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53858003 No.53858003 [Reply] [Original]

>halves wages
>gives voting power and economic power to the most status quo loving consoomers on the planet
>destroys birthrates thus giving an excuse for rampant immigration
>destroys genetic quality since women smart enough to rise on the career ladder will either be the smartest or the most beautiful, and they wont have kids. Thus you remove possible competition for your own elite offspring or you select the brighest women to join the elite
>rampant immigration gives an excuse for a totalitarian surveillance state since the 80 IQ monkeys chimp out daily and kill people from the low and middle class while you live in your gated community
Was feminism the biggest economic win for the elites in history?

>> No.53858013
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Did anyone send this to her wagie institution so that she doesn't get a phd or whatever the fuck

>> No.53858018

scientifically curated for BBC

>> No.53858032

The only course of action is to work hard, meet a girl, have kids, and create a future for them. Everything else is noise. They will pay one day. Don’t ever believe that they won’t.

>> No.53858039

since they're paying half now, does that mean they'll pay a quarter later?

>> No.53858040


>> No.53858049

is she doing this for money?

>> No.53858063

can i save this post?

>> No.53858083

Sure thing mate, you have my full 100% permission to save that post, and even pin it on your fridge.

>> No.53858092

It's a university. They'll probably reward her. Multiple colleges have unironically hosted events teaching their students how to become """sex-workers"""".

>> No.53858111

One of them. The falsivity that people cannot stand against oppressors is the other. Give some people enough so they think they've got something, that dilutes the collective power.

>> No.53858112

Repent cucks

>> No.53858147
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It's over

>> No.53858211

No. It's a global catastrophe. By 2050-60 first world countries will halve in population. The vast swathes of brown migrant poop will interbreed with whatever competent humans remain and dilute them into the same third world ghettos. Prepare for a world like Brazil or South Africa or India.

>> No.53858220

> ...any day now guys!

>> No.53858242

It is in their genes to be dumb whores.
Anyways what destroys birth rates is real estate which was bad under trump too.
Literally make real estate trade in a permanent downtrend and you'd fix 99% of the issues in shitmerica.

>> No.53858286

nobody argues that, what I'm saying is that you can use their simple nature and their genes in order to make them act against their own interests. And you also get money (more workforce), easier time to rule (they love the status quo no matter what it is) and a totalitarian state out of it for free

>> No.53858304

met tons of braindead phds

>> No.53858334

>recessed chin
>short maxilla
>sloped forehead
>le science chick
>can’t dance, only thrash around while displaying her body sexually
if she ever reproduces her children are going to be school shooters, trannies and sluts.
if all recessed chin women were sterilized the West would recover completely in a single generation

>> No.53858399

>Job doesn't pay well
>Dances for extra money
You want to get upset at anyone doing remotely better than you, which is a flaw in your thinking/emotional intelligence...

>> No.53858400

>The only course of action is to work hard, meet a girl, have kids, and create a future for them.
just work way harder to afford way less and then your 1-2 kids becomes a obese tranny in the state mandated education system

>> No.53858407

>[Citation needed]

>> No.53858429

Spoiler: She only has one side

>> No.53858434

>t. recessed chin man

>> No.53858436
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Ya'll just seething because this thottie nerd is living the secret double life none of you have the courage to actually pursue. You just sit at home comfy between wage cages jerking off to images of women that dress like she does, instead of going out and doing literally anything interesting.
>inb4 a million seething replies from people who are arguing with some random Anon on Tibetan Ceramics forum rather than doing literally anything else on a Saturday night

>> No.53858460

>the courage
she gets paid nothing for both shitty jobs because they're both worthless lol
also a "phd" is just posturing, if you can't deliver actual results, it's just bullshit and everyone can see it

>> No.53858462

>double life
She dances in a club on Wednesday and Sunday nights, I wouldn't call that a double life. Maybe a side gig.

>> No.53858472


>> No.53858483

checked and ehh. There will be Elysium's were the right bell curve high yellows keep industrial civilization going. I'm sure it will be fine.

>> No.53858504

Just running the numbers let's say humanity evens out at 10 billion by 2200 and let's also say that they've evolved to be a global yellow mullato hoarde somehow with a median IQ of 90. That's actually better than the status quo where the median is 80-85. There would be MORE high IQ individuals to manage the mass of humanity.
>inb4 /pol/ screeching that their descendants will be slightly yellow instead of pigskinned.

