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>> No.53855486

Gensler is acting without any oversight way outside his jurisdiction. Anything that gets decided under a Gensler sec can savely be dismissed. Banking committee is no longer having it with his vigilanty style after courting ftx

>> No.53855495

cope shitcoiner

>> No.53855523

Congress realizes that the way Gensler is acting all innovation is going to be driven toward china. I can see Gensler being thrown under the bus, he gave congress enough ammunition

>> No.53855546

bitcoin transforming into the statist coin before our very eyes

>> No.53855555
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>John Kiguru

>> No.53855556
File: 1.40 MB, 1024x1024, despair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and people call btc king shitcoin, top fucking kek

enjoy your centralized security that will never reach ATH again

>> No.53855599
File: 8 KB, 204x201, ayo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u got a prob, yyite boii...!?

>> No.53855613
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>> No.53855745

*chuckles in bsv*

>> No.53855757

Krakkkaz lil yt pecker and dey shi' kriptohz medavers buullshi'
Cry yt boi

>> No.53855861

Holy shit. Crypto News Flash, a famous journalism website with a long track record of accuracy and relevance, has the inside scoop about the inner workings of the SEC. It's over.

>> No.53855865

Holy fuck checked OP BTFO

>> No.53855874

This didn't happen, it's fake news.

>> No.53855912
File: 26 KB, 839x344, top-notch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's fake news
How dare you besmirch Crypto News Flash. This is top-notch journalism, you plebian.

>> No.53855956

Based Bitcoin maxi Gensler

>> No.53855989 [DELETED] 
File: 109 KB, 512x512, safe_chungus29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SafeChungus of SafeChungus.com is launching in 30 minutes, lets fucking go!11!

>> No.53856029

couldn't care less what the govt says or what the fake news media says
they can ban every crypto, dont care
t. monerochad

>> No.53856041

gary gensler took bribes from SCAM BANKMAN FRIED HE SHOULD GET THE NOOSE

>> No.53856050

If anything it is more like a product. The blockchain is their service and you need to buy their product to use their service.

>> No.53856079

Lifeless low IQ animal eyes

>> No.53856171

this is engineered to be struck down. this is literally only going to be used as fud to explain away the next altcoin bear market and when it is struck down, repealed, rescinded, whatever, (probably right when bobo is feeling his greediest) it will be used as justification for the pump. gary gensler is a jew puppet and the only thing he regulates are the words coming out of his mouth because he's a professional liar.

>> No.53856398

If people didn't expect to get a return on Ethereum then no one would buy it. Ipso facto vis a vis it is a security. Gensler is right.

>> No.53856567
File: 697 KB, 1259x1221, XSG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Gensler is right.
Meanwhile /xsg/ is discussing pic related.

>> No.53856628

how the fuck are PoW coins securities?

>> No.53856657

It's over

>> No.53856661


>> No.53856685

have fun staying poor with your inflated digital pet rock. the government is your only hope now and its pathetic to watch low iq bitcoin faggots beg them for regulation just because they are such pussies they feel unsafe investing in anything except an already pumped failed experiment like bitcoin

>> No.53856758

The argument is that there is a centralized development team for all the altcoins, thus it is some kind of "investment" in the product.
Because nobody knows who Satoshi Nakamoto is (well we do know, but not officially), and development is "complete" - it falls outside that interpretation.
It has nothing to do with PoW and everything to do with Satoshi's anonymity
It has nothing to do with "expect to get a return" - all blockchain transactions are unidirectional.
Goods, services, or money exchanged is totally separate from the blockchain - all the blockchain shows is the movement of BTC, not dollars, not drugs, not anything else.

>> No.53856781

asscoin is owned

>> No.53856792

It’s finally over for chainlink haha

>> No.53856862


>> No.53856914


security: It is an asset that is issued by a company and speculated on for the purpose of profit

How are fair mined PoW coins securities, that would make no sense.

>> No.53856930

>Satoshi Nakamoto is (well we do know, but not officially)
Tim May?

>> No.53857057
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>> No.53857082

Literally who

>> No.53857083

According to the secs opinion in 1989 isps and websites should have been put under sec oversight. It's just a irrelevant bureaucratic power play. If the sec wins the US pisses away decades of Innovation so a few communists can leech power and resources

>> No.53857091

ingame tokens have no intrinsic value agree, they IOUs

>> No.53857109

>but Crypto News Flash says...
Lol nice self-own, retard.

