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53851039 No.53851039 [Reply] [Original]

What happened to the 20k forgiveness

>> No.53851046

I hope not. Also fuck you poor scum, get a job you've got a bad attitude al.

>> No.53851048

probably not, but the draft rules for changes to income driven repayment will probably go into effect by june. sucks that so many people have private loans which are exempt from IDR.

>> No.53851049

Probably not. Dems don't care enough to actually fight for it and republicans do not care about anything other than performative culture outrage and do not care about anyone other than the rich.

>> No.53851059
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You pay it back, anon. Thanks for calling.

>> No.53851070
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Hey deadbeat, in case you haven't realized you got scammed on "education" and the "president" is a pedophile retard with Alzheimers trying to start ww3. They're building a new world order and you're over here still asking for your handout like a ghetto dweller. No, it's not coming through for you. It never was going to. It was just for headlines.

>> No.53851294

It got put on the back burner when Vern got sent to solitary for raping Franklin Winthrop

>> No.53851296

Midterms are over, no refunds

>> No.53851299

no. the entire system rests on leveraged debt

>> No.53851332

Its funny when you start to notice things always happen election year and midterm season, then immediately die out like a blown candle.

>> No.53851339

idk but its still in my debt account f

>> No.53851345

I think student loan forgiveness is dogshit public policy. HOWEVER, I would be fucking retarded if I didn't take advantage of it lmao that's just free money my dude.

>> No.53851388

I think it might but it's really a coin toss at this point. You have to admit that the cases used to block it are built on a totally phony premise.
>b-but student loan companies aren't gonna make as much money!
>but this person only got $10k while this person got $20k! that's not fair!
I think it just depends on how gay the supreme court wants to be over it. I really am surprised to see this is the hill the right is gonna die on and they wanna use courts to block. They're sure more pesky than they were when Obama was president.

>> No.53851452

They have to fix the root of the problem first. The government issuing blank checks for tuition has to stop. It's driven college tuition up an average of 9% a year for over a decade, and almost all that money has gone into administration. Quit paying for kids to get bullshit degrees in bullshit fields of study.

It's such a bad argument when you consider all the things our tax money goes to. I don't get abortions, but Federal money pays for that. I don't get food stamps or Medicaid or farming subsidies.

>> No.53851475

>It's such a bad argument when you consider all the things our tax money goes to. I don't get abortions, but Federal money pays for that. I don't get food stamps or Medicaid or farming subsidies.
realizing this in 2020 was enlightening to my current politics. Rightwing retards are falling for it hook line and sinker to rally up the left. All the money we give to Israel, ukraine, lazy faggots on government programs. Tax breaks for the elite. Suddenly, a bailout that primarily would help the millennial generation who own less than any generaiton before them?
what a joke

>> No.53851523

And at least this debt relief might actually pay for itself in the form of economic stimulus instead of going to Occupied Palestine. That said, now isn't a great time to do it since they caused such high inflation by printing so much money to give to businesses and poors during covid.

>> No.53851535

That's what we need right now is more stimulus so poors can buy more shit. Losers who went into debt for a worthless endeavor deserve to get wrekt forever.
t. 10k in student debt, paid it all off with my starting bonus at my first job.

>> No.53853481
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>a lot of boomers hate student loans and cry about it being constitutional but are silent about the heroes act and how unconstitutional it is
>to say nothing of the patriot act

>> No.53853552

I'm doubtful, and the only way I see it happening if the precedent of stopping the program effects other things so the judges will say no standing.

>> No.53853679

I dont even blame dems
if you can just lie to get votes over and over why not do it

>> No.53853909

No, retard. Politicians lie. Stop being a gullible NPC

>> No.53853950

Democrats bait retarded redditors into voting for them on the hope of student loan forgiveness the same way GME and AMC bait retarded redditors to buy their garbage ass stocks on the hope of a short squeeze. It's never happening, but that won't stop these fucking morons from continuing to think it will.

>> No.53853986

Why should taxpayers bail out retards who went 6 figures in debt to get shitty meme degrees?
>inb4 they bail out corporations all the time
not a fan of that either

>> No.53853997

Republicans blocked it, It will be brought up again before the next election like abortion

>> No.53854030

Which Biden knew would happen

>> No.53854054


>> No.53854153

There is a whole market based around debt.
Look up "Student Loan Asset Backed Securities"
No way they are letting people off the hook.

>> No.53854172

Except GME has no debt and positive free cash flow.
Bet you never even looked at their balance sheets.
AMC is dogshit though

>> No.53854189

>he fell for the obvious midterm vote scam

Kek no refunds

>> No.53854199

sorry, but joe pedopete biden needs your money to funnel it through the ukrainian corruption war.
his face lifts dont pay for themselves.
and his son's crack and hooker addictions cost tens of thousands to maintain.

