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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53851592 No.53851592 [Reply] [Original]

why does this board discuss crypto scams instead of careermaxxing and passive investing?

>> No.53851606

this board is predominately low wage menial laborers and mentally ill NEET on SSI disability gibs.

>> No.53851612

"careers" are scams that rob you of all your most precious resources (time, energy, family, youth, self-determination, health, happiness), and "passive investing" is a scam to keep you bagholding while banks and hedgies get fat

>> No.53851633
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we got a good little goy over here

>> No.53851644

The world owes me sex.

>> No.53851649
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>> No.53851652

not going to lie. webm looked like the intro to a blacked video

>> No.53851659

kek this

>> No.53851668

Cuz you have to meet people irl to careermaxx.
You don't give the good jobs or tips to people who you won't be able to ask for help in a few years.

>> No.53851674

How would you know cuck?

>> No.53851683

i wanna bowser to fuck and gape my ass so hard

>> No.53851684

Because 90% of the posters are young, unemployed, and emotionally immature, so they want a quick 10000x shitcoin to solve all of their problems instead of actually having to learn sgit or improve themselves.

>> No.53851686
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if i work 7-10pm maybe i get 5% more raise than the guy doing 9-5. for sure i m GMI

>> No.53851702

you aren't going to get rich working an entry level job for $40-50k/year, investing $200 a month into poopoo peepee coin, affiliating marketing scams, stock options, etc.

>> No.53851703
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>> No.53851722
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Because most people here are Americans who have been brainwashed that it's either Lambo or broke, with nothing inbetween. In the US the middle class has been gutted, meaning that a regular career where you set some money aside for safe investments just isn't a viable path unlike let's say in Northern Europe. Add to that, a total lack of a societal safety net, most of them take high-risk decisions with all of their savings in hopes of getting rich quick, resulting in most of them failing and becoming forgotten, meanwhile the few that make it get get circlejerked and praised, going on podcasts talking about their Lambo's. Sadly this mentality is spread over here trough TikTok and Reddit, which is quite annoying.

>> No.53851727

Yup. I can afford to invest tens of thousands a year because I worked my ass off to make my salary, and even if those fail, I have an in demand skill set and a network of people that would hire me if needed. People in here hear "career" and they think that means working double shifts at McDonald's.

>> No.53851731

yeah sitting in front of a screen 15 hours a day trying to trade GAYFAGGOTINU coin is totally a better use of your time, energy, youth, health and happiness

>> No.53851732

$50k a year is not entry level for the majority of places in the US. $30k is.

>> No.53851749

Then you need to think bigger. There's no other way around it. There's a simple formula that's worked for millions of people
>Get a good paying job
>Minimize your spending
>Invest aggressively
If you do this for 20 years, you will be close to, or over, a 7 figure network by your 40's. Possible sooner if you are really aggressive in your investing. There are shortcuts, but they're essentially gambles.

>> No.53851757

>crypto scams

Found the central bank shill.

>> No.53851766
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I'm a landlord and I have no intention on working, either we make it with crypto or humanity is simply doomed when governments start rolling out CBDCs tied to your carbon credit score.

Fuck your gay ass career, this isn't the 80s

>> No.53851779

Why not all 3? You can have a career, be a landlord, and invest heavily in crypto. I do it. Plenty of others do it. Sounds like you're lazy.

>> No.53851784

>6 year old said mommy its ok that you are working late your job changes the world
what compels women to make up such obvious bullshit like this its insane

>> No.53851790

stay poor

>> No.53852080

Because we're not a group of braindead coping wageslaves dreaming to climb the corporate ladder in a world full of nepotism which makes any possible effort an empty endeavor, also we still have our foreskin intact, that's why.

>> No.53852585

because they are all losers flat earth incel who "hate women" naziwannabesnoobs who have nothing and will never have, are unattractive pathetic neets who the only have to do is gamble and die slowly

>> No.53852776

Passive investing is the way forward. Glad NXRA is back so my liquidity mining and staking program continues.

