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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53861958 No.53861958 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.53861996

What the fuck is wrong with this coin and why is it not top 3 yet?

>> No.53862019

cause no one uses it and they have to keep buying partnerships
and it has no devs

>> No.53862163

So why does it have more users and transactions than eth and why has its network grown something like 1500% in the the last year? It's got authentic usage and is actually used by institutions building on subnets unlike other chains "partnerships" which don't actually use the token or chain but are marketing plots. So what am I missing? Inflation? Is that the killer?

>> No.53862311

Most AVAX is staked or delegated to validators, even as more AVAX comes in circulation staking ratio keeps holding and going up

>> No.53862824

Current inflation is sub 5%. In 2021 Inflation was 1200% and AVAX pumped x50. It's a meme narrative. The reality is that crypto never made sense, Just take a look at the current top 20 to understand something is deeply wrong with the market, This is the type of structure and degeneracy you would expect from a $50M market, Not $1T.

>> No.53862982

Every AVAX shill is a grassroots community marketer who gets paid in AVAX to do it. They reply to themselves with different IDs and create lots of fake interest and discussion. If you browse /biz/ for a few days you'll see how inorganic all of this is. Their objective is to make you buy AVAX, hold it and maybe even stake it (for a negative inflation adjusted yield, which they will lie about). They will manipulate you with hope, technojargon, AI waifus and dreams of riches while getting paid by higher-ups who slowly dump on retail with the tokens they created for themselves for free. Go look at EOS/ETH chart and read about the history of EOS. This is the exact same scam all over again for newfags like you who don't know how this works. Don't fall for it, they are masters at manipulating.

Inflation numbers:
Circulating supply Jan 27 2022: 244,852,769

Circulating supply Jan 27 2023: 314,771,897

(314,771,897 - 244,852,769) / 244,852,769 = 0.2856 = 29%

>> No.53863889
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avaxchan vore

>> No.53863955
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here have a fresh one

>> No.53863980

So what is it then? General retardation of the market? Thats cope. Its got to be. The market is efficient in the long run.

>> No.53864079
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yikes bros
optimism bout to overtake us

>> No.53864136

>So why does it have more users and transactions than eth
what are you talking about homey this things activity is in the ground
i think emin put some hallucinogens in your kebab

>> No.53864347

chegged and cumming

>> No.53864940


>> No.53865130
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Market is retarded but eventually AVAX will pop and you will see a HUGE green candle out of nowhere. All the Niggers will rope when this happens.
And keep in mind there isnt really that much AVAX going around on centralized exchanges to begin with.
The competition has also an interest in keeping Avalanche down because Avalanche succeeding is bad for BSC, bad for Solana, bad for Ethereum and bad for all the other "L1"s that actually dont do anything, they cant stop it tho, only try and stall it for as long as possible.

here have another new one

>> No.53865747
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>> No.53867298

AVAX is technically superior to all other L1s bar none, but there simply isn't enough actual real world impetus for fundamentals to matter right now i.e. mass adoption of crypto to force the sorting of the wheat from the chaff. The market doesn't care if SQLana forks itself for the Nth time, nothing of true significance or value is actually reliant on it. Nobody actually does anything on vishnuchain important enough to care about daily 100+ block deep reorgs. Nobody uses shit on the piss 'puter enough to expose the fact that it is consensus bottlenecked with paltry throughput and can't actually replace AWS. It's all a bunch of basement dwelling nerds chasing ponzi yields or swapping digital ownership of shitty art .jpgs for flexing in profile pictures atm.
AVAX partnerships do actually seem to be real parternships indicating adoption but it's extremely early. Emin is talking on the timescales of 5+years for institutional adoption according to the last All Access. As far as I'm concerned, the only thing to do right now is to stop worrying about the price, keep buying AVAX, and stake it for a year at a time to hoover as much of these high early-days protocol yields as possible.

>> No.53868025

I literally just want to see 1 big subnet be released. Just one existing web3 or web2 subnet. As stupid as it sounds, the tech needs to be validated even if it’s just a little. I’m hoping we get some crazy shit announced at summit in May.

>> No.53868187
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>Keep buying AVAX
Let's say I'm a retard... Why do this when there's such a miniscule chance the price will ever go up enough to make it worth the risk? Seems like throwing capital into a shredder intentionally

>> No.53868242
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>AVAX is hardcapped (like BTC) & deflationary (fees are burned)
>AVAX is needed for staking and delegating (most AVAX is already staked)
>AVAX is needed to create Subnets and Blockchains and other assets
>over 1500+ Subnets in development on Fuji testnet and this number will increase further because AVAX can scale
>big business jews like deloitte, KKR, intain etc. are buying AVAX and lock it up in staking
>Avalanche staking mechanism is the best (no slashing, coins never really leave your wallet, running a validator is retard proof and easy)

>> No.53868281

I mean don't put your life savings into one crypto coin anon. But as far as L1s go literally no one is better positioned than avalanche to capitalize on real world adoption and building out novel BFT computing use cases. If you're going to put money into crypto as a serious investment and not flipping dogcoins there isn't a better L1. The major partnerships are evidence that the big boys of the traditional world are choosing avalanche and integrating.
But sure, Gensler could nuke the entire sector from orbit and none of it matters. Crypto is high risk and the baseline assumption if you're putting money in is that crypto adoption will increase.