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File: 3.64 MB, 2108x1615, communistswillseethe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53839054 No.53839054 [Reply] [Original]


enviromentalists coping roping, seething, dial8ing, on suicide watch.
clean energy, clean bitcoins, clean money. powered by atomic energy. LFG BOYS

>> No.53839082

2 more weekerinos

>> No.53839099
File: 515 KB, 1000x1000, goldensiminem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's mining right now.
>To answer some questions.
>One, I'm on the nuke side. I can't speak to detailed financials other than we make em for 10k and sell them every Friday at market price.
>From my understanding that 10k includes the buildings, which were no where near a billion dollars. Not sure where that idea came from.
>We're into the coins 50/50 with the company that owns the machines.
>We also provided them a fixed rate of power price which is better than the utility would give them. It's also a rate for us better than the grid.
>This is behind the meter power. We are taking it off the grid because it's better for us.
>All in, when we're done, 1000-1200 mWs will go to our digital campus and not the grid.
>This is land we owned.
>Finally, LOL at naysayers. I'll pass your concerns to finance guys running this.

>> No.53839113

>at only $10k per coin!
>$150B for the plant
>and $500B and 75 years for the decommisioning

>> No.53839143

nuclear is cleaner than coal and fossil fuels.
>I assume the nuclear plant is already there. This is excess energy production otherwise wasted on a grid that simply can't utilize all of the power created. The miners are taking advantage directly at the source. Soon, hash rate wars of nation states are going to make this a REAL thing.

>> No.53839197

Assuming this is real, good for them, maybe it'll solve the issue of new nuclear powerplants taking about 16 years to generate a profit on the investment.

>> No.53839317

Lol, for a moment I thought that was in Ukraine.

It's located in PA, US, so even more mining centralized in the US. Not great. Not terrible.

>> No.53839403

Nuclear power is just steam bro

>> No.53839889

We can all build nuclear silos in our backyard.

>> No.53839920

better here than China

>> No.53839922

Environmentalists already hate on it: https://www.ewg.org/news-insights/news-release/2023/02/bitcoin-miner-greenwashing-claims-nuclear-powered-crypto

>> No.53840170

checked, this makes me hard

>> No.53840274

>"Bitcoin can follow ethereum’s lead and make a code switch that will dramatically lower its electricity use and the high financial burden that comes with it" said Formuzis
As usual, (((they))) are trying to make btc worthless

>> No.53840325

they're so full of shit.

>> No.53840368

> said Formuzis

>> No.53840540

Nukeplants produce less radioactivity per joule of electricity than coal does.

>> No.53842003
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>> No.53842170

What mining company is this?

>> No.53842230

this is bearish because nuclear powered asic warehouses will be the only way to compete, driving prices down as their unit cost is much lower than competitors. it is over I'm afraid

>> No.53842341
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>> No.53842687

just buy more then

>> No.53842741

if I buy more this just gives nuclear miners more money to expand their operations and become more efficient and invent fusion to drive the price down to zero with infinite energy. it is over I'm sorry

>> No.53842777
File: 82 KB, 398x270, 2023-02-24 13 10 37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his son is a fucking s 0 y meme

>> No.53842801

This is actually bullish. Bitcoin mining has found a way to improve energy inefficiencies. Bitcoin mining is here to stay.
Op linked a message board and it's funny to read the comments from clueless boomers talk about tulips. Good lucked with your overvalued shit stocks denominated in dollars.

>> No.53842829


>> No.53842885

unfortunately as bitcoin becomes more energy efficient it means that only the most energy efficient miners will be competitive and they will sell their yields to remain operational while their competitors are forced out by the decreasing unit cost of bitcoin, it is quite over

>> No.53842912


Fusion isn't coming any time soon Anon

>> No.53842952

yeah it's hilarious.
when I heard 2 "Tech" guys tell me they thought BTC was a scam a few months ago, I knew the bottom was about in. If you hold 1 BTC by this point, congrats you've made it. enjoy the ride brothers.

>> No.53842968

Haven't you thought that perhaps, ONLY perhaps, that plant may have been built for another purpose prior to mining?
Absolutely retarded.

>> No.53842980
File: 640 KB, 1159x683, 9FC4558A-1AEE-4218-A686-E62FD55BF37D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a bump. Bitcoin is revolutionizing the energy sector, and selling back the grid during peak demand to stabilize and make energy cheaper for consumers. Fucking mind blowing.

>> No.53842996

It’s already happening at a few sites already retard.