>> No.53857119


>> No.53857343

Doesn't matter. He has to prove it in a Court of law and so far he doesn't have the balls to sue them
Btw Coinbase already said even if the SEC declares ETH a security, they aren't delisting it. 2025 bull run is the end times for mad gains. You've been warned.

>> No.53857384


>> No.53857701


>> No.53857977

It's a legal necessity. You should have seen what the New York Times had to say when they were in court.

>> No.53858021


>> No.53858025


>> No.53858043

By this logic USD is a security right? Is the SEC gonna start regulating when I realize capital gains by spending my paycheck on groceries?

>> No.53858078

Gensler is acting according to what the Executive branch wants. You won't see a change in course until the current administration leaves.

>> No.53859677


>> No.53859770

>gary fucking nobody gensler
literally who?

>> No.53859859
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why do you retards think you're free from goverment regulation because you can use proxies to launder money using crypto?

criminals literally try to keep anonymous the most they can and they are still catched by the police eventually.

>> No.53860065

holy based

>> No.53860223

always funny when le epic cipherpunk maxis start drooling on government boots the second they think it will pump their bags - so that they can sell their epic digital money for USD so that they can actually purchase things.

>> No.53860229


>> No.53860326
File: 56 KB, 680x598, absolutely_hilarious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw ethereum fags can't opt out because there is no withdraw function
ultrasound money amirite?

>> No.53860329

>it’s a legal necessity
I guess if you’re making up bullshit stories then sure

>> No.53862545

WTF I love losing lawsuits now

>> No.53862786

Genlser literally met with SBF for 6months before ftx collapse.
He’s a scammer and a fraud and should be in jail.

>> No.53863044

“Innovation” LOL. eth is a ponzu that opened the food gates to thousands of shitcoins. When people started noticing how much eth is trash the devs convinced retards to lock up their funds to artificially inflate the price, the devs never stopped dumping while retail can’t even sell. I don’t know how people can’t see it.

>> No.53863065

Gensler is just the boogeyman of the moment for when the govt comes in and wipes the floor with you cryptards and your fake internet money. They let you become corrupt with greed and now they have the firepower to take you down and justify it to the masses. King Dollar is here to stay and you will learn.

>> No.53864677

why do you retards think you can just call something a security when it isn't?
how is Bitcoin not a security but another PoW coin like Litecoin or Monero is?
What about Bitcoin forks like BSV or BCH, are they also non-securities or are they classified as a security also?
Will Craig Wright be suing the US government to prove BSV isn't a security?

>> No.53864699
File: 931 KB, 1079x2091, SEC Commissioner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahem.. It's not just Gensler. This was posted about 3 years ago. You shouldn't gamble on shitcoins nigger. BSV is Bitcoin and you can't do shit about it. Eveything else is just a scam.

>> No.53864736

See this stupid nigger, if you can understand what you read.

>> No.53864758

The corruption is reaching ridiculous levels

>> No.53865638

Does the SEC even know about XMR , LTC, RAVEN , DigiBite OR any of the other PoW cryptos?

>> No.53866026

Cool it with the antisemitism

>> No.53866414

Realistically speaking, How much will it cost for projects to fight the SEC and not just be regulated by force (Due to lack of funding)? Is it over for sub $50M marketcap shitcoins? Does it mean we'll unironically never see x1000+ in crypto because low cap project abandon their projects and new ones never launch to begin with?

>> No.53867033

What? I buy eth to pay for tx. Not expecting a roi on that shit

>> No.53867632

You think he cares? he's dead set on destroying america and any innovation that comes its way

>> No.53867644

>Not expecting a roi
I expect ROI on me jerking my dick. Does that make porn a security of pornhub

>> No.53867761

When are chainlink rewards available to be withdrawn? When can chainlink be unstaked?

>> No.53867787

Fucking checked

>> No.53868616

Keep laughing, we'll see who's the top dog when the flippening occurs in about two weeks or so

>> No.53868817

All of crypto will move away from America like it's going to.
Then finally it'll be free from the stupid Dow and sp500 and american interest rate hikes

>> No.53869150

I miss Trump.

>> No.53870670

stop noticing things goy

>> No.53870722

Congress doesn't realize anything they do whatever the jews that paid for them want. If jews want them to pass crypto regulation that's what they'll do regardless of any theater that's going on.