too will be saved.

>> No.53884789
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>So, what happens, you just pick a $10 million house and they say OK, pay us back if you feel like it?

>> No.53884800
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>So, what happens, you just pick a $10 million house and they say OK, pay us back if you feel like it?

>> No.53884813
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>So, what happens, you just pick a $10 million house and they say OK, pay us back if you feel like it?

>> No.53884819

The amount of tithe required is 1/10.
This means that the current government, that steals more than 50% from its people, is from Satan. As instructed by Ἰησοῦς, give these demon possesed governments all of their fiat back, and look for another form of currency that is not controlled by the haSatan, who is a deceiver, and a lawful evil cunt.

>> No.53884825
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>So, what happens, you just pick a $10 million house and they say OK, pay us back if you feel like it?

>> No.53884876 [DELETED] 
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Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger

>> No.53884893

Did anybody here do the research on this image? It’s not prioritizing black and Hispanics; it’s making it so that certain zip codes in the listed cities get 0 down payment.
If you want to live in the ghettos of Detroit, be my guest.

>> No.53884911

No, looking into source material and archiving died with full_chan. Welcome to the financial arm of reddit

>> No.53885128

this is a loss leader for them
they have enough money to cover it

>> No.53885222

I unironically do this as a black person and keep up with payments and payment it off because contrary to 4chans worldview I'm not a Tyrone sure would others default or miss payments definitely but then that just because the classic American adage of purchase things you can't afford to finance some flimsy concept of an American dream given to you by the capitalist class to keep you running on their hamster wheel
tldr seethe

>> No.53885239

>t spic
We know Javier just because you don't our yourself on other boards doesn't mean we can't tell all the racist posts are from you

>> No.53885248

so its 2008

>> No.53885306

The loans are for majority black and Hispanic areas, not for black and Hispanic people specifically. That's how they get around that. There's technically nothing stopping dave smith from applying for and getting approved for these loans, provided dave is interested in living in Compton.

>> No.53885326

redlining by geography is illegal but again laws don't apply if you're white

>> No.53885329
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It's a good thing I can hablo some español. Did you just assume my ethnicity?

>> No.53885356


All these homes are in terrible ghettos and no one wants them. The bank is trying to use this as an opportunity to earn ESG points and trying to incentivize blacks and Hispanics to stay in their shithole parts of town.

>> No.53885362

and also for every loan they give, they can bundle it with other mortgage-backed securities and use them as collateral for even more derivatives backed by absolutely nothing but their promise to pay- just like in the years before 2008

it's a win-win-win-win-win-win-win-win-win-win and the only losers are the millions of people who will lose their savings and homes and jobs when the house of cards finally comes crashing down. but the federal reserve prime dealers will be sitting pretty no matter what!
we will own nothign and be happy

>> No.53885377

>go out of business
They're trapping niggers in debt debt from those who can't pay it off is far more profitable than debt from people who will

>> No.53885388

Ive been told zero down minority loans are a sign of a strong housing market.

>> No.53885393
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So it's a bait article.

>> No.53885400

here is a speech by Federal Reserve guy Michael Barr (who was also a board advisor at Ripple) about this topic that i think addresses some of the points in your post

>> No.53885423

don't worry anon, they'll be getting bailed in this time :^)

>> No.53885425

Isnt tha, basically the same thung that led to the 2008 financial crisis just more out in the open

>> No.53885432

>select neighborhoods

interesting. some very smart BUSINESS man came up with an idea to sell shit houses no one wants in bad neighborhoods to unsuspecting victims AHEM customers. maybe if they're lucky they'll also gentrify the area and they'll also increase the property value of all the slums they own there

>> No.53885444

you realize this was the whole idea behind LBJ's Great Society plan right? creating the welfare state (and the war on drugs, and abortion, and protection for single mothers) made black people into a permanent underclass, absolutely wrecking any chance at self-sufficiency for the black man in the 20th and 21st centuries

it's all about deliberately misaligning incentives so that meaningful organization, liberation and autonomy is never possible. the "people" behind this are evil (probably legitimately demons/evil aliens)

