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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 118 KB, 1012x665, bizfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53879526 No.53879526 [Reply] [Original]

Hello my frens

What's your best memory, or at least a great memory of something really fun you did ?
I'm a young boomer that's been here for a while, so I'm well aware there's a lot of lonely, autistic, and virgin anons out there
Don't you wish you'd do something different and exciting for a change ? Did you make a of lot of crypto gains in 2021, yet didn't spend anything on fun stuff ?
Would you like to link up with fellow /biz/-minded anons? Perhaps you're a fatass looking for some extra motivation to get /fit/ ?

Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Mass Effect and I organized the 2019 /fit/ Thailand meet which you probably never heard about
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-nTOtxKB5I&list=LL&index=228 [Embed] [Embed]

Well now that covid happened and the markets are shitting the bed and everyone is blackpilled, I decided to set up another Thailand meet in early 2024, so we have some sort of light at the end of the tunnel to look forward to, no matter what
Early 2024 means you have FULL YEAR to get in shape and save up for this trip. This is my 1st thread about the meet but you will see more throughout the year

>we're gonna pick a month (jan-feb-march), and ultimately a week to meet up in Bangkok Thailand (Nana Plaza)
>you're free to do whatever the fuck you wanna do while you're there, sleep at whatever hotel you like, we'll mainly just meet up on evenings to hit the clubs, drink, and fuck thai hookers
>shortly after meeting up in Bangkok, we will migrate to whore capital Pattaya (again, you're free to follow us, free to leave us for normie Thailand beaches, free to go pray in Chiang Mai, whatever)
>no bullies, only good vibes

discord info: cpYUbWKC

>> No.53879603

Kill self posthaste

>> No.53879629

who hurt you?

>> No.53879951

absolutely degenerate

>> No.53879999

i'm in, but i want to be on the robber side not the marks

>> No.53880018

Based quads reveal the truth. Not going to this satanic glow meeting

>> No.53880050

Please be sure to post the time of the meetup, so i can organize my gang of ladyboys to beat you up and rob you

>> No.53880060

will do

>> No.53880108

What's your favorite gogo in nana? For me I'd say billboard is pretty hard to beat

>> No.53880177
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Sounds cool but I can't go because I'm saving myself for my future autistic egirl gf.

>> No.53880276

Should post in /trv

>> No.53880299

woman in thailand are not attractive to me

>> No.53880304

Do you have any pics from your meetup? It sounds so cool

>> No.53880322
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>> No.53880508

Discord link expired

>> No.53880552

tell that kike edmund that he'll never be white

>> No.53880567

good luck lol

>> No.53880571

doubt he is coming

my bad, this one will never expire meJG3SV8Dd

>> No.53880600

How do I stop being skinny? And how to I profit once I acheive this? I look like such a pretty boy twink(not a faggot, Christ is King)and wanna leverage my top tier facial aesthetics into chadness.

>> No.53880612
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All biztards foolish enough to attend this doxxx splotch will be cannibalized and mulched by OP.

>> No.53880638
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It was a good time.

>> No.53880645

I might be single by the time this goes down so I'll probably attend. I've been to Thailand twice before the pandemic and had a great time.
Idc if every attendee looks like this. I'll make sure they all get laid.

>> No.53880676

His neck gets longer every time I see this photo

>> No.53880685

Is that Dylan Roof? Also how do I get a neck like 5th from the left?

>> No.53880846
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Just a reminder that Leo Longevity was murdered.

>> No.53880979

explain more? I just skimmed through parts of the tony video explaining how he found him but have been meaning to look more into it

>> No.53881016

>come to Thailand and get torture for your keys
Lmao nothx

>> No.53881017

There's pics of the gruesome crime scene on facebook. There are lots of theories. The preliminary autopsy says he didn't die from a drug overdose or suicide, and murder hasn't been ruled out at this stage. We wait for the full autopsy.
There's a blog if you search google which has a lot of info. Just search leo longevity wordpress

>> No.53881029

I'll read more, you piqued my interest. A real shame, Leo seemed like such an awesome guy

>> No.53881249

tilde wuz here
ill hit you up soon mass effect
we gonna bang hookers with apu
anon anon you still owe me money you fucking faggot

>> No.53881339

All and i mean absolutely ALL non americans are scammers here.
TLDR OP is a foreign nigger who wants you to pay him monthly.

>> No.53881353

Just kill them if they try that?