>> No.53843010

I still don't understand why people believe nuclear isn't clean.
Governments cracking down nuclear is almost criminal.

>> No.53843013

Proof of work is pretty retarded at this point when you can create a mathematical analogue that creates the same outcome. Hopefully someone will devise a better consensus mechanism than traditional Proof of Stake where you can use hyperfinancialization to acquire larger stake in a network (I mean, you can do the same with bitcoin, there are just more steps involved). But burning through a bunch of energy honestly is pretty retarded and pajeet-tier.

>> No.53843030

To keep the nuke hoax going

>> No.53843034

They don't believe it is clean because no matter what, you need secure ways to dispose of the nuclear waste. I don't know much about modern nuclear energy creation though.

>> No.53843039

>I still don't understand why people believe nuclear isn't clean.
Decades of propaganda every time a reactor has a problem.
Chernobyl was a terrible fucking design but it's hard to explain to people that the root cause was Russians being penny-pinching retards who built suicide modes into their power plants rather than NUKES ARE LE BAD.

>> No.53843044

>because no matter what, you need secure ways to dispose of the nuclear waste
Did you know that one of the best shielding materials in the universe is water? Dig a fucking hole, fill it with water, put the nuke waste in it. You're done. The whole Yucca Mountain meme was because someone conned the federal government into banning underwater storage.

>> No.53843057
File: 366 KB, 770x548, 1676845257879554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dyson sphere powered bitcoin mining
>1 btc selling for 100 trillion dollars
>not buying at 23k low

NGMI you had your chance to a seat in the low orbit mars space citadel and blew it playing with your linkies and ethereums

>> No.53843059

the same people putting their absolute faith into the financial system/government because "we need people to solve glitches" are the same who decry nuclear power because "human error makes them too dangerous"

>> No.53843071

yeah, and JUST how is the Fukushima RE market getting on these days?
>or chernobyl, for that matter

>> No.53843089

>the bitcoin maxi brags about miners dumping the price to pay for operations
>it’s so heckin cool that entire countries and big corporations secure the blockchain!

>> No.53843107

anon in the year 2100 after 99.99% of btc has been mined the dyson sphere around the sun will provide all necessary hashpower to win every block reward for the low price of $1 per block, at this price I'd say bitcoin is already quite overvalued as it is and it is unequivocally over

>> No.53843118

>Sell em at market price every friday
Bobo bros, our time is coming

>> No.53843165

Why not just dump it in the ocean?

>> No.53843177

What is your point, that we should stop using cars because there are accidents too? Trains? Planes? Don't go to the beach in case you drown?

>> No.53843188

If the container breaks open then bottomfeeders could get irradiated. I have no idea why dropping it in the abyssal plain wouldn't work.

>> No.53843192


this is actually pretty amazing, desu senpai

>> No.53843216
File: 3.83 MB, 640x414, 738FA639-D8DD-4E78-85BA-C8792C228092.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1$=1 dsd (dyson sphere dollar)

>> No.53843227

I'm not sure I understand. You said that water is one of the best shielding materials. What would the container holding it be made out of? If it is something stronger than water, why not just seal it in a bunch of whatever that material is...?

>> No.53843232
File: 390 KB, 1200x630, story-radioactive-boy-scout-david-hahn-fb66[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japs are way ahead of you on this anon
I am not aware of any 'car or train accidents' that have rendered multiple huge areas of the earth uninhabitable for the next few centuries. And we managed this in the space of a few decades. The floor, however, is yours.

>> No.53843235

>drop waste in the mariana trench
>it sinks down to the earths core and is recycled back into nutrients
doesn't get greener than that

>> No.53843241

How many people did the radiation from Fukushima kill?

>> No.53843253


bro, have you ever seen Godzilla?

>> No.53843258

Thats the fun part
We will never know the *actual* total.
Will we.

>> No.53843266

Why did you use so many words to type zero?

>> No.53843276

>I'm not sure I understand.
You're missing the distinction between "structurally strong" and something that absorbs a lot of neutrons. Water absorbs practically all radiation other than visible light after 2-3m, but if a barrel breaks open, animals can swim directly up to it and touch the radioisotopes.

>> No.53843279
File: 130 KB, 1910x1000, 4A69939E-57B2-451C-8101-571E665843D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>send money to anyone with a smart phone
>more global than credit card
>no goyim score
>no muh credit card tax
>no board of directors using as cash atm machine to line their pockets
>boomers kvetching and seething
>>rat poison

Oy vey it’s a shoah

>> No.53843284

you'll be buying some cheap Fukushima RE yourself then, and munching on the local produce?
Of fucking course you wont.
BUT you wont need to, not now.
Its swimming towards you anyway.

