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File: 49 KB, 1536x768, 2-bsv-logo-engtag-full-1-1536x768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53847544 No.53847544 [Reply] [Original]

It's over, isn't it?

>> No.53847566

no, and if you dont understand i dont have time to explain it to you. dont like it stiff

>> No.53847580


>> No.53847645

It never even started. It was never a chance.

>> No.53847716

It had to have begun first.
Alas, it was all just a rancid scheme by poxy scammers. But, its not like you couldn't have figured that from the start. Given the prior records of all involved as poxy scammers.

>> No.53847884

Everyone was telling you it was a scam from the beginning. You just refused to listen. You followed the cult of Craig and unless you mortgaged your house to buy the shitcoin hopefully you can start over and rebuild any lost fortunes you had. Some are too far gone to save, and don't even want to be saved.

>> No.53847902

It never started.

>> No.53847966

it's over when you get stiff. are you stiff yet? or just thinking about it?

>> No.53847975

no, but as long as tether is allowed to exist and manipulate the market, bsv might as well be dead

>> No.53847979

He bought.
Does being stiffed count?

>> No.53848008

>you had 4 years

>> No.53848010

Not that I'm justifying it, but if(when) Tether goes titsup, there will be bigger immediate issues than the current absolute state of Calvin's scamcoin.

>> No.53848073

you fucking moron you think i would touch this crap? i'm just here to repay these retards for all the 2018 stiffposting.

>> No.53848091

Le squeeze has not been le squoze just wait until the courts order Bitcoin and Ethereum to shut down and be transferred directly to my pineapple piggy bank

>> No.53848599

The most depressing coin in crypto history

>> No.53848895

The rise and rise of Craig Wright

>> No.53849128
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delet this and buy more btc

>> No.53850708

There were 3 Creg believers who did just that kinglutron was one and a guy named edreams. They took equity out of their family home and bought BSV above $250. Imagine how rekt some of these retards are. The worst part is the DAA is constantly gamed. Most of the bsv shouldn't exist for many years but our inflation is extremely high because of the 2 min blocktimes we keep seeing. Miners are milking the DAA and crushing the price to get their shorts to pay out.

>> No.53850780

It never really started

>> No.53850809

lmao some people actually fell for it and bought a huge BSV bag
one of you are probably reading this message right now kek

>> No.53850829

It never started to begin with, anon

>> No.53850836
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>> No.53851430
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I have diamond hands on ORN, but you don’t have it on BTC.

>> No.53851460

Diamond hands is actually a bad thing. You need to be able to pivot and sell to stables according to market.

>> No.53851474

>It's over, isn't it?
no, it never began, and it will never begin
nigger faggot

>> No.53851485

based and stiff pilled

>> No.53851542

How are you going to pivot you bags when market is not moving and we are at the bottom.

>> No.53851544

2k Orn in my bags.

>> No.53851891

we know you have a disfunction anon, you don't need to talk about your flaccid penis all the time

>> No.53853437

the craig vs core court case is going to upheave the prevailing thought consensus on crytpo, it will show decisively that crypto is not beyond the reach of the law.
that developers are responsible for their actions.
that craig has hard undeniable proof he is satoshi.
the funny thing is the onramps to the lifeboat that is bsv are all gone. There's not going to be a way for the average scrub to get their hands on bsv using their existing rapidly declining in value crypto.
no one in the bsv camp will trade bsv for link or btc or bch or eth or anything. you had your chance, insteae you chose purely speculative shit coins, you reap what you sow

>> No.53853488

Sign the block Craig

>> No.53853533

It's already happening but these crypto niggers are WAY WAY WAYYYYY too fucking stupid to see it. Can put it right in front of their negroid eyes and their brains just shut off.

>> No.53853561
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Itchy fingers like yours will get you rekt in this space. Develop a diamond hand on your bags. My bags are heavy on BOND, UTK, and FLUK and I don't intend to sell low and buy back higher.

>> No.53853572

b*v shills tongue my anus (it smells like coffee)

>> No.53853574

kind of like this stupid NIGGER

>> No.53853579

b*v shills tongue my anus (it smells like coffee)

>> No.53853662

CTRL F "Craig"
CTRL F "Calvin"

it's crazy how well the LARP works
I always thought that the idea was ridiculous, that nobody would buy it
but it fucking works

I'm not talking about the shills, paid to talk about BSV
I'm talking about the haters and the bagholders, they don't seem to understand the whole point of having an australian alcoholic LARPing about being satoshi

>> No.53853698
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>They took equity out of their family home and bought BSV
That sentence gave me literal shudders.

>> No.53853815
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>that sentence made me literally quake, I'm shaken up and don't think I can recover.

>> No.53853899

How much debt did you take on to buy BSV?

>> No.53853929
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>just the proposal of this question made me literally soil myself. Just the thought of my financial losses made me turn off my light and hide under my bed.