>> No.53854370

Fox News is only for smart people

>> No.53854693

Please make sure to take your meds before posting

>> No.53854719

90% chance it'll get nuked completely in the supreme court, as it should as all it does is give money to upper middle class privileged white women that majored in gender studies and other useless trash

>> No.53854803

The money isn't real, it's literally only numbers in a computer ledger. They don't have to budget it in or transfer anything they simply change the numbers to 0. The concern is that it will increase inflation.

>> No.53854818

I sure fuckin' hope not. You took out a loan. Pay it back you fuck.

>> No.53854839

no pussy no work

>> No.53855330

They ran on 50k, and $2000 for everyone. They still owe people money.

>> No.53855355

Defaulters go to FEMA work camps
Bye bye

>> No.53855374

No, Zelensky need that money.

>> No.53855819
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Why would you ever pass student debt relief as a dem? It means you give up the only carrot you actually have for the non-black young adult demographic to vote for you. Much better to keep promising it and find excuses about why it didn't happen.

Personally I hope the "student debt crisis" only worsens. People who should be in college and want to get an education in a field with demand should be paid to be there, and those who should be in graduate programs also should be paid to be there. Everyone else took a loan for it because civilization collectively agreed it wasn't worth paying them to fuck around pointlessly for 4+ years for an education that didn't offer any return to anybody.

More importantly, their perpetual indebtedness means they wont invest their income. As boomers die, and Gen X phases into retirement and stops contributing to their IRAs and 401ks, the price of capital will skyrocket. Without anyone to pay into equities, the returns have to go up to incentivize investment. In this environment, it is a huge advantage to me and my family that almost all my age cohort will be unable to afford investing, further increasing the purchasing power I have and the gains I can make. My children will have a 2 parent household with at most, 1 parent working outside the home. Their children will enter their working years with enough capital to passively fund a bachelor life or to make it easy for 1 parent to stay home. Their children will be in the early stage of dividend aristocracy.

>> No.53855870

Republicans keep shutting it down lmao
So much for that freedom.
Because that money will be viewed as a debt that no longer needs to be paid and the students will now spend alot on other things which stimulates the economy.
40k student loan? I'll just buy a car instead now.
>jap auto industry laughs all the way to the bank

>> No.53855878

>More importantly
underage detected. you won't think this way when mommy stop paying for your shit lmao

>> No.53855899

Because a whole generation was psyopped into thinking that college was necessary to make good money, drilled into them by boomers since they were little kids.

>> No.53855904


Of course not. Why would they cut the leash of their slaves and let them run free?

>> No.53855917
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lmao, it's dead. You will pay it back :)

kek this

>> No.53855921

I wonder who could be behind this post. Never paying back my loans. Not a fucking cent.

>> No.53855927

Trump could have done debt relief and packaged it with an overhaul of the higher Ed system, won reelection, and spent four more years being king of Israel
But he's a faggot

>> No.53855933
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That's fine, you will have your wagies and taxes garnish, or you will die poor and as a rentoid :)

>> No.53855948

Yeah, because he wanted votes, hence the
>It will be brought up again before the next election like abortion

>> No.53855955

Please make sure to pay off your debt in-full like a responsible adult before attempting to criticize your superiors.

>> No.53855972

The only way they could get it through was to approve it for black people and dark skinned latinos.

>> No.53855979

College is a choice. You choose to pay to get trained into a higher-paying field. People who chose not to go to school shouldn't have to pay for those who did.
That being said, having kids is a choice too. People who didn't have kids shouldn't be paying for those that did. Get rid of the child tax credit, earned income credit, and have parents pay for their own kid's schooling instead of making me pay for it through my property tax.

>> No.53855996

GME has no debt because it isnt expanding or growing the business in any significant way. And GME has absolutely dogshit Operating Margins, which means revenue is shrinking while its expenses are growing. Could it go up some day? Maybe. But why tie up all your capital and even lose some while you wait when there are hundreds of other stocks out there with far better set-ups? If youre looking specifically for a MOASS, Silvergate SI has far, far better chance of short squeezing than GME- way better fundamentals and over 3x the short float.

>> No.53856007

Based and responsible-adult pilled.

>> No.53856031

kids help society as a whole in the long run, so i see why you would siphon off funds to give it to people who have them.

>> No.53856105

Yes, the Zoomer trannies addicted to TikTok are the hope for this country's future. Let's throw a bunch of free money at them, great idea.

>> No.53856116

not my problem. stacy spent 4 years 'studying' sociology getting ploughed by a different dude on the football team every week and now wants the stem guys who were in their dorms all day every day studing their ass off to pay for it. what a joke.

>> No.53856461
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Oh, of course, anonymous gorilla-retard-nigger #1923124, clearly it would be someone underage instead of with kids and a completed education that's interested in the collapse in the population of payees to retirement programs. Some of us were worth educating, you weren't and you need to get that chip off your shoulder.

