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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53853736 No.53853736 [Reply] [Original]

Why is everyone so broke? Credit cards and debt?

>> No.53853845 [DELETED] 

This fucking nigger is the reddit cat posting spammer btw.
Ruined this board.

>> No.53853946

No one is broke lol, most zoomers nowadays have anywhere from 30k to 100k saved up before they turn 25. It's boomers who are poor because they grew up being retarded

>> No.53853952


>> No.53853960
File: 21 KB, 334x506, fppdgsl4pa921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine not living where weed costs $2.6 per gram, land of the "free" indeed

>> No.53853963
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Imagine think Cats are reddit when you on the site that started Caturday

>> No.53853970

Trueeee, many 4channers here who joined in the last 4 years think they're oldfags, while the real oldfags joined back in 2006 or so

>> No.53853973
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Fucking newfags

>> No.53853993

I have close to 20k in cc debt and might not be able to make my mortgage this month. I make close to 112k a year before taxes. I just sold my last $42 of Btc. I’ve got the spending under control but it’s going to be hard getting out of the hole. Idk what to do

>> No.53853998

> I make close to 112k a year before taxes
What the fuck that's a lot isn't it? What is your monthly income and expenses? Rent? utilities? Grocery? subscriptions?

>> No.53854001

The real answer is because of monetary inflation due to bank money printing and outsourcing of jobs to China and insourcing to Latinos keeping wages down.

>> No.53854453

That's crazy with you making that much, best of luck anon

>> No.53854485

Any anon living with his parents rent free, living within his means for 3-5 years, it's not that hard champ just move back in and save every penny for 3-5 years

>> No.53855133


The possibility of doing this is true, but I would argue most piss their money away on copes to get over the mental issue they have with living home instead (overspend on a car, take lavish vacations etc)

> t. lived at home 2011-2013 age 22-24 making shit money, paid off student loans and saved up ~50k

>> No.53855153

caturday was always fucking gay
>t. oldfag

>> No.53855387
File: 487 KB, 720x727, Screenshot_20230225-151551-925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bait bread.
On that galactic kush nigga
big body Biden (CRUISIN)
Weed Is 1.50 a gram, catch up

>> No.53855395
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>> No.53855403


Amazing how bad fed fucked the economy. 5 years ago reaching 100k was a legitimate milestone to celebrate. Now it's like done in 3 years out of college

>> No.53855472

How do I profit off of cat island?

>> No.53856271
File: 49 KB, 306x535, k3k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone should try their luck on Stake. Belive me you won't regret it.

>> No.53856300

This is how the suicidal mind works, so you don't care that you have 60 years ahead of you, no, you gotta end it all because you had to start from scratch after a good 4 years.

>> No.53856306

4 years is nothing. Get some good counselling anon n get back on the horse.

>> No.53856320
File: 178 KB, 600x450, 172101-706481585911afc93591cb79b4d2f41e.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I smoke weed and I have money. I blame irresponsible people that don't know how to use money, and went to college for something that doesn't pay out. Or they spend money on stupid shit and aren't responsible with their lives. Most people will always be poor or broke.

>> No.53856332

>just gamble dude

>> No.53856343

If they studied stats they should know how bad the odds are. Even the ‘good’ games are below 50%, and that’s assuming you’re playing optimally.

>> No.53856358
File: 17 KB, 246x520, sts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can make your strategy on Stake and get a 70% win. dyor math is the solution sometimes.

>> No.53856409

>Why is everyone so broke?
Fiat currency, jewish banking cartel, cult rule, feminism.

>> No.53856424

And excess taxes.

>> No.53856445

>its not gambling I have a strategy

>> No.53856483
File: 98 KB, 828x1009, 1673779290527989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna say thats CAP but Im an autistic with no friends so I dont know the financial climate amongst my peers very well

I sure as fuck dont though

fuck you, you're gay

>> No.53856719

Go back

>> No.53856741

why do 99% of stoners look like that. Scary accurate

>> No.53856800

Living within your means has turned into a subsistence living for most people, so they just dip into CC debt to get some relief. My friend complains that Bidenflation is killing his finances and that he has 0 dollars in his bank account yet he goes traveling twice a month and is talking about buying a new car because "he needs this now". I don't want him to lose his new home if things really do get much much worse but he seems pretty checked out from it all.

