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53842115 No.53842115 [Reply] [Original]

In 2018, I was a hopeless poorfag with a wish that I'd become a millionaire one day off of Chainlink. Then it happened and I lost nearly all of it after.

I have around $200k left but now I just have no hope and no motivation to do anything else. I thought by now I would have $10M+ and would have sailed off into the sunset, and now I feel like I'll be lucky if I make it back to $1M in a highly inflationary hellscape.

Have any anons experienced this? How did you get over it and find the motivation to get back to some kind of normal life?

>> No.53842137

That being said, it felt comfy having like $12k which was a lot of money to me back in 2018 and just working a minimum wage job, stacking links, and coming to biz to talk about this long off fantasy of Chainlink making us all rich and having a yacht party.

All of the mystique feels gone now. I think I was happier back then even though I was miserable then also.

>> No.53842169

sure I was despondent about not maxing my returns, but the bear eventually became sort of comfortable because for once I felt I could focus on learning skills and working creatively. now that the bull is back I feel like I have to micromanage everything and I have hardly any focus for things I care about. the market's a black hole with no end, you have to have clear goals beyond "get rich" otherwise you end up aimless

>> No.53842224

>Now that the bull is back


>> No.53842286

have you actually went to coingecko.com for the past couple of months? every fucking shitcoin up 500%

>> No.53842323

Those are for low marketcap shitcoins that no one had heard of until recently and people only know about them now because they pumped.

Low marketcap shitcoins pumping aren't a sign of a bull market. Have you looked at the high cap projects? How about global marketcap?

There has been a SLIGHT recovery, but it is clearly a deep bear market rally. Bull markets are very short lived and very dramatic in crypto. We still have over a year of bear market to go before we get another bull market.

>> No.53842333

did the same back in 2018
i think the best thing to realize is that this happened to a lot of people with eth in 2018, they went from 1300 to 80 and 0.14 to 0.018 on eth/btc which is just as brutal as what we've had
so yeah, main thing is that you're still in the game, you're just going to have to wait longer
did you take profit btw? i sold about 40% of stack on way up which helped a lot
so i got that right, my lesson though is that diverisfying with crypto is nice... will switch some link into eth and btc in future when we become flavour of the month again
and i think yeah, a meme but continue to focus on the fundamentals. chainlink is still the best project in the space

>> No.53842357

I have spent all of the money I sold. My stack is half of what it was at the most and I have less than $2k cash and no income

>> No.53842416

This isn’t a bull market Anon, and you’re going to be in for a very rude awakening for the rest of 2023. It’s about to get very ugly, all starting in less than 2 months. EOQ1 2023 is going to coincide with some of the most disastrous market conditions for equities, PMs, and other things. If you don’t have a strategy for accumulating as much cash as possible until then, you’re ngmi

I feel like the end of ETHDenver will be the catalyst for the start of the major bleed out in crypto.

I could make price predictions for assets, but I don’t feel like putting numbers out here.

>> No.53842440
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I lost 25,000 LINK in the Celsius scam/bankruptcy. i am financially ruined

the only thing keeping me alive is my 4 ETH nodes staking

>> No.53842459

>I could make price predictions for assets, but I don’t feel like putting numbers out here.


>I could make some shit up, but then it would be recorded forever and everyone would know with proof I'm a massive faggot as its reposted until the end of days with people mocking me which I could never escape

I think I fixed it for you

>> No.53842462

you guys wonder why you never make money, you're in a totally different world, the fake one. get off the mainnet

>> No.53842472

>I lost 25,000 LINK in the Celsius scam/bankruptcy. i am financially ruined

Ouch those jews really fucked a lot of people that's a damn shame

>the only thing keeping me alive is my 4 ETH nodes staking

You are still leaps and bounds ahead of everyone else though friend.

>> No.53842483

Yes, I am reticent about ruining the hard gained reputation associated with this anonymous ID

>> No.53842497

Would you look at that, my IP already rotated!

>> No.53842512

What? How are you currently making money? And how do you get into lowcap shitcoins before they pump? Can you show any evidence of your success in the past two months?

>> No.53842549
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>it felt comfy having like $12k which was a lot of money to me back in 2018 and just working a minimum wage job, stacking links, and coming to biz to talk about this long off fantasy of Chainlink making us all rich and having a yacht party.
I know that feel very much.
It was truly magical, almost as if I was collecting Pokemons. I had like 5% of the stack which I have today, but I was 1000% happier. Just going to /biz/ alone in that time was like going on an adventure, reading all the clues, memeing, shitposting, seeing it all come true. Just magical, buying LINK back then was a completely soul enriching experience somehow. Captured that childhood wonder in some way.

As for today, it's hard to find a single remotely hopeful or optimistic person anywhere around you, even most normalfags are full blown doomers these days. You are not special in that way at all.
We're in a global demoralization frenzy for quite a while now. Everyone went from being blissfully ignorant to nuclear warfare end of the world death and endless fear mindset in just a few years. In fact being hopeful and optimistic would be counterculture of today, as opposed to how counterculture is usually pessimistic and doomerpilled. It's a cycle though, just make sure to not let the noise get to you.

>> No.53842590

I like your response, you seem reasonable. What price do you think Link can reach in a few years?

>> No.53842598

Yea, you're right anon. It was all new and mysterious and slowly seeing little breadcrumbs come true and feeling like we had some insight into the future felt really exciting. I don't know how it so quickly went from that feeling to now where all of crypto just feels like one giant piece of shit dumpster fire (including Chainlink).

It felt like we were on an adventure and were being fed information little by little to draw these conclusions about the future and learn and now this market and all other markets just seem to be complete nonsense.

>> No.53842652

That's the exact feeling. I also felt this politically on 2015 and it culminated with Trump winning. But then I realized its all shit.

>> No.53842716

Were there some sort of genuine insiders or a think tank that was slowly guiding this discussion and discovery (as was probably the case with the Trump election)? If so, where did that discussion move to?

>> No.53842727

>Yes, I am reticent about ruining the hard gained reputation associated with this anonymous ID

I meant in the sense that you will always know its you that posted it and have to see it in the compilations of mockery

Sure it won't be public but you will always know

>> No.53842798

I doubt everything now. I just think in politics and crypto, sentiments build, ideas come alive and then it craps out. But for a moment the grifters will make great guesses and captivate their audience. Free countries (maga lol, sucks I believed it) don't exist but I think crypto has a few good cycles left and can grow to a MC of 10Trillion maybe more.

>> No.53843061
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big part of it is that we are all 5-6 years older now and our lives haven't advanced in any significant way becuase we're still waiting, even if you sold some along the way, we are all boomers now, should be having own houses and starting families, but we just keep waiting and the future looks more shit each day, we are the waiting generation

>> No.53843194

True. I at least have a QT3.14 gf now and don't live with my parents anymore. But I'm still waiting.