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53848309 No.53848309 [Reply] [Original]

Bitcoin has revealed the greatest capital misallocation in human history. If you hold traditional finance products, you are fucked.

"You want to invest your money and watch it grow" - Its a saying as old as time, but why? Why do I want my money to grow?

What is the single biggest driver of investment? Inflation.

Since the abandonment of the gold standard, investments no longer occur naturally, out of a mutually beneficial interest in a company who you believe to generate return on your capital in excess of the cash rate. Investments are now a requirement for every single person. If you choose to not invest, you will watch the capital you have worked so hard to accrue evaporate from inflation over time. The entire population is in a race to avoid inflation by throwing every cent spare into the markets.

So what happens to the price of stocks if inflation ceased? They crash. hard. harder than you could ever imagine. There is no longer a requirement for you to invest and expose yourself to risk. You could hold your cash knowing it retains its value, risk-free.

This is race to avoid inflation is the greatest capital misallocation in history, and there was never an alternate option until now. Until Bitcoin.

Those of you left in the traditional capital markets will be wiped out almost completely. You hold stocks nobody truly wants, but is forced to hold lest their capital evaporates.

You are all buying the absolute top of the absolute top of the absolutely top of the greatest fucking mistake human finance has ever created.

Buy and hold BTC. Do not be the last people holding these bags when the big players move across to the BTC standard.

>> No.53848326

I will not be surprised if this thread is archived with zero interest from all of you, because it's obvious none of you see this. Its obvious none of you truly understand economics, and believe generating a few good returns on an investment qualify you as an expert.

you are all fucked. you are all absolutely fucked.

>> No.53848330

How much BTC to make it

>> No.53848341

Take 21 million BTC and divide it by 8 billion people. You want to be in the top 1% of rich humans on earth? Multiply your number by 100.

0.25 BTC and you will be comfortably within the 1%

>> No.53848348

Thanks anon you seem smart and I appreciate your post I will now buy .25 BT C soon

>> No.53848363

What you say is correct anon but how long will this take?

>> No.53848373

It is already happening

>> No.53848383
File: 71 KB, 1024x1024, D693695C-090D-4F9C-BACA-BD0D897C7D03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All investments are in a bubble because people are just trying to escape inflation
>You should buy bitcoin instead because it’s different from all those other investments somehow, and definitely not in a bubble.
>Why? Because it just is OK!! Stop asking questions!
I even hold 1 bitcoin but this is just weapons grade hopium at this point

>> No.53848390

Bitcoin is different as it cannot be inflated. Bitcoin would be valueless if its supply could be increased beyond 21m.

The value in Bitcoin comes from how this supply cap is maintained: The proof of work model.

>> No.53848400
File: 115 KB, 992x530, mtgox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm selling as soon as I get my 155 coins. HURRY UP!!!! I wanna buy stocks.

>> No.53848402

Btw March 2020 and 2022 gave us ample data for how Bitcoin performs in macro bear markets, and it wasn’t pretty. You really think BTC will just magically decouple from stocks when the next crash happens?

>> No.53848407

>two data points
>ample data

>> No.53848443

Can you point me to a time Bitcoin outperformed stocks during a market crash?

>> No.53848469

Bitcoin has outperformed every financial asset in human history

>> No.53848472

What happens if we revert back to the gold standard?

>> No.53848494

It would give governments a fighting chance in the new financial world, however BTC would still replace it.

The only threat to BTC is a digital currency with the exact properties of BTC but could be exchanged for Gold trustlessly and instantly. The ability to send physical gold atoms over the internet without restriction would replace BTC

>> No.53848501

>nooo don't let da gubbiment steal your money through inflation
>let cryptobros and corpos steal your money instead through pump and dump scams and exchange bank runs

just buy land and/or shares in strong real businesses that will survive anything short of global nuclear war. precious metals are kinda shit (at best a store of wealth, not an investment) but still a million times better then magical internet money or holding fiat long term.

>> No.53848503
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>> No.53848515

Pump and dumps are not Bitcoin
Centralized exchanges are not Bitcoin

>> No.53848522
File: 158 KB, 1861x718, photo_2021-09-27_18-19-49-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bitcoin would be valueless if its supply could be increased beyond 21m.
It's supply *could* be increased past 21 million. All it would take is miner consensus or another inflation bug.
In fact the supply has broken 21 million (increasing to over 184 BILLION) in the past and it resulted in a chain rollback, which should put to rest any talk of bitcoin being an immutable ledger, but maxipads have never been fans of the truth.
Whether it *would* happen AGAIN is another issue entirely.
Maybe before you start claiming to know the secret future of the world economy you should learn the public past of what you're shilling, you retarded faggot.

>> No.53848528

transferring BTC on chain has a transaction fee around $1485 USD, the only way to practically own and use BTC is using an exchange or L2 network, either way you don't really own it

>> No.53848530

I have 1 BTC already. Should I get some ETH too or just double down on more BTC you guys think?

>> No.53848532

Yet, here it is. 21M Bitcoin.

>> No.53848541

Depends which stocks, big tech companies yes you are correct they will all come down massively in their valuations but commodity producing company’s will soak up all the value. You can even mine bitcoin without commodities like metals for the computers, fuels for the electricity that powers the computer

>> No.53848542
File: 29 KB, 1065x444, Capture2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$1.48USD on the Bitcoin network
Cents on the Lightning network

>> No.53848550

This capital misallocation is not quarantined to only tech stocks

>> No.53848562

Real estate is probably the biggest misalocation, but even that will be resilient because people need a house to survive. The things people actually need will stay elevated but things people don’t need will be completely thrown out

>> No.53848596

so a Star Trek-tier utopian pipedream?

>> No.53848608

>Real estate is probably the biggest misalocation
Is this thread just a couple of bots talking to each other?

>> No.53848793

Yeah but that's because nobody is using it now. Look at 2021.

>> No.53849072

For the foreseeable future, yes.

Bitcoin is a direct upgrade to how our species understands and applies capital. If a hyper advanced alien civilization was to rate our capital system it would have taken our species from an E or D grade to a B+

>> No.53849080

If you are concerned mining fees are too high you should run a mining operation. sounds extremely lucrative.

>> No.53849086

*nigger* *faggot*

>> No.53849090

No I won't, because I know nobody would spend $50 on a transaction.

>> No.53850568

bumping the only non pajeet thread on biz
Honestly these retards dont deserve to be spoonfed by you