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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53843146 No.53843146 [Reply] [Original]

it's okay to admit you missed out on buying a house and will have to rent forever. what's not okay is living in the delusion that house prices will crash soon. i want what's best for you, anon. renting forever isn't so bad. you can still live a fulfilling life paying other people's mortgages. at least you can pick up and move whenever you want, at the cost of breaking your 14 month lease of course.

>> No.53843733

prices did crash hard, last year
but the thing about crashes is:
- they happen and the retards who didn't see it coming, now predict a harder crash
- a harder crash doesn't come, because the idiots in the bottom can't see that it's the bottom

this is why people like longing in fiat pairs
because a mistimed long eventually goes green
a mistimed short never goes green

>> No.53843843
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>> No.53843857
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maybe this one

>> No.53843868

mao was right

>> No.53843904

I'm a poor incel who lives vicariously through influencers and streamers while being dead inside.

I don't care.

>> No.53843918

Cope. You will capitulate

>> No.53843920
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Your time will come, parasite

>> No.53844040

Keep seething rentoid. If you hate landlords so much, then don't rent from them. Your cultural revolution fantasy is never coming true because guess what: landlords in this country are heavy armed and will have no qualms about putting down a mob of dysgenic poorfags. Get back to your wagecage, rent's due on the first of the month. Don't forget the tip!

>> No.53844078
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Stop paying your property tax and we'll see who really owns your house

>> No.53844188

Why write an entire paragraph to say
>You will own nothing and you will be happy

>> No.53845896

This. I will agree you can gain some nice equity from property values increasing, but let's not pretend any of you actually own anything. You can take your equity out when you sell, but you will never truly own your land or home. Just try not to go upside down from renovations once the market takes an atomic nuclear shit and your neighborhood slowly becomes a 3rd world full of homeless camps.

>> No.53845917

my house has a 2.8% mortgage on it, I am never selling, at this rate even if I move out I will just rent it, it's literally free money.

Enjoying the free 200k I have made in appreciation on it in just two years, rentoids will never get this kind of wealth appreciation.

>> No.53845920

its ok anon I hope this post helps you cope with that massive bag youre holding. hey theres a roof over your head right? it doesn't matter what the price is. it's worth however much it's worth to you

>> No.53845943

Jokes on you. I live in Thailand and fuck ladyboy hookers every day. You mortgage cucks are shackled to your estates while I travel the world fucking ladyboys across Asia and South America.

>> No.53845948

Oh noooooo my $1100 a year property tax on my green belt classified house and land

>> No.53846090

Who the fuck still wants to live in the US anyways? I'm moving overseas and taking all my purchasing power with me. You guys can have your $300k piece of shit shack in Kansas City or Stockton, California all to yourselves. Imagine fighting over and wanting to live in this ovepriced shithole.

>> No.53846450

Lose weight, fat American.

>> No.53846478
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Oh Canada

>> No.53846499

> Free 200k
Higher property tax on the same house he says he'll never sell.
You retard.

>> No.53846525
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I bought my house outright

>> No.53847007


>> No.53848280

you're paying that too, why would I care?

>> No.53848298

>Higher property tax on the same house he says he'll never sell.
>plugs it into the excel calculator
>pulls up microsoft outlook
Greetings Mr. rentoid, just letting you know that effective in 30 days the monthly rental fee will increase (1.2*property tax / 12) dollars per month as per the terms of the lease agreement. Have a nice day!

>> No.53848712

Lol they'll crash because everything is fake hahahaha how on biz this isn't standard knowledge is beyond me
But, crash as in the purchasing power of working people will go up while all the government dependent people get so.y/bug_pod.matrix.COMed and like it
Lol also
>kill mob of dysgenic poor fags
>less people to pay your mortgage
>prices drop
Hahahahaha this thread sucks

>> No.53848756


>53843146 (You)
My income is greater than the median house price in my town, but I guess it can be whatever makes you happy.

>> No.53848794

I kneel based rentchad…..

>> No.53848802

Based but still gay

>> No.53848849

Rates are going up until either real estate buckles or inflation comes down, and inflation isn’t coming down Bucko. Good luck out there

>> No.53848910
File: 161 KB, 828x1792, 37A39AF6-F313-4CC1-8626-C2F03DFE4D1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cant wait for these over leveraged retards to lose everything.

>> No.53849840

Housing is crashing and Bitcoin is making headlines with this commodities. Crypto is coming to change the narative

>> No.53850735

I am mad I didn't buy myself a house but I also will inherit like 5 so i dont care
the reason I didn't buy one is because both my parents seem to be dying (well one did, my dad is on the way out) and I want to live with him as I know once hes gone no getting him back

>> No.53850816

>jokes on you. You might own a house, but im a turbofaggot in denial. Take that housechuds