>> No.53858518

Retard. Learn to math and learn to genetics.

>> No.53858533

I did dude feel free to post a counter analysis. The real blackpill for most of you faggots is that for humanity life will go on and things will muddle along as they always have. Regardless of the racial composition of the species as global miscegenation continues.

>> No.53858555

>Was feminism the biggest economic win for the elites in history?

>> No.53858559

Scientifically formulated for BBC

>> No.53858563

We know this anon, we should use this info to our advantage.

>> No.53858586

The best you snow niggers can do is position yourselves like the white remnants in most imperial holdings do. Own the means of production, have an out-sized say in government, probably resort to breeding with the best of the natives. Really not that bad of an ending all things considered.

>> No.53858600

Except that at current rates, in 2200 the only ones left after exponential growth of third world trash people are literal niggers, so mean and median IQ will be something like 60 or whatever pure blood giganiggers have. Unless we get lucky and the third world implodes, we're going back to the stone age. Turns out niggers and jews were the Great Filter.

>> No.53858620

Should I drop my PhD bros? I'm just there and I'm not advancing. I'm just doing the project my PI gave me. I have no creativity or intelligence, or whatever I did have I destroyed with brain damage frommainly sleep deprivation and some hits to the head. I'm 3.5 years in but I don't see the end in sight.i feel like a failure. I'd rather just learn about science than do it. But I have no other skills for any other job (biology)

>> No.53858621

>biology related phd
stem chads lets have a laugh

>> No.53858631

You’re trying too hard

>> No.53858636

I have to present my work soon in front of my cohort and I have nothing new. It's fucking humiliating

>> No.53858642

Checked but you are retarded. African birthrates are declining. When that genome has clean water and nutritious food it tends to express in the 80-85 range. 3 more generations of current industrial development will see to that. The future of humanity is a giant South Africa/Brazil/India as the bad ending but that would require the persons on the high end of the bell curve to completely drop the ball in terms of organizing the hylics. There is no reason to think that they will do so on that scale since they (generally) haven't so far within the industrialization process. Lastly even if global IQ is a median of 80 vs 90 that would still mean 30+ percent of the population have enough of a clue to organize things if they so choose. Most of humanity are useless eaters within the industrial system and are unnecessary for it's continuance anyway. This isn't an existential threat even for your precious goyim genes.

>> No.53858667
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>> No.53858690

>implying he would put his kids in the state education system

>> No.53858698

isn't there anything you're interested in researching? ask to live rent-free in your parent's house so you can pursue your own original work for a couple years.

if you're looking for an idea, tideglusib has shown promise in regrowing teeth. it would make dentists basically obsolete, so nobody wants to research it, but if you know how to do biology research then you could probably do it.

>> No.53858704

What field in biology? Like are you doing something within molecular/cell biology or are you doing ecology? And what's your current project?
t. Biochem student

>> No.53858717

Based; by which I mean fact-based reasoning

>> No.53858745

>so that she doesn't get a phd or whatever the fuck
are you from this timeline? that would guarantee her phd because feminism. I can't imagine what kind of person would think this would actually do anything except help her in this day and age.

>> No.53858776
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This isn’t actually an issue because we already have biological weapons to target and genocide specific races if things get out of hand. If you want a really good look into what specifically the United States has, watch 28 Days Later and then apply that to Africans. We actually have the technologies necessary to instigate intense aggression for certain races, and with others we can weaken their genetic quality so over time their gene pools are dead ends. It’s not that bad White and Jewish anons, just understand a lot of Westerners will be caught in the crossfire of your family tree is filled with miscegenation. Hope I could alleviate your fears of the future, all you’re really experiencing right now is clinical studies of sociological assessment by AI and ABC wasp/pogrom driven by ideology like the Faustian Society.

>> No.53858784

>he thinks goyim won't be targeted because of their bird shit colored skin
ngmi, all joking aside

>> No.53858797

this. I don't know how anyone thinks adding shitskins to the white west is going to help anyone.

it ruins both races and only helps the elites because the joneses work harder to stay ahead of the singhs and the singhs try they hardest to get ahead of the joneses.

lets say for arguments sake that indians had a rich cultural identity that interesting and they didnt live in squalor and shit in streets. Lets say its all 8 armed elephant gods and chicken ticklemysala. The fact remains they are still indians and entirely different to whites.

