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53873861 No.53873861 [Reply] [Original]

You can thank Ukraine for dumping the market

>> No.53873872

So glad Ukraine gets millions of dollars.
If one American had given me 20k during all that would have actually impacted my life and the lives around me.
Instead we give our money to foreign nations who hate us.

>> No.53873901

Imagine holding ETH, a premined, PoS shitcoin that can be printed by the trillions by anonymous trannies sitting near Vitalik and deciding monetary policy.

>> No.53873966

Fucking duginist third worlder vatnik female feminist nigger lover shitskin GTFO!

>> No.53873988

go back to /pol/, globalist glowie
We are about to have a $28B unlock for Ethereum, this $28M is a fucking rounding error, retard. You dont yet understand what a dump really is

>> No.53874021
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>million with an m

>> No.53874039

remember to vote blue no matter who

>> No.53874142

I think you might be the foreign nigger here nigger.

>> No.53874174

trump would've done the same thing but just frame it in a patriotic way kek

>> No.53874191

>If one American had given me 20k
And that money runs out after only just 3,165 people dumbshit

>> No.53874228

And? helping 3k americans would have more significant effects AND keep the money IN OUR economy.
Sending that out is worse than giving it away it never comes back.

>> No.53874251

Are you guys literally all foreign and retarded?
28m in Eth 23m in BTC 11m in Tether isn't 30m.

>> No.53874304

>globalist glowie
There's a tranny Discord for "NAFO" that produces memes like this. On /pol/, they try to shill "Russia = Communist", and here, they shill "/pol/ = globalist".
Having said that, I'd like to thank the good people of Ukraine for allowing me to buy Bitcoin this cheaply.

>> No.53874340

lol, they gather in a Discord chat to produce memes?

>> No.53874346

Reminder that Ukraine hates Americans

>> No.53874348

Thanks ukraine. I need 1 good crash more, can you guys dump all your crypto all at once? Also pls take care of the orphaned cats

>> No.53874368

They (i.e. you) do, yes. And everyone has seen the screenshots where you admit to being transsexuals and/or furries. That is not to say I have any more sympathy for the vatniks who post "muh Zelensky does coke" in every unrelated thread too.

>> No.53874376

Fuck them, i kinda hope Russia wins.

>> No.53874387

no, most of the memes are produced at Eglin air force base in Florida and/or a series of anonymous-looking office buildings in places like Maclean, VA and San Diego where think tanks and consulting firms with boring names hire poli sci and communications majors from upper-tier state schools and ivy league master's programs. the money funding this comes from congress and intelligence agencies and is funneled through a series of shell companies, agency budgets, contracts, and grants

>> No.53874406
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Very good keep it up comrades.

>> No.53874429

Well, well, well, if it isn't the assigned NAFO shill, come because his crawler picked up the keyword "Zelensky". Then he didn't read what I wrote.
I bet Ivan's going to show up next with this week's shitty Lakhta-brand Zelensky meme and his copypasta about the biolabs.

>> No.53874435

I'm drawing attention to the FACT that OP is a retard. $28M in ETH over a year is SIGNIFICANTLY less sell pressure than $28B potentially within a week. /pol/tards often come in this board and talk absolute nonsense like this, shitting up this place. $28M is a drop in the bucket.
Nobody cares about your Ukraine/Russia/NAFO/glowie/war/farts

>> No.53874471
File: 535 KB, 1495x800, egrrwegwr4e5hg45r.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very nice comrade keep us posted.

>> No.53874472

well, well, well, ты мoжeшь пococaть мoeгo хyя, pycня eбaнaя, cкpoйcя пoд шкoнкy yбoжecтвo вcpaтoe и гoтoвcя выплaчивaть peпapaции 5 нa пoкoлeний впepeд

>> No.53874492

He's accusing a group of people yet he's calling everyone vatnik on multiple ID's lol okay this is a weird thread.
60m won't move crypto much unless it was an alt if that's what people want to know.

>> No.53874504

I`m not rusZian, 4chan hates globohomo and Zelensk* is globohomo. You are hated here
The africans and the mongrels born from rape that will repopulate Ukraine won`t hate you

>> No.53874535

>60m won't move crypto much unless it was an alt if that's what people want to know.
Not understanding this is a telltale sign the person is a tourist. This whole thread is forced by some people who havent really been in /biz/ much, visible failure that anyone here with a brain can recognize

>> No.53874550
File: 59 KB, 640x560, questions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think a fun thought experiment to see who shills/propagandizes the hardest is to look at two opinions often posted online:

1st opinion scenario:
>You post "I hate both Russia and Ukraine. They're both corrupt, festering countries with awful and selfish leadership. But we need to find a way to stop this war before it's too late, and I think that starts with peace talks with Russia."

Now imagine what kind of cockroaches will crawl out of the woodwork to seethe, screech, name call, etc. if you posted opinion 1. Now consider

2nd opinion scenario:
>You post "I hate both Russia and Ukraine. They're both corrupt, festering countries with awful and selfish leadership. But we need to find a way to stop this war before it's too late, and I think that starts with nuking Russia."

Now imagine, would the same cockroaches crawl out of the woodwork to seethe, screech, name call, etc. if you posted opinion 2? Would you get any shill responses?

I imagine opinion 1 would get a lot more (You)s, and especially a lot more negative (You)s, than opinion 2. Wonder why that is.

>> No.53874559

As an American taxpayer, Fuck Ukraine

>> No.53874584

Nah, Trump would have went to war. Draft dodger drafting other people.

>> No.53874655

OP doesn't understand that any use of crypto just increases the value of crypto. Ukraine unironically increased the value of crypto a little bit. The reason crypto is down is because the halvening was a long minute ago now and the central banks of the world stopped printing money.

>> No.53875137

>I imagine opinion 1 would get a lot more (You)s, and especially a lot more negative (You)s, than opinion 2. Wonder why that is.
You wonder why you think that? idk anon you posted it.
Find some evidence before you demand others speculate on your conjecture.

>> No.53875819

interesting response, you seem automatically upset in response to a thought experiment and my hypothesis

not surprising though, actually somewhat in line with my hypothesis