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53851045 No.53851045 [Reply] [Original]

a panini press not only cooks the meat on both sides (no flipping) super fast (7 mins) but also reduced my cooking oil usages by 95%. (i used cold pressed sunflower oil, the expensive stuff). No need to use the pan with the oil. Only a drop to protect the panini press. And less electricity wasted heating a big pan.

Now you only need cooking oil when you fry some fries. Less oil, less money wasted, more protein!

>> No.53851060

You sound like my uncle when he got a George Forman grill

>> No.53851065
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>i used cold pressed sunflower oil,
best to use olive oil or even better beef tallow

>> No.53851078
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>gimmicky cooking appliances

>> No.53851124

>retarded way to cook
>use olive oil you gay retard

>> No.53851184

olive oil is too heavy for cooking meat with.
i mean i could...since im using only like 2 drops, maybe

>> No.53851599

Imagine being unable to cook a simple chicken breast. Bake it you stupid nigger.

>> No.53851647

You can cook your meals in the dishwasher

>> No.53851664

Hell yeah brother.
It washes my chicken and cooks it after.

>> No.53851846

>Wastes 50 bucks on the worst way to cook chicken
Lol. Lmfao even

>> No.53851884

>beef tallow
I've been seeing this brought up but I think I can't even buy this in my country. All I ever see sold in stores is seed oils or butter.

>> No.53851911

Or avocado oil is also good and more mild. Basically sunflower seed oil is one of the worst health wise.

Seed oils are extracted and refined with quite toxic chemicals.

Olive and Avocado are just cold pressed with heavy weight usually. Animal fats are incredibly healthy but always marketed as they should be moderated.

Basically all large institutions and power systems want you weak and unhealthy and spread literal propaganda to reach that goal. Truly evil.

>> No.53851917


Roasting is best for chicken, especially with skin on. The juices are locked in better. Always tender and juicy

>> No.53851927

Opt for ghee if possible. I use it for most things. Top tier

>> No.53851932

>washing your chicken
Groid spotted.

>> No.53852049

Next your going to tell me you don’t put your weave in the dryer.

>> No.53852079

>sunflower oil
Enjoying your goyslop i see

>> No.53852103

I think an air fryer may be a better cooking investment imo

>> No.53852119

Do I really need to "season" a cast iron pan or can I use as is?

>> No.53852196
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>cooking money hacks
I threaten my gf that I will break up with her unless she shops and cooks for me
>nooo you have to simp for women!
no you don't

>> No.53852209

this is an 18+ board kid

>> No.53852211

Seemingly only available from online stores at crazy prices.

>> No.53852219

Most are pre-seasoned. They get better and better with every steak you make. Just use warm water to clean it. No soap or you will ruin it.
Started 5 years ago with cast iron and never looked back

>> No.53852224

Ghee is just highly clarified butter. You can make your own fairly easily. Or just use butter

>> No.53852276

most are pre seasoned like >>53852219 said. i bought a pre seasoned lodge, works fine. you don't need to obsess about it like most autistic retards on reddit suggest -- i wash mine with soap and water every time i use it and even if you fuck up the seasoning, you can re-season it. cast iron is basically indestructible. the only concern you should have is cooking something really acidic. i did that once (pork and sauerkraut) and it tasted like absolute shit due to the iron/rust that leached into my food. the workaround is to instead use an enameled cast iron pan.

>> No.53852312

A bit more expensive but I get organic ghee from grass fed cows at Aldi's even. Surprisingly higher quality there than at other places.


Butter is good too but if he is cooking a pan with high heat ghee works much better.

>> No.53852353

>Started 5 years ago with cast iron and never looked back
Cast iron really is based. My only other pan is a nonstick with tall edges for tomato based sauces and shit, everything else goes on the cast iron.

>> No.53852575

Alright, you faggots sold me. What's the best $20 paninni press?

>> No.53852611

Just like how if you save the water from boiled hotdogs, you can use it for the next batch of hotdogs to taste even better.

>> No.53852631

>What's the best $20 paninni press?

