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53872026 No.53872026 [Reply] [Original]

How do we avoid Women stealing our IT jobs?

>> No.53872041

ok :)

>> No.53872055

just let it happen so the companies that hire based on race and gender fail

>> No.53872070
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she probably makes 250k per year, what about you?

>> No.53872094

those women are there to be eye candy, don't think about it

>> No.53872109

what about AI

>> No.53872111

I am making 400k per month, what about you ,glownigger?

>> No.53872113

doesn’t mean she earns it

>> No.53872118
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>> No.53872130

why is she so fucking ugly then?

>> No.53872170
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eye candy for you

>> No.53872172

This. Kikes gifting money to women in IT, just means they want the system to collapse. You literally will own nothing and be unhappy, it doesn't matters if you make 500k or 40k. By 2030 Kikes will be the only owners of everything.

>> No.53872252


>> No.53872311
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Man I am literally piercing kike heads to spikes now wtf?! schwab is a worm and will eet ze donutz

>> No.53872333

fuck out of here
they are making it harder for us but just work harder
get mad

>> No.53872358

>screen/code out of focus
>gerl in focus

>> No.53872380

Dont worry anon, AI will replace every single one of you soon enough.

>> No.53872400

Probably a very secret very good code there! probably hucking pentagon atm meanwhile making 500k a day! :D

>> No.53872419

It's inevitable. I identify as she/her so I can get employers to glance at my resume and give me a competitive edge over other candidates. It's much easier if the employer has a "diversity and inclusion" committee, which pretty much guarantees your resume will be looked at and considered. I say identify because that's just a name, a recognition, an observation that people see. I am deep down a biological man with a aesthetically looking penis and will never become a woman.

>> No.53872423

they learned their lesson.
back in the day it was:
>cd ls
>cd ..
>ls -ep
>ls -eaf
>cd ..

>> No.53872438
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More useless female "workers" please, that will fix lots of problems

>> No.53872461

at least it would be sexy, so I could fap or something :(

>> No.53872469

Nah, all their actions only make sense if they decided that the "money" will not exist anymore. You, me and even those roasties that make you seethe will be slaves. Burgers sold the world, and eurocucks sold their asses to the globohomo. Nothing can stop what's coming. What's comming will make every dystopian movie look like a paradise.

>> No.53872492


>> No.53872609

You never did anything, it will be no different now that shit hit the fan.

>> No.53872612

workplaces have been generally corrupted with unnecessary feminism-isms, and a strong focus away from talent.

working for someone else used to be a masculine act, now working for someone else is a feminine act. the winning strategy has always been to do what women can't, as a man. now most jobs have been lowered enough for women, do the things they can't do, like create and run successful profitable businesses, work for yourself, join an early startup, etc.

>> No.53872631

Boot anyone trying to dumb standards down or create meme positions.

If the woomen have to actually work, they'll quit.

>> No.53872634

based and NWO pilled.
HBAG will be the gas of the future CBDC.
'Hedera' means it will consume the entire world in a capitalistic pursuit.

>> No.53872653

Pretty sure she got laid off in that last round of layoffs. Probably dead weight.

>> No.53872655

I am fapping quite regularly and furiously to your mom!

>> No.53872675

You need to be 18+ to be here.

>> No.53872723

I was 16 the first time I meet your mother.

>> No.53872790

who is this jihadi jane?

>> No.53872803

holy shit how tf does she code like that? fucking laptop is max zoomed and she keeps two windows open with sidebar max expanded?
Learn some fucking key maps and shortcuts bitch, and stop using the trackpad to just copy paste everything between files. There's not even functions on that screen just hardcoded objects and variable declarations/assignments.
she must be giving some useless boomer code reviewer a handjob off to the side of the photo because that's not even coding.

>> No.53872816 [DELETED] 


>> No.53872822

hulululululu allakhu akbaru making 400k per hour blowing up buildings with softwares!

>> No.53872845
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By creating AI that steals their jobs

>> No.53872855

>Get new job
>First day
>Boss is a female
>Ghost the workplace and go job searching again
>Only get officially fired 1 month later
>Get paid for 1 month for doing nothing


>> No.53872936

It doesn't matter. She could make 500k a year on onlyfans. Women live in tutorial mode.

>> No.53873036

This guy has one of the most punchable faces i have ever seen.

>> No.53873058

Most women don't like IT jobs, because it's not very social.

>> No.53874580

Let them have that gay ass shit

>> No.53874660

>>Boss is a female
>>Ghost the workplace and go job searching again
incredibly based. handful of female bosses i've had have been bad.

>> No.53874708

Ofcourse he can make 250k a year. Thank you patriarchy :)

>> No.53874717

they arent stealing your jobs.
they are there just for the companies women quota.
if the company didnt have to hire them, you would still be overworked.
trap one in the closet and get her to have sex with you. they arent doing anything else.

>> No.53874729

The second I find out that my immediate higher up or manager is female, I don't even go to the interview. Not doing it.