>> No.53856821
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Big gay

>> No.53857796
File: 105 KB, 1000x560, Buy-Now-Pay-Later-Payments1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

total lie
as someone with younger siblings, I'm aware of their finances in general and for 90% of them it's dire. Like 0 money and 0 prospects.
Most Millennials are like 30-40 now also with 0 money, but they at least have paychecks to live between and can get a loan.

Kids in their 20s are taking crazy loans for like minor luxuries like electronics or clothes. Buy now - Pay later is massively popular and a total cancer.

Most of /biz/ is ignorant of this because 30+ year old NEETs don't use bullshit financing like this to buy Chinese shoes and plastic.

>> No.53857845

They all do bro

>> No.53858760

Nobody learns personal finance

>> No.53859223

its true. it was me for about 5 years. I mean it doesn't bother me if other people smoke weed. im not a jewish elite thats losing slaves but it does make you dumb and slow as fuck.

>> No.53859249

>Kids in their 20s are taking crazy loans for like minor luxuries like electronics or clothes. Buy now - Pay later is massively popular and a total cancer.
can confirm my brother and his friends are all permanently in debt with services like klarna because they all buy clothes and other stupid shit they dont have the money for

>> No.53859266

are you retarded, no they dont

>> No.53859276

image is true, weed faggots are fucking faggots

>> No.53859725
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Not even a remote chance of being real. And not just zoomers. Every 40 year old boomer i met is broke too.
Theyre stupid and lack impulse control. And many of them marry even stupider women who spend it all on who even knows. I work in in oil and gas and nearly all of my co workers make 100k and many of them 200k a year. I buy the rig pizza for $150 and some guy making 200k says it must be nice to be able to do that. Theyre small minded and stupid. Soceity unironically cant function with them having political rights.

>> No.53859877

trolling isn't allowed outside /b/

>> No.53859888

>Most of /biz/ is ignorant of this because 30+ year old NEETs don't use bullshit financing like this to buy Chinese shoes and plastic.
wtf /biz/ NEETs are based af?

>> No.53859891

reminder top of your pic fucked eachother in the ass so those countryside 'muricans are right

>> No.53859914
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stuck with family, I was debt free, with a lot invested until my two older brothers got laid off. parents are retired so i dont want them to worry about money.
Little sister and brother need help with college tuition, so i pay that + living expenses, so credit cards are used for insurance+gas+Groceries.
CC debt doesnt worry me, i can just avoid it forever, its not like im going to jail if i dont pay.

>> No.53859926
File: 182 KB, 1200x630, 1677333802006383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my point is broke familt members will drag you down, some are too late to become independent,
both of my brothers are saving up, investing, and getting back on their feet.
they all say they will pay me back but i doubt it.

>> No.53859932

>parents are retired so i dont want them to worry about money.
>Little sister and brother need help with college tuition, so i pay that + living expenses
fucking retard

>> No.53859942

~T. Oldfag since late 2005, brought in by Habbo memes on YTMND, reporting for duty, sir. Favorite time on 4chan: Tom Green Show raids (showed him my peepee on air, once). TF2 4chan server, when TF2 first came out was also great. I miss public b&s overly lulz posts and admin interaction with the board, as Hiro, unlike m<3<3tykins, is completely disconnected and clearly just running it for money and clout, at this point.

Fuck jannies, also.

>> No.53859962

I’m legit going there later this week kek

>> No.53859980

I cant argue with that.

>> No.53859990

Greeks actually had societal values and racial homogeneity, of course living in a functioning city would be amazing. The problem is that cities today are the exact opposite of that in most places. That’s why going to Japan and seeing Tokyo is such a weird experience, it’s an actually functioning metropolis. You see little kids taking the subway home from kindergarten alone at age 5. It’s insane compared to our cities in America.

>> No.53860003

Me too haha you wanna meet up or something? haha as friends tho haha