Do you add curry to an ice cream sundae? no. they are both fine on their own. mixing them together makes them both taste like shit. just like adding indians to the west makes us hate indians and makes the indians jealous of us. This only benefits the elites. We need jeets and the elites to fuck off. we are fed a lie where we think we always need the next best thing. its wrong.

>> No.53858806

>secret double life

shes a gogo dancer. for a woman thats like mowing lawns buddy. it doesnt say she sucks knobs.

>> No.53858808

look at Brazil if you want to see the end goal. You will see that the elites have the most to gain. Very rarely do you see top brazilian politicians get killed in robberies because they segregate.
The middle class on the other hand is constantly terrorized by the lower mixed race class living in favelas. Not only terrorized but also taxed so that they cannot gain enough wealth or political power to do anything useful.
And if the favela monkeys get too uppity you just send in death squads to cull a few of them.
This is the future of humanity for the next 200 years

>> No.53858834

agree. this insane immigration just pushes the middle class toward the lower class.

>> No.53858836

The best argument is that you high-IQ faggots have failed at the number 1 goal of life which is too breed more life. As such your future is a perpetual BBC dicking down your descendants. Seeing all those apples in your head didn't matter much in the end huh?

>> No.53858839

and thats a good thing! as they will be sure to point out using their media apparatus
its a funny thing though, no matter how much you can talk about the elites doing this. The responsibility still remains with the cucks that welcome it, so in a nietzschean way what the elites doing is justified as there is no one that wants to fight back
A sad state of affairs

>> No.53858867

Maybe. It should be noted that societies as unequal as Brazil or South Africa can only exist in an environment of geographic isolation or peace. In other words if the Brazilian State/elite ever feared a foreign entity more than their own middle classes the situation would quickly shift if for no other reason than the elites would need to commission said middle classes to organize an armed response. See Russia's failed invasion of Ukraine to see what happens to a society that is unable to perform such mobilizations due to that type of political structure.
>tl;dr war will weed out the worst excesses of Brazilian/South African style polities.

>> No.53858874

two more weeks

>> No.53858882

imagine bringing children into this world and thinking its going to better this world or get better for them.

daughter: pipe.jpg
son: malesuicideratio.jpg

>> No.53858897

Seems to me war wont ever reach the scale of ww1/2 since we have nukes now. It's going to be proxy wars forever.
And even if we do reach ww3, the americas are isolated geographically so you wont find a similar situation to ukraine/russia

>> No.53858899

Humans are resilient like cockroaches I'm sure it will be fine dude. I can't get too phased by the psyops on this site. Life sucks, it's cruel, the Jews are evil, water is wet, blah blah blah.

>> No.53858906

Maybe? But they don't really need to. Hybrid war (5th generation like we are in now and which Ukraine is a proxy) over a long enough period could likely be as impactful. It psychologically just won't have the same effect since humans aren't very good at conceptualizing long term drawn out threats.

>> No.53858915

Guess we will have to see. At a more fundamental level though, its sad that reality is constructed in such a way as to oscillate between extreme moral and cultural degradation and war/genocide. Quite darwinian

>> No.53858921

Women have been impressed with themselves over this, which they still think is a very interesting and unexpected combo, for like 20 years now. They fail to realize that they are in fact the same job

>> No.53858925

Agreed. The nature of reality seems to be malevolent at its heart. That realization has only drawn me closer to God.

>> No.53858941

She is even double retarded because she effectively posted her fat ass for free, completely negating that second job

>> No.53858989

Just realized how hilarious it is that she peers into the microscope to look at herself dancing like a retard. That is effectively what she's doing in that lab anyway. Also that's the ass of someone in New Orleans. Don't know how to explain it

>> No.53859000

>I needed a second job so I chose to be specifically a whore at night, it’s not an excuse to be a whore at all, it’s just a second job


>> No.53859016

3.5 years deep I'd stick with it unless you think you could quit and immediately find a better option (which is unlikely if you're just following your advisor). What kind of biology specifically?

>> No.53859031

She's hitting the wall that soon?

>> No.53859038

i like you, you're funny

>> No.53859054
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>> No.53859150

>I'm sure it will be fine
oh yeah its gonna be gravy.

>> No.53859222

>phd candidate
highly doubt...she's probably just a tech testing piss samples

>> No.53859235

Yes. How else would I know?