You will have a bad time if you spend under $50. Ideally around $100 would be best. Look at it as an investment where cooking your own food will eventually pay it off

>> No.53852645

air fryers literally exist to re-heat precooked frozen goyslop. nobody has ever cooked anything delicious with an air fryer

>> No.53852653

no its not

>> No.53852663

theres good air fryers. the stainless steel ones that look like a toaster oven.

you can cook lots of meats and veggies in there. i dont buy goyslop anymore

>> No.53852670

no soap at all?

>> No.53852808
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I'd rather have a Korean woman to cook but shill me a panini press. I also use a crock pot which can make great meals easily

>> No.53852880

You don't need it, just use kosher salt and a coarse sponge.

>> No.53854522

What country? You could just ask for it from your local butcher.

>> No.53854544

Except I've cooked steak and made roasts in an airfryer. Cooked veggies too. It's a waste of take to use it simply for goyslop, but to each their own.

>> No.53854552

>oil and grease everywhere including hands
Seems messy.

>> No.53854572

cook it in non peak electric hours

>> No.53854585

Dry ass chicken when u make it like that.

>> No.53854600

>t.panini press merchant

>> No.53854630

they don't know omad one meal a day is the best hack

>> No.53854642

Trader Joes

>> No.53854877
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Can literally see the raw pink sides which didn't fry properly lolmao, enjoy your tapeworms you stupid kike faggot. The jew fears the airfryer chad.

>> No.53854903

i just said i use UNREFINED COLD PRESSED sunflower oil.
but i see your point either way.
nothing wrong with checking exotic oils

>> No.53854922
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thats because the pic is after 1 minute of cooking
it takes 7 minutes.

john foreman here folks, and lets take a look at living with a panini press
burning fat while eating delicious food thanks to wraps? yes!

>> No.53855125

these people never dig deep enough to understand why some things are unhealthy. they just hear SEED OILS are muh bad and repeat this. some even add extra virgin olive oil into the mix of le toxic oils. olive oil and avocado oil have low smoke temp and are not great for cooking as they burn, sunflower oil is better if its cold pressed. coconut oil is good too if you dont mind the strong aroma

>> No.53855149

one time i was with a buddy in london and we tried making fries with rapeseed oil, and it wont reach the high temp of sunflower oil. the fries would get soft and soggy.

every oil has its properties

>> No.53855179

I know you just bought this fucking shit and your degenerate retard mindset think you broke the code.
>Its only to make you feel like it was a good investment.

>> No.53855273

its been 2 weeks already man.
ive ate...18 wraps already, in the last 2 weeks.

>> No.53855724

baking is the easiest way to cook anything. you can even fry stuff in the oven too. just coat it with a little olive oil and coat the baking sheet too. pop it in there on 400 for a few mins on each side and enjoy.

>> No.53856277

>Ghee is a type of clarified butter, originating from India
Kek okay Vijnesh

>> No.53856366
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>Still cooking your own food like a peasant

>> No.53856393

>super fast (7 mins)
lol, lmao

>> No.53856401

you could make this pretty easily

>> No.53856427

>greek yogurt
>1 banana
>frozen blueberries
>splash of juice (very little, just to facilitate blend)
30+g of protein, plenty of fiber, 0 fat or added sugar, less than $2, fills you up like a meal, tastes great, antioxidant rich and will increase the size of your turds, clear up your acne, and it is 100% vegetarian.

>> No.53856467

Where the fuck is the fiber? No spinach or kale? Literally just a sugary drink

>> No.53856472

People really think some gizmo is gonna debunk centuries of cooking

>> No.53856500

Clarified butter is ghee without the caramelized stuff. The only difference between them is flavor. The rest of their cooking properties are identical

>> No.53856516

You can even make your own butter and then clarify it or make ghee with it. It'll taste much better than any commercial butter

>> No.53856528


I'm literally a white guy from Ohio. You just have poor tastes. Enjoy your goyslop though

>> No.53856540

Ghee doesn't have the milk fat so it works on high temperatures better than butter because milk fat burns. Its much different

>> No.53856544

Just eat the chicken raw and save on cooking bills.

