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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53868199 No.53868199 [Reply] [Original]

Hey everyone,

I want to bring up a topic that's been bothering me for some time now, and I'm hoping to get some insight from this community. I've noticed that many white people seem to believe that Jewish people have an unfair advantage in business and wealth generation. But what I find ironic is that these same white people often have advantages compared to minorities due to their race, socio-economic status, or other factors.

It's frustrating to see how some white people are quick to bash the idea of Jewish people having power when they themselves benefit from the very same systems that give them advantages over minorities. While I'm not denying the success of Jewish people in business and finance, I don't believe that their religious identity is the sole reason for their success.

So, why do some white people continue to perpetuate the stereotype that Jewish people have an upper hand in the business world? Is it rooted in a lack of understanding or misinformation, or is it simply a way to deflect attention from their own privilege and power? It's a perplexing situation that warrants further discussion.

I'm interested to hear your thoughts and experiences on this topic, and I hope we can engage in a respectful and productive conversation. Let's not forget the irony of this situation and how it highlights the need for all of us to be more aware of our own privilege and biases. Thank you for your input.

>> No.53868208

The system should benefit white people above all in white countries, Jews above all in Israel, etc.

>> No.53868226

You should google the 200 richest people in US / Europe and face reality for once.

>> No.53868262
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> "white people are quick to bash the idea of Jewish people having power when they themselves benefit from the very same systems"
Ah yes, benefiting in a system where perpetuates decadency, culture extintion, etc. Where whites are the most affected by these

But your only argument is "m-muh conspiracy theory and misinformation". Lmao, go post this in /pol/ if you have the balls instead of posting in /biz/ where you know that jannies ban any racist statement.

>> No.53868264


This doesn't imply that Jewish people have an inherent advantage in business or wealth generation. There are many other factors that can contribute to an individual's success in these areas, including education, access to resources, hard work, and luck. There are many successful people who are not Jewish, and that the vast majority of Jewish people do not fall within the top 200 richest people in the US or Europe. So.. using the top 200 richest people as evidence of any sort of advantage held by a particular group is not an accurate or fair representation of reality.

>> No.53868274

This is a business & finance post sir.

>> No.53868354

"There are many"
"A vast majority"
"Therefore I am right"
Dude you just want to be right and want to show anti-jews are pol retards.

Top 30 bankers - 28 of them are jews
There is no conspiracy but it doesn't mean everything is balanced. Google "jews evicted from england" you will see hews have been expelled from countries almost 15th time in a matter of a thousand year. This is not purely random. When a religion pushes you to think that you're above everyone else, at some point you get what you deserve.

>> No.53868356
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> "There are many successful people who are not Jewish"

When you look at the multi-millonaries, you can see that they follow a jewish agenda. There are obviously black and white people that are millionares, but they never have any power above these joos.

Also, nobody is saying that their religious identity is the reason of why they are rich. They are rich because of the protocols that the (((semitic))) race have. For example look at Jeffrey Epstein, Polanski, Weinstein. These same joos often have advantages compared to minorities due to their race, socio-economic status, or other factors.

Is not about the money, is about the power that they have. They are powerful enough to a point where they don't need the money to do what they want.

>> No.53868395
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>these same white people often have advantages compared to minorities

>> No.53868415
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i dont know

>> No.53868421

Jews have insane advantage in business literally any high end job. This is basic fact, just look how over representatives Jews are in Ivy League universities, the media, banking, etc. it’s all because of nepotism. They control the world and as such they give preferential treatment to their own. It’s literally their religion, they believe they are God’s chosen and the master race and that every non Jew exists to be their slaves

>> No.53868511

The representation of Jews at the top of industries that make money by usury, non-production, and blatant social manipulation and deception is hugely disproportionate. They are hugely over-represented among those that are accepted into universities with the best reputations, which are those that act as funnels into these industries (and others). Jews have a reputation for manipulation and usury, which is unacceptable regardless of their history. Their insistence in non-assimilation into the civilizations they act as parasites of is evidence that they take themselves to be outsiders and should be considered as such. This is the plain truth and if it is antisemitic then I will continue to foment antisemitism among the people I interact with, because they as productive members of society (who do not see themselves as a being apart from the dominant civilization) deserve to know the truth.

>> No.53868870
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>why is water wet?
Wanting to belong to a group or wanting to be part of a community is natural and healthy. There is literally nothing wrong with Jewish people being very tribalistic.Telling a person it's wrong to have a feeling to wanting to belong somewhere, is just plain evil. It's a thing only a wolf would do to seperate a sheep from the herd and its shepperd.The problem is that many people in the West are very atomized, we should have been united under Christianity but innstead of that people are now looking for substitutes.

Remember the "light as a feather, stiff as a board game" where you'd lift up a person with just 2 fingers?
I never understood the power of a community until I joined the Bored Apes XRP Club. There I met thousands of others who treated me like a brother and are all working towards the same goals to just make it in crypto.
Now I finally understand what it means to be part of a brotherhood like the freemasons or a tribe like the jews.

>> No.53869008

I think it's more like "jewish people were in powerful families to begin wtih" rather than "powerful people are jewish"

this is common sense. And OP is right, being born white is a tremendous advantage compared to being a dirty third worlder

>> No.53869064

They succeed because they are mentally ill psychopaths. Literally inbred Neanderthals. With protected strong tribal ties. Ever met one of them? Always, every single time they have a forked tongue and are naturally greedy like a real life goblin. It’s so far fetched like out of a bad fantasy novel. But it’s real. Genes are real, what do you expect if you continue to breed bad genes for thousands of years?

>> No.53869085

>I don't believe that their religious identity is the sole reason for their success.
It's recruiting your own with no further merit, tax evasion and money laundering.

I've seen their accounts anon. You wouldn't believe how many impoverished Jewish kids there are in literally every single city. And charities there to support them.*

>they're tax exempt

>> No.53869090

All who have entered into this thread have irreversibly cursed and denounced the Talmud, the false jews, and the false state of Israel.