>> No.53859252


>> No.53859258

>They said I couldn't do X
>My teachers all said I'd end up working in McDonald's
These narcissists love creating imaginary antagonists

>> No.53859262


Based post

Trust God

>> No.53859286

>Eventually... when they push us too hard... despite the fact we've never done anything ever... we'll actually rise up and do something
It's the greatest psyop ever.

>> No.53859310

>counter analysis
>just posted a bunch of made up shit
Learn to math.

>> No.53859342

>Trust God
I trust in myself

>> No.53859373

Meh, if the world wants to go that route let them, I can’t stop it. I’ll just stay in my isolated gated communities as I have been the last 11 years now. I have millions in an inheritance set up for me if I really need it. Might just go the brain upload route if that is possible in my lifetime, I don’t think most of Humanity will be around if that option comes up.

>> No.53859381

Given that women are essential to continuing the species, subverting them is one of the greatest boons you can get. Until everything comes crashing down, like now.

>> No.53859399

nothing is crashing down for the people that matter

>> No.53859620

>meet a girl, have kids

Just go up to her and have kids

>> No.53859635


>> No.53859642
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>> No.53859807

source: my asshole

>> No.53860270

You don't join the elite. They launder money through your accounts and then they turn you into a handpuppet. Joining is not an option. It is a birthright.

>> No.53860469

the go go dancing bad bitch is every scientist now. I was unfortunate enough to work 10 years in pharma, its unbelievably fucked. I unironically didnt vax due to the state of my coworkers.

>> No.53860915

>bragging about having a side gig cause your career job dosen't pay the bills
lmao the absolute state where in

>> No.53860953
File: 37 KB, 256x256, E1B5E180-17CC-4224-AC72-28C3F90EAD0C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the go go dancing bad bitch is every scientist now
Basically this. If you spend some time in graduate school, you realize the entire field is full of shit and academia is nothing but a bunch of mid 20 year olds pumping out paper after paper with fake data and unreproducible results. Then the absolute horror descends when you realize these people are the “science” in “trust the science”

>> No.53860964

double productivity (well maybe x1.7le)

>> No.53860991

Mint it as an NFT and you can own it.

>> No.53861000

Might not have a choice in the future. Who the fuck knows what these psychos have planned but whatever it is they have planned, their golem will 100% eat it up. "Yes it's MORAL AND JUST to take peoples' children and induct them into the state 'education' system because the alternative is LITERALLY KILLING TRANS 'PEOPLE'".

>> No.53861002

I doubt they did. Americans are the same people saying 18-20 year olds are literal children yet they teach college kids how to be sex workers?

>> No.53861013

Look at how much GDP she is producing!!!

>> No.53861023

Indians are mixed themselves though. They’re the result of white people mixing with non-white population. Most Indians at least in the north are around 30-40% Caucasian. Mixing with whites makes children who are mostly white

>> No.53861040

>Americans are the same people saying 18-20 year olds are literal children
Americans are also the ones allowing the 'education' system to 'teach' their kids that gay sex is normal, that they're probably faggots and/or trannies, and bring tranny pedo jews to their libraries. The same people who have kids do lewd things during pride parades. Yes, American is the epitome of logical thinking and totally not a morally bankrupt and braindead culture.

>> No.53861044

in the past only rich people could practice science which was a kind of quality filter. now all you have to do is memorize a test

>> No.53861058

Aryans are nazi propaganda Indians are white ranjeet

>> No.53861062

>fight to enter the workforce
>cost of living normalized for dual income household
>most women end up being lazy retards who make shit money
really makes you think

>> No.53861086

Anyone who has been clubbing knows most of the "baddies" are students, assistants, nurses and other pathetic occupations. Anyone worth knowing is not at the club.

>> No.53861104

where is that quote? about Arians being wiped out in India by race-mixing?

>> No.53861111

Women are kind of like Schrodinger's whores. They can be innocent little children even at the tender age of 30 if it's the right imagery for some propaganda. But, if the right cameras/eyes aren't pointed at them, they're the most sexually liberated, "sex-positive" whores no matter the age.

>> No.53861203
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>African birthrates are declining.
And they're dropping fast. It looks like Africa will fall below the replacement rate within 20 years. A couple of African countries are already below.