>> No.53852786

>flat earth incel who "hate women" naziwannabesnoobs who have nothing
Wait, are talking about /biz or maincraft players? Ziiing

>> No.53852870

> Que the tears
I keep asking myself this as well.

>> No.53852917

>just work yourself to death 70 hours a week good goy and invest the money you have left over from 1500 dollar rent

>> No.53853008
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Fellow landlord chad reporting in
I don't want to wageslave and throw away my youth... Like what's the point of working if after your shift you don't have time or energy to waste your money?

i preffer to invest on crypto, fucking some hookers once a week and playing vydea...


fuck wageslaving or wasting years getting an memedegree ..
i'm going all in crypto in two months , i'm going to debtmaxx , i'm not going to pay back to the jews , i'm going to "make it" with shitcoins and i'll be happy

>> No.53853045

where else are the scammers supposed to promote their scams?

>> No.53853049
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I have a degree and I work for a stock exchange.

>> No.53853194
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Honestly I just want to be comfy. I’m debt free and most of my income comes from my own personal ventures/side projects while working part-time at an extremely low stress and unsupervised job. Dating doesn’t seem worth it and starting a family just seems like you’re asking for trouble unless everything is absolutely perfect, even then you’re life can get completely fucked on the whims of a woman. I’ve seen a good bit of my friends die already and I just want whatever time left here to be chill. I don’t need to be some C-Suite office slave with zero free time to accomplish that.

>> No.53853211

>entry level job for $40-50k/year,
entry level is 25-30k not 50k

>> No.53853364
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>> No.53853469

>Bro, trust me, this bat with dog coin is gonna make me rich, that's why I put all my bar mitzvah money in it!
Thought you had to be 18 to post here?

>> No.53853819

Happy to claim my NXRA and back to liquidity mining.

>> No.53854186

you're a NEET lmao

>> No.53854208

>careermaxxing and passive investing
Because this is basic shit any functioning adult is capable of but not everyone can find 100x shitcoins

>> No.53854216

why careermax when u can debtmax? i debtmaxxed over 250k and no consequences so far. i just max shit out and fuck off lol

>> No.53854392

then why can't anons do it?

>> No.53854494


Because most people on this board aren't adults.

>> No.53854685
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Everyone SHOULD be able to figure it out, but it functionally very, very few actually DO figure it out. Its simple, but not easy.

Most people are by definition, useless eaters. The fact that people in this thread assume "career maxing" means working 20 hours a day in the same dead end job instead of making their labor more valuable tells you everything. Look, I get it, a BS in English is no longer a guaranteed meal ticket, but you need to go out and get SOME KIND of training, education, certificates, ANYTHING to distinguish you from the horde of infinitely replaceable min-wage labor around you.

You work at Amazon? Get a forklift certification, and ask about getting HAZWOPER certified on top of that. Definitely get that one if you're also looking at CDLs for midsize truck delivery. And take advantage of that companies willingness to pay for career training.

Do you work in any office adjacent job where you're copying and pasting all day? Unironically learn to code baby stuff in Python and automate that shit. Take some online course that gives a cert for it too. Then when you look for a new job, you put that cert on your resume and talk about how you automated "x hrs a day" of busy work in addition to your actual job.

You work in an oil change shop? You be the asshole that's super picky about keeping things tidy. Tools always left out by the lifts? Well maybe their storage should be there. Hang a pegboard close by and make a shadow board with all the tools on it marked with colored tape to show which set they belong to.

The point is that you aren't "inviting more work" on yourself, its that you're the guy that's moving up the value-added chain in terms of what your labor does. And you make that case whenever you change jobs. Will you be paid more in your current role for doing this stuff? No, but by being able to point to it when you move, you actually have something going for you unlike everyone else.

>> No.53855709
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If you have a CDL, run a forklift, or work somewhere that may need an EHS guy, pay for this thing yourself if you can't convince the boss to do so for you:


It means that you and whoever else is certified are the only people that can move hazmats (a very broad category...). Which means that you instantly become more valuable.

>> No.53855871
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Anon, we need to have a talk..