>> No.53854378
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Hard Undeniable Proof that creg is satoshi just flew over my house! Closely followed by a giant grinning pineapple, a UPS driver in a gimp suit muttering ''I'm late, I'm late, for a very important date" and, bringing up the rear, Calvin Ayres Credibility!

>> No.53854431
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He thinks price is an argument.

>> No.53854636

are you gonna say this when bsv reaches $0.1 too?

>> No.53854783

it never even began

>> No.53854810

Bear market rallies are the strongest. They suck in a lot of fresh meat that will get housed when it goes sub 15k. And then they will sell down there and drive the price to 10k. I think it's a buy around $3500

>> No.53854830

No, but it’ll probably only go down to $5-10 at the lowest. Too many smart people looking for buying opps with dry powder.

>> No.53855727

imagine trusting random faggots on an armenian mole skinning forum over the man Satoshi Nakamoto directly entrusted with the Bitcoin project.
Gavin Andresen says Craig is Satoshi, he never changed his opinion on this. He witnessed Craig sign with Satoshi's keys, he provided witness statements to back up his opinion.
But no, trust all these anonymous accounts instead, surely you're not this naive right?

>> No.53855753
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good grief yes its over except in the tiny little bubble clown world where everythings still fine

>> No.53855773

Where can I sell my Satoj Versions these days? Does kucoin still work?

>> No.53855918
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delisted from fucking everywhere for the simple reason that the bsv network doesnt physically work anymore, let alone the fact that it is owned and run by an international criminal conspiracy which, surprise surprise, exchanges dont want to touch after everything that happened recently.
you were warned for years and you had your chance to get out, now you dine in hell.

>> No.53856020

>the craig vs core court case is going to upheave the prevailing thought consensus on crytpo
Even if he wins in a technicality, the Bitcoin core devs, implement whatever code they the court orders them to implement, what makes you think that miners will adopt that change? Were you even around during the block size wars?
They would just be making another fork. And this me being super charitable to your argument that faketoshi is "going to win". If he "wins" you have yet another fork that no one in their right mind would use because it upends the one valuable thing about Bitcoin, the security of the network.

>> No.53856101

>Network doesn't work
>BSV delisted because scam, yet proven ponzi schemes are listed right until the end
> international criminal conspiracy
Lmao. Lies won't save you in the end.

>> No.53856230
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save me from what you fucking skinjob. you subhuman piece of autistic trash. you should be more concerned about whos gonna save you on the day of the cleansing.

>> No.53856260
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usted no está basado señor

>> No.53856434

legal fines / punishments for users running node versions that enable money laundering and theft.
you guys have no idea what is coming.
You could have had btc go mainstream if adoption and big blocks were allowed to continue BEFORE the state had a chance to react. Instead the blockstream fuckwits stopped adoption and use giving the State time to ramp up their regulations. Now you play by our rules or you don't play at all.

>> No.53856503

>legal fines / punishments for users running node versions that enable money laundering and theft
Cringe Wrong doesn't get coins because he lost the keys and now that's money laundering? That's retarded.
>you guys have no idea what is coming.
I can only guess, but bsv will continue to slide into irrelevancy.
>You could have had btc go mainstream if adoption and big blocks were allowed to continue BEFORE the state had a chance to react.
If big blocks mattered more than small blocks, then the big block chains would be more popular than the small block chains. This didn't happen, so maybe block size isn't the most important thing?

>> No.53856653
File: 184 KB, 1127x1316, micropayments.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big blocks are the superior system clearly, you just have to look at the fees for sending a transaction on btc, visa and bsv
bsv wins by miles with its 0.0001 usd fees and later even lower
visa takes multiple % of the transaction value plus a flat 10 cents on every transaction it processes, which is obscene
btc is a fluctuating $3 but its slow, the more users the higher it costs because of the small blocks
bsv can accommodate much more than both
if the world population really knew what bsv was capable of, every business would use it for accepting payments and cut out the visa jews from taking their % slice of every pie
doesn't even mention bsv
bitcoin was designed for sub $1 micropayments as craig always says as did satoshi
BSV is the clear winner for global payments and it's potential is unrivalled

>> No.53856684
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>it will show decisively that crypto is not beyond the reach of the law
hello caveman
you've been living inside a rock
oasis already beat you to the punch and altered a contract to rug a hacker by court order

>> No.53856705

>yet proven ponzi schemes are listed right until the end
that's because even your light nodes have sync issues lmao

>> No.53856795

>big blocks are the superior system clearly
Again, reality doesn't support this, otherwise the Blockchains with lower fees would be more popular than the Blockchains with higher fees. Ethereum gas fees would have destroyed Ethereum, and Bitcoin would have died off long ago. As stated previously, this didn't happen. So maybe, just maybe, if you can rub the last brain cell you have against itself, that block size and transaction fees don't matter as much as other qualities/features these chains have?

>> No.53856829

btc can do more micropayments on ln per sec than you can per day on bsv.

