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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53870521 No.53870521 [Reply] [Original]

A new low for Chainlink. Now their getting shit on by the laughing stock of the stock market. Does anyone take more L’s consistently than the Link cult?

>> No.53870524

Theyre** … need my morning coffee

>> No.53870552

Despite slightly different terminology, Link and the meme stocks are basically the same:

-expecting big news to drop “soon” that will make price moon.

-said event doesnt happen and/or is nothingburger so goalposts move to next event

-convinced they have some secret knowledge that the rest of the market hasnt figured out.

-thinks anyone who calls out their delusion is part of a nefarious cabal who’s sole intent is to bring down their secret investment
It is truly fascinating to watch

>> No.53870634

>very interesting
Not really.

On another note. BBBY is trying to get my podunk ecommerce store to sell my products on it's website
Their website is worse than mine.
I will list for the sake of free advertising but there is NO WAY this operation is coming back.

>> No.53871001

...So you're saying I should buy some chainlink.

>> No.53871718

Why are mods allowing this board to turn into shitcoin and shitstock general?

>> No.53872014

2 more weeks. You are only fudding because you are a paid shill

>> No.53872733

That's literally what the board is for. It was created to contain the crypto spam that was pissing people off on the boards, /biz/ exists to soak up the shit no one else wants to deal with

>> No.53872860

What's truly fascinating is that you took time out of your day to screenshot a post and make a thread pertaining to something you're definitely not invested in.

>> No.53872914
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find 3 differences

>> No.53872972
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>he spends time in the BBBY general

>> No.53872995
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there are people shitting in every single general and calling them retards, ESPECIALLY for stinky linkies. These fucking redditors need to learn board culture or go back

>> No.53873056

As someone who holds like and actually made money off memestock pumps (I don’r baghold the memestocks) I agree, link is eerily similar to a bagheld memestock.
But big caveat, my thesis has not changed for link, bagholders of memestocks went from muh squeeze to muh turnaround on each one, gme amc bbby etc.
Oddly, link reminds me of aapl during dotcom lows, stable price but same as it was pre dotcom bubble. And yet both link and aapl had more users post bubble respectively. I’ve always viewed multitrillion mcap link as a 10+ year play, whereas when I got in gme I knew I was going to be out in less than a month, same with amc same with bbby.
So to me, link resembles a memestock which its it’s own natural low iq repellant, but it’s really closer to a dotcom bluechip that never really took off during dotcom. If you compare aapl to other dotcom tickers, it was an underwhelming dotcom stock, a lot like link in 2021.
My thesis for link was always primarily about its role in automation, and we’ve seen that start to take shape in its integrations. One has to believe in an ambitious future for smart contracts, only then does link seem necessary.

>> No.53873087
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well said

>> No.53873120

Gtfo of here with your nuanced rational takes, everything is a meme and everyone is a baggie that will never make it

>> No.53873156

>we dont fud anymore
proceeds to create yet another fud thread with his discord tranny group