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53871836 No.53871836 [Reply] [Original]

>muh disinflation
Inflation is sticky.
>muh data
Data all shows inflation is sticky.
>muh restrictive monetary policy
Real rates are STILL negative
>muh 2% target
Hey faggot we are at 7% annualized and you’re downshifting.
>muh tight financial conditions
Financial conditions are loose you duplicitous nigger.

>> No.53871917

He's a pussy that fucked up to the point where the USD will no longer be the world reserve currency.

>> No.53871946

imagine thinking this wasn't part of a plan all along

>> No.53871960
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sure retard whats gonna replace it. the fucking yuan? do you even think before opening your idiotic mouth?

>> No.53871963

Bears in disbelief

>> No.53871989
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>how could honest Jerome lie to me a second time?

>> No.53871998

A BRICS digital currency, while the west limps along with a hyper inflated dollar.

>> No.53872027
File: 461 KB, 1920x1080, Wag-the-Dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

implying that wasn't the purpose all along

>> No.53872095

buying 100k eth atm, is that make your short sweaty?

>> No.53872133

crypto. Trust in fiat out the window, no matter how digitalized

>> No.53872308
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>> No.53872410

>replace it
nothing needs to replace it, retard
there isn't a fucking rule that dictates you need to have a single currency as "the reserve"
this is boomer tier thinking
everything is digital now, you can have a billion ETFs and futures contracts inside your balance sheet without breaking a sweat

>> No.53872470

No disbelief at all. You don’t need to have open shorts to be bearish. This isn’t emotional. Just stating the facts. This spineless clown has been getting praised for bringing inflation from 10% to 7%.

Powell is maybe the biggest scumbag alive. He hasn’t done shit.

>> No.53872785

nigger what are those things valued in

>> No.53872825

Bears stopped actively shorting? so they are no longer bears but sideloiners