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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53848445 No.53848445 [Reply] [Original]

Is it true if you move to another country, gain citizenship over there, and gain income that you'll get taxed by the u.s. AND by the new country you moved to unless you renounce your citizenship (but if you have 7 figs net worth, this government steals 50% of your assets)?

>> No.53848582

yup welcome to the jewnited states

>> No.53848591

Lol no?
What's the irs gonna do, come find you in a foreign country and audit you? Fuck em

>> No.53848594

they did it to qaddafi

>> No.53848688

You're welcome to be an American citizen, but you will NEVER actually be an American, ever.

>> No.53848983

I'm a prisoner to the jewish real estate of jewmerica. Would probably need to talk to a cpa accountant just to find some loophole to this madness

>> No.53849520

there's foreign tax credits that will null taxes you have to pay to the USA unless you're making over 100k in income
as for capital gains, depending on the country you will definitely have to pay to BOTH countries, even if you're not a citizen of the country you're living in, but there are utilities you can use to lessen your tax burden or even pay 0. an accountant / lawyer who knows international tax laws and treaties between countries can find ways.

>> No.53849528

>even if you're not a citizen of the country you're living in
That makes no fucking sense. Holy fuck, I hate jews

>> No.53849531

"If you are a U.S. citizen or a resident alien of the United States and you live abroad, you are taxed on your worldwide income. However, you may qualify to exclude your foreign earnings from income up to an amount that is adjusted annually for inflation ($107,600 for 2020, $108,700 for 2021, $112,000 for 2022, and $120,000 for 2023). In addition, you can exclude or deduct certain foreign housing amounts."

Foreign Earned Income Exclusion

>> No.53849579

Yes, I was researching it between the US and UK. I think trusts can be a vehicle to remove tax liability between these two, but the law is complicated and in certain cases the UK can still tax a US-based trust (ultimate keks). you only need to be a resident to get taxed.

>> No.53849594

In the EU, you only have to pay taxes once in any member state. And tax rates vastly differ per member state.
So if you're able to move to a member state with a low flat tax as a EU-citizen, you're golden.

>> No.53849606

>He can't spend like 30 minutes googling and reading this shit
>Doesn't know that the first ~100k is tax exempt on the US side in terms of earned income
>Doesn't realize that there is a massive tax loophole to be exploited here, usually in both the host country and the US simultaneously, if you happen to have a way of earning over 100k
>Thinks it'd be a smart idea to maybe renounce citizenship from the most powerful country in the world

You're in that weird gap where you're just smart enough to notice a problem but not quite smart enough to see how to flip it to your advantage.

>> No.53849608

or just work illegally and pay nuffin

>> No.53849890

just start a business and pump everything through there and base it out of a corporate tax haven then use company corporate accounts and debit cards for your expenses , or take out a loan every year and use your income to pay it back then u are taxed 0 because u made no money, that's what rich people do anon, think outside the box

>> No.53849895

I'm Canadian so I wouldn't know

>> No.53850612

Yeah, as soon as you get money move to taiwan. I'm serious. Go there, renounce citizenship and be taiwanese. This is the future.

>> No.53850630

This. Crypto made that so easy it is legit criminal. Haven't paid taxes since crypto collaterized loans were invented

>> No.53850647



>> No.53850657

pay the jizya , boyim

>> No.53851441

Yes, if you're going to do that move to puerto rico. One of the nice parts like Dorado del Mar or Palmas del Mar. It's just like florida pretty much but no taxes. Otherwise just pay your taxes and stop complaining.

>> No.53851459

I'm in this situation but I just don't file. IRS jannies can tongue my anus and chortle my balls.

>> No.53851466

>first 100k
lol who the fuck cares. Anything after 100k gets taxed still.
>mentions le loophole
>doesn't explain it
You're probably paying taxes even with that loophole, just move to puerto rico and call it a day. You only have to live there for half the year, the rest of the year you can come back and rent a place in the usa.

>> No.53851479
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>> No.53851484

>Doesn't realize that there is a massive tax loophole to be exploited here, usually in both the host country and the US simultaneously, if you happen to have a way of earning over 100k
oh its another case of rich people paying less taxes and americans cheering it on, how surprising

>> No.53851777

Can you explain a bit more about the taking out a loan to pay no taxes, is that a US only thing? I'm interested but unsure where to start looking for more info.

>> No.53852696

Someone give me some info.

>> No.53852943


if the country has an extradition treaty you are fucked

>> No.53852968

You know whats better than all this stupid bullshit and paperwork? Just simply not being forced to pay taxes on overseas earned income, like literally every other country on the fucking planet.

>> No.53853787

Mostcountries have treaties with the us, where paying taxes there means it's not taxed in the US, except income over 125k.

>> No.53854105

There are some deductions available to prevent double-taxation, but it's not unlimited. Most people who renounce citizenship do so for tax reasons. Boris Johnson was born in New York and renounced because our taxes were bad even to a bongopoor like him.

Yes. Look into FATCA. The U.S. wouldn't dare allow one of its subjects to not pay tribute, especially one of the filthy White men who have the money to go overseas. They must pay for Jamal's bastard children.

>> No.53854432

It’s true that you have to FILE taxes in both countries but only have to pay taxes in your country of residence.

Look it up, it’s true. Sucks because double paper work but you do not get taxed twice.

>> No.53854470

They don't extradite for fucking taxes you assclown

This entire board is just children making shit up

>> No.53854483

Why would I explain the loophole on earned income while living abroad? You could work it out for yourself.

>rich people
>earned income under 120k usd