>> No.53856870


>> No.53856928

>the craig vs core court case
what's the latest on this? what timeframe are we looking at?

>> No.53856972

>by court order
doesn't that just prove his point? i.e. that crypto isn't beyond the reach of the law

>> No.53857004

they don't have any worthwhile features, people just follow along like sheep, it was the same with vaccines. most people don't think for themselves. barely anyone does their own research. bsv isn't promoted like eth and btc, but even spending a few hours clearly shows bsv blows everything away
>throughput is out of this world
>lowest fees
>you can send $100billion or 1cent and pay the same fee, its real equality
people have fomoed in now and are holding bags from 70k so there's a whole crowd that are married to their losses
never, btc transactions are capped at around 300k~ per day
globally, that is not enough to scale for worldwide adoption, even if L1 is for "settlement". businesses can't wait to get paid once a month or whatever and neither can employees
go away and take your shitty LN with you

>> No.53857030

it proves how insignificant the bsv fags are
also, understanding how and why is a big deal here

>the hack has occurred fairly recently
>the contract is upgradable, which makes this technically possible
>there is no delay between the order and the execution

with the precedent now set, you need:
>proof of the hack made fairly quickly and with no bullshit
>a technical means of execution
both of which calvin does not possess
he wants
>a hardfork
>a "can spend" flag over multiple addresses with no proof
>a restitution for a "hack" from years ago, which wasn't reported to the authorities right away
basically you are never getting anything lmao

>> No.53857049
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>> No.53857060

listen, maybe I wasn't clear enough, so let me put it very clearly for you:

others do what your LARPboy says he is going to do, in a very quick and no-bullshit matter
a hack occurred? they went to the cops and got a court order because there was a way to rug the hacker

you retards don't even have a police report filled
the reason is very obvious: calvin doesn't care about any fucking coins, all he wants is the LARP to divert attention away from him

>> No.53857070

they are attempting to force btc devs to fulfil fiduciary duties. i.e commies that think they don't have to
it's a lot different to a shitcoin smart contract scam token

>> No.53857088

The part that stands out to me though is the origin of the precedent. What case is this court order based upon?

>> No.53857135

they say they were made aware of the exploit just 5 days before they received the court order, which isn't enough turnaround time for a new high court order to be established/imposed, its something that had to have already been established from a previous case. oasis aren't commenting any further for the time being though so we don't have the details.

>> No.53857164

>they are
just say calvin bro

>> No.53857214

it doesn't matter, but sure. calvin.
calvin is part of satoshi now. he's saving bitcoin as much as craig is

>> No.53857313

>barely anyone does their own research
For shit that's not important to them, why would they?
>bsv isn't promoted like eth and btc
Yes BTC and ETH doesn't have paid shills posting on reddit and 4chan.
>people have fomoed in now and are holding bags from 70k so there's a whole crowd that are married to their losses
Or, they see it as more valuable for the other features it has. Like the lightning network, the most hash power, the fact it's decentralized, the fact that no central authority can take that asset away, and those are just a few features that bsv doesn't have. there's many more, hell, just the amount of software development around Bitcoin and all the software companies building stuff on top of it is itself a huge value gain over most other Blockchains.

>> No.53857615

they don't realize it's possibilities because they're dumb sheep. bsv is in the stealth phase
btc and eth have a whole brigade of youtube and twitter s 0 y boys, media companies and investment jews and even actors
>it's time to buy and here's why!
>Yes BTC and ETH doesn't have paid shills posting on reddit and 4chan.
>Hollywood A-lister Matt Damon fronted a crypto ad with the slogan "Fortune favours the brave," in October 2021. It played out at the Super Bowl and has been viewed 28 million times on Twitter and YouTube.
l o l
hash power doesn't mean anything, we saw what happened when a lone miner tried to fuck with bsv, the legitimate miners banded together and continued while ignoring the attacker. no drama.
lightning network - trash
"decentralized" - don't make me laugh, two miners control over 50%
nobody is developing anything on btc

>> No.53857784
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>hash power doesn't mean anything, we saw what happened when a lone miner tried to fuck with bsv
You concede that hash power matters.when you say that an attacker had to be dealt with. The same guy wouldn't be able to do that same thing with BTC without much deeper pockets
>lightning network - trash
>"decentralized" - don't make me laugh, two miners control over 50%
Ok let's compare that with bsv (pic related)
>nobody is developing anything on btc
Objectively false, otherwise lightning network wouldn't exist, hell, the ordinals thing is only a few weeks old. Podcasting is using it for payments now, and zaps thing from nostr is now using it. These are all new things didn't exist 2 years ago and some didn't exist 2 months ago.

>> No.53858683

> Podcasting is using it for payments now, and zaps thing from nostr is now using it.
You mean like how TokenMeet is using NFTs to sell tickets to podcast live streams for micropayments?
Would you rather listen to another advertisement for mail chimp or just pay $.10 per episode and not be the product for a change?
Available only on bitcoin (ticker: BSV)