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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53880512 No.53880512 [Reply] [Original]

Let’s break down a 100k salary in the Midwest and see what it gets you:

>$22,500 into 401k to minimize taxes
>$2,500 yearly for health insurance

That brings us down to 75k. In a typical Midwest state, 75k gross will bring us down to about 52k take home pay once taxes are taken out.

Now we have the essentials:
>$1,300 monthly for a 1BR apartment, $15,600 annually
>$400 monthly for food, $4,800 annually
>$150 in gas monthly, $1,800 annually
>$175 for electric/internet/water/utilities, $2,100 yearly
>$150 misc spending, $1,800 annually

So bare minimum, you’re looking at $26,000 annually to keep yourself alive and live like a total pauper in a shitty 1 bedroom apartment. You haven’t bought any furniture, you haven’t traveled anywhere but to and from work, you haven’t went out with friends, you haven’t seen a movie, you haven’t done anything except work and vegetate. You have zero positive life experiences besides staring at a screen.

What do you have to show for it? You’ve got about $2,000 left over every month. A measly $25,000 left over after you do the bare minimum, living like a literal serf. There’s your “6 figure salary” in the famously cheap Midwest, bro.

Invest every penny of that $25,000 for 20 straight years and average 8% growth every year and you’ll just finally be a millionaire, 20 years after we’ve already established a million dollars is barely any money. A six figure salary is complete fucking garbage in 2023, even in the Midwest. Imagine we ran these numbers in California or something LMAO.

Oh, and not to mention it’s extremely difficult to actually get a 6 figure salary in the Midwest in the first place, most careers here won’t even push you into that range until you’re in management.

>> No.53880529

thats why you work remote in a third world shithole where you'll stay until you make it. Then you could keep 90k out of those 100k, but you're a scared bitch. Stay in your "safe" america full of niggers

>> No.53880590

140k in 2019 felt like a lot
now i make 160k and it feels like less

>> No.53880631

Because it is. There was 17% inflation from 2019. Your 160k is actually 132.8k in 2019 money. Doing this math makes me want to kill myself.

>> No.53880677

and that's believing the official numbers which were probably manipulated

>> No.53881043

>$1,300 1 br apartment

I know the Midwest is a big place but if you're willing to live in the suburbs or smaller towns it can be much cheaper.

I lived in a college town in the middle of Missouri not too long ago and $1,300/m is way more than I paid on my mortgage for a 2b2b house + garage + moderately sized fenced backyard (0% down and even accounting for now inflated interest rates). Every essential business (gas, store, post office, university, restaurants, etc.) was a measly 5 - 10min drive so it's not like it was a bad location either.

Obviously this depends on your line of work but if you are able to work remotely you can get city-level salary in bum fuck nowhere with 1/5th the cost of living. I'm also a neet tech worker so it was super comfy just minding my own business on my cheap ass land.

>> No.53881129


I totally agree. Most people are too dumb to actually look at the numbers. What's more is you really are forgetting some staples that would definitely be included as well.

$50/mo ($600/yr) for cell service (assuming you included internet service under utilities)
$100/mo ($1200/yr) for insurance (auto, home, etc.)
$200/mo ($2400/yr) for car payment, maintenance, etc.

Now remember most people are retarded and pay like 3x that for cars as well as finance their phone so their phone payment could be even up to $100/mo for just one phone. I know people paying $200-300/mo for car insurance on a car they hardly afford.

Another big one you forgot - health insurance. Even though it's often employee sponsored (esp. if you're making 100K) single plans can still be $100+/mo and that's not counting deductibles, etc. You can easily see from this how 100K doesn't actually provide a 'luxurious' life style but rather is pretty squarely middle class at best. Even if you own a home, start adding in 10K expenses for roofs, 1K fridges, paint jobs, landscaping every month, HOA, etc.

>> No.53881138
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You got me with your 1pbtid bait, very potent

Jannies clean this shit up

>> No.53881143


I just saw you actually included health insurance Here's some other deductions though you typically would take out if you're trying to save for retirement: $3850 for HSA, $6000/yr for IRA, you can also add in 529s. People might say well oh it's a luxury to max all these things but it's pretty much required for retirement here. There's no real pension system and social security continues to suck ass.

>> No.53881157

Bro I make $60k in fucking cleveland and live like a pauper. Only bright side is I can buy a house once I have some money saved up. I genuinely don't know how people survive on less...

