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53843598 No.53843598 [Reply] [Original]

Shorting kda on margin edition!

>> No.53844121
File: 59 KB, 862x1296, gondola_neet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Owari da.

>> No.53844356

I'm losing so much money.

>> No.53845504

My cash is inflating away.

>> No.53845554
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$1 = $1

>> No.53845578

Hi Kevin, I would appreciate if the price of XCM goes higher and further away from the price floor.

>> No.53845606
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Zoom out.

>> No.53845778

Earning 0.45% on my KDA on Binance, the 20% on Coinmetro was better, but it is what it is.

>> No.53845860

Think about how much binance gets in margin fees on all those longs and shorts and liquidations. If you could "invest" in that with infinite liquidity it's probably at least 100% APY on fees.

>> No.53845906

>0.45% on my KDA on Binance
That sounds awful, I'd rather pay 0.45% to not have my funds on binancne

>> No.53845956

The longs and shorts are trading against each other so it equals to 0 or the price would move up or down.

Deposits were closed for a while on Binance yesterday, I sold all my KDA there and bought back on Kucoin, made about $300.

>> No.53846016

>I sold all my KDA there
No you didn't. It never existed and Binance are running a fractional reserve.

>> No.53846330

The other Anon is saying they're making huge profits, so who's right?
If CZ or Johnny Kucoin were malicious, they wouldn't let me get away with free money.
Could it be that you're intimidated by successful Asian males?

>> No.53846399

> so who's right?
You don't understand what was written, both people can be right in this senario. Stop drinking.

>> No.53846877

All Asian males are successful.

>> No.53846887


>> No.53846953

This is not a general thread and 4channel dot org is an imageboard not a voice clip board. I have removed your coin from my filters and will be reporting every single thread you make. I filtered your ID so won't see if you reply to this thread. I hope you get raped by aids positive niggers.

>> No.53847035

The only thing that can save XCM is Saudi money (not happening)

>> No.53847053
File: 657 KB, 500x281, 18593745352.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take off your tinfoil hat, start reading our profiles, papers, research, science, algos, technology and engineering. The truth always prevails, in time.
The Earth is round, we landed on the Moon and our company, Vector Space Biosciences, Inc. is working with most institutions, agencies, corps and launching companies to make sure we get back to the Moon, safely as humans. After that Europa and a nearby planet next to Proxima Centauri. Our tardigrades and CubeSats are leading the way. This is not a movie. Welcome to the future everyone!
There are very few things in the world like the sweet sensation of converting naysayers, FUDers, general haters, cheeto-eating tinfoil hat-wearing conspiracy theorists and shorts into buyers and higher prices.
Get ready to suit up!

>> No.53847350
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didn't want to be the first to bring that up but that was the funniest thing today.
>he's not reading their engineering

in other news I made my PC go to sleep mode so I can pretend to not sleep alone at night

>> No.53848908
File: 237 KB, 853x1000, (you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your id is gaey STD
go fuck your femboy insectoid shitholes faggot
smiting you with aids dumb ebola nigger tranny

>> No.53849279

I will never financially recover

>> No.53849934

Thanks for the bump.

>> No.53850053
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Someone post this to the vxv guy and ask him what's up with the company

>> No.53850395
File: 185 KB, 747x492, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's up with the company?

>> No.53850402

>92 more KB
You had one job

>> No.53850686

>jpeg twice the size of the exact same png

>> No.53850772
File: 533 KB, 658x1052, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao l2 >>53849630

>> No.53850794

Audibly wheezed. PoW just can't stop winning.

>> No.53850797
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>The Global Cryptocurrency Exchange
Not anymore

>> No.53851558
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We can't even make fun of dying worthless projects anymore without holders of living worthless projects using it as an opportunity to shill their bags.

>> No.53851663
File: 12 KB, 376x169, 2023-02-25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the perks of targeted advertising is that you're not confronted with the degeneracy of the masses.

>> No.53851675


>> No.53851679
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Karmic justice got me by the way. I had to pick up the package at the post office because they fail'd delivery.


>> No.53851933

You were probably sleeping during daytime again.

Not just regular ones, but with stoßfunktion.

>> No.53851980
File: 2 KB, 166x74, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You were probably sleeping during daytime again.
It was a couple days ago, I think they only knocked lightly on the door to the entry which had another closed door after it instead of using the doorbell. The doorbell is insanely loud, you cannot not hear it. I had to carry a ridiculously big box home. Arms spaghetti'd at the end.

I wonder what those electric shaky things feel like on the external genitalia of a male specimen. I bet someone has invented a procreation substance extractor that's like an inverse electric inserty dirty.

>> No.53852885

That's an odd translation, push function would be better here.

I think those kind of devices generally would either not be powerful enough to deliver or be too powerful to bring into contact with anything precious.

>> No.53853338

no problem gay std
it was 4 hours between the last post and wasn't going to get pruned regardless since jannies show favoritism towards you faggots since they are also baghodlers themselves.

>> No.53853919

This explains a lot of crypto projects perfectly

>> No.53855031
File: 517 KB, 874x1205, benchod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is your buy order still 12c?
It's probably gonna hit. Such an illiquid QQ coin.
Wonder if 10c is really iron wall.

>> No.53855262

It's still there to try and catch a dump.
If BTC keeps sussing I'll move it down, but I'll buy some at 0.1 or between 0.1 and 0.12 this summer.

>> No.53855991
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Gonna to read this https://github.com/djrtwo/writing/blob/main/docs/2023-02-23_2023-Reflections.md

>> No.53856412
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I see what you are trying to say but in context he wasn't commentating on conmen selling word salad like VXV he was talking about over engineering . He wants code to be beautiful which to him means to accomplish a task in as few LOC as possible. It is really hard to apply this to crypto although I am sure he would hate solidity.

>> No.53856476
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>I believe that a protocol that is sufficient for its task (secure-enough, extensible-enough, capacity-enough in our case) can have a coherent argument about its resultant ossified state.
I don't think this is possible outside of a post-scarcity economy.

>> No.53856489
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>> No.53856520
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We will have a pretty good idea on whether or not LCX is bankrupt or not on Wednesday.

>> No.53857134

I am honestly quite indifferent to whether or not being into traps makes me gay or not. I like traps, futas, and females so I guess I am bisexual. most people don't seem to understand however what this debate is actually about. it is people who's sexual attraction is based on tertiary gender indicators(people who like traps and claim its heterosexual), arguing that the tertiary traits are more important to sexual attraction then the primary one. where as people who claim traps are homosexual are asserting that the primary trait of dick or pussy is the important component to sexuality. a more nuanced description of the situation is guy who likes traps: prefers female tertiary traits but is indifferent to or prefers the primary trait as male. guy who is turned off by traps: prefers both tertiary and primary female traits. guy is attracted to guys: prefers both tertiary and primary male traits. this is where the confusion stems from for the people who claim traps are straight attraction to traps IS homosexual objectively but the situations are different enough to cause some people to want it to be classified separately. where as I don't care if it is classified as gay, call me gay then, or well bisexual I guess but it doesn't really matter to me call it cotton candyism for all I care, I am only interested in the topic from a (god this sound pretentious but it is the best word I have right now) philosophical perspective. well either way good video. ultimately the people who insist liking traps is straight are just being a little insecure about their identity I think.

>> No.53857138
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