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File: 21 KB, 1200x675, The-Graph-GRT-coin-price.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53853115 No.53853115 [Reply] [Original]

shill me grt, how is it an a.i. token? i don't see anything on their website besides web 3.0 stuff.

>> No.53853139

You know why you don’t see anything?
Because It’s Over.

>> No.53853148

It's best not to get involved, anon. GRT has been over for awhile now.

>> No.53853197

I was a grt bagholder because I legitimately believed in the project. I STILL believe the project is actually good, but I sold my bags about a year ago after taking a deep look into tokenomics of this coin. I posted my calculations here, I posted everything here and all people said was
I had legit mathematical proofs for why this coin was totally fucked. The long and the short of it was very simple; it made no sense for those with enough capital to ever bother actually buying the coin for queries: all they had to do was buy enough that their staking rewards covered their query costs. If their query eates went up, the difference in purchasing enough new tokens (most likely from other people dumping) to not only cover increased costs but also grow their staking rewards to compensate was minimal.

The biggest issue with the coin is, and always will be absolutely fucked tokenomics. I posted this in a thread about a year ago, and even posted it in the GRT discord. People called me an autist but I had spreadsheets and formulas showing this shit wasn't sustainable. A year later and I am vindicated.

It's still a fucking great project... that's the saddest thing. The team was just so unwilling to listen to critisizism of their retarded and unsustainable tokenomics that they fucked themselves over hard. They obviously have great programmers, but good programmers =/= good economists and I think that the entire crypto space could learn from that.

>> No.53853251

i am still thinking about buying, i am not convinced that it's over yet
the tokenomics don't see that bad, the fully diluted mcap isn't bad either, no major unlocks left. tell me about their ai side

>> No.53853295

Bump, I am.inter3sted in the ai side.
Explain this for brainlets please, also screenshots of the excel sheets please

>> No.53853380

>how is it an a.i. token? i don't see anything on their website besides web 3.0 stuff.


>> No.53853497

>no grt thread for days
>start preparing a proper general
>grt thread appears

Every time.

The Graph's protocol development and query pricing is supported by artificial intelligence, but it's not an AI token in and of itself. It's theoretically capable of powering artificial intelligence, and if I wasn't so busy with other work I'd gladly roll out a demonstration, but for now it's just an engine for procedurally aggregating smart contract and blockchain data.

Ladies and gentlemen:

>> No.53853498

Interesting, thanks, so they plan on using partner whom they are funding to improve their blockchain?or did they buy those companies?

>> No.53853520

Do you think they can ever venture into other aspects of ai work besides querying?

>> No.53853594

should i put 10k in grt, prq, or bbby? i dont care if it goes to 0, just looking for a 20x or more

>> No.53853596

seems to be a funded partnership, yeah

>> No.53853617

do you have any metrics to assess their blockchain usage? are people using it for what i was designed to do i.e. query?

>> No.53853675

The Graph is not a blockchain, but Semiotic's R&D helps in part to improve mechanisms within the decentralized network. The grant serves as more of a multi-year organizational retainer than an acquisition. Basically, The Graph paid Semiotic to support the development of the protocol until 2029. Semiotic is still free to work on their own projects as well, most notably their DEX aggregator.

In its present form, the querying itself isn't AI and I'd argue GraphQL isn't conducive to prompting neural net models. Aside from the development and query pricing processes, AI could be baked into a subgraph in order to train models on data from the blockchain, IPFS, etc. or potentially other subgraphs. Since GraphQL can't be used to run neural net models, the prompting would have to be triggered by onchain events, and then an indexer would run that prompt against the model data in the subgraph in order to compute a result that could then be queried.

>> No.53853684

there is a dedicated website somewhere tracking all the stats/metrics, but I can't recall the URL off the top of my head... maybe someone else can

there is this though:

>> No.53853700

>moving query fee MRR up almost $2k since the beginning of the week


>> No.53853725

are you in any disocrd for grt? id like to join, so you don't think it meets the qualifications of an a.i. crypto? if so why and if not why
ill take a look, thanks
checked and what do you mean

>> No.53853792

What are reasons to not buy this crypto? What's the best fud they have?

>> No.53853843

I'm not too active on discord these days aside from lurking the occasional Graph developer/community calls, but I'm present in virtually every discord server for the project.

In my opinion The Graph is an AI protocol in much the same way Amazon Web Services is an AI company: it's a data and general purpose computation platform powered in part by AI, but not strictly an AI service. Since AI is a subset or intersection of data and computation, there's potential for it to be used to both provide data for AI a well as to process and query models, but the infrastructural capacity for the protocol to carry out the latter is still immature at best.

Related reading:

>> No.53853862

The arbitrum has been hacked and now all Graph nodes are being affected, meaning they will go offline one by one.

But here's the real trick; every graph that goes offline first has to be validated by other graphs, Thus the first graph won't go offline until EVERY SINGLE GRAPH has verified it actually has gone offline

GRT will be in an infinite javascript loop. Maybe if you're a programmer you will recognize FOR and WHILE loops. Well.. This is a FOR loop that NEVER ends.

The price will TANK to at least $0.01. Maybe even lower when the graphs are actually verified being offline.