>> No.53881172

This. I unironically think it's time for everyone to learn spanish and live in mexico. People in San Diego already do it and live like kings.

>> No.53881188

>im investing almost 50k of my 100k salary and i dont have any money left over for fun
then stop investing so aggressively and live your life retard. 22 thousand dollars yearly into a 401k is plenty

>> No.53881210

>Bro, just live in poverty in retirement!

>> No.53881222

Probably because you’re retarded with your money

You faggots are either completely out of touch or it’s bait. I want to give credit and say that you’re not this retarded but I really can’t tell.

>60k in cinci metro
>700/week after taxes & 401k
>bought house for $175k
>$1200 mortgage
>$120 insurance
>$100 motorcycle payment
>$200 for gas electric and internet
>$18 for mint mobile
>15% into 401k

Trash and water are on weird billing schedules and there are months with 5 pay periods so not including that

I’m not sure what kind of life of luxury you faggots expect, you sound like women who want to consoom for the sake of consooming.

Majority of you refuse to get roommates or a woman to split expenses with and guess what it’s hard as fuck for one person to compete with two people in terms of income

60k for a single person requires some grinding to get to
60k for two people is two people working min wage at 15hr

>> No.53881258
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>Just buy a house in the past!

>> No.53881260


So you're taking home about 2800 a month.
-1200 rent=1600
-120 insurance=1480
-100 motorcycle payment=1380 (you don't have a car? you realize that's not common and also not practical in any suburban/rural location)
-200 utilities=1180
-20 cell phone=1160

Things you left out: healthcare expenses, food, & gas. Food for one person alone could be 400/mo. So basically you have maybe 500 a month left over after working full time? That's without a car by the way, lol. By the way, 15% retirement savings on 60K is only 9000/yr. That's very little.

>> No.53881312

There are still other houses in perfectly reasonable neighborhoods (minimal crime, clean etc) for $200k.

Secondly, you’re never going to have a family and are an incel so it’s not a huge deal you can afford a home on a single income. You don’t need the extra space. 3 of my rooms collect dust because I never go in them.

I don’t budget my food
My work covers my insurance, I don’t understand this healthcare meme? Am I one of the few people who isn’t made out of glass and my bones don’t shatter when I walk requiring me to go to an ER on the daily??

>15%? That’s very little! You should be contributing 100%!
I get an 8% match so it’s more like $14k, my expenses will go down when my house is paid off and my wages will go up so again I’m not sure what expectations you have

I have two paid off 10 year old Toyota’s. I know that’s not sexy to the consoomers but it gets me around. Also I commute 15 minutes to work so I don’t budget for gas

If I’m not middle class I’m concerned for what everything else is

>> No.53881349


The overwhelming majority of homeowners bought houses at 1/3 the price and have loans at half the interest rate. They simply don't have anywhere near the same expenses that someone trying to enter now does.

I pay $1,200/mo for 3,600 sqft in a top 40 metro area.

>> No.53881472
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This thread again?

>> No.53881733

There are very few jobs available that would allow that.
There was a guy on /trv/ who lived remotely as a copywriter, but he spent many years building a rep as a good freelancer before he could do it. It's a pretty rare situation to be able to make decent money and work remotely from another country. Not to mention tax issues, visa hassles etc

>> No.53881923

>10% down

>> No.53881951

This is entirely correct. A 340k salary is equivalent to a 100k salary back in 09

>> No.53881958
File: 428 KB, 255x244, 7C85CEBB-82CF-4945-B9C2-619FA13579CB.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>100k was a middle class salary in 2009

>> No.53881994

This is correct.

>> No.53882023

It really isn't.

>> No.53882101

There exists houses at the cheap for like 125k You could easily pickup and still work to pay it off

>> No.53882114

If your salary stays at 100k for the entirety of your career you dun fucked up, badly. Aim for 20-30% bumps every 5 years at minimum.

>> No.53882166

lol burguers live on easy mode and still bitch and moan all day.
You're investing $50k/year in tax advantaged accounts with employer matching. All I get as a thirdie worlder is to save $25k/year and I have no tax advantages and no employer matching.

>> No.53882185
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Boomers had worse inflation... sounds like you need to work harder... maybe if you did you'd be making $250k a year instead of crying