>> No.53881383

All of Pattaya, Nana Plaza, Soi Cowboy, and Bangla Road are for old, fat men who are completely devoid of life and are so incredibly desperate they are routinely intoxicated with alcohol, cigarettes, and now pot, and they cope with through their loneliness by buying love from hookers.

There are so many incredibly beautiful, fun places in Thailand to go to. And there are so many lovely, hardworking women who are great to meet in this life.

Spent one day in Pattaya and will never go back unless if I want to use it as a way to make a trip to the beautiful surrounding islands. If you've never been to Thailand, go to those red light districts just to see how incredibly desperate you must be to spend your time there, and asks yourself if that's the life you want.

I went to Thailand alone and had the time of my life. Your trip sounds like absolute Hell.
>I don't have any real friends so I want to meet up with strangers from a racist internet board so we can get drunk every night and fuck random, desperate hookers because I can't even attract a local girl

>> No.53881398

>fucking the local sluts at all
Imagine going for a Thai when all the tourist spots are packed with northern European backpacker girls

>> No.53881413

>Spent one day in Pattaya and will never go back unless if I want to use it as a way to make a trip to the beautiful surrounding islands. If you've never been to Thailand, go to those red light districts just to see how incredibly desperate you must be to spend your time there, and asks yourself if that's the life you want

I don't think you understand the point of this meet. Name me ONE place that has this;
>LOTS of hookers so everyone in the group gets laid and therefore there's no drama or bullshit amongst us over girls

>> No.53881419
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That's actually pretty easy. It just takes time.

>> No.53881457

Not anti fit / anti money but this is a prime example of personality and a sense of humour going a long way reet. Imagine the number of cumulative hours put in by fit, thousands at the gym pompin', searching round for roids, lying about roids (they're just "life hax"). Still can't get laid so going to get drunk in Thailand. Possible dodgies in group looking for youngest possible hookers, odd behaviors due to gym "get pumped" stance and possibly also roid induced, etc. Think I'll have to pass.

>> No.53881471

>Think I'll have to pass.

No problem brother I understand, just stay home then

>> No.53881473

Kys scammer jfc I hate this fucking board.

>> No.53881637

I do understand the point of the meet. That's why I said you trip sounds like Hell. Meeting a bunch of random people on the internet to pay hookers for sex is the worst city in Thailand sounds like a gigantic waste of my time.

>> No.53881646

>sounds like a gigantic waste of my time

you say that but I bet while the meet takes place you'll be in front of your computer posting on this shit board

>> No.53881655
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>my name is Mass Effect

>> No.53881673

made me kek lol I know my OP sounds cheesy, I'll do another one next time

>> No.53881745

I want to gouge out my eyes and use them as marbles to destroy your balls
how will this affect anything? my hamachi bags will stay the same, there is nothing that can be done here that will benefit all of us

>> No.53882071

> pay for sex
i'm literally fuck them for free , actually local woman who isn't a hooker.

>> No.53882427
File: 84 KB, 602x459, 1617364642356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wanna go.

>> No.53882526

Imagine spending time actually talking to a woman instead of just paying them to blow you LMAO

>> No.53882890

we don't take kindly to reddispeak here, faggot.

>> No.53882984

Bro have no friends and need to pay for sex. You're asking strangers on Biz and Fit to meet you in Thailand so you aren't lonely while you're doing the loneliest thing possible - fucking the hookers in pattaya of all places. You can't even afford the nice hookers.

Have fun at your meet, it sounds like you live in Hell

>> No.53883069

you post like a facebook mom. i only care about pussy and having a mad one, i don't care about how beautiful a 3rd world country is

>> No.53883070

I love you faggots but I wouldn't ever want to meet you IRL. You could waterboard me and I still wouldn't agree to meet any of you cunts irl.

>> No.53883081

>You could waterboard me
what a coincidence, we were already planning to do that when you arrive! more effective than a wrench.

>> No.53883086
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Tony huge did it

>> No.53885013


>> No.53885970
File: 120 KB, 1230x222, 1677572632694427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op was posting CP and got v&. Don't listen to this guy.

>> No.53885971

Kinda based

>> No.53886066

Mod confirmed scam since they won't delete it holy shit.
Don't give a fucking dime to discord niggers or tranny jannies here ever.

>> No.53887360

Imagine still being butthurt 4 years later that mass couldnt attend the meet