>The future of humanity is a giant South Africa/Brazil/India as the bad ending
Both India and Brazil are both importing sperm donations from White donors in America and Europe and are both becoming whiter as a result



>> No.53861264

now we have crispr it's long overdue for a serializing virus for all non-european haplogroups. the incentives are massive, the plausible deniability after covid is perfect, and it's a lot easier than you think to specifically target animal races with only a few elevated genes.

>> No.53861318

Good god, that fucking schnoz. Every. Single. Time.
Even if the birthrates weren't declining, the west is on the very of economic depression. The amound of deaths due to famine alone when we can no longer sustain the third world will half the population of Africa and Eurasia over the course of two generations.

>> No.53861426

Excellent comment

>> No.53861475
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> wife divorce you
> take half of your shit
> never see the kids again
> kids turn into degenerates

only retards playing a rigged game expecting to win

>> No.53861632
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My brothers works in an old folks home, he tells me all the stories of men destroyed in the end because of divorce. Fucking sucks. I am looking after#1 me not some roasty, and retarded selfish zoomers. Maybe ill have a kid with a cute Asian Pinay or Thai 18 year old slut when i make it. But I wont marry.

>> No.53861635

That dog's descendants should be put on trial for their ancestor's collaboration with the nazis.

>> No.53861644
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>>53859262 Based Post Indeed Anon, I needed to read this. Fucking up, I need to rise above and escape this trap.

>>53858063 Anon if your in a lapton or PC do the CTRL + P function it will save a PDF. I just saved it myself. Some threads are important.

>> No.53861740

cope cumskin

>> No.53861915
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The most rigged game is to not have any kids at all; you're guaranteed to lose. And if you have enough kids (4+) she can't even take them all, too many men make the retarded decision to only have 1-2 kids.

>> No.53861916

>doing remotely better than you,
>Being a prostitute.
0/10 bait.

>> No.53861926

>the secret double life
You literally watched a tik tok video of her being a slut, so there's no "secret", retard.

>> No.53861983

Pictures of large families always digust me. I dont know why. Its like a little inbred cult.

>> No.53861997

Ok, Jew.

>> No.53862008
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Based post. It's on whites for being so simp and weak though.

>> No.53862015

It helps bipoc people as their standards of life increase compared to the third world country they came from. Whites owe them their lands because of colonialism

>> No.53862082

Im Danish. Jews literally have laws that promote inbreeding, so what the fuck are you smoking nigger.

>> No.53862596

Fair point, regardless I'll do my best to resist it with choices like private or homeschool or whatever else becuase it's better than just rolling over and giving up

>> No.53862606

Any good stories?

>> No.53862646

Honestly what are we supposed to do about it? At an individual level, I can avoid sending my kids to public schools, I can quit my job if it wants me to get the vaxx, etc. But at a group level like you were saying, the fucking alphabet boys with Jewish media always blow it up, making the protestors look dumb preventing anyone else from joining. This is an honest question how are people supposed to assemble with feds involved?

>> No.53862674


I honestly question how stupid people get into higher levels of education. I know a D student from my class that became a registered nurse. All she did was party, get straight Ds and literally brag about guys cumming in her asshole. I don't get it.

>> No.53862692
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>higher levels of education
A manual machinist humping a lathe 50 hours a week is literally more intellectually-engaged

>> No.53862695

something about the way this girl looks is offputting

>> No.53862732

>Russia's failed invasion of Ukraine
Anon, do you actually believe that Russia's goal was to occupy the entire country of Ukraine?

>> No.53862739

I just lost interest. Wetlab is just not something I enjoy doing
You might have asked me earlier. I do cell/systems biology in a Biophysics program. Work on membrane receptor dynamics with microscopes
I doubt I could do something that pays well. But I would do something temporary while I "learn to code" some more

>> No.53862743
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I didn't ask about intellectual engagement, reread the post. The machinist who you claim is smarter is making $30k - $40k less per year than the nurse.

>> No.53862790

What's money got to do with it? I'm saying it's not weird that a stupid D-student roastie can get a job drawing blood and wiping up invalid shit for a living.

>> No.53862811

You should talk with your advisor about what to do.