>> No.53856562

Serious though, best way to cook chicken is:
Brined overnight
Solar panels to run the oven for free.

OP is a poor fag

>> No.53856596

There are no such things as "cooking hacks".

Using less fat than necessary will always result in sub-par results. It literally cannot argued.

>t.professional chef

>> No.53856624

I like these countertop grills but cleaning them has never looked fun. I can just go outside and start my gas grill.

>> No.53856757

just take your beef fat trimmings and simmer them until it becomes liquid, strain the meat chunks out when you pour it into a jar, throw it in your fridge and wa la bone apple teeth
also you could ask your butcher for beef fat to render

>> No.53856765

OK. The butter that I MAKE is a type of clarified butter that does not have milk fat or any other milk solids, which get caramelized and removed during the clarification process, leaving just oil. It has exactly the same smoke point as ghee without the nutty flavor.

>> No.53856890
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>having non-stick that isn't ceramic
ngmi if true. stainless for acidic cooking works

>> No.53857349

>he doesn't boil his food
enjoy your cancer

>> No.53857382

Used sheet metal with a MAPP torch works way better.

>> No.53857511

> Antioxidants still a thing in 2023
> Vegetarian smoothies


Made OK short ribs with my brothers airfryer. I still don't get why he would prefer it over classic oven for anything. Maybe his AF was low power.

Tallow and beef fat makes me feel like a semi-god when consumed in large amounts after fasting. I'm fat adapted btw.

This shit does not exist in my country. I'm fairly sure the industrial refined version is making everyone sick around here. It costs like 4USD per liter, while I get beef
fat for free or as a derivative of discount meat cuts.

For the same price as a good steak in a steakhouse (300-400grams) I get like 2kg of the same cut at the store and cook it however the fuck I want that particular day.

> tl;dr meat and animal fat is king

>> No.53857556

do you have to finely chop the fat before boiling? how long to boil? does it matter what size of strainer? I know It shouldnt be so complicated but on yt there are everones passed down version but im not sure whats "best" in terms of getting the actual good stuff out and not letting it go to waste

>> No.53857623

I only use my air fryer for potatoes (fresh obv) and brussel sprouts

>> No.53857741

Extra virgin olive oil does have a low smoke point. But avocado has a smoke point of at least 480F which is enough for me

>> No.53857746

You can't baste a steak in an air fryer though so it's a hard pass for me

>> No.53857749

I'm sick and tired of seeing this thread's icon pic, I'm now hiding this thread.

>> No.53858313

>seed oil

>> No.53858405
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Bison osso bucco

>> No.53858688

This looks absolutely disgusting, like prison food, wtf

>> No.53858891

Even better is carbon steel pans. Half the head time and also half the weight

>> No.53859083

yeah my xiaomi airfryer has 2 layers but if I stack food the bottom one won't cook so basically it's a piece of shit that just dries out my tendies

>> No.53859095


>> No.53859185

You know, the last time this thread appeares it encouraged me to start looking into grills

>> No.53859197
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much higher upfront cost but the time savings are insane. Use it pretty much everyday, takes 2 secs to scrape residue off when you’re done

>> No.53859209

>>sunflower oil
>Enjoying your goyslop i see
People have been eating sunflower seeds throughout human history, you absolute spacker

>> No.53859236

you can make it or just use ghee in place of it

>> No.53859337
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>MAPP torch
Outta the way plumbcel, big boys commin' thru....

>> No.53859362

>actual haxs
The sharp 959 jet convection microwave and grill.

Hit points?

-can convection, grill and microwave cook all in one program

-40 capacity, i.e. approaching normal oven size

-runs from a plug socket, i.e. can be put anywhere, including wall mounted to free up counter space, without requiring a qualifies electrician to install

-can cook an entire large chicken from cold to roast in 45 minutes

-combo it with one or two large pyrex dishes to make all kinds of stews, cassroles etc, so long as the lid stays on and preferably the door shut after cooking, they wont go off anytime soon

-literally says made in japan on it

-retro panel last updated in the 80s

-saves considerable energy by directly coupling to food with microwave to warm up / defrost whilst browning with convection

>> No.53859369
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