>> No.53885449


>> No.53885467

based schizo-Georgist

>> No.53885490

checked. yes things are great

financial inclusion is a saturnian inversion of the concept. similar to extending credit to people so they can buy pizzas, or making e-banking apps available to sub-saharan africans with free smartphones, it's all about squeezing every last penny of debt from every single human
and the best part? they get to pat themselves on the back and say that they are being inclusive! "extending opportunity to everyone!" it is a dark dark dark joke, being made by billionaire demons at the expense of all of us

>> No.53885509

The debt will be repackaged until it's unrecognizable and then it will be gobbled up by pension funds

>> No.53885520

The interest rate must be horrendous

>> No.53885528
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>> No.53885603

So if im a spic with savings and a good job and not retarded, what is the downside of taking one of these loans? Is it floating rate or something?

>> No.53885643

You can't. You'll be the one paying more to cover the scheme.

>> No.53885684

have your black friend put their name on the mortgage application and then they turn around and put it your name, you pay them a little bonus

>> No.53885881
File: 984 KB, 1080x1509, IN OO US.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>probably legitimately demons/evil aliens
The way I read this:
Demons: Destructive and selfish egregores. Thoughtforms that are like a mind virus that destroy society, for the benefit of a consolidated spirit. I.e., a selfish entity/person/or group of people, that manipulate us, either knowingly, or unknowingly. (With occam's razor, we don't need to go so far as imagine alternate dimensions of being, to know that DEMONS do exist as a mind virus). Evil aliens, can be outside forces. From another country (I would not go so far and say "planet", it's not necessary with occam's razor, but either way, it reads the same. A group of lifeforms that benifit from our destruction, and intentionally seek to destroy us. Something that is alien to us, and does not care about us, and is intentionally spreading these destructive ideas (egregores, mind viruses, thoughtforms)

Everyone who can hear, listen. Everyone who can see, keep searching. Don't let semantics stop you from finding truth. We are in a spiritual war. Whether you see it or not. It is there, attacking you. And Ιησούς is here, blessing you.

With Ιησούς there are no aliens, and the demons scatter like cockroaches.

>> No.53887598

Save up cash to lowball banks at the foreclosure auctions

>> No.53887769

because this doesn't actually tie to them
if their bank fails, the ones that get obliterated are the people insuring it
which means the federal government
which means the fed + tax payer (retards)

>> No.53887779

>they have enough money to cover it
banks have no money
if they have money, it's quickly spent in stock buybacks to make shareholders money, then they just dump after the rally and continue to operate with 0 reserves

>> No.53887791

This is a rerun from that episode in 2008 that caused a bunch of blacks to go underwater on their home in places like Detroit.

This never ends well. Really the fact that we've seen this episode before should make blacks and Hispanics weary to believe that this is to benefit them. On the surface it gets their foot in the door and then after they have their signatures on a bunch of parasitic paperwork they eventually get fucked into the dirt like any other asshole regardless of race.

The reality of why they are doing this is because blacks are EXTREMELY anti semitic at heart, they don't trust banks at all, the only way to get most of black America to get a loan is to literally convince them and even then if you asked your average multi generation neighborhood black guy if he was willing to get a loan with these incentives he'd still say no fuck that and fuck them Jewish bankers they just wanna take everything and leave you with nothing. I think white America genuinely underestimates how anti semitic blacks are, even I have been surprised at how often you can hear an intellectual black guy being so outward and open about their Jewish hatred. It didn't start with Kanye either, this was a long time coming. If you actually grew up in a mixed neighborhood you would have seen the "Kanye" coming from miles away, surprised it didn't happen sooner even.

>> No.53887811

why are you pasting s Clott AIDS on a newspiece about jews trying to trap niggers and mexicans into debt that the federal government guarantees over?

>> No.53888776

>kill 7billion people
>now we can have more land <|:^)
>God is OK with this
Schizos man

>> No.53888809

media are master baiters