Probably you could make the same money if you master out. But you may regret it later on

>> No.53862907


>> No.53862914

>works on systems biology
>needs to "learn to code"
Anon, isn't like almost all of systems biology programming? Regardless, membrane receptors isn't a bad area to be in. You could probably find a job when you're done. Regardless, I say keep going becuase the worst that will happen is you get a Quality Assurance job at a biomanufacturing company (fisher, promega, danaher, etc) which requires a phd and still pays ok.

>> No.53862922

7/10 at night, would bang.

>> No.53862946

I'm a wholesome man but this sounds pretty cucked in direct reference to the girl in OP

>> No.53862958

For the love of God don't marry a girl like in the OP

>> No.53862974

the biggest wins were all the taxes they slipped in while everyone argued over feminism
that's what the female question always is, misdirection

>> No.53863382
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>Was feminism the biggest economic win for the elites in history?
Yes. There is a reason why they push this divide and conquer stuff so hard.

>> No.53863429

no cap her face is so defoprmed and her nose so bulbous i thought it was a nigger looking at the miniature image

>> No.53863479

>Be 30s roastie
>Ignore timmy in his 20s
>timmy builds wealth
>timmy is now in his 30s
>Timmy no longer wants a girl his age with unnecessary mileage
>timmy goes after girls in their 20s
>roasties start to say girls in their 20s tare mentally mature enough to date
All a game to get you with them but no one wants a blown out hoe.

>> No.53863801
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Khazarian Whore alert.

>> No.53863817

>neither one makes her more attractive to men
Why are women so bad at considering the perspectives of others?

>> No.53864897


>> No.53866005

You fags don’t realize that eventually genocide will come to the colored people. If (((they))) could destroy the white races the colored will be no match. Hell, it was whites who held off the murderous jews from eliminating all the colors in the first place.

>> No.53866037

i think the replies that she's not living a double life are dumb.
i also think you're dumb for saying she's courageous for doing this.
she's doing everything society tells her to do without saying no to anything or having her own thought or direction. she's giving into every aspect of cultural pressure: high academia and sexual club entertainment with the goals of money and social media attention. it's basic, and it's not the path to freedom from the "cages"

>> No.53866288

Well Moshe, in this instance I hope you're right. Desu I want to clean the goyish gene pool anyway; the only whites that should exist should be Chads and Stacies with over 130 IQ and should be the de facto ruling class over the mulatto hordes. And if those mulattos can in any way be whitened or otherwise disposed of, like in >>53861203, then good.

>> No.53866543
File: 59 KB, 708x531, 1677364826185907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

America is about to be Rhodesia 2.0.

>> No.53866575

>he thinks IQ will matter at all in 2200

>> No.53866590
File: 22 KB, 519x534, 1676863871467590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, currently in the middle of a masters program. Just did a group paper with three other chicks. They are all retarded. In fact, I contributed the most to the paper while actually doing the least amount of work. The fucked thing is, even though I'm smarter than them, they are guaranteed to have better career prospects than me because they are quite simply just women. It's not fair, bros. At this rate, how can they expect men not to continue dropping out of the workforce?

>> No.53866604

Don't worry you'll all be replace by AI anyways

>> No.53866623
File: 40 KB, 480x480, 1665951202689160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone worth knowing is not at the club.

Yeah, Miamifag reporting in. Can 100% confirm this is true.

>> No.53866708

ill be doing a stopover in miami on my way to belize for 9 hours on wednesday
anything i should do in miami thats not gonna get me mugged/killed before i fly onward?

>> No.53866755

Go to Eleven.

>> No.53866799

no interest in clubs unfortunately, im more of a diving/snorkeling/fishing/hunting kind of guy

>> No.53867153
File: 1.61 MB, 4032x3024, 324242342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

taping this to my wall for when im feeling down

>> No.53867164

Fighter jet.
No, I will not check if it's already been said in this thread.

>> No.53867180

Home schooling, not vaxxing, will literally take 3 years of supplies and go innawoods if my family is threatened. Currently I get paid well and my kids are safe.

>> No.53867233

I have never once in my life met a single adult person who would tell any of their female children, grandchildren, nieces, or even acquaintances that they should become a stripper. This cultural pressure only exists in your head because you are addicted to porn.

>> No.53867387

Facts but low % of winning. Still the only game to play. Hence why civ is collapse

>> No.53867409
File: 81 KB, 600x605, 4991451_9111_jpeg69869ca0e19f57411ba54ee0f82030a0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont ever research the history of "feminism" and what ideologies/people where behind it