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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53880271 No.53880271 [Reply] [Original]

Just stop spending money on women.

It's that easy.

>> No.53880402


This, anons need to listen up.

I knew about bitcoin in 2007, I missed it, completely. I was chasing whores and losing my mind into porn and sex. Again, 2012, I remember bitcoin, I'm trying to invest but I just didn't and didn't care, lost my HDD with a few coins on the offline wallet.

>> No.53880416

I've spent less than $5000 on my gf and we've been dating for 1.5 years. Keep in mind I make almost $200k per year.

>> No.53880425
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Spend less.

>> No.53880443

Spending my attention on them should be enough but we all have to eat and I'm no feminist.

>> No.53880478

>spending money on anything but necessities
These include
>relatively healthy food to cook at home (cook everything in cast iron or stainless steel)
Every PENNY you make that can go into investments should go into investments.

>> No.53881263

But I like to spend money on my friends and some of them are female :(. I gave my friend 50 bucks for her birthday. Is that okay?

>> No.53881273
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Spend less.

>> No.53881283

I spent 30k last year on a sugar baby with an amazing body, it was worth it. She had huge lactating tits that made milk and I sucked on them, prob drank gallons of milk from those things. Fucked her so many times too

>> No.53881308
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>Just stop spending
There, fixed that for you.

>> No.53881341

what a simp

>> No.53881355

It’s not simping if you get to have sex with them. Simping is where you give a girl money and she still doesn’t fuck you

>> No.53881384

never have, never will

>> No.53881394

It's still second-degree simping.

>> No.53881792
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>stop having a girlfriend
>buy hamachi bags and start saving too much
>farming machine
>financial stability
>buy videogames
>poor again
>depression and look for woman for comfort

>> No.53881819

>Consultant walks into the meeting with resting bitch face
>Presents powerpoint
>Very dull
>Tells me how to do my job
>Very annoyed
>Goes like all day long
>Expected to take notes from this person telling me how to do my job
>At the end of day everybody has mostly gone home
>Go to vending machines
>Count change
>Fucking quarters
>Bitch shows up
>Buys me a candy bar
>Tells me it's my turn tomorrow

>> No.53881903

>interacting with femoids at all

>> No.53881907

sex her

>> No.53881949

B-but how does she feeeeeel?

>> No.53881955

>It's that easy.

>> No.53882518

But i don't have women

>> No.53883211

No, I enjoy giving my money to other people and buying them things.

>> No.53883230

i've spent about $0 (in words: zero dollars) on women in my whole life

>> No.53883245
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How do I get them to have sex with me, then? i NEED sex. At least that's what people keep telling me I need.

>> No.53883256

If we go out, my gf always pays. I cook for her in exchange

>> No.53883290
File: 2.92 MB, 600x338, 48AFB087-E877-4893-B9C3-F1C8DD6A2833.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm mid 30s and I have never wasted even a cent on a roastie, never been on a date, never been a simp, never befriended a roastie (they are useless as friends). will never pay for a roastie because roasties have nothing to offer that I want. their holes are worthless to me and I dont have any emotions or feelings towards them. in my eyes woman arent even people. they are obstacles.
I will never pay for a roastie and even my time is too valuable to waste it on some worn out hole. dont need it, wont buy it.
did I mention that I have several million dollars, own many cars as part of my business and have 6 houses.
why would I risk this for a retard with a vagina?

>> No.53883297

why? women and my kids are the only thing that matter

>> No.53883336

You are a cuck

>> No.53883381

the better question is how to get the oldest profession in the world legalized on the federal level. sexbots would be even better but who knows how far in the future we'll get those, if ever. i have a physical urge i need to satisfy, but beyond that i don't give a fuck about modern women. i've never met one who can hold an interesting conversation about interesting shit like philosophy, psychology, history, AI, or vidya.