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53842217 No.53842217 [Reply] [Original]

Assuming best case scenario if Robinhood, the SEC, and other entities hadn't colluded to stop the train with GME, how would it have played out?

>> No.53842337

Anon, this is a hostage scenario. We are currently in the best case scenario.

>> No.53842368

Can you elaborate on that?

>> No.53842463
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Absolutely not.

>> No.53842554
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Fair enough.

>> No.53842844

By the point the buy button got shut off institutions were done covering and it was just a retail frenzy. It got shut off because brokers couldn’t physically find shares shares to sel, not to protect shorts. It would have continued to rise till some whales unloaded, causing what eventually happened anyway, a massive drop, rise again as morons think lightning will strike twice, then a decline back to where it belongs

>> No.53843100

Anon, lighting frequently strikes twice.

>> No.53844144

What is your source on this?

>> No.53844253

>how would it have played out?
the same way it did except the pump and dump would be bigger

>> No.53844256

>what if the casino just let me win

>> No.53844271

Bruh they literally said that's what they did.

>> No.53844307

If you still use Robinhood you are stupider than a nigger

>> No.53844320

>It got shut off because brokers couldn’t physically find shares shares to sel, not to protect shorts
I don't believe that excuse. If that was true, why did they disable buying on AMC and a few other stocks with over 100% shorts. GME retards deserve the rope for being 80IQ bag holders, but there's no denying that a hedgefund would have been brought down if institutions didn't intervene

>> No.53844403

SEC/Brokerages literally said this the next day. Everything else has come from baggies trying to invent a story to fit their dreams
AMC never had SI over 100%, it was another stock being feasted on by retail though. Again, they ran out of shares and couldn’t physically clear the transactions so brokerages cut you off.
There’s never been a spec of evidence that Citadel Securities has ever been short on any of your bags. Melvin Capital went bankrupt years ago, in part because they sustained huge losses closing their shorts and never recovered from it.

>> No.53844415

>but there's no denying that a hedgefund would have been brought down if institutions didn't intervene
They were you fucking moron. It was the biggest short squeeze in history, sorry you missed it but wanting it hard enough won’t make it happen again. Institutions didn’t “intervene” the place you buy shares from ran out of stock to sell you. Brokerages stood to gain a lot more from letting the retail frenzy continue than cutting it off, but demand outstripped supply (that’s why it was the biggest squeeze in history, since I know you baggies are illiterate on basic market mechanics)

>> No.53844426

please keep your schizo shit contained to the GME thread

>> No.53844434

Fuck off.

>> No.53844463
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youre about to see how it would have played out, on a much grander scale, in the short time scale of two more weeks


>> No.53844557
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>> No.53844573

If you don't know you don't know, it's all good man you don't have to reply.

>> No.53844929
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>> No.53844986

the point is they will always collude. there will never be a time they allow retail investors to win.

>> No.53845323

The exchange would have stepped in at some point and halted the stock. But the thing is, it had a short to float of ~175% so even if the exchange acted as a clearing house, it would be impossible to even get enough shares to close out all the shorts. At that point the SEC would probably have to come in because there was probably naked shorting going on. The SEC coming in would be a good thing because we would actually have some law and order in the system with them pressing charges. Of course, the system is corrupt so that never happened.
Some of the shorters would have been able to cover. After that, they would probably have to set up an auction system to entice longs to sell for others to cover. I can't even guess at the prices but they would be high as f. The whole time, there would be crazy ramifications for the rest of the market because no firms would want to transact with the firms who had been caught up in the shorting or providing for the naked shorters because nobody would trust them as counterparties.

>> No.53845354

>because brokers couldn’t physically find shares shares to sel
That's such bs. If that happened, those brokerages simply wouldn't fill those short orders. They would just say "your short order never filled because no one was willing to sell for $500/share".

>> No.53845501

>it would be impossible to even get enough shares to close out all the shorts. At that point the SEC
Lol. When volume is high one share can close many shorts since it’s being immediately made available for purchase again. There’s nothing special about any particular share, they’re fungible. GME’s volume during the squeeze was high enough to close 1000% SI. Baggies have intentionally misunderstood shorting to keep their dream alive, while Ignoring that the GME float has been traded thousands of times over since, more than enough room to get out of the 225% SI as I think it eventually turned out to be with the lawsuit

>> No.53845861
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>By the point the buy button got shut off institutions were done covering
>It got shut off because brokers couldn’t physically find shares shares to sel
Nigga fucking what

>> No.53845947
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But…muh cellar boxing
Muh emoji tweets :(

>> No.53845985

This was debunked in the same Reddit thread you pulled this from
This is who you hold with anons…dishonest faggots that say anything to keep you holding

>> No.53846058

Short hedge funds aren’t brokers you dumb fuck. If any of you had taken even a couple of hours in the last 3 years to learn how the market works outside of Reddit copium, you’d understand the difference between the brokerage you use and Melvin Capital the hedge fund

>> No.53846091

>That's such bs. If that happened, those brokerages simply wouldn't fill those short orders. They would just say "your short order never filled because no one was willing to sell for $500/share
Those aren’t short orders. Those were retail orders which were a systematic problem with too much demand for the slow moving share purchasing system, that’s why the people who would have to clean it up decided to shut up shop for an hour or two until they sorted out the supply issue. It has nothing to do with shorts. I don’t think you understand what a short “order” is, and if it this is your intelligence level you’re a perfect example of why making trading open to everyone was a very stupid idea.

>> No.53846103

So you spend hours on reddit and here all for free?

>> No.53846248

You niggers parrot EVERYTHING from Reddit. I have not seen a lick of research come from your schizo threads.
Hell your fellow Baggot doesn’t even know the difference between hedge funds and brokers.

Your own generals mention more than one subreddit 10 fucking times in the first post lmao!!!

>> No.53846265
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>> No.53846343

Why you spending this much time on subreddits and Mongolian basket weaving forums for stocks you don’t hold.

>> No.53846497

Why you spending this much

>> No.53846811
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>> No.53847064

>it ever ended
Why are 'they' trying to re-frame events, anons?

>> No.53847363

It ended for everyone who made money. A few numbnuts try to keep it going, but that’s pretty much ran out of steam now too

>> No.53848741
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What I don't get is that there are people who understand fully that the SEC and Apex Clearing can basically stop anyone from making profits and yet they're still invested in the stock market.

>> No.53848968

Everyone's entire fucking info got leaked by a major 3 credit firm and love their life like their identity won't get stolen. People just don't care, also they really just don't understand it.

>> No.53850593

There's that word again.

>> No.53850633

>When volume is high one share can close many shorts since it’s being immediately made available for purchase again
How quickly does the average hedge fund deplete their aum when shares are $100k each, regardless of volume/velocity?

>> No.53850659

>done covering
>price drops to $40
>rebounds next week to $350
yeah bullshit, all they did was reload on their original shorts and do total return swaps. also why is the price falling if DRS numbers keep climbing every report and even institutions are buying more?

>> No.53850815

None of that has any relation to anything else. You’re just listing Reddit catchpharses

>> No.53850926

>supply drops
>demand continues to rocket
>hurr durr that has no relationship on price
Tell me you're a jeet without telling me you're a jeet

>> No.53852153
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That's the beauty of DRS. You don't need to know a lot to do it. Although I AM a financial expert.