>> No.53874740
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Stop making excuses and learn2code

>> No.53874841

I have a cs degree, but I switched to valorant, since the anti cheat is much better!

>> No.53874925

And you make how much?

>> No.53875193

>worrying about women while an AI bot is advancing at webspeed
i can ask a chatbot to build me everything i want and i can finish it off with midjourney.

>> No.53875208

she doesn't code

>> No.53875275

i hope all of you IT faggots get canned or replaced by vaginas and then have to get a real job where you actually do work

>> No.53875295

Guys can anyone offer me some advice, I am new to IT.


>> No.53875360

Roastie tikthot onlychans pretends to be coder. tappy tappy

>> No.53875678

Shut up NIGGER

>> No.53876462

>just let it happen so the companies that hire based on race and gender fail
like twitter, first thing based elon did was actually fire all the useless pussy, quite literally

>> No.53876622

theyre literally taking up space at my shitty warehouse job. fat lightskin black bitch just sucking on a lollipop letting work pileup. she hasn't even been there a week and nobody calls her out.

>> No.53876997

What poison pills could we plant?

>> No.53877204

do you mean trannies ?

>> No.53877590
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>tfw i go to school for ui/ux/front end web development
>my work is 10x better than the average student but im an average looking manlet and everyone else here is an above average graphic design stacy
>realize too late that companies only hire hot asian girls and eastern european pretty faces for these jobs because its basically a meme position equal to being a secretary
go on without me bros im going to have to apply to carpentry or something, between indians, ai, and asian girls all the easy tech jobs are gone

>> No.53877649

think it through
women are compliant
a company will always prefer to hire women if the woman can do the job

>> No.53877754

you don't need to avoid. their there only for appearence. they're pretty shitty when it comes to solving engineering problems.

>> No.53877958

You'll punch nothing

>> No.53878895

This is my nightmare scenario. I literally do nothing all day when I'm wfh. I spend 10mins a day making fake jira cards for fake work I'm working on. Meanwhile they're paying me $4k per month. There is so much waste in big corporate jobs.

>> No.53879024


i hate that shit so much, back in the day people like that were ridiculed and laughed at.

>> No.53879037

front end development...as a male...

anon, I'm sorry but .. why?? That's the most boring mind numbing shit

>> No.53879074

>Same retarded joke

>> No.53879098

I don't believe it. I'm convinced this "women in IT" thing is some psyop, I did compsci at uni and work in IT now, and I haven't seen a woman in the past 7 years. Any program that isn't ms word or an internet browser repels them like spraying deodorant on the fat slobs I called my fellow students.
I would LOVE it if women were girlbossing it up in this industry, you have no idea. There are grants and campaigns to get them in, but the sad truth is that they just aren't interested.

>> No.53879100


>> No.53879126

Hey nerd, alternatives are much more boring.

>> No.53879159

I don’t have anything against IT fags, it’s just annoying how much they get paid to literally produce nothing of value

>> No.53879176

I wonder if living in the wild will safe one in the long run. Everything ends someday, also some 2030 dystopia.

>> No.53879204
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>> No.53879210

tell me what is fun about front end development, I'll wait.

>> No.53879449

Webdev is IT now? I mean I guess technically you can lump everything under "Information Technology" but that doesn't really tell you anything.

I mean are we talking guys who fix your printer and install Adobe Acrobat for you, or guys who make flight simulation software? And how many of these jobs do you even think women can do? Software in particular is a lot more complicated than "oh, let's just ask chatgpt teehee"

>> No.53879577

she is a software engineer, her friend (a massive whore too) is a software engineer too

I do technical support and there are no women in my company

>> No.53879592

Make sure the jobs require skill, competence, a depth of efficient intelligence and a very strong work ethic.

>> No.53879640

I bet she can't even create a C program off the top of her head to "reverse an input number using recursion" without googling how.

>> No.53879653

Nothing in the full stack is fun. Barely any development is fun, tell us your idea of fun development anon?

>> No.53879667

Front end is pretty easy and pays well. It’s $50/hr to put the button on the screen. Considering the competition you can get away with billing 2 hrs for 1 button. That translates to 15 minutes of ‘working’ and 105 minutes of fucking around on a jet ski. Unless you’re some kind of weirdo you’re probably going to have fun on a jet ski.

>> No.53881265
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>> No.53881298

So you're just admitting you're a saltycuck? Nice, l2code then faggot

>> No.53881712

Why recursion?

>> No.53881722

you cant , the business world was already full of simps but now with all these feminists and affirmative action, a fresh female graduate of can land a CEO job easily if she is good looking and average competent

>> No.53881795

>By 2030 Kikes will be the only owners of everything.
>kikes seething about being noooticed

>> No.53881930

>When did it become acceptable to post shit like that?
thats what social media is normies love it

>> No.53881938

youre better off asking on /g/
> because its basically a meme position equal to being a secretary
ux designers are very important, must be less jobs though because you only have a couple compared to a massive dev team

>> No.53882203

Move exclusively to Vim