If you want to have a future workforce, then you it is absolutely in your interest to provide incentives for the labor force to be made, and to grow up in, and work in your system. You get more of what you pay for: incentivize retards, and you'll get a gaggle of people like OP. Singapore gets away with importing labor due to its extremely privileged geopolitical position, real countries can't do that, and have to encourage their higher quality stock to have children. Nature used to do this for us via the cold and food scarcity, but now we're about 200 years into a world where those don't kill the bottom 1% each year, and we're really starting to feel the lack of selection pressure. Public education should not exist though, unless you're willing to run on the German model where kids of differing talents are pushed onto different training tracks in high school.

>> No.53856494

Think it's still being fought by the courts. btw the seethe in here is hilarious. Hope you guys were just as mad during the 2008/2009 bailouts for Jews

>> No.53856514

The same people who run the banks run the college campuses, retard. Just admit you made an uninformed decision and got scammed. Not my fucking problem.

>> No.53856641

Joe is the one that brought it up and wanted it shoved through dumbfuck.

>> No.53856745

I didn't knowed there was private colleges and in turn student loans being forgived in Britain.
I thought it was all covered like their health care system xD

>> No.53857106

Yesterday a guy said that his wife was a doctor, she had a 75k debt and it was impossible to pay
Why are americans so dumb?

>> No.53857116

Retard Obama raised the debt in 10 trillion, these are the results

>> No.53857151

Probably not, but with the new IDR plan you will be able to earn up to around 30k a year without having to make monthly payments.

>> No.53857205

Gullible sheep. The Democrat Party has played you like a fiddle as they dangle their stupid delusional "proposed" bills in front of your face, only to then immediately scrap it and then "blame it on Republicans" as soon as they have your vote. Every. Single. Time. It'd be hilarious to watch, if you retards weren't actively destroying the country with your stupidity in the process.

>> No.53857305

Ouch. You had a captcha.

>> No.53857363

you got conned into voting for a puppet

>> No.53857405
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>"I just want to be a functioning member of society; a reflection of true American principles, for me, my loved ones and others to come."

>> No.53857418
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>"Pay your bills kid.."

>> No.53857419

Hard right Republicans will ensure it never happens. Sorry zoomers.

>> No.53857435
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I don't vote.

>> No.53857735
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>tfw living abroad
>tfw taking FEIE each year to have *zero* income
>tfw qualifying for income driven repayments...of zero dollars
>tfw never paying the government back their money
Get fucked, American tax payers. Thanks for the loans!

>> No.53857832


New IDR rules will be challenged as well. Vast majority of borrowers under the plan would pay less than they borrowed, effectively turning federal student loans into grants. These aren't grants, they're loans. You're supposed to pay them back (with interest) if you were stupid enough to take them out.

>> No.53858670

But silvergate is actually going bankrupt. who the fuck would invest in that. And you know they can hide short interest right? Of course you wouldn't know that.
Guess you've never seen firms getting fined for marking shorts as long. But then again you wouldn't understand that either.

>> No.53858723

Will most likely get shot down by the Supreme Court. Inflation is out of control and Covid Emergency provisions will be lifted in a few months. The government can’t pretend we’re in a state of pandemonium any longer, the money printer is off.

>> No.53859344
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Business's aren't even paying loan's back.

>> No.53859386

Checked and yeah. It's so far down the list of things to be upset at. PPP loans or even the Covid Relief Act come to mind which both were signed by Trump.
To all the anons who aren't accelerationist just laughing at the absurdist doom feeding off of the west, how do you find the time to be constantly upset? Max out credit for low interest rates, stack cash for high, and live your life. Don't fight the Fed; honk the clowns.

>> No.53859394

But the rich are the ones who love the Democrats, unless you’re saying Bezos and the like are Nazis now.

>> No.53859477

mfs will go through all this to not pay back their loans instead of just geting a job and paying the £100 per month or whatever the fuck

>> No.53860217


Thank you for posting this anon,

sketchy business slut women of the


Anyway your dad's nuts, Secondly...

If I can't say Faggot in my own country,
then i will not pay S loans shit back.

Taxes, yes.

>> No.53860265

Actual knower here.
The language of the 1965 higher education act allows for this and it will happen,or at least be suspended through the election.
They used an obviously losing argument to buy them years
When it's stuck down, they'll use the real law and better argument to start the process all over.
Learn to illegitimately govern.

>> No.53860282

Hahaha they spent it on Ukraine aid hahahaha they even got congress to approve it hahaha then they made you and your faggot liberal friends cheer them on hahahahahahahahaha and they are gonna send more and youll applaud too hahahaha, pay your debt losers or wait til Russia invades you I guess lmao

>> No.53860354
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All other threads on here are full of people who understand that the government is corrupt and the monetary system is a big corrupt pyramid scheme and academia is filled with bullshit, but as soon as someone mentions student loans all of those people disappear and are replaced by posters who insist that anons give even more money to the government than they already are. How does that work?

>> No.53860368

They were always to be forgiven.

>> No.53860443

>muttlard describes democrats
>muttlard does not realize the corpos are on dem side
>muttlard does not realize working class are rep voters, dem voters are rich assholes
How infections is muttism? Such stupidity has to spread quickly as at least half of USA is retarded enough to vote for dems.