Brandon is now busy setting up extra graphs to undo this process. Called contra-hacking. He has injected some GO-language code, pseudo-offline code, into the GRT network. This means graphs will appear the be online, while they are struggling to go offline, but in the meantime they cant because it isnt verified yet. Neat trick if you ask me, but it wont last long before the other graphs will know whats really going on.

>> No.53853869

None of these will 20x

>> No.53853917

What do you think the predicted price this upcoming bull run will be?
Wtf is this true?

>> No.53853921

>what do you mean
Indexers in the Graph's network collect fees for queries. The amount collected varies on a day-to-day basis, but you can smooth it all out using rolling averages to anticipate EOM revenue. This average has been around $20,000 more or less recently, and is currently around $23,000.

Note that there are two networks: one centralized and free; one decentralized and paid. That $23,000/mo represents 0.3% of total queries to the network. The centralized free service is being shut down this year and all query traffic will have to go the decentralized network and paid for. That revenue is then distributed to indexers, delegators, and curators.

>> No.53853934

what was grt peak market cap last cycle?

>> No.53853955

there is a big difference between the supply then and the current one

>> No.53853979

i know, i am just trying to figure out a few things, just want to know peak mcap of grt last cycle

>> No.53854057

Grt will probably x50 bottom to top of next cycle. You are a brainlet for thinking otherwise.

>> No.53854058

Funny to see old LINK memes being recycled.

>> No.53854069

>What do you think the predicted price this upcoming bull run will be?
Not sure. I'm more content with staking for long-term yield and I couldn't sell quickly even if I wanted to. Depends on mainnet revenue over the next year or two, and that's up in the air right now.

>Wtf is this true?
That's old LINK pasta repurposed for GRT.


>> No.53854144

what other cryptos are you in besides grt? and if you don't mind percentage splits.

>> No.53854236 [DELETED] 
File: 337 KB, 1600x900, 15B0A640-334B-4829-A3DC-14F6732ED6F6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

future is ai powered
get some fresh $AIR

>> No.53854282
File: 52 KB, 400x400, 1676085619355560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, its over

>> No.53854512

grt: 12%
pre-ico contracts: 87%
everything else: 1%

Couldn't see myself buying anything but ETH these days, or rounding out my GRT stack.

>> No.53854534

how do you find a good ico? do you dump them basically right after they initially pump b/c don't all icos dump a few days/weeks afterwards?

>> No.53854558

So you see grt as a long term hold?

>> No.53854720

>how do you find a good ico?
Right skills, right connections, right place, right time. Learn in-depth about the industry and technologies, get involved with projects, meet people.

>do you dump them basically right after they initially pump b/c don't all icos dump a few days/weeks afterwards
No plan of action yet, but I don't believe in PnDs.

I've been buying/staking GRT for over two years now and don't see myself selling anytime soon.

>> No.53854802

do you stake on coinbase?

>> No.53854829

No, I send my GRT to Ethereum and delegate it.

>> No.53854892

it's over

>> No.53854900

It’s not an ai token. It’s basically a web3 indexer that allows other apps to query all sorts of data and organize it into readable /useable fashion without having the project to write all of its own code and set up infrastructure.
Saves time, money, efficiency and increases speed and user friendliness

>> No.53854926

>all they had to do was buy enough that their staking rewards covered their query costs
what percentage of MC would that require with usage the same as currently on the hosted service?

>> No.53855072


42b qpm
8.4m usd/mo
100.8m usd/yr
720m grt/yr
mainnet apy 11%
6.55b grt would have to be delegated for rewards to offset hosted service volume
only 6b grt are liquid right now
liquid supply goes to zero
mainnet apy diluted to 3.2%

grtobsessed's hypothesis was refuted years ago

>> No.53855172

It absolutely makes sense to cover query costs with staking rewards though. Also it would be extremely satisfying from an aesthetic POV. They should get some code audited and make this demand-increasing option official.

>> No.53855808

GPT bot

>> No.53855887

>he doesn't know about chatGRT

>> No.53856239

Close but no cigar, that's the one and only GRTobsessed.

Yield is too volatile and varies too much from indexer to indexer to stably accomplish that. It would piss off a lot of developers.

>> No.53856487

is 350k grties enough to make it bros? i fumbled generational wealth last year please be enough

>> No.53857005
File: 74 KB, 1280x720, anticipation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we've bounced off .14 three times now

where are we going, up or down?
ooooooooooo or AAAAAAAAAAAAA?

>> No.53857020

that is an ungodly amount of gurt you rich fgt

>> No.53857187

I like you. That makes me feel good about my 307k. Dopamine is nice on a saturday

>> No.53857536

makes me feel bad about my 100k tho

>> No.53858686

Makes me feel meh about my 200k.

>Also it would be extremely satisfying from an aesthetic POV
The fuck does this mean lmao


>> No.53859716

ORE. That's it.

>> No.53859825

That's showing how important web3 is atm, I'll keep stacking LINK & ORE, my favorite web3 token so far

>> No.53859840

If you are a smart investor, staking for long term should be your priority, because it's smart to earn while holding for the long term, same way I'm staking ORE till the next bull run

>> No.53860293

Thanks for the bumps, jeet