>> No.53843313
File: 1.70 MB, 1324x2048, 1677271602696.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fukushima literally isn't dangerous

>> No.53843373

>you'll be buying some cheap Fukushima RE yourself then, and munching on the local produce?
What are the current populations of Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

>> No.53843413

Lead. Lead is THE best shielding material. Shield reactors usually consist of Lead tank with heavy water inside it.
>t. Used to work on nuclear reactors.

>> No.53843420

>only my harm of choice is valid
Car accidents end the lives of tons of people every year. Why are you downplaying the importance of this (Other than because it doesn't suit your narrative)?
If you issue is chernobyl and fukushima the solutions are very simple:
Don't penny pinch like a commie fuck and don't set up plants in a seismic active places.
The exclusion zone is not even that big, anyways.

>> No.53843456

*to add on to this…we don’t cover reactors completely in lead because the amount of lead you would need to reduce radiation to safe levels would be a tremendous amount of weight bearing down on top of the reactor core that could warp or damage the reactor and potentially release Fission products.

>> No.53843497


>> No.53843523

Even worse... they own literally shiny rocks LMAO

>> No.53843550


>> No.53843690

how many people have coal mining accidents killed? how many oceans ruined from oil spills?
>>53843039 >>53843059 yep
the future is now.

>> No.53844000

You have to admit nuclear powered number milling is pretty damn silly

>> No.53844069

This. Nukes would be incentivized to periodically sell their Bitcoin to be profitable which would serve their investors and preserve the decentralization of Bitcoin at the same time.

>> No.53844085

It is, unless someone manually fucks it up the fuel is incredibly easily recycled too.

>> No.53844107

A country like the US can have competing interests within mining. Saying that a lot of mining is done in the US is not the same as saying that the government is doing all of it.

>> No.53844196

this is bearish because nuclear powered asic warehouses will be the only way to compete, giving governments a bottleneck to fuck us all

>> No.53844201

How much diesel is used in the mining of uranium I wonder. Probably the dirtiest part of the process. Mining the earth is never clean

>> No.53844346

All of Switzerland's nuclear waste since the 70's fits in a room no bigger than a grade school gymnasium. And its only like 1/3 full.

>> No.53844404

Really weird how anti-nuke retards want to cry about the 3 nuclear disasters of any severity but conveniently ignore all the numerous uncapped oil spills currently slaughtering life in the ocean. But that doesn't count because reasons.

>> No.53844437

based, good for you man. How did you get this setup?

>> No.53844445
File: 82 KB, 193x301, 6m857698m568m556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine you're a utility company weighing whether it's best to sell energy or to just waste it mining BTC because it's more profitable.
I am thrilled that the Gretas of the world have to watch this happen.

>> No.53844514

>10k per coin

>> No.53844654
File: 111 KB, 1161x649, 1677182322070067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats it, bitcoin is now intractable.

>> No.53844708

>Mining the earth is never clean
(((renewables)))faggots never seem to understand that though

>> No.53844760

that's pretty good

>> No.53845266

>engineered to kill central banking
yeah it's incredible.

>> No.53845292

meanwhile ocean gets FUCKED over by big fishing, too. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt14152756/
big oil, big fishing, big consumer

>> No.53845308

If you put it that way, I'm all for this given how I'm already very pro-nuclear.

>> No.53845317

What does this mean for miners like RIOT?

>> No.53845374
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And meanwhile the bsv people are trying to sell the technology to central banks that will be used to monetarily enslave us all with finality, picrel.

>> No.53845600

Honestly it's pretty depressing. If bitcoin cements its status as the world reserve currency then it will become the norm to have your entire financial life transparent to the public. That's what's always kept me from using it, we are already living in an ever-worsening surveillance state, why the fuck should ANYBODY be diving headfirst into bitcoin in its current form. It boggles my mind, but here we are.

>> No.53845791

Thats not correct though. LN payments are private by definition, there are many different coinjoin based techniques for onchain privacy, taproot enables methods to make complex privacy enabling multiparty scripts indistinguishable from the most basic spends to anyone except the parties themselves etc. Its not 2012 anymore.

>> No.53845863

LN still has to settle on a public ledger.

>> No.53846142

Eventually yes, but everything that happened in the meantime remains private and ephemeral.